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Meet is getting ready. Meet Ahlawat enter room and sees Meet getting ready says very good applying one cream on all over body. Meet says yes its use for bruises too its an all rounder cream you can try it. Meet Ahlawat says no I don’t wish to die and sees Meet wearing belt on saree says this is my belt I was searching for it now give me back. Meet says I tried to make my saree right so please don’t take it you can wear different belt. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t care just give me my belt back, to match everything will take more time and I cannot do it. Meet says I’ll not give it to you, Meet Ahlawat try to hold belt. Meet says stay away I’ll give you. Meet Ahlawat says give me fast I’m getting late for office. Meet run away from room saying i will not give you.

Babita says to Raj now I understood all this romance was to talk about that girl and throws flower. Raj says no I don’t want to talk about that girl but I was thinking about our son's future, you will understand how important life partner is to make him strong, yesterday she was ready to go to jail for him that too in big case so think what she can do for success of our kid, please give her one chance.

Meet is coming downstairs. Meet Ahlawat is chasing her. Meet is throwing everything on him. Everyone gather in the hall. Chavi on staircase says everything is messed Meet must have done this now she will get punished and I’ll be happy.

Masum says she made our mansion like her colony total junkyard. Meet gets down of sofa. Babita says this is not the way to live and says to Meet look at yourself is this how you wear saree. Meet says I’ll make everything right but you have to make you son right he is running after me for belt if I give him belt then my saree will open and you will get angry. Babita says to Rah you are asking me to accept this. Raj says yes you order her to follow your rules, her saree was loose so she used belt and says to Babita you are a big designer why don’t you make something for her. Babita says I’ll design for her are you making fun of me forget it. Raj says after looking at her and our house we seriously need a designer and we have chandigarh famous designer. Babita says no need I’ll think of something. Meet says design something beautiful for me and he will also Chase me for his belt. Raj ask Babita to sit and says to Meet your mother in law want to have a serious discussion with you. Meet Ahlawat says but my matter didn’t solved. Raj says wear some other belt. Meet Ahlawat cribs about his belt. Raj says you are my good son please adjust today. Meet says yes please adjust. Meet Ahlawat says I’ll see you later. Meet says yes you can I’m in house. Raj says what you want to see. Meet Ahlawat says nothing and leave. Raj says go and talk to her and don’t make her angry.
Babita ask Meet to sit. Meet sits on the floor and after that sits on the table. Masum says don’t you know this is not the place to sit. Raj says Masum let your mom handle it so sit down and asks Meet to sit beside Babita. Babita give Raj cold look. Raj says I’ll sit here this is a good place. Babita says we don’t have anything in common. Meet says you name your son Meet and my father name me Meet this is common. Masum says having same name dosen't mean your destiny are also same my brother is Meet Ahlawat successor of Ahlawat group and your growth is from Meet Huddah to Meet Ustaad. Raj says to Masum please quiet your mom is handling and ask Meet to sit. Babita says to Meet, during wedding meet we ask would be bride questions but you weren’t asked because your sister was to marry Meet Ahlawat, anyways the question is what all can you do, Meet about to start talking, Raj asks her to calmly talk, Meet says I can fix anything, Babita says what work which girls do you can, Meet says work doesn’t know if it’s a girl or boy, Masoom says she meant cooking, painting any of this kind. Meet says these are girls work then why are chef’s men and painters too. Masoom says see Mom she is answering back, Meet says I am not, Babita says just say yes or no, Meet says no, but I am good at learning, you teach me and I will learn it, Babita says its fine we have servants for these work but as Ahlawat you should always look trendy and fashionable, Meet says I will so everything but not this, Raj says she will, she said she is good at learning, if I can be gentleman even she can. Babita says how many days you want, to be a Ahlawat, Raj try to gesture, Meet says I don’t know how long it will it take, Babita says 6 months, and if you don’t be a girl Meet Ahlawat wants you will be out.

Babita says to Meet I’ll give you 6 months, and if you don’t be a girl Meet Ahlawat wants you will be out. Chavi says 6 months and go back upstairs. Raj says to Babita what are you saying. Babita says you ask me to gave her time so I gave her 6 months and you only said a good life partner is a big support and for that its necessary to be meet from inside not from name and if she became his Meet I’ll accept her. Meet says I’ll try. Ragini come and says Babita if you are free so can we do ritual. Masum says to Ragini don’t you know in this ritual daughter in law feed her mother in law by her own hands mom will not like to have water from her and you are saying about food. Babita says make arrangements for ritual we will have ritual when Meet Ahlawat will come during lunch. Sunaina says to Meet come I’ll fix your saree and they both walks away.

Chavi having sweet. Masum see her and says what are you doing do you want to gain weight. Chavi says I’m in tension because of you, you told me to be Mrs. Meet Ahlawat and Babita has given her 6 months extension and will follow ritual with her. Masum says stop talking rubbish mom has given her chance because of dad and I know my brother he will never accept her she will not last much long that’s why I called you here and what you have to do is whenever she try to be capable you have to ruin her capability. Chavi says I can do that. Masum says you have to work hard so that mom say her bye in few days, you want to be Mrs. Ahlawat. Chavi says yes and I have crush on him since your marriage. Masum says so do as I say.

Meet Ahlawat come home. Sunaina says to Meet Ahlawat you took so long to come and you took holidays for 15 days then why did you go office. Masum says to Sunaina why are you troubling him don’t you know he took 15 days holiday to go on honeymoon with Manushi, with this girl my brother will not go rock garden. Raj come and says to Masum last time I’m saying to you in this house Manushi name will not be taken because that chapter is closed for us and ask Sunaina to do arrangements for khichdi ritual. Ragini says Meet no mistakes in this ritual as it is sign of relation between daughter in law and mother in law, Meet says I am scared, Ragini says don’t be I know you are capable and don’t drop even a single food item, it says the problem for family increases and Meet Ahlawat even you need to accompany her.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat go to pooja ghar with khichdi, Chavi is keeping an eye on them. Meet asks Meet Ahlawat to pray and not be angry while praying, he listens to Meet. Chavi ties a rope in corridor so that Meet trips.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat walk to everyone with khichdi, Masoom is waiting to see Meet trip, everyone sees Meet trip but she doesn’t let the khichdi fall, Meet Ahlawat gets excited. Duggu says wow just like Kohli. Meet walks to Babita and feeds her a spoon, Babita eats it, Ragini says look she stood by her task, god bless you Meet and no one can ruin your relation with your mother in law and now Babita you feed her a spoon, Babita feeds Meet. Babita says you can ask anything in return its part of ritual, Meet says I want permission to start my work, Babita asks what work, Meet says my job as delivery girl. Babita says you talking as if a surgeon, its a mere job and Ahlawat daughter in law will never do such work.

Anubha says Amma that she will go get sabji, Amma says look you don’t have son and your so called daughter left us, now who will do all our work, Ram Lakhan walk in and say we will.

Raj says I had given Meet permission, Babita says wow another news, what else have you promised her, and why you have to work, Meet says my family run on my salary, and they will need money, Babita says don’t worry about that, I will send said amount every month, no more discussion, Meet says I don’t like you people paying for my family, Babita says you can join Raj or my boutique, Meet says what will I do there, please allow me my delivery job.

Ram says Meet had paid us for doing all our household, and say Meet has arranged everything in advance and leave. Anubha says see what my daughter did, she hasn’t forgotten her family, and I am proud of my daughter, and she must be making her family happy too, Amma laughs says she and good daughter in law, what a joke, see soon they will throw her out.

Raj says to Babita we should allow her work she is comfortable in, Babita says look I am trying to adjust but not in this, she can do job which I say or else forget it and if she starts delivery again she won’t return into this house and also the 6 months condition wont be valid. Masoom and Chavi happy.
Meet in tears, everyone leaves.

Babita says if Meet goes on her job without my concern then remember she will never get inside house and will take her 6 months duration everyone leaves. Raj says to Meet I understand your pain but I’m sorry don’t you worry I’ll talk to her again.
Meet thinks if I’ll not earn then how my house will run what my mom will do.

Kaka trying to switch on mixer. Meet come and says good morning to Kaka. Kaka says do you want anything I’m sorry if you called me but you came here. Meet says don’t worry if I need anything I’ll come and take it. Masum asks loudly about her smoothie. Kaka says I’m dead today how will I give her smoothie mixer is dead. Meet says let me see, Meet open mixer and ask for electric tape and fix the mixer. Kaka says nice new bride you are a savior and make smoothie. Meet thinks I’m not able to fix my problem and remember her all expenses of her house and says I have to do something. Kaka says Babita called you.

Meet goes to Babita and says you called me. Babita says yes come inside. Meet stumble Babita catches her. Meet says sorry I’m not use to saree and heels I’ll become use to it. Babita says till when and what will you do till the time you are not use to it, will you roam like joker and stumble everywhere? Babita give her dress and says you can wear this it will be easy for you. Meet says this is wonderful and will be able to drive my bike with this you solved my problem and try to hug Babita. Babita stops her and says don’t get over excited, I don’t want you to roam around like joker in this house look at you everyone have class in this house so I designed this dress for you. 


Babita asks Meet not to discuss about delivery job. Chavi helping Meet walk, ask her to resume her job when Babita is in her boutique. Meet walks out of house, Masoom says to Chavi this is Meet’s last day in Alhawat house. Babita gives dress to Meet
Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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