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The Episode starts with Yuvraj calling Gopal. He says sorry, I couldn’t call before, is everything fine. Gopal says nothing is fine. Yuvraj says I have to give you a news, Prisha’s case is coming to court tomorrow, I Am not fighting her case, I hired a lawyer. Gopal asks why. Yuvraj says because I Am the judge. Gopal says its a good news. They pray. Vasu takes Saransh to school. Ahana gets ready. She orders white clothes. Mishika asks will you wear white clothes all your life. Ahana says no, just for few days, I have to keep the perfect widow image. Mishika says you are a genius. Ahana says I am doing all this for a bigger aim, how are the outfits. Mishika says lovely, you will be at home. Ahana says we can go out. Mishika says Rajeev died yesterday, how can you go out. Ahana says if we go for imortant work, then, I am a school trustee, school’s smooth functioning is important, I m so sacrificing, I am doing a lot for kids, my image is going to shine, we can do whatever we want. Mishika says you are truly a genius.

Rudraksh says I won’t eat until I punish Prisha. Maa asks him to have food. Maa says Ahana, are you going somewhere, you can’t go out. Ahana says I can’t stay in the room, I miss Rajeev so much, I want some inner peace. Maa says you have to be at home today. Ahana says I have to attend to school meeting, its about kids, I can’t make their loss for our loss. Rudra says let her go, I will drop her. Ahana says you care a lot for me, come Mishika. They leave.

Vasu drops Saransh at school. The ladies talk ill about Prisha. Vasu takes Saransh with her. She says I have to meet the teacher, come with me. The kids taunt Saransh for having a criminal mom. Saransh says she isn’t a criminal, she is playing a game. Vasu scolds the kids. Ahana comes and stops Vasu. She asks how can you beat them. Vasu says I was just scaring them. Ahana says this misbehavior won’t work here. Vasu says they are talking bad about Saransh. Rudra says I m going, call me if you need anything. Saransh hugs him and says look at them, they are troubling me, tell them that we are playing a game, so mumma went to jail. Rudra recalls Rajeev’s death. He calls Ahana. He ask her to expel Saransh, she has a big reason, his mum is a murderer. Ahana says we can’t make this personal, thanks for support, I have to take this decision for the school. Ahana says take Saransh from this school, he is expelled. Vasu asks how can you do this? Ahana says I am a trustee, all the parents are saying that a criminal’s son can’t be here, that woman Prisha killed my husband. Vasu says Prisha didn’t do anything, maybe Rajeev did some mistake, how can you say this, her crime isn’t proved. Ahana says it will be proved in the court, you will get the official letter, Saransh you are out of this school. Rudra says no mercy for Prisha and people related to her. He goes. Saransh says Ahana and Rudra said that about mumma. Vasu says we are playing a game, they will be glad if you lose, you will win, we will be winners. She hugs Saransh and says we will win.

Everyone comes to the court. Rudraksh comes with his lawyer and Balraj. He sees Prisha and gets angry. Balraj stops him. Gopal says I have some important work, I will come before the hearing begins. Yuvraj gets ready as the judge. He says finally, I have become the judge. Gopal comes to him. He says Prisha is going to stand there as a culprit, I can’t tolerate this, please save her, end this matter for our sake and Saransh. Yuvraj says I am your son, I will free Prisha, I promise, nothing will happen to her, I will surrender to the police, since I am cheating to my duty, you can just see Prisha at this time, you taught me honesty, principles are important, you didn’t break your principles, you said Yuvraj shouldn’t become the judge, you didn’t think of our relation, my hard work and dreams, you didn’t do anything wrong in life, why are you asking me to do wrong, I know Prisha is your daughter, she is my wife, I will die if she gets punished, I can’t break the law, if she didn’t do anything wrong, then why will she get punished, I will support the truth and the principles you taught me, the truth shall win, hearing is going to start, you should go to court room. Gopal leaves. Yuvraj laughs on Gopal.

Rudraksh comes there. Yuvraj gets shocked. He asks what are you doing here, say everything there. Rudraksh says 10 crores. Yuvraj asks what nonsense. Rudraksh says I will give you 10 crores, you have to convict Prisha. Yuvraj gets shocked and holds his collar. He says how dare you try to bribe me, Prisha is my would be wife. Rudraksh says you will not get this offer again, she isn’t your wife, but money can be yours, convict her and take the money. He goes. Yuvraj laughs and says when did my fate become so good, I am going to make her out of my way, she is lucky for me, I am going to become rich, I love you Prisha, hearing is going to start, I m coming ten crores….. Yuvraj comes to the courtroom. The case hearing begins. Rudra’s lawyer says its an open and shut case, Prisha has confessed that Rajeev died because of her, I want Prisha to get same punishment, so that its a lesson for every careless person.

Rudra’s lawyer ask Yuvraj to give his verdict. Prisha’s lawyer says my client accepted her crime, I don’t want to say anything. Yuvraj smiles. Gopal and Vasu ask their lawyer to defend Prisha. Yuvraj asks them to please sit, the lawyers are here to talk. Prisha’s lawyer says Prisha regrets her doing a lot. Prisha thinks what’s happening, Yuvraj said the lawyer is talented and will fight the case well. Prisha’s lawyer says she will accept the verdict. Yuvraj says the court will give the verdict. Vasu says its wrong. Prisha thinks its happening wrong. Yuvraj says Prisha accepted her crime, Rajeev has died in a brutal way, his family is in pain, his accident has become merciless killing, the court punishes her with death sentence. Prisha, Vasu and Gopal get shocked. Vasu gets dizzy.

The lady says its wrong, I have to talk to Prisha’s parents. Rudraksh thinks Prisha will get hanged. Prisha thinks I have to talk to Yuvraj. She shouts and cries. She shouts to Gopal. Police takes her. Balraj says very good, you got Prisha a death sentence. Rudraksh thinks Prisha will die now. Gopal asks Vasu to get conscious. He sprinkles water on her. She gets up and asks where is Prisha, Yuvraj is a fraud, he cheated Prisha, where is he, I want to talk to him. Gopal says I know, I have to ask him a lot, come with me. They go to Yuvraj. Gopal asks how did the accident become a murder. She scolds Yuvraj. He says what’s this truth and principles, you know Prisha can’t do this, she is your would be wife also. He slaps Yuvraj. Yuvraj shouts enough, I also want to ask you, where is Saransh. Gopal says he is with the neighbor. Yuvraj says he isn’t there, look at this, he is kidnapped. He shows the pic. He says someone kidnapped Saransh, read this, if I don’t convict Prisha, then they will kill Saransh. Gopal asks who did this. Yuvraj says I don’t know, I asked the lawyer not to argue so that I can give the verdict soon. Gopal says but… Yuvraj says its important to save Saransh, I tracked the location, please go to Prisha and clear her misunderstanding. Vasu says who did this kidnapping.

Prisha cries and says you cheated me Yuvraj. Rudraksh comes and asks how are you feeling, Yuvraj gave you a death sentence, you will die now, you deserve this. Constable looks on. Rudraksh asks are there rats here, leave it on her, so that Prisha gets more pain, Rajeev will get peace, see this breaking news, the world knows your truth, you are a murderer, I will come to see you dying. He goes. She sits crying. She thinks of her family. She says I didn’t do this accident, I will tell everything. She shouts for help.

Ahana comes to Balraj. She says Prisha got what she deserved. He says you should have been there. She says there was a meeting of board of directors, I have handled it, I knew you won’t be able to go, I know handling business, my father is a businessman. He says thanks for helping me. She says don’t embarrass me, it was my duty, I have to be honest, I realized our business is suffering, Rajeev’s untimely death, you are shattered, I think someone should take Rajeev’s place. Gopal and Vasu come to meet Prisha. Prisha cries and says I didn’t know Yuvraj will do this, I trusted him and loved him a lot, he punished me instead saving me, he cheated me and all of us, he is responsible for this. Vasu says he is helpless to do this, because Saransh is kidnapped. Prisha asks what, Saransh is kidnapped, why, who did this. She cries and says who will save him, go and save him. Gopal says Yuvraj has gone to save him, he has given you a death sentence since he was threatened by the kidnapper. Vasu says yes, he has gone to save Saransh.

Balraj asks who can take Rajeev’s place. Ahana says I was a devoted wife to Rajeev, I will manage his work only if you allow, you made this empire with much hard work, I want to join the board of directors. He says I don’t mind, I will talk to my manager and get the papers ready, you will be on the board of directors panel. She says thanks for placing the trust on me, I promise, I m not going to let you down. She goes. She says I was waiting for this day, to get this ultimate power, my dad didn’t let Mishika and me run the business because we are girls, now Rajeev’s death will fulfill my dream, I will become the MD, the empire will be under my thumb. Prisha says just call and ask how is my son. Saransh comes to her. Yuvraj comes. Prisha cries. Yuvraj says Saransh is fine. Vasu thanks him. Gopal says Yuvraj, we can’t forget what you did for us. Prisha asks did anyone do anything. Saransh says no, Yuvraj has beaten the goons and saved me, he got much hurt.


Rudraksh says Rajeev was going to adopt a child, why didn’t he tell me. Prisha is brought to Rudraksh. He says you knew Saransh is Rajeev’s son, he made trust for Saransh, Saransh will get money every month until he turns 21. prisha thinks it means Yuvraj lied to me. Rudraksh says Saransh is Rajeev’s son, Saransh will get 50 lakhs every month until he turns 21. Prisha gets shocked. Saransh ties Mauli thread to Rudraksh and asks for Prisha. Prisha asks Yuvraj did he lie to her about Rajeev.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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