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Bhavani informs family that they will chant Om Namah Shivay 108 times as it has a lot of significance. She then thinks she shouldn’t let Devi come out of her room today and asks Pakhi to make sure Devi stays in her room tody as she doesn’t want any drama today. Virat and Sai return from temple. Saloni tells Bhavani that nobody can compete with Pakhi as she didn’t have anything since last night and is fasting for Samrat. Pakhi says she is fasting for Bhavani as she cannot disobey her order. Bhavani praises her. Virat gives prasad to Bhavani and asks her to give it to everyone while breaking fast. Bhavani asks why did he give it to her. Virat says she is elder of the house and who else he should give. Bhavani says she is elder to Pakhi and others, but for him, his wife is elder than anyone, so he insulted them and left home. Virat says today is Pooja and Maha Shivratri, so she shouldn’t fight today. Saloni asks if she informed his wife not to fight with anyone today. Sai says she will not do anything but Mahadev will, so she should be tension-free today. Pakhi says how can anyone be tension-free in her presence. Sai says they can by chanting Om Namah Shivay mantra. Bhavani asks why don’t she chant mantra to keep her mind calm and even in this house calm. Sai says if elder of the house chants mantra, whole family will be benefited with it. Bhavani complains Virat that his wife is arguing. Ashwini asks Virat to get 1008 bilvapatra and sends him away. She takes Sai away saying she needs to talk to her something important and says if a couple prays together during Mahashivratri, their bonding will be strong like Shiv and Parvati; unmarried woman pray to get a best life partner and married women pray to keep troubles away from their married life, so Sai with Virat should pray by heart tonight and consider Virat her husband by heart. Pakhi hears them hiding and gets jealous. Sai thinks she is worried how will family react when Pulkit comes home and prays Mahadev to let everything happen peacefully.

Family sits for meditation. Karishma lights temple lamps and asks Bhavani if she is tensed. Bhavani yells that her actor husband wasn’t enough that she is acting as concerned for her, she should go and chant mantras instead. Karishma returns to Mohit and tells him that she is Daku and not Kaku. Bhavani starts meditation with family. Sai enters and thinks where is Devi, she should ask her, but then stops seeing Ashwini busy in meditation. She walks to Devi’s room and finding it locked from outside thinks how can Bhavani be so ruthless to her own daughter. She walks into room and sees Devi crying. Devi hugs her and says she is afraid and doesn’t want to live alone. Sai asks to come with her. Devi says if someone sees her out, they will create problem. Sai says nobody will see her as everyone are busy meditating and takes her to her room. Devi says Sai is so good that she brought her here to play. Sai says she brought her here to get her ready. Devi says she likes getting ready and asks reason, says Saloni gave her food and ordered to sleep after that and locked room from outside. She sings Sai is good and aayi is bad. Sai asks her to not to shout as everyone will listen. Devi stops. Sai shows saris and asks her to select a sari for her. Devi says she has very beautiful saris. Sai selects white sari as its festival today with a matching jewelry. Devi asks why she is getting her ready as if its her marriage. Sai says its her wedding day and reminds her that she got married to Pulkit Deshpande on Mahashivrati day 10 years ago. Devi panics saying not to take Pulkit’s name as her mother and uncles will harm him, asks if she will also harm Pulkit and her as she knows Pulkit’s name. Sai hugs and calms her down saying she will never harm her and says her husband Dr. Pulkit is coming to meet her today Devi says her husband married someone else. Sai says Pulkit loves only her and didn’t marry anyone else, so she should get ready before he comes. Devi cries again. Sai thinks if Pulkit will accept Devi in this condition or not.

Pakhi notices Sai missing from pooja and thinks if she went to Devi’s room. She walks to Devi’s room and sees her missing. She returns and informs that Devi and Sai are missing. Bhavani yells at Ashwini and asks if she opened Devi’s room door. Ashwini asks why would she. Bhavani asks Mohit to go and check where did Devi go. Door bell rings. Ninad opens door. Pulkit walks in. Ninad asks who is he. Pulkit says he is Dr. Pulkit Desphande. Bhavani says what she feared is happening.

Ashwini gets happy seeing Pulkit and asks how is he, he came after many years. Ninad asks Pulkit if he remembers what he did to him last time. Pulkit says he remembers everything and returned to correct whatever wrong happened last time. Ninad shouts he will torture him more than last time. Omkar yells when he knows that Devyani is married and is happy with her husband and children somewhere, why did he come here. He says he came to meet Devyani and before that will meet Sai. Ninad asks why he wants to meet Sai, Saloni asks how does he know Sai. Sai gets Devi ready and jokes that she is not looking good. Devi gets sad. Sai says she is looking very beautiful and wishes her happy Maha Shivratri. Pakhi walks in and yells that Bhavani clearly ordered not to let Devi out of room, Sai brought her to her room and got her ready for pooja even after knowing that Devi cannot sit for pooja. Devi says she doesn’t like her and asks her to go behind Virat. Pakhi asks to stop as she knows who is teaching her this nonsense. Devi starts crying. Sai consoles her and confronts Pakhi that she doesn’t have any right to misbehave with Devi as Devi is family’s daughter and they are bahus, she didn’t get Devi ready for pooja though. Pakhi asks for what else then. Sai says she doesn’t feel like answering her. Pakhi walks away asking her to answer Bhavani then.

Pulkit tells Bhavani and puppets that he knows that Devi stays here and is mentally unstable now as Sai informed him everything. Saloni asks how does he know Sai. He says he is Sai’s professor. Ninad asks if he is PD professor to whose house Sai went for lunch. Omkar yells he is the one who called Sai alone to his house. Pulkit says he called Sai home to discuss about Devi. Bhavani yells why he wants to know about Devi. Pakhi walks down and informs Bhavani that Devi is in Sai’s room. Bhavani asks why did she inform about it. Pakhi says she herself told to lock Devi in her room. Pulkit says a mother is hiding her daughter. Omkar and Ninad yell that Devi’s mental condition is because of him and they will trash him if he doesn’t get out of house. Bhavani says Devi is already married. Pulkit says Devi is married to him and Sai told she lied to Devi that he married someone else. Saloni yells that Sai did a big sin. Pulkit says she did a sin of trying to reunite 2 true lovers. Omkar threatens him again. Pulkit says he is not afraid of him now as he is not his poor servant anymore; he changed in 10 years, but they didn’t; he is famous now and sits among rich people, he is the most finest and reputed physician of Nagpur Dr. Pulkit Deshpande and is also Sai’s college professor. Ashwini and Shivani smile hearing that. Karishma asks Mohit if he knows what is happening. Pulkit says he knows that Pulkit used to stay here, but didn’t know that he had married Devi.

Shivani confronts Bhavani that she tried to separate Devi and Pulkit, Devi forgot herself and couldn’t forget Pulkit, she separated 2 lovers and did a big sin and should let them reunite. Mansi says Shivani is right that they shouldn’t separate 2 lovers. Bhavani yells that they both have gone mad, marriage happens between 2 people of same status and Pulkit is of low status. Sai enters with Devi and asks why she thinks so, Devi and Pulkit are perfect for each other. Devi gets afraid seeing Bhavani’s anger and hides. Sai says her husband has come to meet her. Omkar yells again. Shivani warns him that he has done a biggest sin by separating a husband and wife. Bhavani yells that she knows what is better for her daughter and will take her daughter’s life’s decisions until she is alive. Sai says she cannot take Tai’s life’s decisions as Tai is adult now and tells Sai that he is her husband Pulkit Deshpande. Devi notices Pulkit. Pulkit calls her. She asks who is he and how does he know her name. He says he is her husband Pulkit. Sai says he is her husband Dr. Pulkit Deshpande whom she married 10 years ago. Devi panics more. Sai calms her down. Devi walks in front of Pulkit and asks if he is the one whom she married, if he is her Pulkit. Pulkit nods yes. Devi says he doesn’t look like her Pulkit. Everyone look shocked.


Bhavani says until she is alive, Devi and Pulkit cannot reunite. Sai says they will reunite. Ninad tries to slap her, and Virat holds his hand. Pakhi asks Virat if he is going against his family to support his wife? Virat says his family didn’t do right till now, so he needs Devi’s decision. Bhavani seeks Pakhi’s help to stop Devi and Pulkit’s re-marriage.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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