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Meet says to Ram and Lakhan you two are big Ustaad and came here to meet me. Ram and Lakhan says we were missing you so we came to Meet and we were told by Amma that you are now wife cannot come out of the house and have to listen to everything but I don’t understand how did they listen to you. Meet says today I came without telling them don’t know if it's right or wrong. Lakhan says I don’t understand anything. Ram says I don’t understand why you have to listen to someone else, we should do what we love. Meet says when you have to take everyone with you, you have to listen but sometimes you have to listen to yourself.

Ragini is searching for Meet and says she is not in washroom. Sunaina walks in and ask did you find her Babita is asking for her again. Ragini says give me your phone and calls her and says she is not answering her call don’t know where she is, is she out of the house? Sunaina says if Babita learn about this then she will make fuss out of it. Ragini says I know Sunaina.

Meet is in the market takes package from someone and goes.

Everyone in hall is looking for Meet. Devikaji says I’m getting late so I’m leaving will meet your daughter in law some other day. Raj says wait she will be here in no time and ask Babita to bring her. Babita says why me, my guest are here, if I’ll go to call her only then she will that much ego. Meet Ahlawat says what I’ll bring her. Devikaji says please try to understand I’m getting late sorry and leave. Masum says this is too much guest came to our house and was waiting for her to meet her but now what kind of impression she must have gone with, that the Ahlawat’s family daughter in law have so much ego that she didn’t came to meet her, she will now talk to people and disrespect Ahlawat’s family. Babita says this girl don’t have any right to insult us in front of everyone, now can’t we deserve a small greet from her side to our guest, don’t know what ego she have and says to Raj is this your responsible daughter in law. Raj says right now we don’t know her reason not to come down there could be a chance that she is not well, Ragini has gone to check up on her she will come and let us know, see Ragini is here and ask what happen. Ragini says Meet is not in the house. Babita not in house then where is she? Ragini says I called her but she didn’t pick. Sunaina says I’ll look for her outside. Masum says there are possibilities that she might have gone to her house without telling anyone. Raj ask Meet Ahlawat to call her house and says don’t ask directly there are chances she might not be there and Anubha gets in tension. Babita says can’t you see we are in tension? Meet Ahlawat says mom please and call Anubha. Anubha greets Meet Ahlawat and ask about her daughter how is she? Meet Ahlawat says everything is okay and fine just call to know how are you and guest are in house will call you back later. Anubha hung up phone and gets suspicious. Raj says Meet is a responsible girl she cannot do like this. Babita says how much you know about her. Masum says if she is not here then where is she, did she go out to follow her passion, her delivery job? Babita says I told her not to do that job but still she went. Raj says Meet cannot do this. Chavi says sorry to Raj and says while I was practicing with her she got a call and she became upset after that call.

Manushi come with shopping bag and says I’m so happy after doing this much shopping. Kunal says nice I think so you got your credit card but you were saying that your credit card is at home. Manushi says yes it’s at home I did all this shopping from hotels shopping centre and they were saying they will add this in our room bills. Kunal gets shocked and thinks she has raised bar of hotel bill but no worries I’ll pay from Meet’s credit card.

Sunaina come and Ragini asks where is Meet? Sunaina says I asked guard he told me when Babita left after 20 minutes Meet also went outside. Masum says what after mom left she also left in 20 minutes and says Babita it's clear she was waiting for you to leave so that she can resume her delivery job. Babita says to Raj what did you say that she is diamond, today she did a thing for which I strictly said no to her, today she took a step not for doing job but to ditch us, sorry Raj you lost in testing her and ruined my son’s life. Masum says Meet Ahlawat was shouting and saying she is not the right girl but dad didn’t listen to him. Raj shouts at Masum and says I’m talking to your mom. Meet Ahlawat walks away. Chavi says wait I’ll look after him. Raj says my gut feeling is still saying if we say no to any work Meet will not do I know she has different perspective of doing work but if we drew a line she will never cross it. Masum says I don’t understand why you trust her a lot she went to do delivery. Meet come and says I’m here with a bag and package in hand. Babita walk to her and ask her where did she go and tell her we already knew she didn’t go to her house so there is no room for lie. Raj says I cannot ask her any questions because I still trust her. Babita says but I need to ask after saying no why did she go on her delivery job, she proved that she still belong to her house not Ahlawat’s family and she have nothing to do with Ahlawat’s house reputation and if a person will disrespect this then I don’t have any space for that person in this house. Meet says but I didn’t disrespect you. Masum says first you disrespected her and now giving emotional speech, we all knew you went on your delivery job, you are a liar. Duggu walks in with bandagyon his head and says Ustaad Mami is not liar. Everyone in shock and ask what happen to him and everyone ask what happen to him. Meet says he fall down during recess teacher called Masum dee too but she didn’t picked so teacher called on landline nobody was there so I picked up phone and went to school to bring him. Babita says you managed everything rightly went to school took him to doctor, atleast you could have called us or drop a message. Meet says I’m sorry but I was in hurry so told Mani Kaka and left. Raj ask where is Mani Kaka.
Mani Kaka says I’m here and says to Masum thank god I reach in time I went far away to bring ingredients for your salad. Raj says Meet told you something but what you did. Kaka says yes sir she told that Duggu Kaka got hurt in school so she is going there and nobody was there in house and I went to bring. Masum says okay now you can go. Raj says to Masum and Babita do you want to say something about this is? Is there any confusion. Meet says this is true that I need to work to support my house but I won’t do anything without your consent.

Meet Ahlawat enters his room and remember what Babita said about Meet. Chavi walks to him and says I’m know you are in stress, you got married to a girl who is a cheater, liar see how Meet hurt aunty she told Meet not to go out for job but still she went out and Babita would have feel disrespect infront of her guest, I felt bad that’s why I came here what should I do my heart is soft and you know mom is godess how can someone upset and I feel like crying. Chavi try to put her hand on Meet Ahlawat shoulder but Meet catches her hand and says don’t do that you’ll spoil his shirt. Meet Ahlawat ask Meet where were you we were calling you why didn’t you answer? Meet says I left it at home it was charging and when I know Duggu got hurt so I went for him without thinking much. Meet Ahlawat says Duggu got hurt where is he? Meet says he is in hall. Meet Ahlawat rush downstairs. Meet says wait I need some money need to give to autowale. Meet Ahlawat give her money and run. Chavi also try to go downstairs. Meet grab her and ask where are you going? Chavi says downstairs. Meet says you purposely told me things correct and remember what Chavi said to her about daily routine of family members and says because of your trap I stumbled and fall and says if you try to do things again then I won’t let you live happily and goes downstairs. Chavi says I’ll not leave her.

Everyone is asking Duggu to have something. Meet come downstairs and goes out. Duggu says I don’t want to eat this I want chocolate, burger with extra cheese and icecream. Meet Ahlawat says you will get everything but first eat this and medicine too. Duggu says medicine no. Meet Ahlawat tells him a story and make him eat medicine. Meet Ahlawat get up and dashes into Meet. Meet Ahlawat says is there any compitition going on? Meet says you are doing compitition. Meet Ahlawat says then go. Meet says how you are standing in between and says doctor told me to check his forehead for any blood coming out. Duggu says Ustaab Mami I’m brave I can check it myself. Meet says you got stitches brave man. Meet Ahlawat remember giving his car keys to Kunal during marriage and says KUNAL during marriage I gave him my car keys. Meet remembers what Manushi told her about Kunal and thinks is he same Kunal. Meet Ahlawat says dad I gave keys to Kunal to go for his stitches. Meet ask who is Kunal is he your friend? Meet Ahlawat remember Meet beating Kunal. Raj says call him and ask where did packet come in car. Ragini ask Masum to take Duggu to his room. They both left. Ragini says we already don’t have good relationship with them and if we ask them about drug package it will trigger situation. Raj says but we need to ask because we find drug packet in Meet car we cannot deny it call him and ask him in sense that he gets clue about what you are talking about. Meet Ahlawat calls him.

Kunal’s phone ringing Manushi try to reach but Kunal grabs his phone and picks up says yes Meet. Manushi from back says what did you say Meet? Kunal says its manager call asking for meeting and says how are you brother? Meet Ahlawat says I’m good and where are you we didn’t meet after marriage. Kunal says I’m not feeling good so I was resting you tell me how are you? Meet Ahlawat says did you see any blue packet when you took car or seen someone keeping that packet in the car? Kunal spit out water and remember about blue packet says I don’t remember anything and says your car’s tyre got puncture so I gave it to mechanic and went to doctor. Meet Ahlawat says okay its fine and come to the house whenever you get time. Kunal hung up and thinks I need to change hotel and goons are also looking for me, if Meet Ahlawat find out about my plan then it will be problem run away Kunal. Meet Ahlawat told everyone what Kunal said to him and says there might be chances someone kept it at that time. Raj says this could be true. Meet says no I find this story fishy I mean when car gets puncture and give someone we always lock car and whoever this Kunal is, he is lying to you. Meet Ahlawat says whoever Kunal is? Raj says Meet is right. Meet says do you guys know him? Raj says yes he is my sister’s son we meet him after ages. Meet aks do you know anything about his friend circle or do you have his photo there are chances I must have seen him if not can track out all information about him. Ragini says I have some photos during the time of marriage and she looks in her phone. Meet Ahlawat think’s her face has gone pale after hearing Kunal’s name, first she beat him in front of me stole his money and now want to hamper his image in front of everyone. Ragini give Meet phone but Meet Ahlawat takes it in the middle and says to Meet Kunal is part of our family he is my cousin. Meet says there is nothing wrong to be alert and its matter of drugs. Meet Ahlawat says there is no wrong to be alert but he is our family and give her phone back. Meet Ahlawat says how do you know he’s from inside. Meet Ahlawat and Meet start arguing. Meet says listen sometimes innocent looking people turn out to be criminal. Meet Ahlawat says yes people like you right? Raj scold Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat says we know Kunal he is part of our family. Meet says if he is family then why is he not here, I have not seen him. Meet Ahlawat says listen don’t try to be my wife and ask everything. Raj says shut up she is your wife there is no second thought. Meet Ahlawat says okay and says to Meet don’t try to come in the middle of my work and leaves. Ragini says Meet Ahlawat gone do you want to see photo. Meet says no chachi once I have told not to do work then I don’t do it and this time my husband said no. Raj says good and calls Babita and Masum to ask did you hear that? Masum gets up and leave.

Chavi in her room crying. Masum come and ask why are you crying? Chavi says when my hand is paining so I’ll cry, Meet twisted my hand. Masum because she is so smart and you know she find out that I made her fall during khichdi ritual and she took revenge. Masum says good. Chavi says are you on her side or mine I obey you and you are appreciating him. Masum says don’t worry I’ll take care of the situation.

Meet Ahlawat is in his room. Meet come and says take this remaining 20 from your 100 rs. Meet Ahlawat says keep in wallet. Meet gets message and says my boss will not give me advance till the time I join and also cannot join because of my situation and today is last day to pay electricity bill what should I do and goes to change. Meet Ahlawat says from the time she have heard Kunal’s name her face expression got changed, only Kunal and me know her reality. Meet Ahlawat was pumping out his lotion and slips it from his hand. Meet steps on his lotion bottle and spread it out on floor. Meet Ahlawat gets up walks toward her says do you have eyes or what he steps on lotion and slips. Meet says I have eyes but you don’t have. Meet Ahlawat try to get up but stumble because of lotion. Meet laugh. Meet Ahlawat says why are you laughing give me your hand. Meet says why should I give you hand few minutes back you said me not to bother in between so I decided not to come in between and this is your matter you are lying on the floor. Meet Ahlawat try to get up and says what do you think if you’ll not helyme then nobody will come I have many people to help me, I’ll call Chavi she will help me and calls Chavi. Meet says I want you to call Chavi to know if she will come for you. Meet Ahlawat try to get up. Meet says movie is going fine and says one thing is missing she grabs popcorn and come. Meet Ahlawat says I’m lying on the floor and you are having popcorn. Meet says because I don’t want to bother you. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll manage and try to get up but slips and says I need your help please help me. Meet gets up spread a towel on the floor and ask him to keep his leg on it and try to stand up. Meet hold him and try to clean his feet. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll do it and Meet sees bruises on his hand. Meet Ahlawat grab towel and wipes him. Meet says you got some scratches will apply this cream to fix you. Meet Ahlawat says your everything cream. Meet says yes it helps during cuts and bruises too I told you its all rounder and says you gave me permission to come in between now sit and let me help you.

Meet apply cream at Meet Ahlawat’s elbow. Someone shouts Masum name. Meet Ahlawat says why Jiju is shouting and they both go outside room. Hoshiyar is scolding Masum. Masum says please be quiet or everyone else will hear you. Hoshiyar says that’s why I’m shouting so that everyone hear us and listen carefully I’m in anger so I’m reacting in a way a person normally react. Meet Ahlawat asks Hosiyar what happen why are you fighting? Masum says to Hosiyar slap me don’t spoil the game slap me fast. Hoshiyar slaps her. Meet Ahlawat run downstairs and ask Masum to stand up and ask Hoshiyar what are you doing. Hoshiyar says I just slapped her for now, I’m going divorce her. Meet Ahlawat grab Hoshiyar and says what are you doing. Everyone come. Hosiyar asks Meet Ahlawat to leave him. Raj says to Meet Ahlawat is this the way how you react to your Jiju. Meet Ahlawat says he slapped Masum. Masum act and says you felt bad when something happen to your sister, Hoshiyar is also hurt because of his sister. Babita says one minute I cannot understand what happen to Chavi? Hoshiyar says you can see it yourself and calls Chavi. Chavi come with plaster and ask what happen? Raj ask how did this happen. Chavi points at Meet. Masum says this gurl pushed Chavi from stairs, mom you only told her to train her, Chavi asked her a bit loudly so she slapped her and pushed her downstairs. Babita shouts at Meet says how dare you. Meet says I did not do that there must be confusion, she is lying. Masum says her bone is broken and she is telling lies. Babita says are you okay that girl is in pain and you are saying she is lying. Chavi says I was teaching her what you were accepting I asked her not to make sound while walking in heels its bad manner. Masum says its okay if she don’t have manner but why to be stone hearted who can someone be. Meet Ahlawat remember how Meet was beaten Kunal. Meet says to Raj do you also think that I did this? Meet Ahlawat says yes she can do it because when she is angry she goes wild and I have no doubt in this. Babita says if my son believe in that then I too believe she must have done it because my son wouldn’t lie. Hoshiyar says if someone will disrespect my sister I’ll not live in that house and says to Meet Ahlawat your wufe break my sister’s hand, I’m just breaking relation with your sister and tomorrow morning I’ll leave with Chavi. Masum give Hoshiyar look. Hoshiyar says why morning I’m leaving right now and ask Chavi to leave. Ram try to stop him. Masum start her acting again and says he never become that angry you all know but this time his anger is true I’ll be called divorcee and if Hoshiyar took Duggu from me. Babita says nothing will happen like this trust me, me and Raj will go and says sorry to her no need to worry. Babita ask Ragini to take her to her room. Ram says to Raj don’t let this escalate we never saw him in that anger and what if his one wrong decision spoils Masum and Duggu’s life don't let this happen. Meet says try to believe me I did nothing. Babita says before we were so happy don’t know who spoiled our good aura everything bad is happening to my kids and I’m so helpless I’m unable to do anything. Meet Ahlawat says don’t stress Babita I’ll go and says sorry just be quiet come lets go to your room and take Babita to her room. Meet says to Raj do you still think I did this. Raj nods his head and go.


Meet Ahlawat gets message says 4 lakhs rupees deducted from his account. Masum says who must have done it, something who need money and says is it the girl who is living with you because she was saying she need to go on job and need money.
Meet Ahlawat asks Meet about his credit card

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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