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Meet In Love - June Teasers 2022

Coming up on Meet In Love This June 2022

Wednesday 1st June 2022

Meet Ahlawat visits Manushi's house and clears his misunderstanding. Meet, Anubha and Dadi organize a hen party for Manushi. Later, Meet beats Kunal for snatching her packet of money and trying to flee. However, Kunal tells Meet Ahlawat that Meet was running away with his money. A misled Meet Ahlawat ends his friendship with Meet.

Thursday 2nd June 2022

Meet slips because of Manushi and ends up performing the Haldi ritual. Manushi tries to elope, but Meet stops her. Meet Ahlawat gives Kunal the car keys and asks him to go to the hospital due to his head injury. Manushi renders Meet unconscious to elope. Later, Meet informs Anubha and Dadi about this. Anubha tells Rajvardhan the truth, and she proposes to marry Meet Ahlawat and Meet.

Friday 3rd June 2022

Anubha asks Meet to marry Meet Ahlawat but she refuses. Rajvardhan tells Meet that Manushi has eloped. Meanwhile, Dadi try to persuade Meet.

Saturday 4th June 2022

Meet agree to the marriage. Kunal and Manushi get married at a temple. Meet's neighbors praise her in front of everyone, but Meet Ahlawat remains angry. Meet and Meet Ahlawat's wedding rituals begin.

Sunday 5th June 2022

Meet Ahlawat and Meet make strange promises to each other. After their marriage, a ritual takes place. Dadi and Anubha read a false letter written by Manushi, and Dadi gets angry at Meet. Kunal and Manushi decide to stay at the hotel after the wedding. Meet try to meet Dadi before leaving.

Monday 6th June 2022

Meet and Meet Ahlawat to get into an argument. Later, Babita loses her cool after seeing Meet in the bride's garb. Later, Meet enters the Ahlawat House. As per a ritual, Meet is asked to spend the night at a temple. Manushi is happy with her decision.

Tuesday 7th June 2022

After spending the night at the temple, Meet goes to Meet Ahlawat's room, but he does not allow her to stay there. To save Babita from embarrassment, Meet Ahlawat ask Meet to put on a veil.

Wednesday 8th June 2022

Babita dances in front of her friends after losing a bet. She faints while dancing, and Meet saves her from falling on shards of glass. During the ritual, something makes Meet Ahalawat suspicious. Later, the police arrive to arrest Meet Ahlawat for possessing drugs.

Thursday 9th June 2022

Babita's health deteriorates when Meet Ahlawat gets arrested. Meet bails him out by taking the blame on herself. Masoom tells the family that Anubha had given Meet the drugs. The police release Meet Ahlawat. Meet and Rajvardhan come home with Meet Ahlawat and Babita makes serious allegations against her.

Friday 10th June 2022

Meet Ahlawat gets angry with his family. However, Meet does not leave the house. Meet Ahlawat goes out of his room to sleep. Meet Ahlawat and Meet Hooda try to sleep on the same bed. Masoom, Chhavi, Sunaina, and Ragini spy on the two of them.

Saturday 11th June 2022

Meet Hooda and Meet Ahlawat share the bed by putting curtains in the middle. A few goons thrash Kunal for losing the drugs. Later, Meet try to drape a saree. At Rajvardhan's request, Babita allows Meet to stay at their house for six months to prove herself as a good daughter-in-law. However, Meet seek Babita's permission to resume her delivery job, but Babita declines her request.

Sunday 12th June 2022

Babita gives Meet a sari designed for her. Chhavi ask Meet to start her job without informing Babita. Meet worries about the outstanding electricity bill at her parent's house. Rajvardhan offers to help Meet's family, but Anubha refuses. Later, Masoom and Chhavi see Meet going out for work.

Monday 13th June 2022

When Babita doesn’t find Meet at home, she assumes that the latter has resumed the delivery work. However, Meet returns with Masoom’s son. Meet Ahlawat tells Meet to stay away from his matters. Kunal pay using Meet Ahlawat's card, and Masoom poisons the latter's mind against Meet. Meet Ahlawat accuses Meet of stealing his card.

Tuesday 14th June 2022

Meet Hooda clears Meet Ahlawat's misconception and exposes Chhavi. At Meet Ahlawat's request, Babita allow Meet to continue with her job. Masoom fails to trap Meet in her plan. Later, Rajvardhan asks Babita to take Meet to the fair.

Wednesday 15th June 2022

A few goons misbehave with Babita and Meet teach them a lesson. Meet Ahlawat stops a goon from slapping Meet. Meet breaks the fast by drinking water from Meet Ahlawat's hands. Meet Ahlawat helps Meet in the kitchen for a ritual, but the halwa gets spoiled.

Thursday 16th June 2022

Kunal replaces Goddess Lakshmi's idol with a fake one. Meet catch him, but he escapes. However, Meet manages to get the idol back. Babita decides to change Meet's name to avoid misunderstandings.

Friday 17th June 2022

Meet refuses to change her name, but Sunaina persuades her to accept Babita's decision. Meanwhile, Kunal faints when Manushi tells him the truth. Later, Meet Ahlawat runs into Manushi. Meet requests, Babita, not to change her name. Meet Ahlawat beats a man after seeing Manushi's name on the name-changing document. Later, Meet tends to Meet Ahlawat's wounds.

Saturday 18th June 2022

Babita Asks Anubha To Sever Ties With Manushi. Manushi comes home with Kunal, and Anubha gets furious to see him. Meet Ahlawat decides to accompany Meet to her maternal home for the Pagphara ritual to investigate Manushi. Later, Manushi feels shocked to learn about Meet Ahlawat and Meet's marriage.

Sunday 19th June 2022

Manushi feels jealous after seeing Meet's necklace. Meet Ahlawat decides to investigate Manushi. Meet and Meet Ahlawat challenge each other to a cricket match. Later, both worship together. Anubha helps Kunal to leave the house.

Monday 20th June 2022

Meet sees Kunal but he runs away. Meet Ahlawat inadvertently injures Meet. Unaware of Manushi being inside. Manushi comes up with a plan to learn the truth about Meet and Meet Ahlawat's relationship. They inadvertently prove her wrong. Meet learns why Meet Ahlawat accompanied her to the Hooda House. He tells Meet that he will never give her the status of his wife. Meet beats up Kunal and ask about Manushi.

Tuesday 21st June 2022

A few goons thrash Meet Ahlawat to take revenge on him. Meet realize that Manushi is in the house. Meet fights a few goons and rush Meet Ahlawat to the hospital. She tells Rajvardhan about Meet and asks him to come to the hospital. Later, Meet faints after donating blood more than her capacity.

Wednesday 22nd June 2022

Rajvardhan encourages an upset Meet and praises her for saving Meet Ahlawat. Kunal plans to run away with Manushi's jewelry. Meet Ahlawat apologizes to Meet. Meet tell Babita that she will take care of Meet Ahlawat and Babita gives her a chance.

Thursday 23rd June 2022

To keep Meet Ahlawat entertained, Meet organizes a few games with the family with Babita's permission. Meet Ahlawat tells Meet that he donates to the poor every year for the return of his brother, Tej. Meet takes him to donate and calls Manushi there. Anubha decides to send Manushi to Delhi.

Friday 24th June 2022 

Meet returns home with Meet Ahlawat and he thanks her. Later, Meet gets worried about reading some news. Babita scolds Meet upon learning about the news. Masoom attempts to find out about Meet’s secret. Later, Masoom overhears Meet and Guruji’s conversation.

Saturday 25th June 2022

Meet Ahlawat prepares a surprise birthday party for Meet, Manushi bumps into Meet Ahlawat when she comes to the Ahlawat house disguised as a joker to get her jewelry back. Babita gets angry with Meet. Meet Ahlawat tells the truth about his wish for Babita.

Sunday 26th June 2022

Anusha saves Manushi from getting exposed. Babita lets go of her resentment and celebrate Meet's birthday. Meet gets a special gift. Later, Masoom blackmails Meet into hurting Meet Ahlawat.

Monday 27th June 2022 

Meet Ahlawat questions Meet about her changed behavior. Meet sets the divorce papers ablaze and refuses to do Masoom’s bidding. Later, Meet apologizes to Meet Ahlawat. Meanwhile, He mistakes Meet for Manushi and professes his feelings.

Tuesday 28th June 2022

Dadi decides to get Kunal and Manushi married. Manushi rejoices as her plan succeeds, but Kunal has an ulterior motive. Meet poses as Manushi and comes in front of Meet Ahlawat. Later, Meet Ahlawat apologizes to Meet and makes a promise.

Wednesday 29th June 2022

Later, as per her plan, Manushi tells everyone to go to Meet’s house. Kunal and Manushi arrive at the wedding dais and get scared of seeing the pandit. After getting married to Kunal, Manushi cuts all ties with Dadi and Anubha.

Thursday 30th June 2022

Babita and the others are shocked to see Panditji stepping out of the attic. Dadi manages the matter by lying and praises Meet. Later, the police arrive at the Ahlawat House. Masoom Tells Everyone about Manushi

Premiere episodes of Meet In Love air on Zee World from Mondays to Sundays at 7:00pm.

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