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Sai calls Madhuri and informs her that Pulkit is kidnapped and she has assured the kidnappers that she is on their side to divert their attention away from her; they will attack the enemy when he/she is relaxed. Madhuri asks how will they free Pulkit from kidnappers now, should they file police complaint. Sai says they both will find Pulkit and free him without police’s help. On the other side, Omkar tells Ninad and Bhavani that now that Sai is on her side, what will they do with Pulkit. Bhavani says they will free him after sometime. Omkar asks what if Pulkit informs truth to Sai. Ninad says they will prove him wrong and Sai will not trust him. Bhavani says thinks if Sai saw Pulkit’s messages as she feels something is going in Sai’s mind. They say Sai apologized and touched her feet. She says even tigress goes 2 steps back before attacking its prey and reminds Sai creating issue when they asked her to touch elders’ feet during wedding reception. Omkar it was then and now Sai has changed, she will not dare to confront her. Ninad says she should relax as Sai will not think of supporting Pulkit. They ask her to rest now and walk away.

Pulkit think Dadu snatched his phone and deleted all messages, gets worried for Harini and Madhuri, and hopes Sai must have seen his video. Sai takes Madhuri home and asks her to relax as no one has seen her except Virat, she should act as her college friend Neha who came to take notes from her. Madhuri agrees and asks if she is sure that they will find out about Pulkit with this. Sai says she is sure as culprit will fear about his secret being out and will make mistake. She gives Usha’s phone and asks to come from other side.

Bhavani think she will go to temple bare footed tomorrow and hopes Sai is not playing a game with her. A stone with a letter falls in front of her breaking the window class. She reads that Dadu needs 1 crores to keep Pulkit hostaged or else he will reveal that Chavan family is behind Pulkit’s kidnap. Ashwini brings milk for Ninad. Ninad gets Bhavani’s call and leaves. Ashwini thinks why did Bhavani call Ninad at this time. Madhuri climbs stairs and keeps Usha’s phone outside Bhavani’s room window. Sai switches on blue tooth to listen to Bhavani and her puppets’ conversation. Omkar and Ninad enter and seeing broken window asks what happened. Bhavani informs that Dadu has demanded 1 crores to keep Pulkit hostaged and hide their secret. They say Dadu cannot do that as they had made a deal for 5 lakhs only. She shows evidence and says Dadu wants to reap all benefit at once. Ninad says they just wanted to frighten Pulkit. Sai feels sad hearing their conversation. Virat calls her just then. She feels she should not inform Virat about it and put him into tension, so she doesn’t pick call and continues listening to Bhavani’s conversation. Bhavani asks Ninad and Omkar to meet Dadu and repay his remaining 2.5 lakhs as they cannot pay him 1 crore.

Virat then calls Ashwini. Ashwini gets happy seeing him and then scolds him for looking so lean and weak. He asks her to relax. She asks how is his training going. He says he cannot sleep or eat properly. She says once he returns, she will feed him well and get him back to normal. He says he would be happy having a dry roti from her. She asks if he spoke to Sai. He says he called her, but she didn’t pick call. She thinks Sai is very tensed and says she will take phone to her. She walks to Sai’s room Sai hides her stuff. Ashwini says she looks tensed, she already apologized Bhavani for her mistake and should forget what happened. She then informs that Virat had called and wants to talk to her, asks not to tell him anything as he is having vigorous training already. She video calls Virat and gives phone to Sai. Sai gets emotional seeing him. He asks why is she crying. She says something went into her eyes. He says he feels his memories are in her eyes. She says he blabbers a lot. He says he had called her, but she must be busy in lecture and didn’t pick his call. Madhuri calls her, and she gets tensed.

Sai video chats with Virat. Madhuri calls her. Virat says Sai he will call her back. Ashwini asks when will he return. He says before holi. Sai asks to take care of himself and disconnects call. Ashwini asks her to rest and leaves room. Sai calls back Madhuri and realizes that Ninad and Omkar left. She rushes out. Ashwini notices that and thinks where is she going at night. Sai meets Madhuri who informs that she saw 2 people leaving in car. Sai says how will they find Pulkit’s location now. Madhuri says she switched on her phone’s GPS and kept in Ninad’s car. Sai gets happy seeing car’s live location. Madhuri says she didn’t book a taxi though. Sai says they can get a taxi outside and leaves home. Ashwini notices them going and gets tensed. Sai’s college friend Milind stops car and asks what is she doing here. Sai says Pulkit sir is in trouble and she needs his help. She gets into car with Madhuri and asks Milind to follow the other car. Milind asks whose car is it.

Ashwini calls Sai repeatedly, but when she doesn’t pick call, she thinks of informing Bhavani. She walks to Bhavani and informs her that Sai went out with someone at this time. Bhavani says she will beat her bahu some day if she doesn’t mend her ways. Ashwini says she is worried for Sai’s safety now. Bhavani calls Ninad and informs him that Sai went out at this time and must be following them. Ninad asks Omkar to stop car as Sai’s car may pass by. Sai notices car stopping and asks Milind to stop, thinks if they are doubting them. Omkar drives car again. Sai asks Milind to drive car again. Omkar says he feels back door is unlocked. Omkar stops car. Mobile falls down. Ninad opens back door and recloses it. Mobile falls down, and they drive away again. Sai notices tracker stopping again, thinks Pulkit must have been kept somewhere around. They find mobile on road.

Omkar and Ninad meet Dadu and ask why did he sent a blackmail letter threatening to expose their truth if they don’t give 1 crore. Dadu says he didn’t send any letter and would rather call them directly if he had to blackmail him, he is not new in kidnapping profession and they must have got a new enemy. Omkar and Ninad think if Sai did that.

Madhuri thinks how will they find Pulkit now. Sai feels Pulkit is kept somewhere around and asks Madhuri to return home while she searches Pulkit in jungle. Madhuri says she cannot leave her alone. Sai says she needs to return to Harini and not worry about her as she is from Gadchiroli and knows jungle well. Madhuri leaves with Milind. Sai notices car tyre marks on ground and thinks those may be of Ninad and Omkar’s car. Virat calls her. She picks his call. He asks where is she as he can hear insect sounds, if she is missing Gadchiroli so much. Sai nervously says she came out to solve some problem. He says he felt something weird and called her. She says she is fie. He says then its okay, hears animal sound and asks where she really is. She says she is studying watching TV. He informs that his training finished today and he is coming home tomorrow. She thinks he will be shattered hearing about his family’s misdeeds and let himself find out Pulkit’s location. He asks if she is not happy hearing him return home. Sai says there would be a big dhamaka when he will come. He says he is returning on holi and not diwali. She says he will know only tomorrow and asks if she is tensed regarding any problem. She asks what would he do in this situation. He says he imagines sitting on sky and then look at his problem from another angle. She gets an idea to find Pulkit’s location via tree and disconnects call, leaving Virat confused. She walks near tree to climb it thanking Virat for the idea.


Virat snatches Sai’s mobile and asks if she is talking to Pulkit. She says yes. He asks what is her problem. She asks why he thinks she will silently obey him. He points gun at her seriously and shooting water on her laughs saying bura na mano holi hai. Virat plays holi with Sai.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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