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The Episode starts with Prisha and Rudraksh exchanging the garlands. Saransh run away from constable. Prisha and Rudraksh sit in mandap. Vasu does the ghatbandhan and blesses them. Pandit asks the bride and groom to take rounds. Prisha and Rudraksh take the rounds. Saransh asks where is mumma, please meet me mumma. Pandit says rounds are completed, we will do kanyadaan ritual now. Gopal does the kanyadaan. Charkha mera rang la…. Saransh runs to see if any puja is happening. Gopal cry. Rudraksh fills sindoor in Prisha’s maang. Saransh comes and looks on. Rudraksh makes her wear the mangalsutra. Prisha looks at him. He says congrats for the marriage. She says Yuvraj…. pandit says marriage is completed. Vasu thank Lord. Everyone claps. Pandit says you both have become husband and wife now. Yuvraj comes there and gets shocked. He shouts stop. Prisha turns and gets shocked seeing him. Gopal and Vasu are also shocked. They ask who is this, if you are here Yuvraj. Yuvraj says stop this marriage, I don’t know who he is. Pandit says marriage has happened. Vasu asks who is he? Yuvraj remove sehra. They get shocked seeing Rudraksh as the groom. Yuvraj ask what’s this drama. Rudraksh laugh. He says Prisha is my bride, I am her groom. Yuvraj says no. Rudra says I have filled sindoor in her maang and made her wear mangalsutra, we both got married, I am her husband and Saransh’s dad. Yuvraj says leave her hand. He throws things and says this marriage can’t happen. Rudraksh laughs and asks are you a joker to roam here like this, go and wear clothes. Yuvraj says you have taken my clothes. Rudraksh ask are you such a stupid to give your clothes. Yuvraj says no, something happened. He recalls getting ready with sehra. Rudraksh comes and faints him by injection. He says you didn’t die, you fainted for some time, I did this for my brother, I came inside by difficulty, police thought I came to see marriage, truth is I came to marry. He takes Yuvraj’s clothes and wear it. He says Prisha, your real groom is coming. He leaves. FB ends. Yuvraj says you gave me injection and made me unconscious, you took my clothes and sehra, tell the truth. Rudraksh ask who told you, did I say it, no. Yuvraj says you have taken my clothes. Rudraksh ask who will listen to you, law wants proof, you are a judge, right? Yuvraj says I know, I will show the powers of a judge. He shouts jailer, arrest him, he cheated and married. Jailer says we can’t arrest him without the warrant. Yuvraj says arrest him, I am a judge, I am saying it. Jailer ask for what charges, the marriage didn’t happen forcibly. Gopal says we didn’t know that he is the groom, arrest this man. Jailer says get FIR written or get your daughter divorced. Rudraksh says yes. Yuvraj says you have gone mad, I will get the divorce done, you can’t think what will happen with you. Rudraksh says do what you want. Yuvraj says Prisha, this marriage can’t happen, I will talk to commissioner and minister. Rudraksh says wait, listen, wear clothes and go, else they will think you are mad. Yuvraj says I won’t leave you. Rudraksh stare at Prisha. Vasu scolds him for ruining Prisha’s life. Saransh shout mumma. Prisha hug him. Vasu and Gopal ask where is Bubble? Saransh says she isn’t here. Prisha asks how did you come here. He says Rudraksh brought me here, I requested him to stop this game, but he said its all a lie. Rudraksh asks why are you lying to him? She says don’t you dare to come between us, if my son gets hurt, then I won’t tolerate it. Rudraksh says never mind, you just have 4 days, then you will be hanged. Prisha and her family cry. Saransh ask will you get hanged, tell me, who will take care of me, I can’t stay without you. Prisha hug him and says God won’t let us get separated, when you go home, just pray that we never get separated.

Prisha ask Saransh to go home. He says no, I want to be with you. He cry. Prisha sends him with Vasu. Gopal says you shouldn't have come alone from home. Prisha apologizes to Mahima for breaking the promise. She asks jailer to give her 5mins to talk to Rudraksh. Jailer says fine. Bubbles and Bunty request the guard to allow them entry. Gopal and Vasu get Saransh. Bubbles ask Saransh are you fine? She apologizes to Vasu. Guard asks how did you go in? Saransh says I got hidden in laundry trolley. Bunty ask is Rudra inside? Vasu says yes. Gopal says he married Prisha by cheat. Bunty ask what? Saransh says yes, I have also seen it, Rudraksh married mumma, is he my new Papa. Gopal says we will go home and talk. They leave. Bunty says you go Bubbles, I will wait for Rudraksh. Prisha asks why did you insult me and Yuvraj, why did you get Saransh here, how dare you touch him. He shouts our son, we got married officially, he is my son too, you thought I am interested in you, but in your death sentence, I married you to get Saransh, I got to know Saransh is Rajeev and your son. Prisha think he doesn’t know about Mahima, what is he saying? He says you are using Saransh to take trust fund, you got ready to marry Yuvraj when you are dying, so that Yuvraj gets the money. She asks what nonsense? He says you don’t act, you trapped my brother, you married me now, not Yuvraj, I am your husband, you lost money, you will lose Saransh also, I will adopt Saransh and fulfill Rajeev’s last wish, this is my revenge, this is not sindoor, but Rajeev’s blood, this mangalsutra is a rope noose, you will get punished for killing Rajeev, I am your husband, give me all rights on Saransh. She says no, he is my son. He asks how can you do this, think about your son, you are snatching his happiness, he is Khurana family son, he will get everything if he stays with us, think, what will happen if he stays with you, stain of being a murderer’s son, he can’t get rid of it, be a mother and take the decision, you have seen my limits to fulfill my brother’s wish, you also do a good thing for Saransh now. He leaves. She cry. Bunty asks Rudraksh how did you come here, Prisha’s parents were telling that… Rudraksh says yes, I married Prisha. Bunty asks are you mad, why, you hate her. Rudraksh says for Saransh, I will tell you later, I have important work. Bunty says swear on me, you have to share it with me. Rudraksh says you have to keep this secret, and don’t lecture me. 
Yuvraj says I m Prisha’s fiance, Rudraksh married her by cheat, I will give statement, who made you a lawyer, you are number one lawyer, fine I will manage. He get angry and says its legal marriage, I lost my trust fund, I wish to kill Rudraksh like I killed Rajeev. The man comes and says estate agent has come to talk about farmhouse deal. Yuvraj says I have no money, I won’t buy it, go and tell him, how will I adopt Saransh so soon. 

Rudraksh come home. Balraj and Maa ask where did you go, what was so important? Rudraksh says I had important work, give me two mins. He calls the staff. He asks where are Ahana and Mishika? He calls them downstairs. Ahana says you had us so worried, why are you shouting. He says because I am excited, I didn’t think this can happen in my life, you would also not think of it. He propose to Mishika for marriage. Ahana asks are you for real, you genuinely want to marry Mishika. He says you wanted this since long, you were convincing dad, what can be better occasion than marriage to forget this sorrow. Ahana says you are such a darling, same thoughts, I told the same to dad. Mishika says I am on cloud nine. Rudraksh says she didn’t answer me, she wants to marry me or not. Mishika says I will marry you. Bunty says you know what you are doing. Rudraksh says I know. Ahana says congrats, we will take over Khurana business. Bunty says you married Prisha and now you are marrying Mishika, how, two marriages are illegal. Rudraksh says I will marry Mishika after two hours of Prisha’s death, I went to lawyer for Saransh’s adoption, he told me… FB shows Lawyer saying you can’t get Saransh’s custody, sorry, you would have custody if Saransh was your son, we have to ask her for this right. Rudraksh says no problem, I will take full custody. Lawyer says court doesn’t give custody to single fathers, they want husband and wife to take care of kid. FB ends. Rudraksh says I am marrying Mishika for this. Bunty says you won’t be happy. Rudra says I can do anything for Rajeev, Prisha has to give me full custody. 

Its morning, Yuvraj meets Prisha. She says I will divorce Rudraksh, and reopen this case. Yuvraj says what shall I say, it won’t matter now, you should have identified him in the mandap, you didn’t know our difference, you married him, Rudraksh will prove that marriage happened by everyone’s wish, what shall I do, shall I kill him, what can I do, I can’t save you now. Prisha asks what are you saying, I trusted you and took your blame on me, not for this, Saransh will become an orphan, you told me that you will save me. He says I was doing that till now, I was saving you and Saransh, I am marrying you, Rudraksh finished everything in one moment, he ruined my planning, I m blank, I am not in a condition to think of some solution, can you understand my condition. She says yes, go from here. He says but I will help you, give me some time. She says I don’t have time. He says listen to me, why are you doing this. She goes. He shouts Prisha. She cry and think Yuvraj can’t do anything, what will happen to Saransh?


Prisha says I m giving you full custody of Saransh, promise me, you will take care of her. Rudraksh goes to pick Saransh. Yuvraj gets removed from judge post. Rudraksh gets Saransh’s home and says he will stay with us now. Rudraksh bring Saransh home. He says Saransh will stay here forever. Yuvraj get removed from judge post. Saransh thank Rudraksh and hug him. Rudraksh says I felt like Rajeev hugged me. Prisha says I have given Saransh’s custody to Rudraksh. Yuvraj cry on getting poor. Saransh makes Rudraksh sleep on his lap. Prisha is taken to get hanged.

My Desire Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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