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In the room, Kalyani is extremely tensed for Malhar. She decide to jump off the balcony. Aao Saheb thinks Vikram only wanted that Kalyani goes behind Malhar; she could do this for her son in law to be. Anupriya hears the sound of jump and is tensed for Kalyani. Aao Saheb sends Anupriya to find a Diya, she will pray for Kalyani’s safety. Aao Saheb then calls Vikram that Kalyani has left for hospital and she knows well how to keep Anupriya home.

In the storeroom, Anupriya’s foot is stuck in a rat machine and bleed badly.

Aao Saheb tells Vikram to complete his work only. He must never allow Kalyani and Malhar maltreat him. They need to be punished.

Kalyani is heading towards the hospital in an auto. She spot Malhar’s jeep and stops the auto. She screams at once finding Malhar unconscious. Vikram place a cloth piece on Kalyani’s face, she goes unconscious, Vikram calls his men to take them both and the jeep to designated place.

In the storeroom, Anupriya hear Pallavi speaking to Vikram. She discuss about Kalyani’s insult at Malhar’s place. Anupriya think she must not tell Aao Saheb. She must dig into Vikram’s intentions herself first.

Kalyani and Malhar lay on the same bed in Malhar’s house. Vikram smirk and push Kalyani on Malhar.

Anupriya jumps outside from the window of the room. Vikram think Avni will leave the hospita and will be shocked to see them in this state. How will Kalyani bear the insult as she is the DM of the city. Anupriya walk outside the house with a bleeding foot and walk barefooted.

In the hospital, Avni is awake. The doctor is also there. Vikram bring flowers for her. She is angry at him. He tells her to keep them, he had come to inquire about her health. He regretted that Malhar is not here. Avni is furious, she return his flowers and tells him to leave. Malhar has send the car for her, and he takes great care of her. Vikram think she is stupid to think Malhar sent the car for her. He wish her all the best for the scene that awaits her. Avni calls Malhar but there was no reply. Avni requests the drive to go fast. Anupriya struggled to walk towards Malhar’s house.

Aao Saheb look for Anupriya in the storeroom. She spots blood stains on the floor of storeroom, leading towards the window. She calls Vikram warning him that Anupriya left home and might reach Malhar’s house before Avni.

Avni comes home and goes towards the room door. She is shocked to see Malhar and Kalyani in the room.

Avni come to the room and sees Malhar standing infront of the dressing table. She ask what happened? Malhar tell her that he met with a small accident. She says she will apply ointment. Malhar think thanks to Maayi, if you had not come then? A fb is shown, Anupriya sees Malhar and Kalyani on the bed together and unconscious. She think this is Vikram’s trick to malign Kalyani’s respect, she think Avni must be coming here. She tie her saree cloth to her bleeding foot and think nothing will happen to her daughter until she is there. She think she will stand like a shield before Kalyani. She keep some stones on the way so that Avni’s auto stops on the way. She comes inside the room through the window and try to make Kalyani and Malhar gain consciousness. She sprinkles water on them. Kalyani gains consciousness and sees Malhar beside her. Malhar also gains consciousness and looks at her surprisingly. Anupriya ask her to get up from the bed fast. Kalyani ask how come I am here? Anupriya tells them that it is Vikram’s trick to malign your respect and ask her to come, before Avni comes here. Kalyani is shocked and sees her bleeding foot. Anupriya says first we shall leave from here. They leave. 

At home, Kalyani bandages Anupriya’s foot and says how did you know that I am in danger? She says you always saves me, but I couldn’t become a good mother like you and couldn’t save my Billu. She ask from where does she get the courage? She tells that Aao Saheb had told me about rats and its babies. She says I couldn’t become a good mother like her.

Malhar ask Avni not to come in Vikram’s words and don’t doubt Kalyani. He tells her that Vikram wants to spoil Kalyani’s image. Avni says she doesn’t trust Vikram. Malhar tells that Gita Vahini is coming to take care of you. Avni says I can take care of myself. Malhar says Gita Vahini and Pawar are like family and ask her to call them later for lunch. He goes. Avni gets a call from Vikram and scold him not to call her again and don’t tell me any nonsense. She says if you call me again then I will call the media and tell that textile minister’s son is harassing me. Vikram think Anupriya saved them.

Kalyani tells Anupriya that she will not leave Vikram. Anupriya says he is so dangerous and ask Kalyani not to mess with him. Kalyani makes her drink water and checks her. She says you are having fever and feeling cold. She hug her. Anupriya asks Kalyani to stay away from Malhar if she wants to do something for her. She says Malhar is a married man and going to be a father soon. She says today nothing happened between you both, but if Avni comes to know then what will happen to Malhar and Avni’s relation and their baby? Did you ever think? Kalyani asks did I refuse your sayings? No. I got ready with my transfer, and was leaving. I stayed back as I wanted to stop Malhar’s transfer. Anupriya feel apologetic and thinks she will be worried for her even she goes from there. Kalyani says I was leaving from here and made arrangements for my transfer, but then I got my Billu’s news, says he is alive. Anupriya says I didn’t ask you to go far from here, but asked you to stay away from Malhar. Kalyani gets happy and kisses on her face. Aao Saheb and Pallavi come there. Aao Saheb tells Anupriya that she was worried for her and says you had gone to storeroom. Anupriya says she went to storeroom and heard everything. Aao Saheb scold her. Kalyani says how did she let this happen? Pallavi says she didn’t know about his plan, but told him to go ahead. She says I heard that Vikram is going to Malhar’s house and will malign Kalyani’s reputation. Kalyani says this is enough and show the recording. Pallavi is shocked. Aao Saheb comes there and asks Kalyani to get Pallavi arrested. Pallavi says no. Malhar comes there and calls Aao Saheb. Aao Saheb comes there. Malhar asks if she is not blindfolded today and not doing drama. Aao Saheb ask him to be scared of her would be son in law and says you don’t know his influences. Malhar says but right now you shall be scared. He asks Pawar to bring the witness. Pawar bring the peon there. Malhar says I had told you that I will bring the proofs that you were paying Trilok’s medical bills and says now game is over. He shows the hand cuff. Aao Saheb says I didn’t know him. The peon tells that the lady who used to bring cheques with Ahilya Deshmukh’s name was not her, but this and points his finger towards Anupriya. Malhar asks what do you want to say and says why will she pay the bills? Kalyani ask the peon not to lie. Anupriya says I used to take the bills to hospital on Aao Saheb’s name. She tells that when she was not here, Aao Saheb used to give her money to give to poor and tells that she used to give money in the hospital for the patients who don’t have money to pay the bills. Anupriya asks Peon to recall and recollect. The peon say yes. Anupriya says she said to bring cheques for the patients and enquired about the patients’ family also. Kalyani says if she couldn’t find out their addresses. Anupriya says she had come to know about a patient who was brought in an injured state. Peon tells that patient was Trilok and he was admitted to the hospital by his neighbor. He had no relatives, but he had a boy in his house. Malhar says boy. Peon says a boy. Kalyani and Malhar get hopeful. Kalyani says boy…in Trilok’s house. She says that boy must be my Billu and gets hopeful and happy.

Kalyani says the boy must be her Billu and tells that she will bring him here. She says I used to say that my son is alive. She says she will welcome him and will decorate his room. Malhar goes behind her. Kalyani says where Billu will sleep, we will buy new cot for him. She says I am talking stupid thing, now he must be 6 years old so he can sleep with us on the bed. She tells Malhar that they can enlarge the bed and make him sleep between us. She tells Anupriya and Malhar that they will take him for shopping and buy clothes for him. She says but Malhar ji is not allowed, as his fashion sense is bad and she and her son will go for shopping. She says she will make him wear only fashionable clothes. She says even this time, I am right, very soon he will come home. She says you don’t need to write his name on the kite now. You can make him fly the kite now. Malhar says I will make him ride the cycle. Kalyani says three tyre cycle. Malhar says you talked like a mother and tells that he will teach him two tyre cycle. Kalyani says we will brought him up together as he is our son. She holds his hands and realizes. She asks Malhar, why are we waiting here and goes out. Anupriya thanks God for returning happiness in her daughter’s life.

Avni finds Kalyani’s earring on the bed and confirms it seeing Kalyani’s pic on her mobile. She thinks what this is doing here and thinks Vikram was telling truth, that Kalyani and Malhar were here at this place. She thinks I thought Vikram wrong and Kalyani good and my friend, but…she…She recalls Vikram’s words and says she might not be Malhar’s wife, but he has promised me to give his name to my child. She says I will not let you snatch my baby’s father from you and my husband. Malhar and Kalyani come to Trilok’s house and asks the neighbor about the address. Kalyani runs seeing the house and is about to collide with a bike. Malhar saves her. Kalyani says lets go inside. They go inside the house and break the room door. They don’t see Moksh there. Malhar says we shall see in the stuff, we may get any clue or pic. Kalyani says I will identify him on seeing him. They open the trunk and find clothes in it.

Pallavi asks Anupriya why did you bring 6 packets of milk. Anupriya says Moksh will come here and will drink milk. She says she will make kheer for them. Aao Saheb asks why Moksh will come here and says he will go with Malhar. Anupriya says Kalyani is his mother. Aao Saheb reminds her that Null died because of Malhar and tells that when Kalyani has no relation with Malhar then how she is Moksh’s Aai. Anupriya says Kalyani is Moksh’s Aai only, and tells that she doesn’t have to be related to Malhar to become Moksh’s Aai. She says if thing was true then I wouldn’t have become Kalyani’s Aai.
My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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