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The Episode starts with Gopal thanking Yuvraj and going with Saransh and Vasu. Yuvraj smiles and asks Prisha are you fine. She asks are you hurt. He says I can give my life for Saransh. She thank him. He says he is my son, who will protect him? She says can I say sorry. He ask why. She says I was going to tell the truth to everyone, that I didn’t do the accident, you did it, you punished me, I misunderstood you. He says you thought I have cheated you and used you, you were not thinking wrong. She ?ask what. He says I would have thought this being in your place, they have messaged me to threaten me, I wasn’t the judge in that chair, I am a son for Amma-Appa and Saransh’s dad. 

Rudraksh talk to Rajeev. He says I should have left the concert and come to you. Manager says policemen came to meet you. Rudraksh says send them here, Maa and Ahana will get disturbed. The policemen get Rajeev’s belonging from the car. Inspector says all these belong to Rajeev, we found the toys from his car, so we have come to give it to you. Rudraksh sees the watch and get sad. Ahana comes. He says its Rajeev’s belongings, police gave it, can I keep all this. She think I had no interest in Rajeev, what would I do with this garbage? She says yes. He says thanks, do you know about these toys. She says Rajeev wanted to adopt a child. 

Prisha asks who kidnapped Saransh, who wanted me to get hanged? He says I don’t know, but just Rudraksh will be happy to see you dying. She recall and says yes, you are right, it could be Rudraksh. He says we have no evidence, we can’t do anything, its good nothing happened to Saransh. She says I trust you, nothing will happen to him, just take care of mum and dad after I leave. He says I won’t let you go, I will find some way, trust me. She says I know you will try your best, I won’t tell the truth to anyone, I promise. He ask her to take care. He goes and says I am so mean, I got Saransh kidnapped, what a plan, I knew Prisha will tell the truth and my game will be over, now I have become a hero. He recall hiring goons to kidnap Saransh. Goons kidnap Saransh. Yuvraj comes there and beats the goons. He saves Saransh. FB ends. Yuvraj says Rudraksh, I am coming to you now.

Ahana says Rajeev just wanted to complete our family, who knew it will be his last wish, sorry, I can’t do this. She goes. Rudraksh says Rajeev wanted to adopt a child, why didn’t he tell me? Manager comes and says Madam is calling you, she asked you to see Chautha arrangements. He get Yuvraj’s call and says tell me. Yuvraj says I did your work, when shall I come to take the money. Rudraksh says I will give you 11 crores, you have to do my work. Yuvraj says you are forgetting that I am a judge. Rudraksh says 12 crores. Yuvraj ask what’s the work. Rudraksh tells him. Yuvraj says fine.

Its morning, constable asks Prisha to get ready. Prisha ask are you leaving me. Prisha is brought in the police van to Khurana house. Prisha asks who called me here. Inspector says we don’t know, come. She asks again. Rudraksh says I have called you. She gets scared. He says thanks for coming here, stay here. She says I don’t want to go. He takes her inside. The people look on. He shows her Rajeev’s picture. He says you killed Rajeev, your lawyer said you regret a lot, look here. He throws Prisha and says you killed every relation linked to him. He shouts at her. She cries. He says she is my Maa, she started beating herself when she heard about his death, you killed her motherly love, Ahana is my Bhabhi, she likes colours a lot, you snatched all colours from her life by killing her husband, I never saw tears in my dad’s eyes, look at him, he is crying for Rajeev’s death, and these people are morning for Rajeev, they respected him a lot, ask them what they are going through. Prisha says I don’t want to ask, stop it. He asks them to see Prisha, she is Rajeev’s murderer. He asks the man to tell how Rajeev helped in his mum’s cancer treatment. He says my brother was a real life superstar. Prisha says stop it, I don’t want to listen. He says you can’t see this, you will die now, no one will cry for you, everyone will just curse you, I will be there when you get hanged, I will see you dying and curse you. He takes her upstairs. He says its said that dying person doesn’t lie, tell me the truth, what was your relation with Rajeev, I know you were blackmailing him, why, did you have any affair with him. She asks what nonsense. He says you trapped him by using tears, Rajeev gave you the necklace. She says Yuvraj gave me that necklace. He says you are lying, why did you blackmail Rajeev, I would have given you money, Rajeev was giving you money, why did you kill him. She asks why is he saying this, does he know that Saransh’s father is Rajeev? He asks her not to be silent. Manager comes and gives a letter. He says its urgent letter. Rudraksh checks it. He gets shocked.

Rudraksh think how can this happen, Saransh is Rajeev’s son. Prisha think did he know the truth of the accident? Rudraksh says you were blackmailing my brother, you knew that Saransh is Rajeev’s son, you were getting money, why did you kill him, he would have given him money always, you should have found out about him, he made a trust fund for Saransh, Saransh will get 50 lakhs every month until he gets 21 years old, he left crores for Saransh, Saransh’s future got secured, what about my brother, look here, these toys were found in his car… Rajeev wanted to give this to Saransh, I want to kill you and show it as an accident. Inspector says its too late, we have to take her. Prisha cry.

Rudraksh says Rajeev was married to Ahana, when did he have the affair, maybe before his marriage, he told me once about someone. He recalls Rajeev’s words. He says it means Saransh is Rajeev and Prisha’s son, she did this, I didn’t know she is so cheap. Ahana asks Balraj not to stop his life this way, we don’t have a choice, we have to move on, there will be some way to get happiness coming back, I can only think of Rudra and Mishika’s marriage, its like Rajeev’s last wish. She thinks good he died, this money minded greedy won’t agree this way, now my trump card. She says my dad has lost Rajeev too, Rudra will manage his entire business, dad is moving abroad after a month, I think we shall get Rudra and Mishika married soon. He says yes, this would be right, I will talk to Rudra.

Vasu does puja. Saransh get ready and comes. He says I have done all my work already. Gopal says you have become smart. Saransh asks will I win the game now. Vasu tie a mauli to his hand. Saransh says I want one thread for mumma, all her problems will go away. She give him the thread. He keeps it. Gopal asks him to get his purse. 
Mishika asks are you going to school? Ahana says yes, stay here and do the important work, I spoke to Balraj about Rudra and your marriage, he is going to fix the date. Mishika says great, you are genius, she says Rudra is in shock. Ahana says you have to get him out of this shock, don’t look under confident, just charm him, trap him in love, get Rudra ready. Mishika says yes. Ahana says once you becomes Mrs. Rudraksh Khurana, we will be the most powerful sisters in the city. Mishika says of course, Rudra will say that he loves me. Ahana says I am going to school, you go to Rudra’s room. She goes. 

Vasu says I can’t see his pain, he thinks about Prisha, Prisha is bearing punishment. Gopal says keep courage, I was thinking to tell Khurana family that Saransh is Rajeev’s son, at least they will give him admission again. Vasu says don’t say it again, they won’t accept Saransh. Gopal ask what’s wrong to talk to them. Vasu says Ahana is the authority. Gopal says fine, get his school leaving certificate. Saransh comes with his purse. Gopal says we will go to your school and then meet your mumma. They leave.

Rudraksh ask lawyer not to let trust fund go to wrong hands, don’t tell anyone about Saransh, dad and Ahana will be hurt, just tell me. Mishika comes and says don’t worry, I don’t have a habit to overhear talks, you are in pain since Rajeev left, I can’t see you like this, look at me, we are going to marry soon, Ahana already spoke to Balraj, he is ready for our early marriage, I want to be with you and care for you like your wife, I swear you will forget your pain, are you nervous, come on, trust me, you can rest on my shoulders, you can share everything with me, feeling good. He sneeze on her. He says sorry. He wipe his nose with her dress. He says thanks for your support. He goes. She says disgusting. 

Prisha think of Rudraksh’s words. She think if Rajeev loved Saransh a lot, Rudraksh said Rajeev was so good, how did Yuvraj say so wrong, one of them is lying, I have to find out the truth. 

Mishika clean her shoulder. She call Ahana and complains about Rudra. Ahana asks her to calm down, what’s up? Mishika says he is sad, I went to pacify him, I have given my shoulder to him to rest, he sneezed aloud, then he cleaned his nose on my shoulder. Ahana says sneeze is a natural thing, don’t react. Mishika says its a way to make me away. Ahana says give him some time, he will come back, chill, love you. She end call and think to call Rudra to school to talk to him. She messages Rudra.

Rudraksh comes to school. Saransh says I miss mumma, I will ask him to get Prisha. He stops Rudraksh and says don’t get angry, I am happy even if I don’t have to come to school, but Vasu and Gopal are sad, you made this game. Rudraksh ask what game? Saransh says I know you are acting, as cameras are fixed everywhere. Saransh tie the mauli to his hand and says Vasu says that this ends all the problems. Rudraksh smiles seeing him. He recalls Rajeev.


Prisha asks did you lie to me about Rajeev, I learnt that he loved Saransh a lot. Rudraksh talks to Maa. He says I will give everything to Saransh, he will become part of this family. Yuvraj asks Prisha to marry her. He says I will get Saransh’s custody. Rudraksh says I will get Saransh here. Prisha thinks I will tell everyone about the accident, I didn’t kill Rajeev.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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