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Virat tells Pakhi that Sai says Pakhi doesn’t hide her love from anyone and he hides his love for Pakhi. Pakhi asks if this is true? He says no, she must be knowing her truth, but his truth is she is his elder brother’s wife and his good friend and nothing else; he apologizes for Sai’s bitter words today. She says sorry after giving her pain for whole life, sorry after forgetting his promise, sorry after erasing her feelings from his heart, sorry for meeting her at Nasik, forcing her to marry his brother, etc. His 1000 sorry will not change her life’s situation and truth is she is alone and don’t know till when she will be alone. He walks towards her. She stops him angrily and says his one wrong decision ruined 3 lives and hopes he wouldn’t have taken this decision at all. He stands silently while she continues crying. In living room, Bhavani yells that she doesn’t know what Virat saw in Sai. Ashwini pleads her to stop. Bhavani yells that she always supports her bahu’s wrongdoings. She tells Saloni that she told Virat will hate his wife soon, don’t know when will that day come. Saloni says she shouldn’t bother about Sai as she will continue her misbehavior. Ninad backs her. Bhavani says let us not spoil our day because of Sai. They all walk away. Bhavani thinks day is spoilt because of Sai and she will ruin Sai’s life for that, she will show Sai what drama means when she returns home.

Sai reaches Pulkit’s house. A lady named Madhuri greets her in and says her sir has gone out to bring Harini, so she can relax till then. Sai thinks if she is sir’s wife, there must be sir’s family pic somewhere where he is with his wife and daughter. She searches pics and finds only Pulkit and his daughter’s pics.

Mohit returns home and brings samosas for Karishma. Karishma excitedly asks if he got a job, she will inform Bhavani kaku. He stops her and says he went for his play rehearsal and brought samosas from there. She asks if she should FD samosas. He says he cannot do job as he likes only acting. She argues him and yells as usual. He says he will purse his passion and will follow Sai’s advice. She says Sai herself cannot do things right and is teaching him now. He asks what did she do. She says Sai fought with family and went for a lunch with her professor. He asks what is wrong in it.

Madhuri asks Sai to sit and says Pulkit praises her food always, but never praised her food as she cooks for him since many years. Sai thinks she must be definitely Pulkit’s wife. Madhuri asks her again to sit. Sai says she will go now. Madhuri asks her to wait till her sir comes. Pulkit returns and says he thought she will not come. Mahduri asks where is Harini. Harini enters. Madhuri hugs her calling her daughter. Sai thinks she is definitely Pulkit’s wife. Harini asks if she is Sai Joshi, papa says she comes first in exams always and asks if she wants to become a doctor like papa. Madhuri takes her in. Sai tells Pulkit that she will leave now. He asks if she is angry that he came late, it because Harini had her friend’s birthday and he went to pick her up. She asks not to explain his personal issue with her. He asks what happened, if she is angry that he didn’t call Virat along; when can he come to her house for lunch, etc. Sai says he shouldn’t come as her family doesn’t like him coming and will insult her. He asks what exactly happened. She asks where he used to stay in Sundar nagar. He says Chavan Nivas. She stands shocked and thinks her doubt was right, Devi is waiting for her husband since years, but he has moved on with someone else. She asks why didn’t he inform her about it earlier. He says sometimes they have to hide complicated issues and asks again when can he come to her house. She says never and she will go now. He asks why. She says she had come here with a hope. He asks what hope. She walks away. Madhuri asks why did his student go without having lunch. He says even he doesn’t know.

Sonali serves lunch on table and asks Bhavani if she should serve her traditional Marathi food. Bhavani asks if she is feeling hungry. Saloni says yes, then says no, she wants to serve her food. Bhavani says she doesn’t feel like having food after seeing Sai’s drama. Saloni say she is right. Bhavani asks where is Patralekha. Saloni says she went to her room after cooking food, she was looking tensed. Bhavani says its obvious as even they are all tensed. Ashwini brings buttermilk for her. Karishma thinks its best time to provoke Bhavani against Sai and says Sai told Mohit… Saloni warns her not to start now and bring Ninad and Omkar for lunch. She goes to call them. Bhavani asks if Virat will come down for lunch or not. Ashwini says she doesn’t think he will come down today. Pakhi walks to Bhavani and asks why didn’t she have lunch yet as its time for her medicine. Bhavani praises her that she thinks so much about family and asks her to take food thali for Virat. Ashwini stops her, but Bhavani as usual yells at her and sends Pakhi up.

Pakhi takes food for Virat and apologizes for speaking rudely to him because of Sai. Virat says he doesn’t want to have food. She says she knows him well and knows he gets angry when is hungry. He asks her to take it away as doesn’t feel like having it. She asks if he doesn’t want to have food without Sai. He angrily turns, and she drops food plate. He says good she dropped it as he didn’t want to have it. She says he would have had food if Sai had brought it. He says he didn’t know about her new degree of taunting. She says she got it since he started wrongly supporting his wife. He says he was not supporting Sai, but was teaching her manners. She says he is supporting her since she came home, but only today he opposed her; his wife doesn’t even listen to him and went out by degrading him. He signals her to stop and walks away.

Sai returns home. Karishma with Saloni notices her and informs Bhavani that Sai came. Bhavani yells at Sai to stop and says she went out roaring like a tigress and return silently like a sparrow. Ashwini asks how was her lunch. Sai says she didn’t have lunch. Bhavani yells again. Ashwini asks Sai if she is fine. Ninad shouts at her to stop supporting her bahu. Ashwini says Sai is their bahu. Ninad shouts if she will not understand without being slapped. Sai asks how can he misbehave with his wife in front of everyone. Ninad (ex-army officer and disgrace to army) in the most rude way shouts yeh, he is speaking to speak his wife and its their personal matter. Sai says when Virat was shouting at her in the morning, he didn’t react and now saying its his personal matter. Omkar (ex-police constable and disgrace to police department) yells she cannot misbehave with Ninad dada. Saloni yells next that even an animal understands if explained, if she has lost her mind to misbehave with her FIL as if she is speaking to her friend. Bhavani yells its waste to hit their head on a wall and Sai doesn’t know her limits. Ashwini asks Sai again why didn’t she have food. Bhavani yells that she is spoiling her DIL. Saloni yells at Ashwini that she takes revenge from elders by supporting her bahu and shouldn’t cross her limits. Ashwini replies that when she doesn’t interfere between her and her bahu, why is she interfering. Saloni says she is just giving her advice. Ashwini says just because she is from a rich family and gets gifts from her family often doesn’t mean she can advice anyone. Saloni complains Bhavani that Ashwini spills venom on her always, etc. Omkar and Ninad yell at Ashwini again. Sai tries to speak, but Ashwini says let it go. Bhavani yells that Virat is right that she should be thankful to Chavan family that they are funding her studies, else she cannot even think of becoming a doctor. Sai says her memory is weak and forgot that she tried to stop her from joining college, so she cannot credit of her studies; nobody in Chavan family supported her in Chavan family, she will get her scholarship soon and will repay them, she has taken loan from Virat for her food and accommodation and will repay him with interest.

Pakhi walks in next and yells what is happening in this house, the fight is continuing since morning because of Pakhi, Bhavani should permit her to go and stay at her parent’s house as she cannot tolerate Sai’s nonsense here and live peacefully here, she is unable to sleep and woke up hearing Pakhi shouting, etc. Sai asks if she didn’t hear others shouting. Usha asks Sai to go to her room. Pakhi yells that Sai doesn’t have common sense and she is the reason for other’s shouting, their Sunday spoilt because of her. Sai says they enjoyed Sunday the most and looked very happy seeing Virat shouting at her and felt proud that their son showed his power on his wife holding her hand. Pakhi says she asked Virat to leave Sai’s hand as he was wrong. Ashwini says she asked Virat to leave Sai’s hand and not her and warns to stop now, asks Sai to freshen up while she warms food for her. Sai says she didn’t have food since morning. Pakhi says her professor called only her for lunch, if she had really gone for lunch. Sai gets angry, but Ashwini stops her. Karishma yells that Sai went out to escape from work and when got hungry returned home to have food, her plan was really good. Ninad yells that she boasts that she doesn’t lie, then why did she lie and where did she go. Sai says she is telling truth and had gone to her professor’s house. Omkar asks why had she gone when she didn’t have lunch. Bhavani asks why she had gone and where, why did she deny when Ashwini asked Virat to drop her to the place. Karishma backs Bhavani. Bhavani asks who is that professor. Ashwini asks them all to stop yelling at Sai as she is hungry. Bhavani says nobody had food properly because of Sai. Pakhi Sai Virat didn’t even touch food. Ninad yells that Virat realized his mistake and will never support his wife now, she ignored his order and went out of house. Ashwini says Virat would have stopped her but not force her, he learnt misbehaving with his wife from his father. Ninad yells that his son did right for the first time, but Ashwini is taunting him. Ashwini says he should listen once as she always hears his and his brother Omkar’s taunts. Saloni yells not to talk about her husband. Pakhi shouts to stop and yells that Mahabharath started again in this house because of Sai.

Sai tells Ashwini that she is having headache and will go to her room. Pakhi yells she is headache for them all. Usha thinks Sai gets migraine if she doesn’t have food. Ashwini says she will get food. Virat (ACP, but behaves like illiterate) enters and says Sai will not get food today, this is house and not a hotel that Sai will get food whenever she likes. Ashwini asks how can he stop Sai from having food, they don’t send guests without having food, but Sai is this house’s bahu. Virat says Sai disrespected family and deserves punishment. Pakhi asks him to let Sai have food as he himself will take food for Sai later. Virat asks what does she mean. She says when his anger calms down, he will feed Sai from his hands. Ashwini walks towards kitchen. Virat stops her and says Sai will not get food today. Ashwini says he is doing wrong. Usha says she never said anything to him, today he is doing wrong. Virat asks her not to interfere. Sai says she didn’t know that she is staying in a hotel and jail where she has to report for everything; if he has problem with her having food here, she will not have food in this house and will arrange her own food. She gives money to Usha and asks to bring food for everyone as her Aaba taught her to share things. Bhavani yells they are not beggars to have her ordered food. Sai says she doesn’t have food alone and asks Usha again to bring food. Virat stops Usha and says Sai forgot that he gave her money, so he will not her bring food from outside. Ashwini asks how can he say that. Bhavani yells that its Virat’s hard earned money and he has right to decide. Sai returns his money and says she had taken loan from him and has right to spend it wherever she wants, and if she had known she has restrictions, she would never haven taken loan from him. She tells Usha that she will get her scholarship money in 2 days and will not have food in this house till then.


Virat tells Sai will not get food today for the drama she did at home. Sai says what else she can expect from him. Virat tells Pakhi that she doesn’t k now how to explain Sai. Pakhi says though Sai is against him, she is with him and will always always be. Virat holds Sai’s hand. Sai asks if he will hold her hand repeatedly. He says he wants to know if her hand is paining. She says he doesn’t have to worry for her as she is leaving his house and doesn’t want to stay in a house where her Aaba and his teachings are insulted repeatedly.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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