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Anubha keeps plate near Amma and asks is she fine, Amma wakes up, Anubha says Meet saved our reputation and they will come to you, bless them and do Tika. Amma keeps the gold coin in plate and asks Anubha what is she doing, Anubha says something to give Meet, because Manu took away everything, Amma says give something from these gifts given by guests. Anubha start looking.

Kunal insist on going to her house because his Dad is very angry, let him calm down then. Manu says my family is more dangerous they might send you to jail and also remember that short hair drivers daughter, she can do anything for my family and hit you badly, Kunal says lets go to hotel then, and later meet our parents, Manu says good idea. Kunal thinks good soon I will be rich. Manu think some days more and then a luxurious life, I just wish everyone found the letter.

Amma finds the letter and give it to Anubha, Anubha reads and says its from Manu and reads ahead, it says Meet my sister I know Dadi and Mummy hate me but I don’t care and I know you have fallen in love with my Groom. Amma is shock, Anubha says what nonsense is this, and read I will take all the blame and wish you settle well, all will think I ran away but you will be happy because you can marry Meet now, and whatever may happen don’t be scared and marry him or else my sacrifice won’t go ruin, your loving Manushi. Amma says how did I believe that negative Meet, she was born to give me pain, first my grandson and now my Manu’s life.

Meet tubelight and says to Ram Lakhan to fix fan capacitor and says take care of all expenses and get everyday vegetable, milk and Dadi’s flowers and these are Dadi’s medicine give her everyday and refill it in time or she will have BP issues, but anyways when I won’t be here she will have no issues

Amma breaks Meet’s photo and says today I will kill her. Anubha says Amma stop it, she is Alhawat’ daughter in law and because of us she went to marry not on her wish. Amma says she always wanted to, she played a big game, how did I not learn that, why did I trust her, how could I believe Manushi ran away, she said Manu hit her but she lied, my poor kind Manu ran away because of her, I cursed Manu but she did all for her sister, Meet had bad intentions, she is Alhawat’s daughter in law, go and push Anubha.

Ragini walks to Meet, and says all done, and I always so a bride thinking about future with husband but first time I saw a bride thinking that there should not be any problem for her family after she goes, and Raj was right about you, God bless you, lets go now, your mother must be coming too.

Amma says to Anubha, Meet is dead for her, she hurt me, she will never be happy in her life, I curse her that she will never be happy, Anubha says stop it don’t do this, Amma says my poor Manushi.

Meet asks Anubha during Bidai, where is Amma, Anubha says she is unwell I told you, Meet says I will go give her medicine and come back and goes get medicine and says let me go give. Anubha says stop let her rest and we should do your Bidai now.

Amma in her room says God my Manushi, what should I do my poor girl, why did she fall for Meet’s plan, why didn’t she tell me. Meet knocks door and says I got your medicine open the door. Amma says I will die but not eat medicine given by you. Anubha walks to Meet and asks did I do something wrong why is she not opening the door, and how can I go without her blessings. Anubha says don’t worry I have given medicine and you meet her later now come. Amma says Meet I curse you, you will never be happy. Anubha says to Meet till now you took care of everyone in this house, now take care of your new house be a good wife Meet says how I’ll handle everything I’m scared. Anubha says we were also not ready when your father left, you turn out to be courageous and handle everything, I have faith in you, you will do everything all right and ask Ram Lakhan to give package and give to Meet and says it will help you. Anubha says to Meet Ahlawat my girl is kind hearted and please forgive everything then you will see her kindness and Anubha hugs Meet they both in tears. Anubha says to Meet not need cry and explains her thr following ritual of going out. Meet follow ritual and everyone start going out and sees Meet weds Manushi decor on car. Raj go and remove Manushi’s name and ask Meet Ahlawat yo leave its time. Anubha start crying. Raj asks Deep to drive car. Deep open door for Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Raj ask Isha to sit with them and they leave.
Raj says to Meet I promise you to keep Meet as my child you don’t have to worry and leaves.

Meet is holding cushion. Meet Ahlawat remember talking to Hosiyar about the heart pillow with M & M on it. Meet Ahlawat pulls the cushion and throws it backside. Deep ask where to turn for Chandigarh. Meet says take left. Meet Ahlawat says right I go everyday. Meet says during night time they carry out repair work. Deep says I think she is right. Isha says she is right in map its showing route block. Meet Ahlawat says take whatever route you eant. Deep suddenly stops car. Meet Ahlawat asks what happen. Deep says car is not accelerating wait I’ll go and check. Deep goes out and says we need to call mechanic. Meet try to see and bump into Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat asks what are you doing. Meet says I’m looking at the scene, if something is wrong should I go and check. Meet Ahlawat says why you always try to poke in between of everything just sit here and says let me call dad. Meet Ahlawat calls Raj and says our car is totalled on highway. Raj says okay we will get there. Meet gets down and start looking for fault. Deep says please take care bhabhi. Meet Ahlawat getscome and says what Bhabhi and says to Meet I know you are expert in starting vehicle but Dad is coming. Meet asks Meet Ahlawat to say them no car is fixed. Deep says car is fine I’ll call and tell them. Deep calls him and says we are moving car is fixed. Meet Ahlawat stops Meet and give him hankie to clean her hands. Meet Ahlawat says don’t consider that I care I don’t like to be dirty and because of grease car seat will get dirty so wipe it properly. Meet give dirty hankie to Meet Ahlawat.

Babita excitedly waiting for family members. Babita’s friend says why such a small kalash. Babita says my daughter in law Manushi is very pretty as well as delicate I don’t want heavy kalash to sprain her neck that’s why I’ll follow ritual with this kalash. Babita sees Raj enter with Masum and rushes to them and ask where is Meet. Raj says they are coming I have something to tell. Babita says later I’m focused in welcoming and ask everyone to get ready. Raj says wait listen to me I have to tell you something important. Babita says let all ritual get over then we will sit and talk, oh I forgot nariyal and goes. Babita’s friend tease Raj for running behind Babita. Masum looks at situation says poor dad it would be good if he would have informed her earlier. Babita busy in preparation and Duggu rushes to Babita and says Mamu and Ustaad Mami are here. Babita asks who Ustaad Mami, must be Meet Alhawat’s new joke, now cmon lets welcome them.

Babita stands at door with Aarti, and places Kalash on door frame for Graha Pravesh ritual, everyone confused about how will Babita react. All others get ready for welcome arrangements. The duppata falls down and Meet hides behind Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat and others confused. Babita says why are you hiding, is this any ritual at your place, okay come fast in front of me I am closing my eyes. Meet Ahlawat moves aside, and pulls Meet ahead, Babita opens her eyes and shocked to see Meet, Babita remembers her first meet with Meet and says you how dare you, I asked you to never appear in front of me, get lost.

Babita says to Meet what are you doing go from here. Babita’s friend laugh at situation. Raj says to Babita, Meet Ahlawat is married to her. Babita in shock what are you saying and drops pooja thali, Babita saya this can’t happen, you all are joking right, if this is joke then stop it and says to Raj tell me truth where is my Manushi. Raj says that’s what I’m trying to tell you she is Manushi’s younger sister an our daughter in law, for now you should pooja and bring her in. Babita says why should I do pooja she is not my daughter in law, I accepted Manushi as my daughter in law and says to Meet Ahlawat you went to bring Manushi so is she with you say something I’m asking, how did you accepted her as your wife tell me. Ragini says to Babita to please be quite and do the ritual. Babita says you were there with them and how did this happen in your presence, how did you allow this marriage, will somebody tell me when this was happening, its a big issue and you all didn’t told me, in my presence this would not have been happen you all ruined my son’s life, everyone listen this girl is not my daughter in law, bringing her was not my decision I’ll not follow any ritual you all can do it, remove everything it was for Manushi nothing will happen and start crying. Raj goes and hugs her.
Meet thinks she was not ready for me and because of Manushi’s bad decision she is hurt.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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  1. Thank you for the update. Grandma will repent soon. Feeling so sorry for Meet Hooda. How will she survive the LION'S DEN?
