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Ragini says to Babita to please be quite and do the ritual. Babita says you were there with them and how did this happen in your presence, how did you allow this marriage, will somebody tell me when this was happening, its a big issue and you all didn’t told me, in my presence this would not have been happen you all ruined my son’s life, everyone listen this girl is not my daughter in law, bringing her was not my decision I’ll not follow any ritual you all can do it, remove everything it was for Manushi nothing will happen and start crying. Raj goes and hugs her. Meet thinks she was not ready for me and because of Manushi’s bad decision she is hurt.

Raj takes Babita in his room and says you always have faith in me and I never did something which may harm us and that’s why I took this big step, beleive me everything was sudden I have to take this decision and my intention were not to tell you, you know when Meet Ahlawat was in mandap we get to know Manushi ran away what should I do tell, should have asked Meet Ahlawat and everyone to go back, then I saw Meet and ask Guruji to see Meet kundali and learnt that first time they gave us Kundali was if Meet not Manushi then I realised your word what you said about kundali. Babita remembers what she said about the match making. Raj says and surprisingly there kundali matches, beleive me Meet is good girl. Babita says good girl if I knew earlier she is Manushi’s sister I would have said no to Manushi too, Huddah family cheated us and she is not good girl, she is insolent, did you ever see her face. Raj says I know you are hurt you cannot judge by seeing her face trust me she is talented. Babita says I have seen her talent very well, I’m seeing your talent first time, why you did this never thought of asking me first, is this your love I loved you a lot and have trust in you but what you did, you know how much excited I was for our son’s wedding you could have called me once. Raj says I believe I’m wrong but think your son is standing outside with her waiting atleast do your ritual. Babita says she is not my daughter in law it was your decision so I’ll not do anything and I don’t wanna talk to you my head is paining. Raj says then I should think that you are saying no to Guruji. Babita stops. Raj says Guruji said yes for this marriage he matched kundali and said she is perfect for our son and our home, if you ignore this it means you are ignoring Guruji.

Masum says I knew already mom will not accept this relation that’s why I was trying to understand Raj but he was not listing me, don’t know till when you will be standing here. Raj takes Masum name, Raj and Babita walks to bridge and groom. Ragini give thali to Babita and ask her to do pooja. Babita says I cannot do that please you do it I’m standing here. Babita sees Meet Ahlawat face and thinks his face is telling he is hurt a lot and says to Ragini to do pooja of my son. Ragini perform ritual and ask Babita this ritual only mom can do so please give them blessing. Babita says blessings are given through heart and I’m in pain right now you did pooja they can come. Meet says I need your blessings without that I cannot come. Babita says then stand I’ll be happy if you don’t come inside. Meet Ahlawat try to walks in. Ragini says no Meet Ahlawat you cannot go inside. Meet Ahlawat says do fast whatever you want to do because I’m feeling suffocating frok inside, Maa do fast. Raj asks Babita to move forward. Meet Ahlawat says please maa. Babita walks to them and perform ritual, Babita looks at Meet and says to Ragini ask someone to throw this pot somewhere far so that bad omen dosent stay near to my son. Meet and Meet Ahlawat touches feet of Babita. Babita guve blessing to both and says I’m doing this so that my son dosent suffer anymore and put her hand down. Babita asks Ragini to perform other rituals and finish is quickly. Ragini says to Meet you have to make this kalash fall from your right leg so that this house have its blessings. Meet Ahlawat perform the ritual and gets in with Meet Ahlawat.

Meet gets inside house after following ritual. Meets Grah pravesh ritual begins, Sunaina asks Meet to walk 7 steps forward. Meet begins ritual with kumkum water on a cloth. Meet Ahlawat stumble while walking. Meet catches him. Babitas friend says Babita daughter in law made a new ritual. Meet Ahlawat gets up and steps on Meet’s saarie by mistake. Everyone gets shocked Masum says jeans inside saari. Babitas friend says you daughter in law has new fashion sense who was your exclusive designer and makes fun of her and mocks her. Meet Ahlawat asks Ragini how much more time. Ragini says just let her take kalash to mandir and its over and ask Sunaina to bring kalash. Masum says to Sunaina mom brought small kalash for her delicate daughter in law, she is already in pain and you want to give her more after giving that small kalash, more over she saved my brother from falling so she can handle traditional kalash too and ask shyam to bring traditional kalash from upstairs. Raj says to Masum why are you doing your mom has done arrangement already. Babita says Masum is right all the ritual will be followed. Sunaina says to Masum this is heavy two people are handling it. Masum says why can’t she her mom said she was bearing everything over there so why can’t she handle things here. Raj says to Masum this is risky she might get injury, she will not carry this much weight. Babita says then let it be don’t do it. Meet says I can handle it. Masum asks Shyam to put kalash on her head.
Meet walks with Kalash carefully. Everyone in shock. Duggu says yes ustaad mami you can do it, ustaad mami is brave and strong. Babitas friend make fun of Babita. Meet keep kalash in fron of god statue and greets them. Babita says to her friend all ritual are done thanks for coming. Friends mock her and go. Sunaina ask Meet to put your handprint on board and sees Manushi name on board and remember shat Babita said to Meet Ahlawat for hand impression. Ragini walks and cut Manushi name from board and write Meet name. Meet dips her hand and put on her impression. Ragini takes them to god and asks them to take blessings. Meet Ahlawat walks away in anger and throws Meet duppata. Ragini goes and put that duppata on Meet, says don’t feel bad he is not bad from his heart he is hurt I hope you understand, everything will be fine. Meet says I know that and thinks he should get happiness that he deserve. Ragini says according to our house ritual you have to be whole night in mandir and me and Sunaina will be here, if you want to sleep let us and ask Sunaina to bring mattress. Ragini says to Meet tomorrow you can go to your room. Sunaina bring mattress and says mummy was on fast today which she was going to break after welcoming daughter in law but she is not ready to eat anything and is very angry says how can I break my fast when my daughter in law didn’t came. Ragini asks Sunaina stay here I’ll go and look Babita. Meet says it’s already late night you both can go and sleep I’ll sleep don’t worry much. Ragini says okay let us know if you need anything.

Manushi and Kunal in hotel room. Manushi excited and thinks Kunal has decided classic hotel for me, best decision I took of marrying him and calls Kunal and says your room will be more lavish then this. Kunal says ofcourse and I’m sure your bedroom must be big then this. Masum says yes I’m missing my room, I’m doing this because of you can manage it for some days. Kunal says you must be tiered I’ll go change you take rest and leaves. Manushi says someone must have got my letter and Ahlawat family must have gone back and this week will me heavyfor both Meet.

Meet says to god I know Meet Ahlawat is not bad but being married to me is hurting him please stay with him and help him, God had found such good house for Manushi but she didn’t do good.

Meet Ahlawat breaks his and Manushi’s picture in the room and tears off all the decorations. Meet and Meet Ahlawat are in tears.

Meet Ahlawat shatters all his room. Meet sitting in pooja ghar. Meet Ahlawat thinks about good time with Manushi. Meet remember what Manushi did to her and how Amma requested her for house reputation.

Babita is upset at the corridor. Raj come and says come eat something you haven’t had anything since morning come break your fast. Babita says leave it my presence is of no use to you, you took a big decision of my life without my concern so don’t give false promises to me. Raj says I didn’t have any option at that moment, you are questioning my love instead of having fath in me. Meet hear and sees them fighting in corridor. Babita says you brought a girl who us not my and my son choice, you forced my son to get married to a girl who is miss fit for her, In this house we took all the decision even if it is small, whatever we buied in this house was our decision, but today you took decision of bringing daughter in law alone and you are saying I’m wrong. Ragini come with food and says I know you are hurt, but believe me we all were there in this situation the decision took by Raj was correct, do you think he would take a step to hurt you, he did for our Meet Ahlawat’s good please now eat something. Babita takes plate and throws it says if Raj would have taken right decision then we all would have been happy and tell me if you would be in my shoes will you understand, will you accept this marriage there is big difference between son and daughter wedding, you have daughter she will get married and go but I have to stay with her in same house every morning I have to see face which me and my son bith don’t like and whenever I’ll see her face I’ll remember my son’s disappointed face so keep your thoughts with you and she leaves. Raj says today Babita disrespect food and daughter in law and leaves.
Meet sees broken plate and food on floor start cleaning them. Masum walks and say now you happy I already had doubt on your family your family planned this correct till now mom and dad never talked to eachother like this but look today they are fighting because of you so listen one thing nobody is happy because of you and leaves.

Meet In Love Air On Zeeworld From Mondays To Sundays

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  1. Thank you for the update. I'm feeling so bad for Meet Hooda.

  2. Thank you. Please we need Age is just a number updates and Married Again Updates
