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Meet sees Raj and get very happy to find out that he is Manu’s father in law. Raj ask to start the engagement ceremony. Ram says Meet Ahlawat already gave her ring, Raj says his romance is important too, let Manu put ring on Meet now. Meet hiding and watching the ceremony, Amaji catch her and ask her not to come outside. Meet prays to God and says Manu’s future is so nice, Meet Ahlawat as husband and Raj as father in law, I will go and watch the ceremony now, Meet disguise herself as waiter. Isha bring the ring to Manu, Manu puts it on Meet Ahlawat’s finger, Meet says wow such a great match, and this Meet Ahlawat took tips from me to impress her and Raj as her father in law so nice. Hoshiyar ask Meet Ahlawat and Manu to dance, both dance, all join them. Manu’s ring slips and falls in Meet Ahlawat’s pocket.

Manu is in her room enjoying her necklace, she hear footsteps and hide it, Meet walk in with Kunal’s jacket and says look properly, I told mummy and Dadi you are in parlour, you said he was your friend why was he hugging you and what are you cooking, Manu says he called me and said he will commit suicide and what would I do if he had died, people fall in love with me what would I do, and you saw right I push him away, I didn’t do anything lets forget it because even I want to and want to enjoy my wedding, Meet says you always have answers ready why didn’t you tell me, and Meet Ahlawat’s family are so good and I won’t let you ruin both families reputation so you are under my watch now, Manu says fine, Meet notices Manu doesn’t have ring in her hand and asks where is her engagement ring, Manu says I don’t know must have fallen let me look for it.

Meet Ahlawat in his room, thinking about his engagement, and enjoying his moment, he falls on the bed and ring comes off his pocket, he look at it and is confused how did it enter his jacket it was proper fit to Manushi. Masoom calls Meet Ahlawat down right away. Meet Ahlawat walk down to everyone, Hoshiyar shows a video to Meet Ahlawat, and says look Manu doesn’t have ring in her finger, Meet Ahlawat says I know that her ring fell in my pocket while we were dancing, Babita ask how, you took measurements then how is it loose, Masoom says look at Manushi’s hand, Meet Ahlawat said he wrote his name on her hand and look at her hand, her family was nervous and she came late too, there is something fishy, we are being fooled.

Meet washing her hand, Amaji and Anubha ask what is she doing, door bell rings, Meet goes to check, Meet Ahlawat at door to confirm about Mehndi and if Manushi wasn’t there who did he put ring on?

Meet Ahlawat at Meet’s door to check if Manu has his name on her hand and if Manu is hiding something who did I put ring on? Amaji says to Meet you must have created a mess and so people might be home, Anubha open the door and sees its Meet Ahlawat, Meet hide, Anubha opens door, Meet Ahlawat takes blessings and asks where is Manu, Meet think something is definitely wrong. Meet Ahlawat says Manu’s ring was in my jacket I don’t know how so I came here, Meet runs away and hides, Amaji signs her to hide, Anubha welcomes Meet Ahlawat in, and says I will go call Manu. Meet goes wake Manu and says Jiju is here, Manu says what does he want, Meet says your ring is with him, Manu says he is madly in my love, Meet says something is wrong, Anubha comes in room and scolds Manu for ring and takes her downstairs. Manu ask Meet Ahlawat says how come you here, Meet Ahlawat says like me even you must be worried for ring, Manu says I am so sorry I searched everywhere, Meet Ahlawat says calm down and how did it become loose. Manu remembers giving Meet’s ring and says I didn’t do anything may be shops mistake, Meet Ahlawat says no worries I get one more chance to put ring. Manu says sure. Meet Ahlawat puts ring and turns her hand. Meet had stopped Manu while going down with Anubha and writes Meet’s name with sketch pen and then lets her go. Meet Ahlawat sees his name on Manu’s hand, Anubha look at Meet and thank her, Meet Ahlawat says let me click a picture of your hand, Manu says okay. Meet Ahlawat click a picture. 

Meet Ahlawat shows everyone picture, and scold Masoom, Babita supports Meet Ahlawat, Meet Ahlawat asks what is wrong why are you creating problems, your doubts and reservation are bigger than me, Masoom says I was just over protective I am sorry please forgive me, Babita says Meet Ahlawat look she is apologising, and it is good that all confusions are getting rid of, Raj says Masoom let me tell you all one thing I don’t have to hear a word against Manu anymore, I won’t bare this nonsense anymore and I have told Manushi's family that there will be no big function and about our rich friends we will give them reception later and Masoom if you have problem with their standard you will only be part of the reception then.

Meet is praying to God and says don't think I am happy hiding things from Meet Ahlawat's family but I had to save this relation and I have request please don’t punish Didi for her mistake punish me and take care of everyone and its all for Papa.

Anubha is making arrangements, Meet ask what's all this, Anubha says Manu will take it with her, Meet says instead we could give her money, Amaji scolds Meet and asks her to keep quiet and leaves. Anubha says Meet all this is because of you and tell me how did you understand about what Meet Ahlawat is thinking, Meet says I have met him many times and tells her the instances, Anubha says its so weird. Amaji walk to Anubha and Meet, and says there is pooja and where is Manu? Manu is asked to worship Meet’s bike pooja as a ritual to worship a wheel, Manu says I don’t want to do this stupid things, Anubha says you should so it happily because this wheel has always saved us. Manu does Pooja and then ask Meet to arrange her AC car, Meet says turn around says this is your personal car till marriage. Manu thinks she will run away in this car with Kunal. Manu says I will go on a drive and come back. Anubha says Meet, she looks is happy, Meet says lets make Hen party arrangements, Amaji sees arrangements and asks what is all this, Anubha says its party for Manu, its surprise party for her only girls, Amaji says how will you come then you are a boy, Meet says just wait and watch. Meet’s friend arrive with money.

Meet Ahlawat with Guddu, says you look handsome than me, should I find a girl for you, Guddu says ewww and leave. Meet calls Meet Ahlawat, and asks how is arrangment going on, and asks him when can she pay him, Meet Ahlawat says you have more favor, Meet says tomorrow evening 4 we will meet at tea stall, bye.

Manu gets home and sees Meet dressed like her, Manu starts laughing.

Meet comes Infront of Manushi in her attire. Manushi smiles and asks why she wore her clothes. Meet talk like her then she claps to on the light. Manushi says you can’t become Manushi by wearing my clothes so leave it. Meet says it’s not my real performance as I do it to get your smile then she makes Manushi wear the crown and bride to be badge then she dances with Anubha and Dadi. They enjoys their dance, Manushi friends, Ram, Lakhan join them. Dadi get emotional seeing Manushi. Meet ask Ram, Lakhan to go get the water. Dadi tells to Manushi that they will miss her. Manushi says she will miss them too. Anubha too gets emotional. Meet says let’s live these moments and she hug Manushi. Anubha says Meet fulfilled her responsibilities so give her right as Manushi sister because Groom family and everyone must know about her. Manushi too request her to allow Meet to come for her marriage. Dadi says she doesn’t want any bad omen to fall on Manushi until she get married and we will reveal to the groom family once Manushi gains the trust of Ahlawat’s family. Manushi hug her and think she don’t care as she is going to elope with Kunal. Meet tell Anubha that Dhodu ram will get shocked knowing I’m his saali. Anubha beats her for calling him Dhodu ram.

Kunal hide in dustbin to escape from financers who gave him money and he thinks his problems will end once he is married to Manushi. Tea seller offers tea to Meet but she tells him that she will have it after returning money. Kunal sees the money with her and he thinks to steal it as it may help him to elope with Manushi and he takes kid help and steal money from Meet and run from that place but she catches him and beats on the road for disturbing her sister and stealing money from her. Kunal asks if she is sister of Manushi. Meet says I’m her brother and sister so stay away from her as I’m giving you the opportunity.

Meet Ahlawat comes in car and Meets Meet and she is excitingly talks with him and offers her hand for friendship. Meet Ahlawat says I can’t touch you so friendship is not possible and it’s shown Meet Ahlawat help Kunal and question why she is beating him and Kunal tell him that Meet is rowdy who stealed money from him using the kids. Meet Ahlawat says I was so wrong about you as you’re bad and rowdy girl who just needs money and I don’t even know if your story about your Dad is true or not and even if it’s true your Dad must be feeling ashame seeing you. Meet says stop it as you already said many things and what did I do that you’re blaming me? Meet Ahlawat says you’re stealing money from good people and maybe you want to do friendship with me to loot me but I'm glad your reality came infront of me and I won’t trust you and I will never want to see your face again. Meet try to tell him but Meet Ahlawat leaves taking his money by telling that he don’t want her kind of girl in his new life. Meet breakdown infront of her Dad’s memorial wall saying how can he blame her and she misses her Dad and tells him that she don’t want Manushi to face any problems because of her. Boss calls Meet and asks her to deliver Chandan from haridwar to Chandigarh as she is the one who can deliver it in time. Meet Ahlawat reach home and reminsces how he break his friendship with Meet Hooda.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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