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Virat tells Sai that he needs to speak to her about something important. Sai asks why he always wants to speak something important when she is studying, if its regarding him giving rose to Pakhi, it doesn’t matter to her. He asks how did Pakhi know that he gave her flowers. She says she doesn’t know and Aai must have. He asks if she informed Aayi about it. She says Aayi saw their pics in her mobile and if he got his answer, can she get back to her studies. He says let him complete first. She asks what. He says Lakadh trip. She says she doesn’t mind him going with Pakhi to Ladakh. He says he is not going for a vacation. She says she knows Pakhi is sad after Samrat went missing and family wants him to go on a sight seeing with Pakhi to cheer her up as a best friend, so she doesn’t mind at all. He says let us do something different and let him speak as he knows its difficult to be silent and let him speak. She asks if he thinks only she speaks. He says he is taking Pakhi for official work and wants even her to accompany them, he knows her studies would be affected though. She says if he knows, why is he forcing her. He asks why she is finding excuses not to go. She says because everyone will blame her and why is he forcing her to accompany them. He says he will feel good if she accompanies him. She nods okay. He says since its a short trip, she can pack his clothes in her bag. She smilingly nods okay

Virat walks to terrace and seeing Pakhi there asks if everything is fine. Pakhi asks he should say what is happening, why did he made a drama of giving flowers and chocs to family on valentine’s day. He says he already told that he wasn’t celebrating Valentine’s day was just cheering up family to show that everyone care for each other. She asks whom did he show his concern in Sai’s college by gifting roses to Sai. Virat says there was an harassment case at Sai’s college, so he had gone there as a police officer and not Sai’s husband. She says an IPS officer took roses to his wife to investigate case. He says he didn’t expect her to be so insensitive being a literate, Sai’s friends insisted on him to give roses to Sai; he was just sharing happiness and didn’t do anything wrong if he gave roses to Sai, her, and other family members; a person’s happiness doubles if he trp to be happy in others’ happiness. She says when there is no happiness in her life, how will it double?

The next morning, Sai reaches college where Pulkit meets her and says he heard her husband had come to college. She says he had come regarding a case here. He says he heard he is very progressive and helps her a lot. She says he is bad but on a wrong way. He asks her to explain. She says he takes cake of her a lot like her Aaba/father, but he loves someone else and they always fight. He says if he reminds her of her father, he is a good man and she is acting like a kid like her 8-year-old daughter Harini. She says her husband also consider her a kid as she likes candy floss and flowers. He laughs and says he forgot her husband’s name. She says ACP Virat Chavan. He stands shocked and repeats Chavan family and goes into flashback where Devi informs him that she is DCP Nagesh Chavan’s daughter. Out of flashback, he thinks if Sai is related to Devi.

Devi walks towards door holding her toy when Bhavani stops her and orders Ninad and Omkar to stop her. They run and catch her. Bhavani yells where is she going getting ready like a chudail/witch. Devi says she is going to meet her husband. Virat enters and hears their conversation. Bhavani orders Pakhi and Sonali to drag her to her room. Devi resists. Virat walks to her and asks her to go to her room while he convinces family. She agrees and leaves. Ashwini says they need to find a solution for this problem soon. Bhavani walks away yelling that they will not discuss about it again.

Pakhi walks to Virat’s room and says she needs to talk to him. Sai hearing that try to leave the room. Pakhi asks where is she going? Sai says she doesn’t want to disturb them and Pakhi may feel disturbed and may not plan well with Virat. Pakhi asks what kind of planning? Virat says if she is going because of this, she is thinking wrong and insulting him. Pakhi says if she is cooking up weird ideas, then she is wrong. Sai try to speak. Virat asks them to stop. Sai returns to her chair. Pakhi asks if she should book their tickets as he would be busy in office work. Virat says he will do it. She says as he likes and remind him to keep his warm clothes. He says okay and ask her to collect all the important documents and keep them with her and leave the rest to him. Sai thinks why didn’t Virat tell Pakhi about her accompanying them. Pakhi asks Virat to give his clothes to her as she will keep them in her bag. Sai says he will not give her anything as she will pack his bag. Pakhi says she forgot that she is Virat’s wife and will pack his bag. Sai asks why shouldn’t she? Virat stops her and tells Pakhi that he will manage. Sai thinks again why is he not informing Pakhi about her accompanying them. Pakhi asks Virat if she should pack extra clothes if they can stay for 2-3 days more for sight seeing. Virat says he is going for Samrat’s official work and may not feel like doing anything else. She says it holds good for him as he is Samrat’s brother, but she never knew him well either before or after marriage, but if he thinks so, she is fine. Sai asks him why don’t he fulfill Pakhi’s wish and take her for sight seeing. Pakhi asks Virat to explain to his wife that they are going on an official trip. Virat says he will. Sai says he should tell Pakhi that he is nothing to her and doesn’t mind if he goes with Pakhi or anyone else.

Pakhi asks Virat to explain his wife Sai that they are going on an official work and not on vacation. Virat says he will. Sai tells Pakhi that she should always remember that Virat is no one to her and she doesn’t mind if he goes with her or anyone else. Pakhi says Sai thinks she acts well, but she is not and her face clearly shows that she doesn’t like her and Virat going together. She walks away. Sai asks Virat when she was going out of room silently if he stopped her to get her insulted, she will not listen to him from hereon. He says anyways she doesn’t listen to him. She asks she listens to his every word. He asks if she packed his stuff. She asks him to ask Pakhi to pack his stuff. He says when they both are taking their stuff in same bag, why would Pakhi pack his stuff. She says he should forget that they are going together now as she doesn’t want to be a hurde/kabab inbetween him and Pakhi. He warns her to think well and speak. She says he didn’t inform Pakhi that she is also accompanying them. He says she doesn’t have to think about it. She says Pakhi will feel bad. He says leave it to him. She says when she asked Pakhi if she likes accompanying them to Ladakh, she changed the topic saying its a weird question, but just sometime ago she was asking him to explain to his wife that they are going on an official trip and think only they both are going. He ask her not to worry and let him handle it, she should just pack bag.

Sai walks to Devi and seeing her sad asks reason. Devi says she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Sai asks not even to her Sai. Devi says no. Sai says she will also not talk to her then. Devi ask her not to say that. Sai asks why she is sad then. Devi says he must be waiting for her yesterday and his legs must be paining. Sai asks who is waiting for her. Devi says her husband, but her mother didn’t let her go and always and scolds and yells at her. Sai asks to call him then. Devi says she doesn’t know his number. Sai asks her to tell his name and let Virat search him. Devi says she will not. Sai promises to find her husband one day and hugs her. She walks into kitchen and greets Ashwini. Ashwini asks if she is going to Ladakh with Virat. Sai says yes. Ashwini says their compatibility and mutual understanding will increase if they go together. Sai says even Pakhi is accompanying them. Ashwini says she is Virat’s wife and not Pakhi, so she shouldn’t bother about Pakhi. Sai says even Virat says same. Ashwini says both mother and son are intelligent. Sai laughs and says she is too funny.

Pakhi serves tea to Bhavani and Sonali. Bhavani praise her that she gets refreshed with Pakhi’s tea. Sonali says Pakhi will prepare more refreshed tea once she returns from Ladakh. Karishma offers tea to Bhavani next. Bhavani asks her to take it away as she just had Patralekha’s tea. Karishma insists. Bhavani yells if she is mad to drink poison after drinking amrith. Mohit signals Karishma and silently rush towards his room. Bhavani noticing him yells to stop and asks what happened to his interview. Sonnali says he was being paid less, so he rejected the job offer. Bhavani asks how much. Mohit says 20000 rs for 12 hours of work. Bhavani says 20000 rs is too much for a useless person like him. Pakhi asks her not to worry as Mohit still has 6 days left and will find a good job soon. Saloni backs her. Mohit silently walks away.

Sai meets Pulkit in college and greets him. Pulkit thinks Sai is from Chavan family and Sundar nagar, if she is Devi’s relative. He says she was telling she likes her MIL/saas and SIL/nanad among her in-laws. Sai says her aayi is very good and reminds her of her Aaba/father, her nanad is very cute and clear hearted, but she is in a shock after she is separated from her husband and says her husband wanted to become a big doctor but never gives any detail about it as she is mentally unstable now; if her husband has really become a big doctor, she will search for him soon as they are in same profession now. He asks what is her nanad’s name. She says Devyani Chavan. He stands shocked and walks away wiping his tears. Sai thinks he got emotional hearing Devi tai’s story and is very kind hearted.

Sunny meets Virat to book flight tickets on laptop and asks him to tell names. Virat says Virat Chavan, Patralekha Chavan, and Sai Chavan. Sunny asks if Pakhi knows that Sai is accompanying them? Virat says not yet. Sunny asks its like keeping a bomb and fire together and should expect only a blast. Virat says he knows what happened with Pakhi and above that after Samrat left, she is in deep mental stress and its necessary that she goes on vacation and relax; apart from that, Sai is facing tough situation at home and is developing differences with Pakhi, so he wants them both to clear their differences somehow. Sunny asks if he thinks Pakhi will agree. Virat says she will not deny if he informs her suddenly. Sunny asks if he doesn’t think he is taking a big risk. Virat says if he doesn’t, they will continue to fight their whole life. Sunny wishes him best of luck.

Pakhi packs her clothes and documents in bag and keeps her ID card in purse. Virat calls her and informs that he booked tickets and will send her flight details, she can make arrangements accordingly. She thanks him for doing so much for her. He says he didn’t do anything. She says she is going out of house after a long time because of him. He says he wants her to enjoy the trip and not consider him wrong as whatever he is doing is for her good. She asks why is he saying this. He says she will understand at the right time and hopes that she is mature and understanding and her reaction would be same. She says he thinks so, but his wife doesn’t. He think he wants to clear these differences. Sai calls him. He asks her to hold and tells Pakhi that he will call her later. Pakhi stands jealous. He asks Sai why did she call. She says she wanted to know flight details to take college leave. He says she has to anyways. She says she is traveling in a flight for the first time. He asks if she really didn’t travel in a flight yet. She says Aaba promised to take her to Siddhivinayak temple, but couldn’t. He says if god wishes, they both will go one day. Pakhi passes by and gets more jealous seeing Sai talking to Virat. Sai asks Virat if she should pack anything else and disconnect the call. Pakhi enters and asks if she is fine. Sai says yes. Pakhi says she was talking so respectfully with Virat, so she thought. Sai says she thinks a lot. Pakhi says she speaks a lot. Sai says its better than thinking wrong and both her health and intention are right, so let her get back to her studies. Pakhi walks away smirking saying she can study well when Virat is not around for 3-4 days. Sai stands fuming.


Bhavani asks Virat to take care of Pakhi as she is going out of Nagpur this time. Pakhi thinks she will speak her out heart out with Virat this time. Virat informs that even Pakhi is accompanying them. Pakhi walks away yelling that she didn’t know that Virat is making it his honeymoon trip taking Sai along. Bhavani asks Virat to take care of Pakhi as she is going out of Nagpur this time. Pakhi thinks she will speak her out heart out with Virat this time. Virat informs that even Pakhi is accompanying them. Pakhi walks away yelling that she didn’t know that Virat is making it his honeymoon trip taking Sai along.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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