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Meet give blood to nurse. Nurse says it’s enough we don’t any more. Meet faints and drop her Mangla Sutra. Meet wakes up in anxiety and remember what Anubha said to her, she gets up and pick her Mangla Sutra and go. Nurse try to stop her but she start looking for Meet Ahlawat and see Raj. Meet ask Raj how’s Meet Ahlawat what doctor said, it’s all my fault I should have gone with him, Babita is right I’m unable to take care of him, goons beat him badly he was bleeding and was in pain I cannot even imagine, Babita was right I gave her promise but couldn’t keep that, you have faith in me but still I cannot do a simple work you beat me and start hitting herself with Raj hands. Raj says what are you doing you didn’t fail, Meet Ahlawat is fine doctor said he is out of danger. Meet pray to God and thank them. Raj says you saved him, brought him to hospital, gave your blood, you are his savior, I never thought you will go this beyond, you are shield to him and ask her to smile I cannot see you cry. Meet says sorry I’m emotional and happen sometimes only when... Raj says in front of father and I’m also same like him. Meet says you are like a father to me and hug him Nurse walks in and ask them to bring medicine. Raj go to bring medicine. Meet go to see Meet Ahlawat and look at him from outside and thinks I take and oath to never let him be alone and wear her Mangle Sutra.

Kunal is happy and says now they must have beaten Meet badly and now I can live freely, he get call from Manushi and says now I have to leave her then I can live happily. He gets call from Loan wala and says these are goons he pick up call and ask how’s the situation did you take revenge? Goon says he gave our skech to police we are wanted and it’s all because of you if we get caught then you are coming with us and hangs up call. Kunal says now I have to leave this city or nobody will leave me.

Raj in ICU beside Meet Ahlawat says what he did wrong that they beat him up this badly who attacked him? Meet says I already filed FIR and gave there sketch to police.

Kunal start walking and see his Mini Kunal who says look down. Kunal says who are you? Mini Kunal says you are trying to move out of the city but where will you go you don’t have money to survive that’s why be cool and think. Kunal says this way I need to go to Manushi to steal her necklace and make her broke.

Nurse walks in and says he is stable now but need to be taken care of so one of you have to wait here and stay. Raj says you are tired you must go home I’ll ask driver to drop you. Meet says I cannot go home, I’ll stay here I’m fine. Raj says you need rest too if you become weak then I’ll shatter go and take rest. Meet says I cannot deny you that’s why I’m going, take care of him they hurt him badly and when he wakes up give him warm water and if you need any help just call me I’ll come, she start leaving and remember what happen to Meet Ahlawat, she see his leg shivering rush, cover him with sheet and start leaving. After looking everything Raj ask Meet to stay here he needs you more than me and Babita is also sick I’ll take care of her she got attack of migraine, I didn’t tell her yet, I will tell her in the morning about Meet Ahlawat. Meet says okay you must go and he leave. Meet walks to Meet Ahlawat and says wake up I don’t like you like this, I like it when you fight with me and start crying. Nurse walks in and says don’t let him move his palm because he is very badly injured if he move his palm it will be difficult to stop that bleeding and will take time to recover. Meet hold Meet Ahlawat hand drag stool with her leg and sit on it, she gets sleepy and drop his hand. Meet Ahlawat react in pain. She wake up get alert and see her elbow bleeding she take a bandage and tie one end in Meet Ahlawat’s hand and other end to a wall mounted light for support. Meet drop his hand but he react in pain and she says what should I do now and tie the other bandage for support but that didn’t help, she remembers how Meet Ahlawat helped her in every injury and tie third bandage for support to stand but didn’t get any help.

Meet sleep while holding Meet Ahlawat’s hand. Meet Ahlawat wakes up and see Meet holding his hands and sleeping and how his hands are tied to hold it in air. Meet Ahlawat remember what he said to her not to show her face to him ever again.

Anubha pray to God saying you helped Meet Ahlawat from getting badly injured and says I have one question why all the hardship is in my Meet’s life, how much more will you test her? Someone ring door bell, Anubha go and open door sees Kunal and ask didn’t you leave? Kunal says I have some important work so I thought I should first finish them and then leave for that I need to stay here. Anubha says there are many hotels here. Manushi rush to Kunal, Parth you here and how did this happen. Parth say I met with an accident. Manushi says sad and says mummy he saved my life in Mumbai and you are insulting him. Parth says it’s okay I’ll stay somewhere else and start leaving. Manushi hold his hand, Anubha find it suspicious. Manushi says Parth you helped me in an unknown city and so you can stay in my small house for however you want and goes inside with Kunal. Manushi give Kunal water and whisper thank God you are back I was worried. Anubha think why is he back?

Raj ask Isha where is Babita? Isha says she went out with Chavi and mummy to meet a specialist Masum suggested. Raj says good where did they go to his clinic. Isha says no, to Lifeline hospital near highway. Raj get worried and think Meet Ahlawat is in same hospital and says to Isha you carry on have your breakfast. Isha says come have some with me. Raj says no and think Babita might see him.

Nurse walk in greet Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Meet wakes up worried and says is your hand bleeding god knows how I slept, she look at Meet Ahlawat says you are badly injured here so don’t move this hand. Nurse says you are such a caring wife and used a good idea and says we need to take him for test. Nurse help him to get up. Meet worried for Meet Ahlawat and sees him struggle with slipper and helps him wear it. Nurse take him out. Babita, Ragini and Chavi walk in the hospital. Babita on call and Meet Ahlawat near her with nurse but she doesn’t see him and Meet Ahlawat get inside the life. Babita and Ragini see Meet Ahlawat inside doctor’s room and try to rush inside. Compounder stop her. Babita says he is my son what is he doing here? Compounder says you are his mother and you don’t know, his wife got him here he was badly hit by some goons. Babita think the goons are one Meet fought with in the fair and says to Ragini I’m very sure these are the goons Meet had fought with and my son try to save her and so he is hit badly. Babita sees Meet and get angry, she walks to her. Meet says to Babita he is better I’ll go check. Babita slap her and says look what you did to my son I ask you to take care of him, I cannot tolerate this you just bring problem for us and we can’t tolerate this anymore so get out. Ragini is shock and Chhavi is happy. Babita says don’t you dare return and pushes Meet. Babita rush to Meet Ahlawat. Doctor tells Babita, Ragini and Chhavi about Meet Ahlawat’s condition and says his hand is badly injured and has some stitches too, he is not bleeding is a god sign. Ragini ask can we take him home. Doctor say sure I’ll get his discharge papers ready and leaves. Meet Ahlawat enter room Raj follow. Babita breakdown seeing Meet Ahlawat and ask what happen to you? Raj says I was going to tell you but you were unwell so I didn’t tell you. Babita says again you kept me out of things and hid things from me why? Raj says I wasn’t hiding I was going to tell you today morning when you feel better and now Meet Ahlawat is recovering and we are going home. Meet Ahlawat says yes I’m recovering and ask them to go ahead I’ll come later. Babita ask why? He says I’ll come with Meet, she will get worried if she doesn’t see me. Babita says she won’t come. He ask why? Babita says I threw her out of your life. Raj and Meet Ahlawat are shocked and ask why? Babita says because she just bring problem and you don’t even like her, you should be happy because I closed this chapter, she doesn’t deserve to be your wife, she is the reason you are injured. Meet Ahlawat says you are wrong I’m alive because of her, how could you, we should not do this to her, the whole night she took care of me even when she was injured and instead of saying thank you you insulted her, I have to go and find her. Meet Ahlawat is try to stand up he trip but Meet saves him. Meet make him sit on wheel chair and scold him, doctor ask you not to move stop being so stubborn. Babita says you didn’t go. Meet says I went to get him slippers and makes Meet Ahlawat wear it. Chhavi says can’t you see he was already wearing one. Meet says stupid girl and says to Meet Ahlawat I brought big size slippers for you because your legs are sore, it’s not branded but will help you is it comfortable. Meet Ahlawat says listen mom insulted you a lot which you don’t deserve, your fought for my life we all should be thankful for that but insulted you. Meet Ahlawat try to hold his ear to apologize. Meet stop him and rest his hand.

Meet Ahlawat says to Meet that mom insulted you a lot but still you saved me from goons for that we need to say thanks but we all insulted you. Meet Ahlawat try to join his hands. Meet says what are you doing doctor said you should not move your hand first get well then I’ll ask you to do things and what happen if Babita scolded me Amma and Mom also scolds me and Amma scolds me very badly, if she scolded then should I leave and you also said I should not show you my face, these relations are built with lots of efforts and I’m very stubborn in these relations I don’t leave easily. Raj says to Meet you can change whatever you want but don’t change your heart and way of thinking just be what you are. Nurse walks in and says someone has to be there with patient everytime so tell me who will be there so that I can explain to him about the dosage of medicine. Raj says she is Meet patients wife she will take care. Babita says I’m patient’s mom I’ll look after him. Nurse says okay I’ll explain it and listen carefully and explain everything. Babita ask Chhavi what'd all the exercises she said. Ragini says she said this much I don’t remember everything I’ll go and ask. Meet says no I recorded every instructions I’ll send it to all. Ragini says good.

Kunal is doing exercises. Manushi sit over him says how romantic I had dream to do couple workout very exciting. Kunal says yes very exciting now get down if Mom and Dadi see us they will make issue out of it. Manushi says relax they went to temple so you carry on. Kunal start doing and Manushi count and he stop at 3, she says this is best chance for us I’ll go and take shower then we will have breakfast then go out. Kunal says good idea and she leave, he says till the time she take shower I’ll steal her jewelry.


Meet tells Babita she send Nurse back. Babita ask why who will take care of him. Meet says illness dosent know who is treating Nurse or wife. Babita says take good care of him. Meet Ahlawat trips Meet saves him but he gets ketchup on his shirt. Babita get scared and scolds Meet thinking it’s blood. Meet Ahlawat stumble while getting up. Babita rushes to him and says now you will not get up for any work. Meet Ahlawat thinks I need to go out for that work. He wake up in night and try to leave. Meet ask him where are you going

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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