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Meet Ahlawat says what are you saying and says dad don’t believe her. Raj shout at Meet Ahlawat and says I can give all my wealth happily but on one condition that she says yes to get married she is Meet Huddah Manushi Huddah younger sister. Masum says she is younger sister. Meet Ahlawat is shock. Raj says I know you all have alot of questions and the answer is Guruji said yes for this wedding that Kundali wasn’t Manushi’s its Meet she tricked us. Meet Ahlawat says I can’t marry her and leave. Raj and Masum follows. Meet Ahlawat remember time spent with Manushi. Meet Ahlawat call driver no body comes. Raj walk to him. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not in state I want to leave. Raj says I want you to stay, this place is given you pain and this place will fix you, trust your father I won’t do anything without any reason and all is for your good. Meet Ahlawat says marriage is a lifetime commitment, I hate her I thought my wife to be would be like my mother now you tell me is she like my mother, I beg you don’t do this, let me take this decision. Raj says you have always taken your own decisions your study, carriers I remember everything, I gifted you this car but you never used it, you said I’ll drive dad’s car and I said its fine, I’ll not force you to get married I’m requesting you because I can see something you can’t see, this is for your good you can’t get a wife like Meet even your Kundali says it, Guruji told me. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t trust god and all these, she is a thief she is a con I cannot marry her. Raj says sometimes you have to understand a person and I have seen this world and if you think I’m wrong then here are the car keys and go and if you fell your dad is wrong you have keys and if you trust me so come lets go in and wear this pagdi Raj leave.

Meet says to Anubha I’m going to find Manushi, it can’t be mine and Raj decision Meet Ahlawat should also agree you saw it, he hates me he think I'm a thief and you want me to marry someone who dislikes me. Amma stops Meet and says now I understood why your brother died and why you are alive, whatever happen that day is because god wanted you to save today’s day and only a girl can save family's reputation, boy cannot.

Amaji says to Meet, God saved you so that you could save our family's reputation, only a daughter can save us not a son, you have always saved us like a son, now save us by becoming a daughter, save my family today I beg you.

Meet Ahlawat sit in car and leave. Amaji falls on Meet’s feet and ask her to save family's reputation, Meet hug her.

Raj and other family members are waiting for Meet and Meet Ahlawat, Panditji ask when will Meet Ahlawat come, Masoom says I don’t think Meet Ahlawat will marry someone who doesn’t look like a girl. Meet Ahlawat walk in, Raj says thank you son, Meet Ahlawat says dad I respect you a lot and I know you trust me alot and let me show you the truth, Meet is not someone you think she is, Raj says okay I give you one chance, but let me tell you I have trust, its you who don’t, Meet’s friend tell Raj that Meet wants to talk to him, Raj leave.
Masoom scold Meet Ahlawat why did he come back, Isha says why marry someone you don’t love, Meet Ahlawat says I want to show dad he is wrong. Hoshiyar asks what will you do, Meet Ahlawat says Kunal.

Kunal and Manu are getting married, Kunal get a call from Meet Ahlawat, Kunal doesn’t answer, Masoom says do whatever you can Meet but don’t marry her, because she won’t let you go.

Raj with Meet, Raj says I beg you marry my son, I know he can never get a girl like you, you have self respect and family values, everything match with you two and Guruji said you match are the best and I trust Guruji and also that Meet Ahlawat will understand you and like you, love will find it's way, say yes. Meet says I have one more reason to say no, look at this house I look around everything in this house, I took responsibility of this house after Papa died, how should I leave Mummy and Amaji and we have loan to for marriage, all will be over, how will they manage, you tell me how can I do this? Raj says your family will be our family I will take care of them, Meet says you said I have self respect how will I accept this, it's ritual that daughter in law help son, and will you allow me to be son here and daughter in law at Ahlawat’s house? Raj says you want to work after marriage and take care of your family? Meet says yes. Raj says I am happy with your stand and have more faith in you now, and many will learn from you and I won’t be a hurdle in your responsibility, I promise you, you will look after this house as you used too, now you agree to my proposal, please say yes, all your problems are solved now, Meet says yes.

Kunal and Manu exchange garland, Kunal get call from Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat says Kunal come to my wedding quickly, Kunal says I am a little bit dizzy because of medicine, I will come as soon as possible. Meet Ahlawat says yes come soon, Kunal switch off his phone. Kunal lie to Manu that his manager called to come urgently or there will be loss of 1 cr but nothing is more important than her. Kunal think she is my jackpot why will I go to Meet Ahlawat's wedding? Meet Ahlawat says Kunal will come here and he will know about Meet’s truth. Anubha get Meet saree to wear, and says this is my wedding dress, so please wear it, Meet says nothing is more close to me and pretty than this help me wear it. Meet get ready for wedding. Meet is unable to handle saree, Anubha says you have to get used to saree, Ragini walk in, Anubha says we don’t have jewellery wear my chain, Ragini says can I help my daughter in law get ready? Anubha says she is ready but Manushi ran away with, Ragini says don’t say a word and our ritual says our bride should wear Jewellery gifted by in laws and this necklace suit only you, come Meet, Ragini help Meet with Jewellery. Anubha and Ragini put veil on Meet.

Meet dressed for her wedding, Ragini says I will go out and inform everyone that Meet is ready, Ragini leave, Amma walk in, Anubha says look my Meet is a bride now, she respected what you asked for, you kept calling her bad luck but today she saved both families, will you still not bless her and call her bad luck. Amma apply kajal tika to Meet and says this coin I made for my Manu but she, this is yours and I will give this and blessings when you will be couple, Meet says nothing is bigger than your blessings. Amma says I kept yelling and cursing you but today I pray and bless you that you get all the happiness you deserve.

Masoom decides to call Babita and tell her the truth, she doesn’t find her phone says oh its with Dad, Sunaina walk to her says it’s not I have locked it in the car, Masoom is about to slap her, Raj stop her, Masoom says how dare she, Raj says I asked her to so that you don’t call Babita, Masoom says Mom need to know the truth, Raj says I will tell her my way and avoid your pattern of spoiling and making things negative and so I don’t want any mess here go to Mandap and enjoy the wedding.

Meet is uncomfortable in wedding dress, she look at herself in the mirror and says I can't get away from this commitment, will I be able to handle this. Meet Ahlawat walk in, sees Meet in wedding saree, and says unbelievable you are ready for wedding why, Meet says I don’t have option to say no, Meet Ahlawat says did Dad give you any brilliant offer, did he give you cash property what is it, listen to me I will reveal your true face just wait for some time and look at you all ready, Meet says listen, Meet Ahlawat says I respect my Dad and can never say No to him, he is God to me and so I have to marry you, and I will reveal your dirty face and I don’t think you have self respect but if you do, don’t come downstairs for the wedding.

Prachi visits Anubha, Prachi says I promised you and so I am here for the wedding and here is my friend Shubhra, Prachi asks where is Meet and is Manushi ready? Anubha says Manu is not getting married but Meet is, and tell her the whole story. Shubhra says it was bad but Meet is marrying such good family, she deserves it, Anubha says go meet Meet she is in her room she will like it. Shubhra and Prachi walk to Meet, Meet hug Prachi, Prachi says you look so pretty and introduce Shubhra, Shubhra congratulate her and says sorry I didn’t like what Manu did and see I have a gift for you and hands her Mata Rani idol and says she will always bless you, Shubra give her a bracelet and says Prachi told me you have a different taste so here it is, and may God never let you down, Meet thank her. Prachi ask is everything right? Meet says I agreed to marry because Raj promised me to let me work as I used too but Meet Ahlawat said I shouldn’t go downstair for wedding, Prachi says tell someone about this, Shubra says Prachi don’t, Meet the groom is hurt but you know why you are doing this, it's for the family reputation, Prachi says she is right, and soon you two will fight as one team and win all hearts.

Meet Ahlawat is trying to reach Kunal, Masoom ask what is happening, Meet Ahlawat says Kunal isn’t receiving my call and Meet won’t come downstairs, Masoom says look she is coming downstairs, Meet goes sit beside Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat moves away from Meet. Meet Ahlawat says Dad don’t trust this girl she is not worth it, Raj says do you have proofs give it, Meet Ahlawat says I do have proof but can’t get it now, she is a useless brat, A kid steps forward and says Meet is a very good person, and holds Meet’s hand. Uncle step forward she says she always helps me and all needy people, she is an angel to poors like us, A boy steps forward and says we don’t have Dad and she is like an elder sister to us and never let us miss our Dad, she takes care we don’t sleep in hunger, pays our school fees, teaches us good things, kids hug Meet. Meet Ahlawat says Dad, Raj says you couldn’t find one proof and look so many she has, she has helped me so many times without any reason and I can never doubt her, she is a fabulous girl trust me. Meet Ahlawat says brilliant you fool everyone so well Meet, tell everyone the truth that you are a thief, you steal people, you are a cheat. Meet says enough.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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