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Meet try to reach hanger in top most shelf, so she grab a chair and stand on it, Meet stumble. Meet Ahlawat run towards her to catch. Meet gets down and says what are you looking at help me to get that hanger. Meet Ahlawat if you got some time then try to hand to increase your height and mocks her, Meet Ahlawat grabs hanger and give to Meet. Meet thinks I need to find out Kunal so to reach Manushi, I have one way, Meet hit Meet Ahlawat’s eye and message his eye and ask last time when did you go to eye doctor and mocks him. Meet Ahlawat thinks how will I find her sister.

Anubha and Amma in hall someone knocks door. Amma shouts who is this knocking door. Someone says mummy outside door. Amma says Manushi rush downstairs to open door. Anubha says we gave promises to Babita that we wont keep any relation with Manushi. Amma says I’ll break everything for Manushi and run downstairs to open door. Manushi and Amma hug eachother, Amma asks where did you go, Kunal walks in, Manushi faints.

Meet is in the hall. Meet Ahlawat walks in and ask for who you are waiting, I never saw you giving much importance. Meet says I have only few people in my life to who I give importance and amoung them there is my one friend Niyati she is nurse and came from Mumbai to help out a patient. Meet Ahlawat says how nice never heard a nurse come from other cuty to take care of patient. Niyati walks in amd says this is the only difference between a doctor and nurse. Meet and Meet Ahlawat greets her. Niyati greet sthem and tell them that’s my issue I take care of patient till he is not cure very well. Meet Ahlawat says that’s nice habit. Meet takes her in. Meet Ahlawat mocks Meet. Meet reply him back. Niyati says after looking at you llok like you are made for eachother. Both disagree. Niyati says your story looks interesting, tell me one thing is there any moment in your life when you both thought if you might be not there then nothing could have happen. Meet remembers her time with Meet Ahlawat during match. Meet Ahlawat remember giving him locket. Niyati says now you understood you both might not have good life without eachother and says now I may leave my patient Abhimanyu will be waiting for me, he has some mental issue and get violent and attacks anyone I’ll not leave him until he is cure. Meet says what if he doesn’t cure. Niyati says for more info you can watch my show on ZeeTV and she leaves.

Kunal enter Manushi’s house says I thought she would be princess but she is broke.
Amma near Manushi crying and oray to god please bring my Manushi back, what happen to her. Manushi open her eyes. Amma give her water. Anubha grab glass of water, throws ut and ask now why did you come, and ask Amma not to come in between and try to drag Manushi out of house. Kunal sees them coming fown. Anubha asks Manushi who is this guy tell me true you ran away with him right. Manushi says no he is guy because if whom I’m standing alive in front of you, he saved me and I didn’t ran away from all happiness, I thought I’ll go Mumbai and earn some money but I didn’t know I’ll met with an accident in Mumbai. Kunal says yes she is right, she was alone in Mumbai I admitted her in hospital, she was unconscious for many days and when she became conscious, she told me she is from Shahbadh and told me her story. Amma give blessings to Kunal and ask his name. Manushi remember what Kunal said and says his name is Parth and he is from Mumbai. Kunal says she told me that she want to meet you and as humanity I brought her here. Manushi thinks you are smart Kunal now there is some base in story.

Meet Ahlawat on phone with asking about Manushi and says I’m not in mood please you handle everything. Chhavi walks in and consoles him. Meet Ahlawat says please leave me alone. Chavi says I know how someone feels when someone play with your heart and thinks now what to say, and read line from piece of paper and says to Meet come lets sit over there says I know you are in pain to feel byyou hav eto change your focus from that pain, I’m here to change your focus and switch iff light of his room and plays song. Meet walking towards her room. Chavi try to dance with him. Meet Ahlawat says what are you doing this is my problem I can solve this and leave. Chavi holds his hand and they both fall on bed lying over eachother. Meet switch on light’s and see them.

Manushi says sorry to Anubha I know I hurt you and hug her. Anubha push her back and says you are lier, if you went to Mumbai for work then tell why did you yook all jewelry with you, give me answer, says to Amma she don’t have any answer because her story is lie. Manushi says I have answer, I heard Mumbai is costly city, get down in Anubha leg says if something bad happen to me, so that’s why I took my jewelry as backup with me. Kunal thinks she is good lier and same why she played with me too, this is the only talent she got.

Meet Ahlawat push Chavi and move out of room. Meet walks to Chavi. Chav tease Meet and says I feel pity for Meet Ahlawat, you know he stumble after seein my beauty everytime, I try to stop him but he didn’t and you know its quite difficult for boys to control. Meet spill oil on Chhavi. Chhavi cry and says what’s this. Meet says its Chameli oil don’t you like it, listen Meet Ahlawat is not that kind of guy and second my mind and eyes works perfectly I know who was trying to do things that’s why saying control yourself think what will happen if I light a match stick, go from here. Chhavi says out from here. Meet says get out and she leaves

Manushi says to Anubha I just took my jewelry. Anubha make her stand and ask why didn’t you call us from many days and didn’t told us about accident. Manushi says I tried, thought of talking to mom and Amma but the I thought if I call you what will I tell why did I run away, how will I make you understand because you won’t believe me. Anubha says okay now give us proof tell hospital name. Amma says stop Anubha my girl was in pain, came back if we will jot believe then who will. Anubha says no I cannot believe her she will go out. Amma stop her and says this house is your as much as my son, I’ll see who will kick her out. Manushi and Kunal eink at eachother. Manushi thinks where is Meet I cannot see her, I cannot ask about her if I ask it may happen they doubt me if I said something wrong.

Sunaina brings muffin for Raj. Raj try to eat but Babita stop her you know these are not for you I made for Duggu and have ots for you. Raj says I thought it was me but I love you mke such tasty food dor a diabetic. Ragini says to Raj, Babita put lots of efforts to make tasty food for you. Ram says why don’t you start health and fitness blog. Babita says I was also thinking same. Raj says before eating I should check my sugar. Meet Ahlawat walks in greet them. Babita says I cooked your favourite breakfast. Meet Ahlawat says you cooked it, it will be tasty. Meet mocks him. Raj says I think so battery is dead and ask Sunaina do we have battery. Sunaina says we have ordered it but didn’t receive it till yet. Meet says wait I’ll se and says there is no need for new battery climate is changing so they might have caught moisture, she rubs it and give to Raj see it’s working. Raj says yes it’s working. Meet says me can easily get new things but repairing and using old one has some other level of satisfaction. Babita says sometimes things are been given deliberately which you don’t want to keep home and if we get offer to change then it’s better to do it. Meet Ahlawat says to Raj that Meet was saying she want to go home for ritual. Raj says okay we will send you today. Raj says Sunaina says saying to do pagphere ritual either brother will go or husband. Chhavi says but she don’t have brother she only have sister. Raj says do I need to tell everyone not to take that girl name. Babita says to Raj she can go on her bike to like she do delivery, can come back by evening. Meet Ahlawat says don’t worry I’ll go with her to do ritual and I heard whoever go has to stay there so I’ll go and bring her next day. Babita says I’m surprised but Meet Ahlawat if you are comfortable can go. Meet Ahlawat says I already did many rituals without my will so this is last one lets finish it. Raj says if it’s final that he will go so I’ll inform Anubha that you two are coming so that she can do prepration. Meet thinks what is going inside his mind that he is ready to go my home. Raj thinks this is time when I can find something about Manushi.

Anubha gets call from Raj. Raj greets her and says your daughter and son in law are coming for ritual. Anubha says okay and see Manushi, think what she said to Babita.

Meet Ahlawat packing clothes think today I’ll bring clue of Manushi any how. Meet stand in front of Meet Ahlawat and ask tell me why are you so excited to go my home. Meet Ahlawat says because of elders, that to follow ritual and they want to meet you too. Meet thinks he always think of respect of elders and says I’ll also pack my luggage. Meet keep her clothes in his bag. Meet Ahlawat says not in my luggage you will pack your clothes in your luggage. Meet says clothes will go in same luggage, we live as neighbour in onr room is our problem, I don’t want mom should worry after seeing two bags, if you want you can cancel I’ll go alone. Meet Ahlawat thinks this is the only chance to know about Manushi and says if I can share almera with you then why not suitcase, this is your side and this is mine. Meet says I need you to accept three things, first you have to smile and talk to everyone, second no angry face allowed you have to be normal and last one you will not fight me. Meet Ahlawat says why don’t you follow first all the things because you start everything and call me by my name. Meet mocks her and says don’t worry I have different name for you.

Manushi doing makeup. Anubha walks to her Manushi says please make some breakfast for me I’m going to take shower and walks upstairs. Kunal says to Manushi get ready by that time I’ll do some important work. Anubha says Meet Ahlawat is coming with Meet to live here and if he will see Manushi with Parth then it will be a big mess, they cannot be here they have to leave. Amma calls Anubha, walks to her and says Manushi has gone to take bath when she come back give here paratha to eat, she has become thin take care of her. Anubha says I cannot says anything to her, what should I do, says till time she is taking shower I’ll pack her bag that will be good and ealks upstairs. Amma doing pooja see Anubha going upstairs.

Babita doing pooja of Meet And Meet Ahlawat and says when will you come back. Meet Ahlawat says 2-3 days. Raj says good today you proved son walks on father’s path, you know when I took you mom for ritual I came after 1 week. Babita says you were able to stay because there were servants and Ac but she got in her house nothing, how will he live, ask Meet Ahlawat to come back tomorrow. Meet Ahlawat says don’t panic I’ll manage and take blessings of both if them, Meet Ahlawat try to pick bag but hurt himself. Babita says why did you puck up bag kaka was here to do that, I don’t think you will take care of yourself you will not go. Meet Ahlawat says it was by mistake I can take care of myself. Meet says to Babita don’t you worry, I won’t let anything happen to him. Raj says don’t worry Babita let them go.

Manushi see Anubha packing her bag. Manushi says what are you doing it’s decided I’ll live here. Anubha says don’t ask many questions just go from here and call Parth. Manushi ask why. Anubha says you will stay at your Bua’s house and ask Parth to go back to Mumbai. Manushi says but will I leave my house and calls Amma. Amma come and ask what happen. Manushi says you said I’ll not go but look at mom she is asking me to leave. Amma says no guest are coming she is giving your room to them, who will ask you to leave till the time I’m here. Anubha says not guest, daughter and son in law of this house are coming. Manushi see Meet and Meet Ahlawat wedding photo and get shock says Meet got married to Meet Ahlawat how did he agreed. Anubha says I don’t have all the answers, they might be coming and we promise to Babita that we won’t keep any relation with you because you break his heart. Manushi says I’ll not go this is my house but I don’t understand one thing and ask Amma how did Meet Ahlawat got ready to marry our Meet. Anubha says what’s your problem you did this so that Meet get married to Meet Ahlawat then why all these questions come tell me answers. Amma says instead of cursing her, say thanks to her because of her only you daughter kind of son got married. Anubha says I don’t have time for nonsense questions and takes Manushi’s bag. Manushi grabs her bag. Anubha says to Amma ask her to leave because I don’t want to ruin Meet’s life because of her. Amma says she will not go if she kept her leg outside then I’ll also leave.

Babita says okay you bith go together but you Meet will act like his shadow and will take care of him. Meet says don’t worry he will come back same as he is going. Ragini says to Babita they are quite smart and ask them to be in love with eachother when come back atleast you can try and give Meet a necklace and tell this is sign to show is daughter in law happy or not and I have kept few gifts and sweet in car give your mom and dadi. Meet Ahlawat thinks now I’ll get to know real truth about Manushi.

Meet and Meet Ahlawat arrive at Meet’s house. Robin ask Kunal how are you and did you got married to that rich girl, with whom you came to party? Kunal says she was fraud, she took everything from me, I don’t want to take help from dad that’s why I can to you for help and see Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Everyone welcomes them. Kunal thinks this goon is Ahlawat’s family daughter in law how much lie you say Manushi, she said she is drivers daughter and above that Meet Ahlawat’s wife and they are going to Manushi’s house its better to run. Old lady ask to stop. Meet ask what happen tae and calls a boy and ask him to shoot a reel, even neighbour come and everyone start dancing. Robin search for Kunal. Tae says stop and ask is the reel done and tease Meet Ahlawat from standing far from Meet and ask how do you feel after getting married? Meet whisper to Meet Ahlawat don’t be rude okay. Meet Ahlawat says earlier I was having normal life but now its all rollercoaster. Tae says it means you are having fun, says our Meet is so lovely. Meet Ahlawat sees Robin and think I saw Manushi first time in his party he might know something about Manushi. Robin says lets go and meet Meet Ahlawat. Meet says where did he go, he might be with his friend.


Manushi take her luggage and run to her room, says I’ll not go from here its my room. Anubha says to Amma try to understand they are out and I already broke the promise given to Babita because of you, I’m asking for 3-4 days to go from here. Manushi says I’ll not go. Anubha says you shut up and beg Amma ask her to leave. Amma says why would my daughter live in pain for 2-3days. Meet shouts Mummy. Amma says oh god she is here. Anubha pray to god and says okay live here but she will live in store room. Manushi says am I rat or what I said I’ll live in this room.
Meet In Love Air On Zee World From Mondays to Sundays At 7:00pm

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