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Meet ask her mum to sit and not to worry, she says she will bring water for her, she walk to get water and hear message tone, Ram Lakhan text her that they saw Kunal. Meet read it and go out saying I’ll be back.

Babita walk into her room saying to Raj I’m looking for you and you are here reading book. Raj says what happen why are you worried? Babita says I’m worried about Meet Ahlawat I know how much uncomfortable he will be there, he is so shy that he won’t say anything. Raj start taking deep breath. Babita ask what are you doing. Raj says I’m releasing stress I’ll show you a book read this it has many ideas to change negative thought into positive thinking. Babita says my son is there so I would be stress. Raj says but they are taking care of him. Babita says you know he cannot sleep without AC, since childhood he got luxury. Raj says you are wrong here this is our Meet Ahlawat who drive my old car he is strong don’t worry, I understand why you are worried and says there was a wife who love me a lot can you find her for me? Babita says stop it and walk away. Raj says with my son, my daughter in-law is with him she will handle everything.

Kunal is running. Meet is chasing him. Kunal hide himself and says she is fast ask her to run in Olympic, he comes out and says she left. Meet tap his shoulder saying I’m here and catch him and says tell me where is my sister? Kunal says I don’t know where she is. Meet try to punch Kunal but remember what Babita told her how to behave in the market, throw him in ground and beat him and ask where is Manushi. Kunal says what I’ll tell and says me and Manushi had planned already to run on her wedding day and will meet at place but Manushi didn’t come. Meet says you are saying lie and hit him . Kunal says beat me but your sister didn’t come to me so will I give you. Meet think is he saying true and says to Kunal I’m believing you and if I found out true then I’ll not spare you and walk away. Kunal says your sister will pay for the lie she said to me but today you did wrong, you will pay for this and suffer life long.

Amma call Anubha and says send your Meet today itself to her in-law's home, she is bad omen and her husband also left today. Anubha says what are you saying she is your granddaughter. Amma says I have only one granddaughter that is Manushi, who is in trouble because of her, ask her to leave so that Manushi can live in her room, pity she is living like thief in her own house. Meet ask Amma who is hiding? Amma says to Anubha ask her to leave so that Manushi can live in her room, pity she is living like thief. Meet walk in and ask who is hiding? Amma says don’t talk me ask your mom. Anubha says nobody is hiding we were talking on different topic go and clean cooler so that I’ll keep it in store room. Meet ask Anubha tell me. Anubha says there is one monkey who hides all the time. Amma says she will not tell, hold Meet hand and says get ready to ho to your in-laws Anubha will drop you there. Anubha come and stop Amma says don’t, stop that. Amma says what stop now, her husband also left her here will you take care of her the whole time? Anubha saya she will not go. Amma take her but while walking Meet drop a watch from table she look at the watch stop. Anubha says stop it she will go when she want. Amma says if you will not go then I’ll go to drop her. Meet pick up the watch think Meet Ahlawat’s watch is dead after falling. Anubha ask waht happen? Meet says this watch is not working and its mirror is also broken it’s bad omen I think so something bad will happen. Anubha says nothing will happen don’t worry, Meet Ahlawat walks out in anger that’s why you are thinking like this come sit, earlier you only consolidated me for the situation now you have to keep patience you have respect of two houses and Raj also have faith in you, no need to think much on small fight. Meet says we fought earlier but this time I’m very nervous like something bad will happen and this watch is also not working. Anubha says don’t worry and take her to pooja room and shows the godess idol saying she won’t let anything bad happen to you. Meet pray please take care of Meet Ahlawat.

Manushi on the phone says to Kunal come back soon Meet is going back to in-law's house and start celebrating.

Goons is interrogating a person. Kunal walk in one of the dealer threaten Kunal. Kunal says by hitting me you can satisfy yourself but cannot take revenge, I found out who informed the police about your drug packet and show Meet’s photo says it’s Meet Huddah she is very dangerous. Dealer says why should we trust you. Kunal says you can call police and know the truth. Dealer says because of her we got loss will not leave her and ask where can I find her. Kunal says she just left with her husband to Chandigarh Highway and don’t spare her she is dangerous.

Meet is unable to light dia. Anubha says first calm yourself, women are always fighting for there marriage just like Kaashi Bae become her husband strength.

Drug Dealer get to Meet Ahlawat. Meet try to light dia but burn herself. Meet Ahlawat shout what happen can't you see. Drug Dealer ask Meet Ahlawat where is your wife? Meet Ahlawat think so they know her? Meet light dia. Anubha says just like Kashe Bai was Baji Rao’s pride same way you are Meet Ahlawat’s pride, Raj has trusted you on this marriage, and with true efforts you can eliminate darkness. Meet Ahlawat shouts talk to her and stay away from me. Drug Dealer call him out and says your wife gave our drug packet to police and we won’t spare her for this. Meet Ahlawat remember that packet and think how did that come into my car. Other goon says call her right now. Meet Ahlawat says first we will talk a bit. Anubha says you have to support and take care of Meet Ahlawat. Meet try to stop dia from going off. Anubha says to Meet you have to take pledge in front of goddess that you will never leave Meet Ahlawat. Meet take pledge and says I’ll never leave him alone. Meet Ahlawat get in fight with the drug dealers. Meet Ahlawat get hit on his head and Dealer ask his mate to call his wife. Meet get call from Meet Ahlawat’s phone. Meet Ahlawat start feeling dizzy. Meet try to call Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat is beaten very badly. Anubha ask Meet who called you? Meet says it’s Meet Ahlawat and hear store room door noise. Meet follow the sound and go to store room and find Manushi on floor with stool on her top. Anubha gets worried. Meet take Manushi out. Drug Dealer is chocking and beating Meet Ahlawat. Meet and Anubha take Manushi to room. Amma walks in worried. Meet remember and connect all the dots says you both already knew and why did you hide her? Meet says to Anubha you know I was worrying for her but still you lied to me. Anubha says how could I tell you when Meet Ahlawat was here and I don’t want to spoil your relation. Meet ask where was she and with whom she ranaway with? Anubha says don’t worry go to your in-laws house forget this. Meet says I’ll not go until I talk to her. Amma says Manushi has gain consciousness. Meet ask Manushi where did you ran away to, you have to give answer tell me you ran with Kunal. Anubha ask who is Kunal. Manushi says I don’t know, I got hit in head and she is acting wierd, who is Kunal I don’t know him. Meet says then tell why did you ran and with whom. Amma stops her and says she ran for you. Meet says what is she saying tell me.

Meet Ahlawat badly injured falls on ground and try to get his phone but get beaten. Anubha gets call from Meet. Meet picks Meet Ahlawat phone and says goons near highway come… Meet in panick

Drug dealer is hitting Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat call Meet and says goons near highway. Meet get panic and run towards Meet Ahlawat. Meet see Meet Ahlawat badly injured she dodges and beat every Goon to save Meet. Drug dealer says I’ll kill him. Meet is badly hit by Drug dealer. Other goons traps Meet but she look at godess idol, pray to god to give her power to fight. Meet beat them with hockey and think I need to take him to hospital but first I need to dodge them. Everyone hear police siren. Drug dealer run away. Meet uses her phone to make that sound she look at Meet Ahlawat and says talk to me keep your eyes open, I’ll take you to hospital and shouts for help. Meet start looking for car keys. Meet start crying and shouts for help praying to god and see rickshaw. Meet get the rickshaw takes it to Meet Ahlawat and with very difficulty put him inside the rickshaw. Meet ties him with a belt and rides the rickshaw but its chain dislocates, she get down to repair it but couldn’t, start dragging the rickshaw with her hands. Few men rush to help them.

Babita is feeling uneasy. Ragini and Isha walk to her and ask her to lie down and says to take care. Isha says I’ll call Meet Ahlawat and call him back. Babita says no need to call him, he will not feel good.

Meet in the hospital she call for doctor and ask him to check him. Doctor ask what happen to him. Meet says some goons attacked us. Doctor says then this is a police case have you filed FIR. Meet says I’ll do it. Doctor says I cannot admit him. Meet shows him phone and says aren’t you updated about the law’s new rule saying you don’t FIR to admit a patient I’ll file a case against you. Doctor says okay and ask how is he related to you. Meet remembers what Meet Ahlawat said to her regarding her relation and remember her oath and says I’m his wife and ask doctor to examine him. Doctor takes him to OT. Meet call Raj. Raj picks up and ask what happen? Meet ask Raj to come to lifeline hospital because Meet Ahlawat is injured. Raj says I’m coming. Meet says don’t worry. Meet pray to God. Meet ask sister how is he. Sister says he has lost lot of blood and we need atleast 1500ml for which you need 3 people, go to blood bank with them ask them to donate and take blood from them, do it quickly. Meet donates her blood. Nurse ask him to get two more people. Meet says I don’t have any one please help and take mine. He says not possible we need different people. Meet goes outside and sees there already rush for blood donation. Meet goes to other hospital and say she will donate her blood in exchange of B+ blood. A guy walks in saying I need to donate blood. Doctor says you are already weak you cannot do it he leaves. Meet thinks she will go to any extent to help him and goes to donate blood. Doctor ask her to use pressure ball. Meet hold it but drop a slip. Doctor ask what is this it look like of other hospital slip. Meet says no need to worry just take my blood it’s emergency. Doctor ask are you okay you feel too be weak. Meet start feeling dizzy she go out of hospital with blood. She stumble in her bad state she reach hospital in bad state. She hands blood to nurse. Sister says it’s enough we don’t need any more and leaves. Meet faint.


Meet says to Isha to delete photos from laptop, till that time I’ll call police. A boy grab a knife to stab her but Meet Ahlawat gets in between.
Babita see Meet Ahlawat in ICU and start panicking. She sees Meet walks to her and slap her says you have ruined my son’s life right now go and leave him.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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