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Meet Ahlawat sees Robin and think I saw Manushi first time in his party he might know something about Manushi. Robin says lets go and meet Meet Ahlawat. Meet says where did he go, he might be with his friend. Robin ask Meet Ahlawat what happen to your hand. Meet Ahlawat says nothing its normal and ask do you remember one party where me and Deep were together in farmhouse and there a girl sang song in game, wait I’ll show you her photo. Robin while catching phone slips from his hand but catches it and photo changes, Robin says I give lot’s of party many people come and go but I don’t remember her, sorry. Ram Lakhan walks in to bring Meet Ahlawat says everyone is waiting for you. Robin says go everyone is waiting for you.

Manushi take her luggage and run to her room, says I’ll not go from here its my room. Anubha says to Amma try to understand they are out and I already broke the promise given to Babita because of you, I’m asking for 3-4 days to go from here. Manushi says I’ll not go. Anubha says you shut up and beg Amma ask her to leave. Amma says why would my daughter live in pain for 2-3days. Meet shouts Mummy. Amma says oh god she is here. Anubha pray to god and says okay live here but she will live in store room. Manushi says am I rat or what I said I’ll live in this room.

Kunal says there is not time to run. Meet get in and call Amma and Anubha and ask Meet Ahlawat to wait here I’ll look for them. Kunal says I’m sorry I heard you I understood what you are try to say, I’ll explain her and ask Manushi to come with me. Manushi come out with him and says what is this. Kunal says your sister is outside and if she see me she will your family that I’m not Parth I’m Kunal it will be mess try to understand and follow what your mom says. Meet calls Anubha and Amma and goes upstairs. Kunal ask Manushi to go with him and they all go to store room.
Amma says what are you doing it this right to leave alone our Manushi with him. Anubha says I also don’t feel good but what we can do, we don’t have different room to hid them. Amma says I have faith in her Manushi will handle and they both go out. Meet come to Anubha and says why are you locking store room. Anubha says because of money he is troubling from many days. Meet says wait I’ll make him run away and get inside store room. Meet walks in and ask hat is this, wheat sack is torned. Anubha says monkey might have done it. Meet says wait I’ll fix it. Amma says wait come son in law is calling us. Meet says wait I’ll fix or they will fall and fix that temporary. Meet hugs Anubha and Amma. Anubha says come let’s go down he is waiting. Meet locks door. Manushi cribs.

Anubha do pooja of Meet and Meet Ahlawat and give them her blessings. Anubha says why did you bring gift. Meet says chachiji gave it with love, I was unable to deny her. Manushi looks from window says that’s a costly necklace and falls. Kunal catches her and ask what happen? Manushi says that was very expensive necklace at least 10 lakh. Kunal look at her necklace. Manushi push him down and mocks Meet says I’m just waiting for the day when I’ll go to my new house because I’m damn sure my in-laws house will be 1000 times more richer then Ahlawat’s and jump to Kunal. Kunal says yes.

Amma ask them to come inside. Meet ask Anubha how’s everything. Anubha says everything is fine and how’s everything in your in-laws house. Amma says son in law must be tiered go we have made your room go and relax. Meet try to take luggage from stairs. Meet Ahlawat take luggage for her upstairs. Anubha says how much he care for Meet she is lucky. Amma says rudely go make tea. Meet see lock on store room. Meet Ahlawat says what happen. Meet says you go I’ll come and start fixing wire of wall lamp. Manushi ask Kunal did you see my phone. Kunal says it might be with you. Manushi says I left my phone in my room and desk and ask Kunal to bring her phone because Meet Ahlawat knows me, but he doesn’t know you please bring my phone. Meet Ahlawat says if I get any information about Manushi it will be easy for me to find her and start searching says this might me Meet’s corner and this one look colorful this might be Manushi’s corner. Manushi’s phone start ringing Meet Ahlawat walks toward phone but Anubha takes it. Meet says no one was in room so thought of picking it. Anubha says no worries, tgere is so much of work in house I forgot where I kept and was looking for it elsewhere, I want to say something to you, I was afraid on the situation but after seeing you taking her care it felt good and join her hands in front of him. Meet Ahlawat says please don’t job your hand like this. Meet walks in with tea. Anubha says bring tea inside I’ll go and cook food. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat I know you are new here and don’t want you to get bore but I have to go on my job for hours as our delivery staff is low and above that I have joined newly or else they will ask me to leave, but I promise you, you won’t face any problem. Meet Ahlawat says go, who stopped you from doing your work. Meet says sure you don’t have any problem. Meet Ahlawat says yes sure I don’t have any problem. Meet give him biscuit to eat, Meet Ahlawat takes it from her and says I’ll take and think its right time she will go on job and I can search for Manushi.

Meet Ahlawat says go do your work. Meet says here have it. Meet Ahlawat take plate and thinks its right time to search for something about Manushi. Ram Lakhan call Meet downstairs to see someone. Meet get down and greet Madhav Kaka. Madhav greets both of them. Meet ask how’s everything going on and how did you come? Lakhan says he came to pick your bag. Ram says you will stay here full time and he will deliver in your absence. Lakhan says today is your ritual and it won’t look good you go out so to return a favor he came to help you out. Madhav says you helped me a lot atleast I can do this for you. Meet bring her bag. Meet Ahlawat thinks now how will I find about Manushi. Meet Ahlawat is cleaning himself. Anubha give Meet towel and says give it to son in law. Meet calls him by giraffe says mom give you towel if you need take it. Anubha scolds her and says how are you talking to him he is your husband. Meet says look at his height it suits his personality and I respect him. Anubha says stop it talk to him with respect from now on and ask her to speak. Meet says ‘ Suniye’. Anubha says word is right but way of speaking is wrong show some respect and speak with smile and ask her to go. Meet go and calls him with respect here please clean yourself. Meet Ahlawat thank her with big smile. Meet Ahlawat says to Anubha you made her to show respect otherwise my mom try to, well forget it. Amma walk in and call Anubha says go cook something for Meet Ahlawat. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat let’s eat. Anubha calls Amma and says you have anger on Meet but you will not show that anger on Meet Ahlawat and don’t take name of Manushi. Amma says I’m talkative but not an idiot that I’ll tell everything about our family and curse Meet, now make two plates my Manushi must be hungry. Anubha says she is not in that pain as you think and don’t you remember how you locked Meet in store room before marriage, look how time changes now she is inside and Meet is out, there is a saying everyone get what is written in there luck. Amma says now go and take care of them I’ll take food for Manushi.

Meet bring food for Meet Ahlawat and says I know you don’t like this should I order something for you? Meet Ahlawat says food is food and I love this, he burn his hand with steam. Meet, Anubha and Amma get worried. Meet says wait I’ll bring ice for you and scold him.

Manushi in store room look at poori. Kunal is eating food and says it’s so tasty I want to eat more. Manushi says then you only eat my poori. Kunal is about to take poori but see cockroach and start shouting and says there is a cockroach behind you. Manushi look at cockroach and throw plate. Everyone hear and Amma shouts in care ‘My Manushi’. Meet says Manu dede and try to go upstairs. Anubha stops Meet and says where are you going you were serving him. Meet says but dadi said. Anubha says there must be monkey forget Amma. Meet Ahlawat think why did she take her name. Anubha says to Meet whenever she hear a voice she thinks of Manu she is very disturbed since she left, come eat sit here I’ll serve you too.

Manushi and Kunal in store room trying to save themselves from cockroach. Kunal says it left. Manushi start crying, hug Kunal her and says I’m done now I’ll not spoil my life any more ask your dad I’m coming and send a big car to pick us up. Kunal think how should I tell her that she have a home to return, she stuck me bad but no worries this time will also go and will make myself free from her and says today I understood your love is just showoff, you only love my families money and luxury you don’t care about me at all. Manushi says no how can you think like this if I didn’t love you do you think I’ll leave everything and come to you, afterall you are my hubby. Kunal says yes and Anubha open door and gets in. Anubha says in some time they both will sit for pooja at that time Parth can go to Mumbai. Manushi says why will he will. Anubha says he did his job to leave you here safely, his family must be waiting for him. Kunal says yes. Anubha says don’t worry I’ll handle everything for you to leave and ask Manushi to be silent. Kunal thinks what I’ll do about goons they are looking for me, I was hiding herr because of them, what should I do.

Meet Ahlawat thinking how to find out something about Manushi. Meet looks at him and ask Ram Lakhan to bring bat and trophy. They bring and ask what happen. Meet says something in there ears and says if Virat Kohli must have taken me in team then India would have won from New Zealand. Ram says but Ustaad you are Virat Kohli of Shabad. Meet Ahlawat says Virat Kohli of Shabad is Meet and you are giving credit to her, that match you won because of me and won because of me. Ram says but you were out early. Meet Ahlawat says I was injured and there is big difference between getting out and injured. Meet says if we would have other player then you still we would have won, we took you to complete team. Meet Ahlawat says I can clean bold you in few balls I’m a good spinner. Meet says then lets have match to see. Meet Ahlawat says I spare you or else it will be disrespect for you infront of kids. Meet says now we will play and think of your respect because I’ll win. Lakhan says to Meet Ahlawat but how you will play your hand is injured. Meet Ahlawat I can play and win. Ram Lakhan says lets get ready for match. Someone says let’s start pooja of Satya Narayan.

Everyone sitting in pooja. Meet and Meet Ahlawat does the ritual. Meet pray to god for Meet Ahlawat says he is a good heart person that’s why he is still in pain because of Manushi, he doesn’t smile because of that trauma please help me god to find Manushi, for that I have to find Kunal. Pandit ask them to follow other rituals. Meet and Meet Ahlawat gets up and start taking round around fire. Anubha get’s up and go upstairs give saree to Kunal and ask him to wear. Manushi and Anubha help Kunal to wear saree and Anubha takes him downstairs. Lady come and says to Anubha during ritual what you were doing upstairs come give blessings to them and make her sit. Kunal thinks oh god they both together. Meet and Meet Ahlawat doing pooja. Meet Ahlawat start coughing. Meet get’s up to bring water. Kunal hide under table and drops his phone. Kunal try to take it but Meet step on his hand. Meet about to look down

Meet Ahlawat cough due to hawan. Meet rushes to bring water. Kunal hid under table and drops his phone he reach for his phone but Meet steps on his hand and take water to Meet Ahlawat. Kunal look for chance and try to escape but fall down. Meet Ahlawat gets up. Amma says no stop pooja is not completed Anubha will see. Anubha says yes sit-down I’ll see go yo Kunal and take him out. Pandit says pooja completed. Meet Ahlawat says to Meet if you want you can pray to god because I already pray to god for winning match. Meet says okay I’ll be back then we will see who will win. Meet Ahlawat says okay we will see.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat are in field. Meet Ahlawat shouts where are you Meet are you hiding from me? Meet says turn around. Both walk to eachother and give look. Meet Ahlawat says you brought the whole colony to see match its good now everyone will know get ready to be loser. Meet says I think you are ready to loose. Meet Ahlawat says yes I’m ready but to win not lose, you still have time to go back home or else you will cry. Meet says you will cry not me and mock him and says now see how I’ll make you cry. Meet Ahlawat says we will see in match and you will be loser. They both start arguing. Everyone cheer for Meet. Meet Ahlawat doing bating. Meet take run up but Meet Ahlawat show hand and ask her to stop. Meet says what happen? Meet Ahlawat walk to her and fix her saree for match. Kunal is near tea stall he says where to go I don’t understand one side its goon and other side both the Meet don’t know where to go. 


Meet says to Anubha I was about to reach Manushi I saw that same guy with whom she use to roam around. Meet Ahlawat try to see something in phone. Meet takes the phone and says you came here for Manushi. Meet Ahlawat says yes that’s why I brought you here for ritual.
Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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