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Raj says to Meet listen you have not signed on confession letter, you can do one thing change your statement. Meet says I cannot do that, everyone is sad in your house because of Manushi, she ran with every happiness in your family, consider this as atonement, I beg you don’t worry about me, I learnt one thing when you are aware about your problem it seems to be easy. Raj says but this time you took problem of drug supply and you have to suffer for thing which you didn’t do. Meet says then you have to help me in one thing don’t let Anubha know that I’m in jail and you can ask Ram Lakhan they will take care of the house the way I did and if mom ever call give her reason. Raj says I’ll not help you in this way but I’ll do everything to free you, I didn't bring you as my daughter in-law so that you can be victim of something you didn’t do, listen to me and change your statement. Meet says no. Raj says you won’t listen because you are stubborn but remember I’m also your father, I already talked to lawyer and won’t move from here till the time you are free. Meet says please you go back Babita needs you my mom use to tell me when she is in trouble my father gives her more comfort than medicine, today aunty need you. Raj says my son should also understand this so that he can be with you but he think this packet is yours but your father won’t let anything happen to you. Police officer come and says your time is over only lawyer can talk to suspect and officer push Raj. Meet Ahlawatin and holds him from falling. Meet Ahlawat shouts at officer saying you cannot talk like this to anyone. Officer says don’t teach any family member is not allowed to talk to victim but still I gave him time. Raj says thank you. Meet Ahlawat says to officer till time a person is proven guilty you cannot call them criminal, I also know that law. Raj says to officer please let me talk to her for 2 more minutes. Officer says okay I’m allowing you but only one person can meet her. Raj says it felt good seeing you and got to know that you care for your wife, I’m proud of you. Raj says Meet don’t worry I’m here and says Meet Ahlawat you both can talk I’m waiting outside. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet listen to me carefully don’t sign on confession paper, I talked to lawyer. Meet says why are you trying to save me I’m your biggest problem don’t save me. Meet Ahlawat says because I’m not selfish I cannot see someone who is not victim to be in jail because of me. Meet says thanks for not considering me victim. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t know and I don’t care I know my father believe in you that’s why I’m here amd I cannot see them in trouble that’s why I’m standing here.

Hosiyar says to Babita I talked to Raj he told me Meet Ahlawat will be home soon, what happen you all are in tension. Masum says during marriage you were taking photos in phone please check in your phone how did that package look to clear everything. Hosiyar says this one. Masum say yes and shows to everyone look same packet that’s why she accepted its her packet. Babita says what are you saying how can a mom give her drugs packet. Masum says why not mom there can be possibilities that the whole family is in drug that’s why Meet Ahlawat was saying do not go on her innocent face she is a goon of Shabad but dad didn’t listen because he thought younger sister is saving family and trust me that’s why she confessed and thinks her mom and dadi could also go to jail that’s why she accepted to save her family not Meet Ahlawat.

Police officer take Meet to confession room and says you accepted that its your package. Meet says till that time I didn’t know what’s inside the packet you must have seen how people have same luggage bag at railway station and people exchange it, that was the confusion. Other officer says don’t try to act smart and tell us who use to supply drugs to you.

Raj on call with Mehta says police has taken my daughter in law into there custody for drugs supply. Mehta says why didn’t you called me first. Raj says my younger son was also trying to call you but it was not getting connected. Mehta says I was on flight that could be reason. Raj says please do something you have good relations with CM please do something. Mehta says no need to worry I’ll do something and hungs up.

Officer says don’t think that someone will save you, give me info from where you bring stuff who supply you and list of buyer’s, school college students. Other officer says you don’t care at all, you people get save all time but this time you won’t be safe.

Meet Ahlawat at lawyer office says there are possibilities when I parked my car that time someone could have kept is inside my car. Lawyer says that could be for that we have to check all the CCTV footage near around cafe. Meet Ahlawat says please do check and write this statement in bail application. Lawyer says sure.

Officer says your husband and father is trying to save you but your upbringing is not right. Meet says you have right to ask question me but don’t have any right to say anything about my upbringing my mother thought us to be pure since childhood my father was also a police inspector who got killed during his duty and still everyone takes Mr Huddah name with respect. Officer look at eachother and says you are daughter of late inspector Ashok Huddah. Meet says yes. Raj come with phone and says to officer there is call from CM office wants to talk to you. Officer take phone and greet, person from other side says she is innocent leave her soon. Officer says okay and hungs up. Officer says to Meet your father in law asked CM to free you if he wouldn’t have done that still I would have leave you your father was our guru who thought us to follow path or truth his blood cannot do this, but we found drugs in your husband’s car and why would someone leave drugs of lakhs rupees in your car, some drug dealer is involved in this you have to be alert and have an eye on everyone now you can leave. Meet come out and hug Raj. Raj says to Meet Ahlawat police has free her and says there is someone else than me who believe that she cannot do this and come lets go home.

Duggu run toward Meet Ahlawat and says uncle you know I thought I’ll not eat like badi maa till the time you don’t come but badi maa had apple so I too had noodles. Meet Ahlawat says good boy and then hug everyone, says to Babita I hate tears and I like your face when you are happy so smile I’m here. Babita ask are you alright? Raj says today your son is back because of your daughter in-law now tell me how do you feel after seeing your son fit and fine and what are you going gift her. Masum says to Raj I have her gift and ask Isha to help Duggu for his online class and ask servent to bring luggage. Masum give Meet her luggage and ask her to rot in place from where she came. Raj says to Masum what nonsense is this? Babita says this is my decision, she walk to Raj and says there is no place for criminal in this house and this girl is a criminal. Raj says what is this Babita I’ll tell you everything that happened there before getting call from CM office police officer already knew she is not the culprit that’s why they were going to leave her and second thing her father was a reputable and respectful officer. Babita says he might be but this cannot justify her character and there are possibilities she might be doing these work under her father's name and it is so easy because her father is respectable person to anyone doubt on her, today she went inside for drugs next time she might go inside for murder and ask Raj what do you want police should come to our door daily. Raj says I understand your pain but think what are you saying. Babita says I talk because of evidence, her mother give her packet and everyone saw that, photo was captured, you were also there didn’t you see anything. Masum says to Raj anyone dosen't rome around with badge that I’m criminal who knows her mom and dadi also work for smuggling. Meet says whatever you want to say can say about me but no need to say anything against my mom and dadi, you all wanted to know what she gave me so you can see because that envelope is in my bag not in his car. Meet open her luggage and show envelope look at this. Masum open envelope and see god’s idol Masum and everyone in shock.

Everyone in hall Meet says my mom is not rich like you but till now when she goes out in colony people still bow infront of her in respect of my late dad, although we don’t have money but everyone respect us we are rich in respect not money which many of the rich people don’t get so I can’t give anyone right to ruin our long reputation with baseless accusation, so please keep that in mind, as you care for your family happiness same way I care for my families reputation so you also keep in mind says to Meet Ahlawat and leaves. Ragini says to Raj go stop her all things said about her family shouldn’t have happen. Raj says how will I, I begged in front of her mother and amma how can I and let me tell you all she never wanted to marry him just because I begged her she said yes and why I did because of my greed, my families happiness but what did she get in return insult that’s why you think she don’t have level and so you think you can easily insult her family, today because of you all I feel poor that cannot say anything to her, how will I ask her to come back? Masum says to Meet Ahlawat look I don’t know if whatever I did was right and the confusion was because of this packet but the good thing is you never liked this girl and she has left you, please try to understand you deserve a better girl. Meet Ahlawat says let me tell you all one thing you all cannot see what actually is bad we insulted her family said wrong about that and proved how wrong our upbringing is and I understand she will never fit in our family I also don’t like her but it dosent give us right to insult her family, we have one thing in common that we cannot see our family down and I would have also taken a stand for my family, now for that I have to say sorry to her but I’ll bring her back.

Meet Ahlawat is leaving Meet walk in he says you didn’t go. Meet ask where and says listen. Meet Ahlawat says when someone leaves angryly from house it means he has left the house. Meet says come on I went to the parking to click picture of car and shows it to Meet Ahlawat and says these three car were in function but the one with drugs was here at the parking. Raj say what she ment is someone came inside and kept the packet in our car. Meet says yes you understood and ask Meet Ahlawat to think who you gave your car to last time and circles around him. Meet Ahlawat says stop let me think and speak, I’m so confused. Meet ask Babita didn’t you give him almond when he was a kid. Ragini says to Babita she is right but you should question her, now give her a answer forget it. Raj says we will investigate this tomorrow with fresh mind. Meet Ahlawat says yes I’ll give. Raj says now everyone go freshen up we will have dinner together.

Meet walks with Meet Ahlawat and stumble, both argue over who will go first. Raj sees them and smiles and prays to god to stop taking her test and give her all the family happiness. Sunaina gets tea for him and says don’t worry about family tension. Meet says diwali.

Anubha walks to Amma and ask her to take medicine. Amma says take it back I don’t want anything from Meet. Anubha says because of your anger we already have missed her reception and its because you think Manu’s letter is real, you think if Manu wants to help her why did she take all the money and jewellery. Amma says for a mother all kinds are equal but you always keep running behind Meet did you think where my Manu must be, the way she ran she might not know the suitor have jewelry and money, she isn’t even answering the call. Anubha says that is because she doesn’t want us to track her and you are worried about her and the kid who helped our family reputation you don’t care about her, she is dying to hear from you this is injustice and leaves. Amma says god where is my Manu.

Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat and both wearing twining T-shirt. He sees her T-shirt and remember giving it to Manu. Meet Ahlawat remove his T-shirt and throws it and burns it. Meet is shock. Meet Ahlawat looks for match and burn T-shirt. Meet remove the shirt and says what madness is this. Meet Ahlawat shouts at her says I gave this to Manushi when I propose to her but you are standing in front of me with this T-shirt and I’m angry don’t know what I will do. Meet remembers Manu gave her T-shirt as gift. Meet says no need to show anger and this T-shirt it was given to me by Manu and I didn’t have any idea that you gave it to her. Meet thinks god knows what more lies has she told us but why are you awake till now. Meet and Meet Ahlawat come back with change t-shirt. Meet ask him where is he going? Meet Ahlawat says going to sleep in guest room any problem? Meet stops him and says what you will get from this, if you sleep outside it will create issue, you can sleep on the bed I’ll adjust myself somewhere in the room. Meet Ahlawat says I cannot be with you in same room, when I see your face I get angry and leave. Meet looks at her mother gift and says my house is changed but habit shouldn’t, I use to sleep putting you to rest. Meet goes to pooja ghar and start cleaning and sings devotional song. Raj stand behind her Meet closes the curtain. Raj ask you decorated all this. Meet says yes I have this habit after resting god and after that go to sleep but why are you awake till now. Meet calls him “bade dil wale uncle” and says oh sorry I know I should not call you uncle but whenever I see you it just come out of my mouth. Raj laugh and says yes you should call me dad or papa or anything, take your time Ustaad. Meet says now I feel like I have someone. Raj says I thought you will go everyone insulted your family but you stay why? Meet says when I was in lockup even you could have gone but you didn’t can I ask why? Raj says I’m your dad how can I leave you alone in trouble. Meet says then I’m son and daughter how can I leave? Raj says that’s right a son, daughter and daughter in law and no one loves you here but you still stood for them, and this favor. Meet says stop on one side you called me daughter and other side say thank you there is nothing more important than my family.

Raj says to Meet I cannot forget this favor. Meet says stop, on one side you called me daughter and other side say thank you there is nothing more important than my family. Raj says you have a big heart in comparison to your small hair. Meet says then you have more big heart according to your logic that’s why I call you “bade dil wale uncle” and tell me why aren’t you asleep till now? Raj says I’m going to make tea with sugar. Meet says tea at this time. Raj says say politely or you will tell everyone. Meet says you also don’t see time like me. Raj says there is no specific time to drink tea and from now you are my tea partner and they both shook hands. Raj and Meet in kitchen making tea. Raj says to Meet I know I did wrong by asking you to marry my son, you have to live with strength. Meet says I have strength but I cannot do make-up like other girls I don’t have knowledge to wear proper clothes I’m like chain in leather bag, I’m like extra grass in garden which don’t fit anywhere. Raj says did you see every tea garden if you see from far they look like grass only but when you cook you get to know about its flavour and taste its like medicine and you are also like medicine if anyone say something to our parents then its okay to react, beauty is not in doing makeup its about your feeling and being truth and I think you are perfect and beautiful but my son will take time to understand and till that you have to wait.

Meet Ahlawat in guest room trying to sleep but someone touches him he gets up from bed scared and shouts who’s there and looks at girl. Girl says hi to him. Meet Ahlawat says Chavi you, when you came. Chavi says I came few minutes before but what are you doing in my room, you came to meet me. Meet Ahlawat says you room means. Chavi says this is guest room and I’m guest but why aren’t you in your room, you just got married, you are tormenting your new wife but today is your honeymoon. Meet says who told you. Chavi says the whole city knows about Ahlawat’s family function.

Raj says to Meet consider this as your exam, you are preparing for that and one day you will get the result of your exam keep this in mind that you have to fight and win this, I have dream that when people see you both and says they are an ideal couple and you have to fulfill my dream. Meet says you are a pure business man, signed a big deal just by calling me son. Raj says I made tea for you and says you should be happy always.
Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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