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Devyani asks Pulkit if he is the one whom she married, if she is her Pulkit. Pulkit nods yes. Devi says he doesn’t look like her Pulkit. He says many years have passed and he got specs after studying so much, she hasn’t changed a bit though and she is his wife. Devi asks if he married someone else and has a child. He says her family lied to her, he didn’t marry anyone else and has only her in his life and heart. Ninad shouts to get out now. Pulkit says even he doesn’t want to stay here, he came for his Devyani and will not go from here without taking her. Omkar yells next. Shivani stops her and says Devi’s condition is because of them and they should let her go with Pulkit. Bhavani yells until she is alive, Devi and Pulkit cannot reunite. Sai says they will reunite while she is alive, she doesn’t have any right to ruin her daughter’s life and its better she start Devi’s bidayi/farewell arrangements. Ninad yells to stop her rubbish or else he will hit her. Sai says she is not afraid of his threats. He angrily raises hand. Virat enters and holds it and asks how can he raise hand against his bahu/DIL, he cannot even think in his dream that his father can do this. Ninad shouts to explain his wife. Virat sees Pulkit and asks what is he doing here after so many years. Pulkit says Sai called him and he is meeting his wife because of Virat’s wife. Sai says Pulkit is talking about Devi as Devi is his wife. Virat shocked asks Bhavani if Pulkit and Dev are married. Bhavani yells that he is lying or else she wouldn’t have hidden this truth. Pulkit says she is hiding this truth and he married Devi on Mahashivrati day in a temple 10 years ago. Devi reminisces marrying him. Bhavani yells again that he is lying. Devi says Bhavani is lying as she remembers marrying Pulkit and tells Virat that she married Pulkit. Pulkit gets happy that she remembers their marriage and says he will take her home. She asks him not to come near her or else her aayi will harm them. He says he will protect her. She says her aayi feeds her many medicines and make her sleep, she gets afraid when she wakes up; Sai is really good though and takes good care of her. Pulkit says he has returned now and will not let her alone. Devi rubs her eyes and asks if he really has gone. He says yes. She says she will go to her room. Shivani stops her and says her husband has really come. Ashwini tells Devi that she knows Pulkit since he stayed here and he is a good boy. Shivani asks Pulkit and Devi to come closer. Pulkit extends his hand. Bhavani yells at Devi not to hold his hand and threatens her. Devi holds his hand. Ninad yells at him to leave Devi’s hand. He says he will not leave his wife’s hand. Bhavani threatens Devi and Devi leaves in fear. Sai assures Devi not to worry and Pulkit says Bhavani cannot harm them now as he is rich and family doctor now and poor like before.

Bhavani thinks she hid this secret for years and Sai ruined it. Pakhi turns starts and she asks Sai if she is not ashamed to ruin family’s dignity and inform their family secret to a stranger. Mohit says Pulkit is Devi’s husband and Sai didn’t do anything wrong by reuniting a couple, but Pakhi always wants to prove Sai wrong and even today she is doing same while she knows who is wrong. Saloni yells that he is not that big to differentiate between right and wrong and should shut his mouth. Virat tells Pulkit that he really didn’t know that Devi is married. Pulkit says his family didn’t let anyone know about it, Sai told that he became IPS officer, he was not present at home when their marriage happened, he requests him to take care of after Sai’s happiness. Virat says he cannot change whatever happened, but he apologizes him and Devi on his family’s behalf.

Bhavani yells he doesn’t have to apologize as she did what she felt right for her daughter and this family’s dignity; how can she let Nagesh Chavan’s daughter marry a servant’s son; she feels bad for Devi’s condition, but is happy that her daughter is with her safely and didn’t have to beg on road for 2 rotis. Virat asks in which era she is living, what difference does it make if a boy is rich or servant’s son, they should look at a person’s nature and not status, what is wrong if 2 people love each other, she should have thought if Devi can be happy without Pulkit; Pulkit earned his name and fame with his hard work, he is a doctor and professor, then what problem she has now. Saloni yells that he is opposing family again and supporting Pulkit. Virat says its not about right or wrong but supporting truth; if he had known about Devi and Pulkit, he would have reunited them long ago; when Sai asked if Devi is married, he denied as he didn’t know truth then; now he realized that his family hid truth from him. He tells Bhavani that when they make a mistake, they should correct it. Bhavani yells that he is doing wrong by obeying his wife. Ninad yells at Pulkit to get out. Saloni yells he became a doctor doesn’t mean he can dare stand in front of them. Bhavani says Ashwini supported Sai and should be ashamed of herself. Ashwini says she is proud to support her bahu as she reunited our family’s daughter with her husband, Sai got Devi ready so well. She asks Pulkit if he will take Devi today. Devi says she will not go with Pulkit as Bhavani’s team will kill Pulkit.

Ashwini asks Pul sakit if he wants to take Devi with him today. Devi panics and says Bhavani and her team will kill Pulkit. Pulkit calms her down and says he is going now with a reason and will return soon to take her with him. Virat asks what is that reason. Pulkit says Devi wanted to marry as a traditional bride and him coming on horse like a traditional groom with baaraat and marry her, he hopes they don’t mind it. Virat happily says why would they mind. Pulkit thanks hm. Jealous Pakhi says he is going against his family to support his wife in her wrongdoing. Virat says their family didn’t do anything good for Devi Tai, so they should let Devi take her own decisions. Sai tells Devi says they will fulfill her dream and get her married lavishly. Shivani asks Devi to get happy. Sai yells there is no need to get happy as Pulkit has come with a bad intention. Omkar asks where was he till now. Saloni yells Bhavani is right. Pulkit asks them to stop their wrong allegations to hide their crime; if Sai had not informed her about Dev, he wouldn’t have come here. He asks Bhavani if he should inform everyone what they did with him and Devi. He thanks Virat and Sai for reuniting him and Devi and thanks Ashwini and Mansi for blessing them. Mani says they should thank him instead. Ashwini hopes god reunites Devi and Pulkit soon and she is sure that Devi’s mental condition will stabilize after marriage. Shivani says she is right, but they cannot trust Bhavani and her brothers as they would never want Pulkit and Devi reunite. Mansi says Pulkit should take his wife along facing all the hurdles. Pulkit says he married Devi on Maha Shivrati and reunited with her on the same day, he will take back Devi soon. Devi dances with him singing that Devi’s husband Pulkit is found. Ashwini and team get happy seeing that while Bhavani’s team fume in jealousy. Devi asks Pulkit if he will come to take her back and will not forget her. He says he lost her once and cannot lose her again, he takes Mahadev’s oath and promises to take her in Palanquin soon, and leaves greeting everyone. Devi waves him bye. Virat signals Sai. Sai takes Devi with her, leaving Bhavani and her puppets burning in anger.

Sai takes Devi to her room. Devi cries emotionally. Sai gives her water. Devi says she got her ready so well and made her look beautiful. Sai says she is very beautiful. Devi feels shy that Pulkit will marry her and take her along. Sai says she will dance in her wedding and gets sad saying her Aaba was very excited about her wedding and told he will dance a lot. Devi hugs and wipes her tears and says she can fulfill her Aaba’s wish during her wedding. Sai nods yes. Devi says she is like her baba/father who scolds her and gets angry, but loves her a lot. Sai says she will bring her red bridal dress. Devi says she needs different color as Pulkit had told that he will bring her most beautiful and unique pink sari. Sai says she will bring her pink sari. Devi says her aayi will try to stop her marriage again. Sai says this time she has even her brother’s support, so nobody can stop her marriage. Devi says her Veeru is a policeman and will put aayi in jail if she tries to stop her marriage. Sai thinks Bhavani will try to stop marriage for sure and may go to any extent, but she will not let and hindrance stop Devi and Pulkit’s marriage.

Bhavani walks to Pakhi’s room and apologizes her for scolding her when she informed that Devi is in Sai’s room. Pakhi says elders look good blessing and not apologizing. Bhavani says she must be feeling bad. Pakhi says she is not and didn’t know that Pulkit came to meet Devi and is challenging that he is Devi’s husband or else she would have kept quiet. Bhavani says she must be thinking why doesn’t she liked Devi and Pulkit’s relationship. Pakhi says Bhavani can never do anything wrong against family and must have taken a right decision. Bhavani says Pakhi trusts her so much, but Sai brought Pulkit home and opened the page of past which she had torn long ago; now only Pakhi can save Chavan family’s dignity. Pakhi asks what she can do. Bhavani says she should know what had happened first and starts her story that her husband late Nagesh Chavan was a kind man and used to help everyone; he brought his dead servant’s son Pulkit home and took all his responsibilities; she kept him in her home and took care of his studies, but didn’t know that the snake she is feeding will bite her one day. Pakhi asks what she means. Bhavani says in greed servant dreamt of becoming damad/SIL; Devi got admitted in Pulkit’s college, she used to stay in hotel and fell in Pulkit’s love and got pregnant; by the time she found out about Devi’s pregnancy, it was too late, so she got Devi admitted in a hospital and got her delivery. Pakhi asks if Devi has a child, where is he/she. Bhavani says in orphanage as she couldn’t let the world know that her daughter is an unmarried mother.

Sai asks Ashwini how does she or anyone know that Devi and Pulkit are married. Ninad enters and yells not to interfere and concentrate on her work. Sai says Devi is her family member and its her duty to look after her happiness. Ninad orders Virat to explain his wife or else.. Virat asks him to explain first why doesn’t anyone in this house know about Devi and Pulkit’s marriage or they are just acting; if he doesn’t think they are responsible for Devi’s condition. Pulkit says they just know that Pulkit and Devi studied in same college and didn’t know about their marriage. Ninad shouts there is no use of knowing what and how happened, they just have to save Devi from Pulkit. Sai says Pulkit is not a thief, he is Devi’s husband and its his right to take her along; she doesn’t know what happened earlier and just wants Devi’s happiness. Virat says Sai is right, even he will do his best to get Devi’s happiness back.


Sai gives Pulkit’s gifts to Devi. Bhavani signals her puppets and they break all gifts. Sai gives Pulkit’s gifts to Devi. Bhavani signals her puppets and they break all gifts.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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