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Ashwini brings food for Usha. Usha says Sai took oath in front of everyone not to have food and even asked her not to, so how can she disobey Sai. Ashwini says she brought tiffins hiding and requests her to have food as tomorrow is Mahashivratri and everyone will be fasting. Usha says if anyone finds outs that she and Sai had food, they will scold them and even Ashwini. Ashwini says some issues are hidden due to love and concern, she is not afraid of everyone and just wants Sai to fulfill her promise not to have food for 2 days in front of everyone. Usha says if everyone are kind like her, Sai doesn’t have to leave the house. Ashwini is shocked and asks how she leave home. Usha says its because of Virat’s misbehavior with Sai. Ashwini angrily leaves to confront Virat.

Sai opens food boxes Virat brought and gets happy seeing pav bhaji and other dishes. She jokes on him with poetry, and he thinks if she is joking or taunting him. She asks why did he bring so much food. He says its for her and Usha mausi as even she didn’t have food. She says even he didn’t have food. He says he doesn’t want to. She insists. He says let us feed each other. She agrees. Ashwini walks in, gets happy thinking Virat must have convinced Sai, and walks away. Sai says he should have brought something for family also. He thinks she is worried for family even after their rude behavior, says he will if similar incident happens again. She asks if he will punish her again. He says no. She laughs and then feels dizzy. He gets worried for her.

Pakhi serves milk to Bhavani. Bhavani says Virat is hungry since morning because of jungli mulgi Sai, Ashwini is worried about Sai more than her son and don’t know what kind of a mother she is. Pakhi looks at watch and says its late night and if Virat doesn’t have food, he will fall ill. Bhavani asks her to bring Virat while she brings him food.

Virat makes Sai rest on the bed, scolds her, and then feeds her food joking with her. Even she jokes and says even he should have food. He says he is not that important that someone will feed him, now even aai doesn’t feed him. She asks if he wants to have food from her hand and feeds him. Pakhi enters and burning in jealousy seeing that claps and says she should click their precious moments and share it with him. Virat asks if she has any work. She says she came to take him down for food, but seeing him enjoying food with his wife, she thinks she made a mistake to come here to call him for dinner; at last Sai won. Sai asks what does she mean? Pakhi says she will understand if she thinks. Sai says she understood her words, she didn’t like her feeding Virat, hence she told she won a war; her thinking is so weird. Pakhi says her confidence went to another level after teaching Virat to behave like a husband. Sai says her confidence is very strong since childhood and she doesnt’ have to depend on anyone for that. Pakhi asks Virat what did he feed Sai that she learnt to argue. Virat says if someone questions, opponent will reply for sure. Pakhi yells how did Sai control him so easily. He asks to stop her nonsense, what is wrong if he brought food for Sai and why is she feeling bad? She says she is not feeling bad and try to leave. Sai says looking at her, its clear that she didn’t like her and Virat having food together; why don’t she accept that she felt bad seeing her with Virat. Pakhi yells don’t try to teach and cross her limits or else. Sai says she is crossing her limits instead and says no one enter a couple’s room and taunt them, if she had done same entering Mohit and Karishma’s room; if not, then why in their room; she try to control herself from not replying her, but she provokes her repeatedly; she herself is hurting her self-respect with her acts. Pakhi yells at Virat how can he let Sai taunt her so much, she made a mistake by coming here to call Virat for dinner, she had come here on Bhavani’s order, they are insulting her. Virat says neither him nor Sai insulted her, she taunted Sai and Sai replied her. Pakhi yells its waste to tell anything to him as his thinking shuts down when its regarding Sai and he blindly supports her. Virat says he went against Sai many times, since when her memory became so weak. Pakhi yells he goes weak in front of Sai; he acts as her friend and well wishers and is just a liar and betrayer. Sai says how can she call a person a betrayer who cares for her so much. Pakhi shouts at her to shut up and walks away.

Pakhi returns to her room and cry. Her mother calls her and asks if she was sleeping. Pakhi says no and says anyways she will not get sleep. Mother says why is she awake today as Shivratri is tomorrow. Pakhi says when her fate is sleeping, how can she sleep. Mother asks if she got Samrat’s news or something else happened. Pakhi says one or other thing happens in this house, anyways she need not worry about her. Mother says she wants to visit her tomorrow for Shivratri celebration, so called her to take her permission. Pakhi asks what will she do coming here. Mother says she will chat with her daughter and her in-laws. Pakhi says if she wants, she can. Mother says they will meet tomorrow then. Pakhi asks if she and baba fight and then reconcile soon. Mother says it happens with every husband and wife. Pakhi thinks Virat and Sai become real husband and wife.

Sai gets Pari’s message wishing her happy Maha Shivratri and gets sad remembering praying Mahadev for her Aaba’s long life on his birthday. Virat noticing her asks what is she remembering. Sai says on Aaba’s birthday, she prayed Mahadev for his long life, but Mahadev called Aaba near him so soon. Virat says only Mahadev knows what, why, and when does; he feels he does that to make them more strong; when he and Samrat were small, his Nagesh kaka was martryd while performing his duty; Samrat fell weak as he was his mama’s favorite and used to see his father’s shadow in him, but he became strong slowly and became an army officer one day; Sai also became strong and understanding after Kamal sir’s death, one day she will be a big doctor and will fulfill her Aaba’s dream. He asks if she forgave him and had food from his hand. She nods yes. He asks why did she go to PD sir’s house then. She asks if he trusts her or not. He says he trusts her completely. She says she just wants to say that she had gone there for important work and failed, she will explain him everything when time permits. He says she shows her understanding so well sometimes that he doubts that she has a twin. She laughs and says he cannot handle one itself. He also laughs and says she is right.

The next morning, Bhavani takes care of Maha Shivratri arrangements and guides family. She tells Pakhi that she didn’t have food since last night, went to call Virat and they both didn’t return, how will she fast without having dinner. Pakhi says what is the use of which in which they cannot test their patience, she need not worry. Bhavani praises that her daughter inlaw is very understanding. Sonali praises Pakhi and yells at Sai. She asks if Sai misbehaved with her when she went to call Virat. Pakhi says she doesn’t want to talk about it and requests Bhavani to let her go with her parents as her mother is coming today for festival celebration. Omkar says they are all with her. Sonali insists her to tell if Sai told her something last night. Pakhi says last night Virat brought Sai’s favorite street food for her and when she went to call him for dinner, they both were feeding each other. Bhavani and her puppets get angry hearing that. Pakhi says when Virat had to take his food to their room and feed her, then why did he make such a big drama in front of everyone? Ashwini says Pakhi is creating drama now, what is wrong if a husband realizes his mistake and feeds his wife to correct it; asks if she is jealous of Sai? Pakhi asks what does she mean? Bhavani yell that Ashwini is repeating Sai’s words like a parrot. Omkar yells that his son became wife’s servant and his wife is mad behind her bahu and doesn’t listen to anyone else. Ashwini asks him to explain what wrong did Virat do. He continues yelling. Mohit says Virat did right as Sai should have to be starving for 2 days if Virat had not fed her. Karishma warns him not to interfere. Mohit asks why shouldn’t he as it is also his house. Bhavani says if he had spoken during job interview, he would have got a job and wouldn’t have enjoying free food here; he is interfering in family issues, but acts ill when he has to attend an interview. She mimics him and warns that he only has 2 days left to erase the black mark of unemployment from his forehead. He says he remembers and his job doesn’t hide the truth that he is also a family member and has right to suggest. Saloni yells there is a difference between suggestion and interference, especially between elders and warns to shut up. Bhavani yells Aswini that she taught even Mohit to support Sai. Ashwini says she didn’t teach anyone, goodness attracts goodness, Mohit saw Sai’s goodness and supported her. Sai with Virat walks down. Jealous Pakhi seeing them requests Bhavani again to let her go to her parent’s home. Omkar yells one who creates troubles/Sai should get out of this house. Ninad yells let Virat come down, he will warn him. Virat asks what kind of warning? Bhavani yells where are husband and wife going early morning. Sai says Virat is taking her to a temple. Ashwini ask Bhavani not to tell that husband and wife cannot visit temple together. Ninad ask if he brought Sai’s favorite snacks for her. He says yes as she had not had anything since morning. Bhavani yells if Sai is a kid that he fed her from his hands, he should have asked family also if they want to have something? Sai asks Bhavani if she has problem with Virat feeding her or not bringing snacks for family? Sonali says both. Sai says when she asked Usha to bring food for everyone from outside, Bhavani told nobody will have outside food, even then she asked Virat last night to bring snacks for everyone and she can ask Virat. Virat agrees. Sai says one point is clear, next point is what problem they have if Virat feeds his wife, they wouldn’t have problem if Virat had fed Pakhi and said they are good friends. Pakhi yells to stop her drama. Sai says she started the drama by informing everyone that Virat brought snacks for her and fed her from his hand. Virat says he cannot understand what problem they have if he brings food for his wife. Omkar yells if he cannot understand even now. Sonali says nobody brought food and fed his wife secretly in their room. Virat says someone has to start it; he knows family doesn’t like street food, so he didn’t bring it; he will bring it while returning from temple. Bhavani yells no need as they are all fasting. Sonalni says they don’t need it. Virat tells Sai let us go. Pakhi stops him and yells that she doesn’t have any problem if he feeds her, sings her lullaby or anything else, he should explain why Sai insults her repeatedly; Sai insulted her when she came to call him for dinner last night. Ashwini says she has answer for her, answer is within Pakhi herself; Sai insults her because of her acts; when she found out that Sai is accompanying her and Virat to Ladakh, she angrily canceled the trip and why she is feeling bad when a wife was having food with her husband; if she doesn’t have any answer, she should search for it; her one decision taken in anger rose many unanswered questions among family members. Bhavani yells that questions will arise, but in narrow minded people’s mind; she asks why Sai got ready suddenly to accompany Virat to Ladakh trip, mimics Sai, and asks how can she go out with anyone suddenly like a thief. Sai says she was going with her husband, asks if she never went out with her husband, and says he may not have as she always goes with Ninad; its not wrong if a wife goes out with husband. Bhavani angrily warns her.


Bhavani tells Ninad and Omkar that her left eye is twitching and hopes nothing wrong happens during Mahashivrati today. Sai asks Pulkit to tell who his wife is if he wants to visit her house. He says Devyani, Maha Shivratri is the best day to meet his love and will come to her house today. Virat notices and walks towards them. Bhavani tells Ninad and Omkar that her left eye is twitching and hopes nothing wrong happens during Mahashivrati today. Sai asks Pulkit to tell who his wife is if he wants to visit her house. He says Devyani, Maha Shivratri is the best day to meet his love and will come to her house today. Sai says she will reunite Pulkit and Devi soon. Virat notices Sai and walks towards her.

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