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Sarthak and Pawar make the goons drink water and make them unconscious. They keep them in the utensil, to take them to the temple. Malhar tells Kalyani that Pawar and Kaka are making yeshwant’s men unconscious and locking them in temple. He says you have taken risk by wearing this bride costume. Kalyani says I will become bride to get Moksh. Malhar asks what do you mean? Kalyani says I didn’t mean that and asks him to go. She thinks my heart can’t beat for him now, he is of someone else and can’t be mine, ever. She signs him to go. The goon asks Malhar what is he doing here? Malhar says he is going to kitchen to cook food. Anupriya mixes the powder in the water. Malhar comes back to Sarthak and tells that there are many more men of Yashwant. He says we have to go inside and serve them food. Anupriya tells that she had mixed medicine to make them unconscious in the juice. A man overhears them and tries to go and inform them, but they hit him and make him unconscious. They take him to tempo.

Anupriya asks where is Kalyani? Malhar says she is in bride’s costume. Anupriya worry for her. Kalyani leaves her hand impressions on the walls while the goon is behind her. She thinks where is Yashwant, he is not seen in any rooms. Yashwant comes to now that Kalyani and Malhar didn’t go to Pune and asks goons to find out where are they? Kalyani lifts her ghunghat, and her face is shown on CCTV footage, but Yashwant doesn’t see her. He looks at her later and doesn’t find out.

Anupriya comes inside and gives juice to the goons. The goon asks other to give juice to Bhai ji in basement. Kalyani tries to go there, but the goon stops her. Anupriya pretends to fall near Kalyani and asks her to write on the tissue paper. A fb is shown, Malhar asking Anupriya to ask Kalyani to write on the tissue as carbon paper is inside. The goons drink the juice and gets a call. Sarthak, Pawar and Malhar take the goons in the tempo. Pawar says he will leave them far away. Anupriya comes to Malhar and gives the tissue paper to him. Malhar reads and says yashwant is in basement and the way to it is from the backside of this bungalow. Kalyani sees the goon about to faint and gets inside the basement. Yashwant asks someone on call about Kalyani and Malhar. Just then Malhar enters there breaking the door and comes inside. He tries to strangulate him with rope asking where is his son, Moksh. Kalyani is about to lift her veil. The goon comes there and asks him to leave Yashwant, aiming gun on him. Malhar leaves yashwant. Yashwant hits Malhar and makes him unconscious. Malhar faints. The goon tells Yashwant about seeing Malhar’s men kidnapping their goons. Yashwant asks him to lock Malhar and his men in separate rooms. He asks if Kalyani is found. The goon says no. Kalyani says she got doubtful after drinking the juice and came to see babusaa. Yashwant asks Kalyani to sit for the marriage and asks goon to search her. Kalyani thinks what to do?

Yashwant’s goon take unconscious Malhar from there. Yashwant asks his goon to find out if Kalyani Rane is among the captive people. The goon says she was not there. Yashwant asks him to go and search for Kalyani and asks her to sit in the mandap for marriage. Kalyani asks him to send the lady (Kaki) who came with them to alter her lehanga. Yashwant asks goon to go. He calls Aparna.

Anupriya, Sarthak and Pawar are caught and captive by the goons. Anupriya tells Sarthak that they have to stop this marriage, else they will think Kalyani as Swati and will get her married to any goon. Sarthak says I don’t care about your daughter and tells that if she gets married then my nephew will get rid of her. He says I am worried about Malhar. Anupriya looks at the glass bottles kept there.

Kalyani comes to the room and sees Kaki. Kaki says you are not Swati and is about to shout. Kalyani keeps hand on her mouth, and says you are a mother. Kaki asks how do you know? Kalyani says before having child, she used to have make up stuff, but after her son arrived, she used to have his stuff. Goon brings the groom and makes her sit in the mandap. Kalyani tells the lady/kaki to help her and give her phone so that she can talk to someone. She says come to my office later, I will give you money. The lady/Kaki refuses to take money for the help. Kalyani dials the number. Just then goon comes and knocks on the door asking Swati to come.. Kalyani asks Kaki to dial the number and asks Police to reach there. She asks her to give the location to the Police. She says she will go out and sit on the mandap. Kaki asks if she will really marry. Kalyani says she can do anything for her son and if she has to do this marriage then she will do to stop Yashwant till Police reaches there. She goes. The lady calls Police. Kalyani comes and sits on the mandap, thinks she can do anything for her Billu. She looks at the groom and realizes he is Malhar ji. The goon asks Kalyani to give her hand in the groom’s hand.

Kalyani keeps her hand on Malhar’s hand and says Malhar ji…you are here. Malhar asks if she will give all the sacrifices alone. She asks how did you come here? A fb is shown, after Malhar is taken to the room, he beats up the goons and leaves from there. He goes to the groom’s room and hits him with his hand, asking what will he do, as his bride ran away. He hits him. The groom faints. Malhar wears the groom’s clothes. Kalyani tells Malhar that Police will come here as the lady signs her. She tells Malhar that she don’t want to do injustice with Avni. Malhar wishes to tell her that he never married Avni, and that he is fulfilling promise made to his baba, but he don’t tell her. He says he will not let any injustice happen to her. Pandit ji asks Malhar to make her wear the mangalsutra and asks her to lift her ghunghat to be show her face in the water. Kalyani thinks she can’t let injustice happen to Avni. Malhar gets tensed. The goon asks if you are dreaming and push Malhar a bit, making the mangalsutra falls on Kalyani’s head. The goon asks Kaki to make her wear properly. The lady nods her head. Pandit ji calls the bride’s father. The goon goes to call Yashwant.

Anupriya tries to run, when the goon aims gun at her. Sarthak and Pawar come infront of the goon. The goon tells that he will shoot them. Anupriya throws the glass piece on the goon, making him fall. Sarthak beats him and the goon faints. He scolds Anupriya for risking her and their lives. Anupriya says I have to stop this marriage anyhow.

Yashwant comes there to do kanyadaan. Anupriya comes there and asks to stop the marriage. Kalyani lifts her veil a bit and Yashwant sees her face in the water bowl. He calls her Kalyani Deshmukh. Kalyani lifts her veil and tells Malhar that he is Yashwant. She asks where is my son? Anupriya looks shocked. Yashwant takes the fire stick from the havan and says I am happy to meet you. Malhar asks him to leave her. Yashwant asks him to back off else he will burn Kalyani’s face. He asks where is my daughter and asks his goons to search her. Malhar snatches gun from goon’s hand and aims gun at yashwant. Yashwant asks him to throw the gun else he will burn Kalyani’s face. Kalyani gets scared.

Yashwant ask Malhar to throw the gun else he will burn Shera. Malhar throws the gun angrily. Kalyani ask yashwant to tell her about Moksh and tells that after that he can kill her also. Yashwant takes her out and says nobody shall come out. He threatens to burn her and takes fire wood near her face. A little girl comes there running dressed as a devi and holding the trishul. She climbs on the car and jumps on yashwant holding trishul on his chest. Kalyani also falls down on other side. Kalyani looks at the little girl who saved her. Yashwant gets scared. The little girl runs away hearing the police jeep sound. Yashwant try to escape, but Kalyani hold his hand and asks him to tell where is her son? Yashwant push her on the ground and leaves. The police team arrives there. Kalyani asks them to go and catch yashwant. Malhar snatch the goon’s gun and comes out. Anupriya and Sarthak also comes out. Malhar asks Kalyani if she is fine? Kalyani tells that she has sent Police team behind Yashwant. Malhar also goes from there. Anupriya asks Kalyani about who saved her? Kalyani recalls the little girl and tells that she was saved by her.

Later Kalyani talks to someone and tells that it has been one day since Yashwant fled. Anupriya asks her to take Maa’s blessings. Anupriya tells her about katha of maa brahmacharini who was born in Raja Prajapati Daksh as Sati. She says she is the supreme avatar of a daughter. The same little girl comes to Kalyani’s house in the Goddess costume. Pallavi thinks she is a beggar and asks her to go. The little girl goes. A florist comes there and brings the flower basket. Pallavi asks why did he come late. He tells the reason and asks for water. Pallavi goes inside to get water. The girl sees the flower basket. She gets a chance, sits inside it and covers herself. Anupriya ends the katha. Kalyani prays to God to make her meet her son. Just then flower falls down. Kalyani senses someone’s presence outside and comes out. The florist couldn’t lift the basket. Kalyani comes there and tells that she will take it inside. The florist says he will do, but she insists. She lifts the basket and takes it inside. A fb is shown, Kalyani takes Moksh in the basket the very same way for the first time. Kalyani keeps the basket and goes to wash her hands. She returns and sees the girl standing. She asks the girl who is she? The girl identifies her and tells that yesterday she had rescued her life. Kalyani says so that girl was you and asks why did she come here? The girl tells that she came to get the charity, but a lady (Pallavi) sent her out, so she had to come this way. She says you have to give me charity. Kalyani asks what you will do? The girl tells that we will do navratri play and tells that an uncle asked her to bring money to take part in the play. She tells that she has to act to get charity money and acts pleading for money. Kalyani gets emotional and feels connected with her. The girl asks if she don’t have money then she will give her hers money and says she has 18 rs. Kalyani brings money and gives to her. The girl counts 100, 200, on and gets happy. She gives her kiss on her cheeks. Pallavi comes there. The girl hides behind Kalyani. After Pallavi goes, the girl comes out, talks to Kalyani and runs away. Kalyani tries to speak to her, but she is already gone. Pallavi comes there and sees the fallen dustbin. Kalyani says no girl came here to ask charity. Pallavi thinks Kalyani got mad in Moksh’s memory. She picks a paper from the floor to put in dustbin and reads Anupriya Rane..failed. She thinks Aai failed in the exam.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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