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Ahil wakes up annoyingly as alarm rings. He wonders who set that alarm. He sees a letter there and reads it..I know you are not used to waking up early, but today it’s Haya’s Nikaah and he has to be present there. He says so Sanam set that alarm. He reads further.. I have taken clothes out for you. He looks at it and is impressed. Sanam comes in. He puts his clothes away. She says time was less and he remains busy so she thought to buy new clothes for him. She hopes he liked them. He says it’s good. Sanam is surprised, relived, and happy! She turns back and smiles. Latif comes and tells them Tanver is calling them urgently.

All family members are in Tanveer’s room and she’s saying she hates when things go missing from her room. Ahil asks her if all okay. She tells him about the necklace going missing. All are shocked. Ahil says it must be somewhere here. She says it’s not here and I am not that irresponsible to put it anywhere. Razia looks at broken lock. Azhar’s mum asks how can someone open lock without keys. Tanveer remembers about giving keys to Sanam and takes her name. Sanam gets shocked. Tanveer asks another key remains with her, right? and says she took the necklace. Sanam says what are you saying? Tanveer says it was yours only, I took only so I can keep it safe. If you didn’t like that, then you could have said it instead taking it away like this. Sanam says she didn’t take it. Tanveer gets furious and asks who else took it then? You’re saying there’s thief in this house? Sanam swears of Badi Ammi. Tanveer calms down and says it’s ok. I understand you may have never seen necklace like that before. If you took it, then say it clearly. Ahil interrupts and asks why Sanam would lie? If she’s saying she didn’t take it, then she must be correct. Sanam is surprised. Ahil tells Tanveer that necklace could be elsewhere. They should search other places. Tanveer in shock says it’s possible. She starts talking about other possibilities that her or sanam might have misplaced the keys and someone else took. Ahil says anything is possible, necklace could have lost too. We are making big deal of this. We have to get ready to go to Nikah as well. He’s leaving. Tanveer stops him and says she only wants things like this to be in safe place and asks Sanam to return the keys. Sanam says ok, but Ahil again interrupts. He asks Tanveer why she wants to take all responsibilities, let Sanam do some of the duties as well. Sanam is again surprised. Ahil leaves with Sanam.

In their room, Sanam thanks Ahil. He says it’s ok. She says when no one trusted her, he stood with her. Everyone was against her, but he was with her. She didn’t expect this, but she was wrong. She knows he hates her and doesn’t like her, but still he did this for her today and it means a lot to her. She now also knows that Ahil doesn’t blame anyone unless it’s their fault. She thank him from her heart. Her phone rings when Ahil turns to her. She tells Faiz they are about to leave. While she’s on phone, Ahil leaves from there. She wonders what happened to him now.

Tanveer is frustrated as Ahil went against her because of that servant, Sanam. Razia add more fuel in fire. She tells Tanveer not to forget she’s Zoya’s daughter and pray Sanam didn’t go on Zoya else she can say good bye to her sleep. In coming time, she will be taking revenge.. Allah knows what worse is going to happen. Tanveer remembers a baba telling her she’ll be punished for her crimes and get freaked out.

Rehan is doing some formalities for their deal. He gets a call. Razia trY to look into his laptop where video is playing that he recorded when sheikh was there. He goes away. Razia goes to his laptop and sees Seher in the video and gets shocked. She remembers the twins from childhood and says she’s no duplicate, she’s a twin of Sanam. Neither Sanam nor Tanveer would know about her. She laughs and says it’s a strange game by destiny. She hopes to teach a lesson to Tanveer now.. Allah gave her ace of this game and now she will win this game.

Rehan is going somewhere. Sanam stops him and asks him if he’s going somewhere. He says he’s going for land deal. He sees her upset face and says Tanveer shouldn’t have talked like that to her. She was very wrong. She should have kept faith in her and he will talk to her. Sanam says, what will you talk? Ahil is her son and she didn’t listen to him. You’re just a worker here. She then apologizes and says she shouldn’t have said that. She just doesn’t want to repeat all that. They can’t change what’s happened already. She felt bad, but what can they do? She’s happy because Ahil stood for her. She has also started feeling now that Ahil is not that bad. She never expected him to fight for her rights. It means a lot for her. He also got ready to go to Haya’s Nikah and she’s very happy with all this. Rehan says he always does the unexpected. He asks her if she has any work. She says she wanted to buy gifts for Haya and asks about her salary before marriage. He gives all money that he has and tells her to ask more if she ever needs. She says she just needs 5000 and returns the rest. She thank him. He asks her if she’s happy. Ahil comes outside and watches them. She says no.. in reality she is not that happy because one important part of her life is not with her. She wants that part of her life. Without that part, she feels incomplete, all happiness seem incomplete. Hopefully all will be okay soon. He says hopefully. Ahil seems to have heard that and doesn’t seem happy.

At Ahil’s residence

Ahil is tensed when Sanam comes in asking why isnt he ready yet? but Rhil reprimands her that now she cares and what was she doing with Rehaan sometime back. Sanam says she understands everything, and asks him not to place accusations. Ahil says she can do, but he can't talk about it. Sanam try to make him aware of her prestige and respect that he is trying to tarnish. Ahil ends up saying that he should bother openly when the lady is respectful. Sanam is hurt. Sanam says she is boggled with herself, that she hopes from him, that she would speak something nice from him about her, whereas he is just concerned with trying to put her down. Ahil says that he doesn't need anything that she gave to him, and returns back the suit that she had selected. Sanam says she too can return the favour, and takes out all the beautiful dresses, and that she needs freddom from him and this fake relation, as she feels suffocated with him, and when this ends, she would be the happiest. He places the dress back in her hand, and says that she knows that. He leave, angrily. Sanam is tensed too.

Razia eyes the newspaper’s picture, and understands that Seher doesnt seem Sheikh’s wife. Razia thinks Seher cant be his wife, and then this means that Seher came stealthily, and maybe she’s the one who is being searched by everyone, and is amused that she would find it out, where Seher is. She thinks Seher would definitely go to sell it, and would be caught.

At Jewellery shop

Seher gets impatient while the jeweller wonders how this happened, that she got hold of this. the jeweller says that this set is fake, and gives a petty sum for it. seher talks back saying that she shouldnt be considered helpless, and she isnt an idiot, and that neither the set is fake nor the gun, and then places the gun on him, and gets scared. he says that he was joking and says that its a real, and that he cant give more than 10000 for stolen items. as he opens the safe, she lustily eyes the bundles of notes kept, but agrees on that amount nevertheless.

Razia finally arrives narrowing her search down to the final shop, where actually seher is busy selling the jewellery, and then counting the notes. She starts approaching the shop, and when she opens it, she is surprised to see what she does.

At Rahat’s residence

Rahat instructs the butler to get ready. Sanam dresses up seher and comments on her beauty, and hopes that she gets all the happiness in the world. She places a kala tika so that evil doesnt cast his eyes upon her. meanwhile, faiz asks rahat excitedly how he looks. Faiz says that haya took one dress larger, and that it would have fitted rahat perfectly. rahat is apalled. Faiz says that he is very nervous. Rahat is tensed while placing the sehra on faiz. Rahat smiles through his despair. Faiz hugs him saying that he is the best brother, as he made this day possible for him. His friends come in and take him away, while rahat is tensed. He thinks that it indeed is a big day. haya too thinks the same, dreaming about rahat, and their future life, and intertwined existence together. she eyes the gift that he has got for him, which is a sweater with rahat’s name on it.

Tanveer arrives at their residence. she thinks again Dilshad would have to face a tragedy on the happiest day of her life. She wants to find Dilshad’s room. Just then Sanam comes in asking if she needs anything. Tanveer gets it out of Sanam, indirectly, and smiles evilly. She sends Sanam off, and herself walks towards it, at the excuse of the bathroom.

Faiz and Rahat eye overwhelmingly, while Sanam bring Haya down, in a veil, and she is only able to see till the lower half, and presume Rahat is wearing the sherwani. faiz tells Rahat that Haya is looking very pretty in the lehenga. both the bride and groom are seated. the priest asks if they can start. rahat says that only ahil is left. sanam hastily tries to cover his disappearance, by giving an excuse, while she is shocked, when she finds ahil walking in, wearing thesame suit that she had selected for him. Ahil gives gifts to haya while sanam eyes overwhelmingly. haya smiles as she eyes the groom in a veil. tanveer thinks that when tbhe marriage begins, she would steal into dilshad’s room and put her to a sleep forever. Finally the priest begins, and sanam gets the yes from haya, while rahat is distraught, and faiz is super excited. A tear escapes Rahat’s eyes, and then faiz too agrees to the marriage. the priest completes the marriage. All congratulate faiz. haya is congratulated by sanam. finally the bride and the groom’s eyes meet. Haya is shocked to find faiz dressed as a groom, while rahat stands alongside him, smiling at faiz. 

At Rahat’s residence

Haya is shocked to find faiz dressed as a groom, while rahat smiling happily at him. meanwhile, Tanveer sneaks in dilshad’s room, where she is lying unconscious. She fells her face and body, and mocks her as she lies unconscious, and asks if she didnt recognise her, and that she too hadnt recognised her when she had come to meet tanveer. Dilshad starts coming out of her consciousness. tanveer says that she must know that she wont let her live, and would look wonderful while dying. Dilshad wakes up finally and is shocked to find tanveer sitting by her bed. she is shocked as tanveer begins to go, bidding her goodbye, as she keeps a poisonous gas can underneath her bed, hoping god will send her to heaven. Meanwhile, as tanveer leaves the room, after having tied dilshad and prepared her for her death, dilshad wakes up, and then finds tanveer leaving. she tries to reach out to her, but tanveer leaves by then. she starts getting dizzy, as a poisonous gas starts filling in the room from the vent, and tries to evade the gas.

Downstairs, Sanam and Ahil, and Tanveer congratulate haya for her marriage, while she is shattered and boggled. sanam tells tanveer that she would take haya and faiz to meet dilshad. Sanam wonders where haya went. she begins to search around for haya. She is about to go inside dilshad’s room, when tanveer hollers at her, and she goes downstairs. Dilshad finally faints in her room.

Outside, as Rahat is stealthily creeping out to rejoin the army, he is shocked to find haya standing in the way. he says that he knows that she would feel bad but he wanted to tell it to her, that he is rejoining army tomorrow. Haya, with dry tears, splotched across her face, walks to rahat, in a daze, and keeps her hand on his chest, confusing him. She almost faints and he composes her and places her on the swing. He asks her whats she doing here, and that she should be with faiz, who loves her, and would take good care of her, while he is gone. haya asks what about her heart, as her marriage was to happen with her, as the kurta was for him, as she had accpted him as a groom. rahat is shocked. Haya expresses in despair to rahat, that she has always loved him, and always wanted to get married to him, and still thinks of him as her groom and not faiz. He is shocked. Haya hugs him. Rahat hugs her back, in despair. While haya cries in despair, rahat is distraught and apalled, unable to believe that this happened to them, as they relive their past memories. they both understand what caused the confusion, and haya distraughtedly starts breaking her bangles hitting him hard on the chest, while he stands frustrated. haya asks how didnt he know and realise that she loves rahat and how could he even think that she loves faiz. He is hurt seeing her hands red from with blood, from the bangles breaking. she asks why does he care now, and that he can see the pain, but not the love for him in her eyes. She hugs him, shattered, while rahat too cries badly. He too hugs her tight, as they both cry together. Rahat remembers faiz’s love for her, and their marriage. He then jerks her away saying that this cant be, as she is married to faiz now. she says that she doesnt believe in this marriage. He says that now nothing cant happen. she says that for god’s sake he shouldnt say this. he reminds her of her marriage with faiz, as he loves her and this would break his heart. She asks what about her heart. He again insists. She asks if he doesnt get affected if her heart breaks, and that he is breaking three hearts in this. rahat says that destiny must have had a reason, and that he cant explain enough about this, but pleads her not to break faiz’s heart. she says that he cant run away, when he says that he stayed through their marriage, but not anymore. he asks her not to stop him. She says that he cant go right now, as he has done what a brother has to do, but now he has to play tyhe role of the lover, and that she fell in love with him, the day they met, and that if he wants her destiny to be entwined with faiz, then he himself would have to give her hand in faiz. He is shocked.

At Jewellery shop

Razia comes to find the jeweller busy and asks if any girl came to sell a rare necklace set. he fumbles in a no. razia says that his face says that he is lying. She grabs him by the throat, and asks him to say or else she would kill him. She asks about the girl and where she lives. he says that he just knows that she came sometime back and is living in the vicinity. razia is determined to find seher.

At Rahat’s residence

Rahat takes Haya by the hand, as she eyes him overwhelmingly, and comes inisde, while faiz, Sanam and Ahil are confused. Haya is tensed and emotional as he places her beside faiz, placing their hands together. Sanam is boggled to find Haya crying and tensedly looking at Rahat, while he says that he hopes that they stay happy forever. faiz begs him not to go. rahat says that he has to go, but he should take such care of haya that she never has to regret her decision. sanam is baffled seeing haya in a tensed state. Rahat bids everyone goodbye, and accidentally his hand brushes past haya’s as she eyes him with a steely glance, as he retreats back and then walks out. He gives her one last glance before leaving, while she is emotional and teary eyed. He starts to rush to her, but then composes himself and leaves hastily.

I Do Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8pm

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