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Meet Ahlawat walks in, sees Meet in wedding saree, and says unbelievable you are ready for wedding why, Meet says I don’t have option to say no, Meet Ahlawat says did Dad give you any brilliant offer, did he give you cash property what is it, listen to me I will reveal your true face just wait for some time and look at you all ready, Meet says listen, Meet Ahlawat says I respect my Dad and can never say No to him, he is God to me and so I have to marry you, and I will reveal your dirty face and I don’t think you have self respect but if you do, don’t come downstairs for wedding.

Prachi visits Anubha, Prachi says I promised you and so I am here for wedding and here is my friend Shubhra, Prachi asks where is Meet and is Manushi ready, Anubha says Manu inst getting married but Meet is, and tells whole story. Shubhra says it was bad but Meet is marrying such good family, she deserves it, Anubha says go meet Meet she is in her room she will like it

Shubhra and Prachi walk to Meet, Meet hugs Prachi, Prachi says you look so pretty and introduce Shubhra, Shubhra congratulate her and says sorry I didn’t like what Manu didi do and see I have a gift for you and hands Mata Rani idol and says she will always bless you, Shubra gives her a bracelet says Prachi told me you have a different taste so here it is, and may God never let you down, Meet thanks her. Prachi asks is everything right, Meet says I agreed to marry because Raj promised me to let me work I used too but Meet Ahlawat said I shouldn’t go downstairs for wedding, Prachi says tell someone about this, Shubra says Prachi don’t, Meet the groom is hurt but you know why are you doing this, its for family reputation, Prachi says she is right,and soon you two will fight as one team and win all hearts.

Meet Ahlawat trying to reach Kunal, Masoom asks what is happening, Meet Ahlawat says Kunal isn’t receiving call and Meet won’t come downstairs, Masoom says look she is coming downstairs, Meet goes sit beside Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat moves away from Meet. Meet Ahlawat says Dad don’t this she is not worth, Raj says do you have proofs give it, Meet Ahlawat says I do have proof but can’t get it now, she is useless brat, A kid steps forward and says Meet is very good person, and holds Meet’s hand. Uncle steps forward says she always helps me and all needy people, she is a angel to poors like us, A boy steps forward and says we don’t have Dad and she is a elder sister to us and never lets us miss our Dad, she takes care we don’t sleep in hunger, pays our school fees, teaches us good things, kids hug Meet.

Meet Ahlawat says Dad, Raj says you couldn’t find one proof and look so many she has, she has helped me so many times without any reason and I can never doubt her, she is a fabulous girl trust me. Meet Ahlawat says brilliant you fool everyone so well Meet, tell everyone truth that you are a thief, you steal people, you are a cheat. Meet says enough.

Masum tie knots of Meet and Meet Ahlawat dresses. Shubra says to Masum tie second knot and a bit tight the relation is for life should be strong. Masum ties another knot. Pandit ask to keep groom and bride hand above eachother and follow ritual. Pandit says first oth accept this lady as your wife Meet Ahlawat says to Meet I will never accept you as wife. Meet says I have my own identity. Pandit says second oth that you will take responsibility of her, Meet Ahlawat says you will never be my responsibility. Meet says no need to worry I have lots of experience of life, if you want I can take your responsibility. Pandit says third oth is you will always walk together. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll do opposite of this I’ll never be with you. Meet says don’t worry I can drive and go wherever I want to go. Pandit says fourth oth for life long I’ll respect my bride. Meet Ahlawat you don’t have any respect to get one. Meet says I know how to get respect. Pandit says fifth oth I’ll always love you. Meet Ahlawat says never. Meet says I’m not dying for your love. Pandit says sixth oth I’ll never look anyone else except you. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t about other women but I don’t like your face. Meet says okay you can blindfold and rome around. Meet Ahlawat asks Pandit to tell seventh oth. Pandit says seventh oth is that from now own whatever is mine is yours too. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet never you have no right over me or any of my things. Meet says then why are you with me holding my hands. Meet Ahlawat says I never knew about this marriage. Pandit asks them to stand for phera. They start there phere’s. Meet and Meet Ahlawat remembers all there memories with eachother. Pandit says now in fifth phera bride will go forward. Meet remember what Meet Ahlawat was saying to her during taking oth. Meet Ahlawat remember good time with Meet. Pandit says pheras are completed now you can sit, now we will do mangalsutra ritual and ask Meet Ahlawat to put on mangalsutra on Meet. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet I told you to stay away but you cannot, you are doing this to hurt me. Meet says I know it won’t work well but I’m doing this for Raj.

Kunal and Manushi were taking phera and there clothes catches fire. Manu says to Kunal this is bad omen. Kunal says don’t worry it happens some of the time and takes out his hankie and tie knot and ask pandit to recite mantra fast. Pandit says phera completed and Kunal tie mangalsutra and put on sindoor on her forehead. Pandit says your wedding completed.

Raj gets call. Masum says to Raj you are getting mom’s call I’ll pick it up you can concentrate on marriage Raj walks aside and asks why hasn’t anyone sent me any photo, and I know it must be you who asked everyone not to send me photos to tease me but anyways I have imagined my son and daughter-in-law might be looking awesome, Raj says yes and you don’t worry, just make thing’s ready there, Babita says all done here.
Ram walks to Raj and says you should have told her everything, Raj says will go home and tell everything.

Panditji asks Meet Ahlawat to apply sindoor to Meet, Ram says its still time stop this, Raj ignores. Meet Ahlawat applies sindoor in Meet’s forehead and says you are Dad’s daughter in law not my wife keep that in mind. Guddu takes couples photo. Panditji blesses Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Meet and Meet Ahlawat take everyone’s blessings, Meet asks where is Amaji, Anubha says she is unwell you take her blessings later. Ram says to Raj do you think this is right, Raj says yes but I don’t know will Babita accept this, Ram says you two are ideal couple for us and hope this decision doesn’t bring differences in you. Ragini says shall we start next ritual. Raj says okay.

Prachi, Shubra, Rani says to Meet they will take leave now. Ahlawat’s sitting together for Bhog ritual, Meet Ahlawat thinks I won’t share food with her, Meet thinks I have left bo urge to eat, Ragini whispers Sunaina look they aren’t eating, Sunaina says they have to feed each other, Sunaina asks Meet to feed Meet Ahlawat, Meet gives him sweet he pushes her hand, Meet gives him chilli, Meet Ahlawat in anger eats it, Ragini says what is he doing, Meet Ahlawat’s mouth starts burning, Ragini gives him water, Raj asks her not to, and says I want to see what will Meet do in such condition, Meet quickly gets honey for Meet Ahlawat and says have it, it will help you, Meet Ahlawat deny, Meet steps on his foot forcefully, Meet Ahlawat shouts in pain, Meet puts honey in his mouth, Raj says look Ragini this is what I wanted to see and I am convinced we don’t need to worry about our son Meet Ahlawat but for Meet it won’t be easy, Ram says what about Babita Bhabhi

Meet and Meet Ahlawat take God’s blessings, Anubha says to Meet Ahlawat, Meet always made sure Mata Rani rituals are completed everyday, Manu’s letter falls down which she wrote to destroy Meet.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat pray, Manu’s note falls down, Anubha says I will make Bidai arrangements and takes plate which has Manu’s note.
Kunal and Manu thank Panditji and pay him, Manu impressed seeing amount. Manu thinks wow he is so rich he gave such huge amount and no worries at all I am so right. Kunal thinks God why did I pay pandit so much in excitement, but no worries I have a rich wife.
Kunal says lets go take blessings from your family, Manu says I had same thought lets meet my in laws, Kunal says first your parents, this will reduce my guilt. Manu says first I should go to in laws.

Raj says we will reach chandigarh by 1, Masoom says Mom is waiting, poor Mom she thinks she will have a pretty daughter in law, Raj says don’t worry about that I will reach before you and try to convince her, Ragini says but will she. Meet Ahlawat walks to them, Ram asks where is Meet, Meet Ahlawat says I don’t know, Raj says what do you mean, you went together, Ragini says may be she is shy and awkward I will get her.

Anubha keeps plate near Amma and asks is she fine, Amma wakes up, Anubha says Meet saved our reputation and they will come to you, bless them and do Tika. Amma keeps the gold coin in plate and asks Anubha what is she doing, Anubha says something to give Meet, because Manu took away everything, Amma says give something from these gifts given by guests. Anubha start looking.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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