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Meet ask Meet Ahlawat what are you staring at go. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t want to go. Meet says so you are confused now let me tie again. Meet Ahlawat says you will not tie it I feel itching, you ties it that’s why I woke up or else I was asleep. Meet says whenever you want I’ll open it but I’ll not take risk now go to bed. Meet Ahlawat lie down and she tie him again. Meet Ahlawat thinks now I have to think something to send her out of room only then I can leave. Meet switch off light, stare at him. Meet Ahlawat says if you will stare I cannot go to sleep so go now.

Kunal go to store room and see its locked says why is it locked everyone is in there room now where I’ll sleep. Anubha stand behind him and says this room was packed so need to lock it afterall counts of thief’s has increased in Shahbadh, you can sleep in varanda here bedsheet for you and leaves. Kunal says she definitely hates me, she sent me from store room to varanda next will be outside the house, I quickly need to steal her jewellery and leave.

Meet Ahlawat put water in pot and says listen if you aren’t sleeping can you bring water for me it’s empty. Meet get out Of bed checkthe bottle. Meet Ahlawat says listen I want to sleep peacefully so I’ll be fully covering myself. Meet says is it. Meet Ahlawat yes. Meet says okay and leave. Meet Ahlawat cover himself and count till 5 says she might have gone it’s time to leave, puts pillow under his blanket. Meet walks in and says tell me what important work it is. Meet Ahlawat says nothing important I was getting bore so thought of going on walk. Meet says so you want to put water in pot and use pillow as disguise and go on walk, no there must be a reason you did all these things so tell why you did it? Meet Ahlawat ignore her. Meet says okay I’ll tell auntyji if you are not saying anything. Meet Ahlawat says its very important and don’t want anybody to know about it, it will be between you and me and tells her.

Amma is feeling cold. Anubha get her warm turmeric milk says it’s good in winter have it and says I cannot understand Manushi don’t know what she want from het life. Amma says I cannot have it, its bitter. Anubha says Amma please do not trouble you have to drink and already Parth is another tension for me, I booked his ticket but he came back, Manushi is looking after him, how much I know her she don’t do anything for free don’t know what is she hiding. Amma says you are right I also don’t like that bor need to do something. Anubha says I have a plan let’s send Manushi to Delhi, my friend Mamta own a salon there, working with her will help Manushi. Amma says I’ll go with her. Anubha says that’s a very good idea. Anubha says I’ll make arrangements.

Meet Ahlawat says in every month of 20 I go donate clothes food for the needy in name of Tej Veerji, so that he returns home safely. Meet says why hide such good work. Meet Ahlawat says it was an oath I had taken and you know this is my thing with my god nobody knows about this in house. Meet says I have order from auntyji that you should face no discomfort but to help you how about I go. Meet Ahlawat says no this is my thing and I have to only go you and when I do it I feel happy and peaceful and feel like someone is taking care of my brother and you know we were together people us to think of us as twin, when people are so close to you and when they are not near you feel bad that’s why I’ll go and donate. Meet says it’s a bug risk I’ll help you and thinks I’ll complete both promise of aunty and Meet Ahlawat.
They both get ready to leave. They come downstairs stumble into table and drop vase but Meet Ahlawat catches it in between. Meet Ahlawat says tell me one thing are you going on picnic. Meet says it contains everything which is important for you. Masum sees them and says Babita ask Meet Ahlawat nit to leave room and Meet is helping him to get out house that to this time at night, I need to find out where they are going and follow them.
Meet and Meet Ahlawat get to car and Meet says I’ll drive you will sit on shotgun and keep pillow for his support and help him to settle dwon. Manushi get out of house and says Babita says strictly for bedrest of Meet Ahlawat, where is she taking her tgis night I’ll follow and record it to show it as evidence to mom. Meet thinks Meet Ahlawat is so kind hearted and Manushi did wrong by breaking his heart tonight I’ll make Manushi to meet Meet Ahlawat and give him all the answers for his question to heal him and says to Meet Ahlawat I’ll put location in GPS to reach faster. Meet send message to Manushi asking her to meet at Highway no.5 near Aman Preet Sing Chawk it’s important I’m sending location. Masum try to sneaks into car while Meet was sending message. Meet Ahlawat ask Meet to go. Masum at backside of car thinks I’ll show mom what is she doing tonight mom will throw her out of house.

Babita and Raj sleeping. Babita wakes up, puts on lights and says my Meet Ahlawat is in pain and its hard to relie on Meet to stay awake all night and take care of him, only a mother can do this and no one else and so I have to see my son once and leaves.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat on their way, he says listen, we are going today not tomorrow, we cannot reach before 12 with this speed, Meet says I won’t speed up, you will scold later, he says I won’t, give me I will dry, Meet says funny, have water and gives sipper, Meet says you are injured now just drink it.
Babita about to knock, Raj stops her and says Meet is trying hard to take care of our son and doing good too, a doctor can’t also be so careful, Babita says agree but its not fair to relie on her totally and we go to sleep. Raj says I note that but even doctor are not perfect sometimes, I know you don’t relie on her but you can show that you have faith in your son and takes her room.

Masuma see Meet and Meet Ahlawat donating and says I came here in pain to see all this now I’ll feel pain again while going back, if I’ll show this to Mom she won’t say anything I’m feeling cold too. Meet and Meet Ahlawat donating foos and clothes to poor one. An old man pray for Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat says if you want give blessing for my brother. Meet says everything will be fine.

Manushi outside in cold says she send me location but didn’t tell why I have to come but I have to go or else she will tell everyone to Mummy and Mummy will throw me out of house and stop auto.

Meet receive message from Manushi says it’s good news she is coming. Meet Ahlawat says let’s go. Meet says wait when you are out so feel this cold climate and empty road because these road are very crowded everytime and we can hear our hearts beating too. Meet Ahlawat thinks what he said to Meet about not seeing her face ever and says to Meet I can hear my heart he is asking one question why did we had fight and went out of house, even I disrespect Dadi and Aunty too they must have feel bad, I don’t know how I did this cannot understand how much time I’ll apologize you. Meet thinks Manushi will say sorry to you bad happen to you and hear auto voice says Manushi is here today she must give all the answers for his question and give him relief, she thinks why is she not out till yet I’ll go and bring her says to Meet Ahlawat my father use to say whenever you do a great work you should do a yoga to cleanse you, take a deep breath and blow it out. Meet Ahlawat says we will do this at home. Meet says I’ll be back in 2 minutes.Meet Ahlawat ask where are you going. Meet says going to take water, she leaves.

Masum hide and follow her thinks where is she going. Meet reach to auto says why aren’t you out Manushi. Masum try to see. Meet ask what happen. Anubha reveals her. Meet in shock. Masum sees Anubha and says what us she doing here. Anubha says if you want to see Son in law happy then never take Manushi’s name in front of him and his family. Meet says you know Manushi break his heart he have right to know why she did this. Anubha says I know but its not tume we can tell anyone that Manushi is home because your mother in law gave me promise that I’ll not keep any relation with Manushi. Masum says I cannot hear what they are talking. Anubha says listen to me there is need of talking what Manushi did in marriage it’s of no use, Meet Ahlawat is bound to youn know and try to make him forget Manushi it’s your responsibility to make him happy. Meet says but Manushi did wrong he need answers. Anubha takes Meet hand put it in her head and ask her to swear that you will not tell anyone it will be between us. Masum try to hear what they are talking. Anubha says I swear you try to understand and ask Auto driver to leave. Meet walk back to Meet Ahlawat. Masum sats I think so it’s too much serious topic that’s why Anubha come so late to give swear, first they change Kundali then they changed girl don’t know what they are planning I’ll bring out the truth.

Kunal feeling cold sitting in Varanda says how’s your family they do not have a blanket for your husband I’m felling cold in this sheet. Manushi walking near around him in panick says shut up. Anubha come inside sees Manushi. Manushi walks to her and ask why did Meet calk me do you know anything. Anubha says listen no need to think about your sister or her husband go pack your bag you are going Delhi. Manushi says what’s your problem. Anubha shush her and says no need to shouts or else Amma will wake up. Manushi says I’m not creating fuss I’m your elder daughter and I need answers. Anubha says why you did after being an elder daughter, you ran away from marriage and younger one did everything for this house respect and you said you went to Mumbai for work no worries you can now work in Delhi under my friend. Manushi says but why mummy. Anubha says I don’t want any argument and you will be leaving in four days and tell this Parth to leave our house respectfully or else I’ll throw him out and bow lets go to room. Kunal whispers I just want jewellery nothing else.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat reach home. Meet Ahlawat says be happy because I’m going to thank you for this favour and you didn’t even break Mom’s promise let’s go in now. Meet and Meet Ahlawat step inside. Meet thinks how will I hide this big lie but need to hide because I have promises Mummy.

Masum says to Hoshiyar we have to find proof about this girl Meet and reveal her true face and throw out and do something tomorrow that truth comes out on it’s own.

The next day Meet wakes Meet Ahlawat and says goodmorning. Meet Ahlawat wish her and try to wake up. Meet helps her and give her warm water to drink and says don’t eat anything till 1 hour after this. Meet Ahlawat says my skin has become total dry see there might be a cream. Meet says for now you cannot use anything because you are hurt first take care of yourself then look after dry skin. Meet Ahlawat says it’s also care called as skin care but how you will know because you use only one cream for everything. Meet says till the time I’ll use them I can complete my two delivery and stop drama come now.
Meet Ahlawat guides Meet his skin care routine, Meet follows instructions. Babita walks in and asks how he, Meet Ahlawat says all good, Babita says I know she must be sleeping, Meet Ahlawat says no Mom, she was awake all the time and had medicine too, and don’t worry, you will have migraine and she is here taking very well care of me and now Meet apply under eye cream. Babita sees them together and leaves.

Raj welcomes Babita to breakfast, Babita says Meet is taking good care of him, Raj says you gave 6 months right and with this spees she will impress you and be your favourite daughter in law and Isha any new movies, Isha says yes, Raj says I will take your Aunty to film today, Babita says our son is ill, Raj says he has his wife and now let me impress my wife now, other family members insist too. Meet Ahlawat walks down with Meet, Babita says I sent you breakfast, Meet Ahlawat says I was missing you all and Mom. Meet sees her photo on newspaper and says oh God how will I handle this bomb?

Everyone is at dinner table. Meet sees her photo on newspaper under the headline, ‘A lady saved many people from falling in manhole’. Pray to god says what you did now everyone one will know we were not in house and will question me and Meet Ahlawat. Babita walk in. Meet try to hide the newspaper. Raj says please give me for a minute and says lets go for a live event where we can go have our dinner. Isha says to Raj what are you looking in newspaper paper in era of application isn’t that old school, it will save time. Babita says I’ll go only when Meet Ahlawat is alright. Raj keeps newspaper on table. Babita see the article and start reading infront of everyone. Raj see her photo. Masum in shock. Meet Ahlawat think’s I think that journalist covered her news yesterday. Babita ask Meet where were you last night and left my son alone. Meet Ahlawat says no mom. Meet says yes I need to go for an urgent delivery. Babita says how dare you left my son alone is you deliver job was more important then my son, what if he need some help are you that irresponsible and stop giving fake promises you are so careless. Meet Ahlawat says mom I didn’t had any problem in night. Babita says that’s not the issue, issue is she not trustworthy, she is a lier, I cannot compromise for your health. Meet says I’m sorry won’t happen again. Babita says I don’t trust you. Masum thinks she come out if one step ahead from my knowledge she hid Meet Ahlawat’s secret and making space for soft corner but I have planned a surprise for you which may help to bring out your secret. Meet Ahlawat look at Meet, she bods her head to not to say anything.

Meet Ahlawat in his room remember what Babita said to Meet near dining table. Meet walks in and says what are you doing am I trying to make you healthy and you are wasting your energy by roaming, I suggest you to go in power saving mode. Meet Ahlawat says and in what mode you were downstairs to sacrifice if they get to know about my good deed then let them know. Meet says people get scolded from there family and what’s wrong if I got scolded because your oath was more important. Meet Ahlawat says listen me sometime, you got scolded because of me and I’m feeling and heavy and you don’t deserve that scolding. Meet thinks I’m lying already to everyone from not telling that Manushi is at home, you don’t deserve that and I feel heavy because of not telling you. Meet Ahlawat goes to bed. Meet thinks I have to make him happy he is sad or else he won’t get healthy.

Meet dressed as south indian man entertain Meet Ahlawat, Isha and Duggu joins her. Duggu’s lungi go down but they manage. Meet Ahlawat start smiling.

Manushi says what date night. Kunal says yes date night I feel like stranger to you and if this continues then one day I’ll ask sister who are you, I want you to get dress for me, all covered in jewellery specially for me, I want to feel special. Manushi thinks he loves me so much and rich too I want go to some stupid salon in Delhi to earn pennies and says I’ll make you feel special don’t worry I’ll get ready for you and no one will make yp apart they hug eachother and Kunal leaves. Manushi says now I’m gonna do something that will scare the hell out of mummy now I’ll show my true colours.

Guruji visit Ahlawat’s. Raj says to Guruji why did you come we could have ask our driver yo pick you. Guruji says I have been called. Masum walks in and says I called Guruji she greets him and says I think my brother is facing lots of problems in his life, last time it come to his life I was worried so I called him. Raj says yes Guruji we can handle little problem but this time it was about our kids life but our daughter in law saved her. Masum says we want to know why it’s happening we all know how kind hearted, loving and ideol boy he is then why he is always in trouble, is somebody presence affecting him. Meet thinks is because of me. Guruji says if someone have anything to speak so please says to me only then I can help you. Masum looka at Meet and thinks his expression are changing, my plan is going accordingly. Masum says we would live is it possible we can write on piece of paper so that we can be feel free from that load. Guruji says it’s possible. Isha says I’ll get pen and paper. Everyone takes diary and paper. Masum thinks I just want to know Meet’s confessions after that mom will get to know about her and her family and will throw him out of house. Everyone write tgere confession. Masum looks Meet writing. Meet remembers what Anubha said to her about Manushi. Everyone give there confession to Guruji. Meet goes to Guruji says I have kept my paper empty because I think what we feel should be said to everyone not to be written and keeps her copy says please give your blessings to Meet Ahlawat because he need more of it, you can come with me I’ll tell you what you are feeling. Guruji says okay let’s go.

Meet take Guruji to room. Meet says he is sleeping because of medicine I’ll wake him up. Guruji says let him rest and give Meet Ahlawat his blessings and start walking. Meet calls Guruji and says my father use to say, that you pay for every mistake in this life itself does hiding a truth hurt whole family. Guruji says when we see someone happy we gets happy in that same way every emotion affect eachother when it’s from someone close to you. Meet says I have a confession to make I cannot write it on paper and I want to say it in person. Guruji says tell what you want to say. Masum watching everything from outside says now you come to confess what your family is planning and all the doors will be closed for you of this house. Meet about to say but hear a sound and look for the source, she clode the door. Masum says she closed the door if you are cunning then I’m also from Ahlawat’s family I’ll look from main door and walks to other side says I can see and hear everything. Meet says to Guruji these people are very rich and are very kind hearted, everyone have fath in me and love me I don’t like to hide anything from them, last night my mom ask me to hide something which is impossible for me to hide and I feel very heavy because of that and remember what Anubha said to her last night and think Mummy gave me her swear bot tell. Meet Ahlawat cough. Meet rush towards him to look.


Masum says she didn’t tell why is she feeling heavy but I’ll also try to find out. Meet Ahlawat on call says I planned a surprise birthday party for Meet and you are invited. Masum says to Anubha dis you said anything to Meet she looked worried she felt very heavy. Anubha thinks I think so Meet have spill out unknowingly. Isha bring Meet blindfold and surprise jer. Mest says I never thought that you will plan a surprise for me.

Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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