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The Episode starts with Rajeev thinking Saransh is my son, why is he with Prisha, where is Mahima? Dr. Indu says I regret that we couldn’t save Mahima after delivery, she died. Prisha says no one knows that he is Mahima’s son, just my parents know about it. Rajeev cry and goes to temple. He says why did you punish Mahima for my mistake, I wish I didn’t leave Mahima alone. FB shows Mahima apologizing to Rajeev. She says I know you are helpless, you love me, so I have to tell you a truth. He ask what truth. She says I am pregnant. She says don’t think I am expecting something, I came to say I won’t abort our child even if our relation ended, you are married now, you are Ahana’s husband, I have lost you, I will always keep our love sign. He says I will only love you, my marriage is just a deal, my dad did this with Ahana’s dad, I am scared of my dad, I ruined my life, but it's about this new life, I am lucky, you will bring this child into the world, I will be with you, I will talk to dad and take divorce from Ahana. He goes to Balraj and says I want divorce from Ahana, I love someone, she is pregnant. Balraj slap and scolds him. He says your life is zero, Ahana will always be your wife, I will make that girl out of your way if you act smart, get out. Rajeev goes to Ahana. He says I need to talk about divorce, the girl I love is pregnant, please end this fake relation, there is no love and respect in this relation, why are we dying and living? She says you are enjoying with that girl, you impregnated her, shame on you. He says it happened before our marriage. She says I won’t give you divorce, no one rejects Ahana. Fb ends. Rajeev says I was silent, you have given birth to Saransh, I left you alone to die. He kisses the medal and cry, I will accept my son, I couldn’t fight for you, I will fight the world for you, no one can keep Saransh away from me. Indu says I will keep your secret, Saransh will be fine. Prisha goes to meet Saransh. Rajeev thinks how to meet Saransh. He asks ward boy to tell Prisha to deposit advance. Prisha talks to Saransh and says sorry, I am a bad mum. Saransh says no. She kisses him. Ward boy asks her to deposit money. She goes.

Rajeev goes to Saransh. He cry. Abhi mujhme kahin….plays…. He sits talking and asks how are you? Saransh says I am fine, you saved me from falling. Rajeev says no need to thank me, I am elder to you, it was my duty. Saransh says you are super brave like my mum. Rajeev says there can’t be anyone brave like her. Saransh says right, did you see best dad medal. Rajeev says which one, you can get it and give it to your dad. Saransh says I will give it to Yuvi uncle. Rajeev thinks I will expose Yuvraj. He says I will come soon. He kisses Saransh and goes.

Prisha takes Saransh. Rajeev recalls the truth and cry. Vasu scolds Prisha and Saransh. Saransh says Rajeev uncle saved me. Yuvraj hears this. Rudraksh waits for Rajeev. Rajeev comes with sweets. He says there is good news, I will tell you first, but when the right time comes, you are my life. Rudraksh says I missed you. Rajeev says promise, I won’t go away, this concert has to be the best. Rudraksh thinks just stay happy, I will plan superb party for you. He says love you. Rajeev says love you too, sleep now. Rudraksh makes a call and says surprise for Rajeev, best brother in the world. Yuvraj says Saransh, you did a stunt for a kitty, how are you?

Saransh says everyone is loving me a lot. Yuvraj and Prisha say we have cancelled the sangeet. Saransh says sorry. Prisha says its okay. Yuvraj says we can dance in marriage tomorrow. Gopal says we shall postpone the marriage, Saransh is hurt. Prisha says yes. Yuvraj says so much money is invested, everything is prepared, Saransh is a tiger, he will get fine, he will be hurt if we cancel the marriage. Saransh says I am better. He dances and shows them. He asks will you marry now. Yuvraj smiles. Saransh says I will look dashing in my dress, all the girls will see me. Vasu says fine, agreed. Yuvraj hug him.

Rajeev gets the toys. Ahana asks are you starting new business? He says no, I purchased everything. She says there is no kid at home. He says I am adopting a child. She laughs. They argue. She goes. He think I need my son Saransh, I am waiting for the moment when he comes here and wishes me calling me dad.

Prisha and Gopal joke on the things packed by Vasu. Vasu get angry with them. She goes. Rudraksh gifts Rajeev. Rajeev like the watch. He says I wanted such a watch since always, why this gift? Rudraksh says its someone’s birthday tomorrow, mine… Rajeev says oh mine, you never forget it. Rudraksh says now tell me what’s the good news. Rajeev says I will tell you after the concert. Prisha comes to console Vasu. Gopal says we wanted to make you angry. Vasu says we were living for Prisha, this house will be lonely. He says we will spend our life together. They hug. Prisha says I love you. Vasu says we have to reach the hotel on time. Prisha cry. Yuvraj says I am going to become a groom, I will get Rajeev’s son. The manager comes and says you have to clear the payments. Yuvraj says I understand, it will be on time, I want the best of the best in marriage. He says there is so much to spend in marriage, everyone wants a big fat wedding, I have to call Rajeev for money.

Rajeev ask lawyer did he make the papers ready? He says I will tell everyone at the right time. Rudraksh ask what are you hiding? Rajeev gets shocked. Rudraksh ask is there secret GF matter? Ahana ask what, secret GF, are you serious Rudra. Rudraksh says I was just joking. She says I know, because I have a secret BF. He ask what? She laughs and says sorry, I am kidding, silly. Rajeev asks are you guys done, go for the concert, I will come after doing important work, its urgent, don’t worry, go. Rudraksh hug him and says I stay nervous on stage, will you come soon. Rajeev says I am always with you. Rudraksh goes. Rajeev get Yuvraj’s call. Yuvraj says this time, you have to give me ten crores. They argue. Rajeev thinks Yuvraj will get trapped today. He says please, don’t tell my secret, I will arrange the money. Yuvraj says I have important work today. Rajeev says meet me soon, I will get busy in my brother’s concert, I am going abroad for a month, you can wait if you want. Yuvraj ask him to meet him. He says I know you are Saransh’s dad, but I will become his dad and then get your entire property. Rajeev says I will end your entire game tonight. 

Rudraksh is at his concert. Balraj says the fans are shouting, this is music for me. Kalra says Rudraksh is much famous, fans are crazy for him, Rudraksh gave me this idea. Balraj asks what idea. Ahana and Mishika get shocked. Rudraksh says late entry idea. Balraj asks what. Rudraksh says I told him that I will make a late entry and he can sell tickets at high costs. Balraj says I will see business, you check the music. He ask where is Rajeev. Rudraksh says he said he is coming. Ahana says he went for some important work. Balraj says he is an idiot. He ask his wife how did she come? She says its Rajeev’s birthday. He ask really. Ahana says I forgot. Maa says I got the cake for him. Ahana says you should have told me. Rudraksh says I am sure Maa got the best cake for Rajeev, she is the best mom. Balraj says fine, everything will be after the concert, Rudra prepare for it. He ask everyone to leave Rudra alone. Mishika doesn’t go. Rudraksh asks her to go. She says come on, I am your inspiration. He sings chanting Om. Mishika ask what’s all this. Tia sends her out. He thank the girls. He calls Rajeev and says no reply, I am getting nervous.

Yuvraj gets ready and says I have to reach there soon. Gopal asks where are you going? Yuvraj says I was going to complain about AC. Vasu asks him not to go out. She gives the shagun gold chain. Gopal thinks I am sure you will like it. Vasu asks don’t you like it? Yuvraj says no, what’s this, you gave me a light weight chain on my marriage. He laughs and says you thought I will say this, it's a blessing for me, I will always keep this chain with me, promise me, you just bless me in shagun from today. They happily bless him. He gives shagun for Prisha. He asks them to give it to Prisha. They go. He says shagun is Saransh for me, I will make Rajeev pay me a lot. Gopal says Yuvraj has sent this for you. Prisha likes it. She says he has already given me a necklace, why is he spending so much. Vasu says he loves you. Saransh comes. He says my best Dad medal got lost, what will I give to Yuvraj. Prisha says we will make new one. Gopal explains about kanyadaan rasam. Saransh asks who will do my kanyadaan. They laugh. Prisha says you are part of me. He says because I came from your tummy, right, tell me. Vasu says you are in mumma’s heart. Prisha says heart to heart connection is the biggest. She cry. He wipe her tears. She hug him.


Rudraksh says we shall start the contract. Yuvraj says you will pay for this. Gopal asks where did Yuvraj go. Yuvraj goes to kill Rajeev. Prisha sees the cctv footage and gets shocked. Prisha says your hotel would have cctv cameras installed. She checks footage and gets shocked seeing Yuvraj blackmailing Rajeev. Yuvraj kills Rajeev. Rudraksh is in his concert. He feels restless like he heard Rajeev’s voice. Yuvraj laughs and goes.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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