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Kalyani comes to the hall. Avni inquires about Kalyani’s health. Kalyani says Avni must take rest as her health condition does not allow her to exert herself. Avni says she won’t leave until Kalyani makes her a tea. Aao Saheb requests Avni to stay for Pooja in which only married women sit. Avni was upset that how she can sit in the Pooja when she is not actually Malhar’s wife. Kalyani argues how Avni can sit for pooja, sitting for two hours straight will be difficult. Aao Saheb argues that being a part of pooja does not harm anyone. She sends Avni with Swara so that she can freshen up. Kalyani confirms Aao saheb if they discussed with Avni about her and Malhar. Aao Saheb says they know she is Malhar’s wife, Avni must never know that Kalyani was once Malhar’s wife. Aao Saheb strictly tells Pallavi as well that no one must know about Kanyani and Malhar. Pallavi asks about the fifth married woman. Anupriya is like a widow. Kalyani says no matter Kaka and Ayi do not live together but this does not mean she is a widow. She will be the fifth woman in the pooja.

Anupriya was tensed. Kalyani comes to her and says Avni came to inquire for her health. She says Aao Saheb promised to take care of the matter and asked her to stay for Pooja. Kalyani says Anupriya will be the fifth married woman. She drags Anupriya inside, insisting that she will be the fifth woman. Anupriya says she will not sit. Kalyani argues if she can work hard, prepare prasad, rangoli and other arrangements, then why she can not sit in the pooja. She is the only one who wants peace in the house. She holds the first right to be a part of pooja. Pallavi and Aao Saheb were speechless. Kalyani turns to Aao saheb. Aao Saheb says she also wants Anupriya to have all the rights. She tells Anupriya to get ready for pooja. She then assures Kalyani that no one will tell Avni.

Malhar comes to hospital with police. Malhar says someone must be filling bills for Trilok for past five years. He asks for the bills and was shocked to see Aao Saheb was paying the bills.

Anupriya tells Aao Saheb that the food is not yet ready. Aao Saheb says Anupriya’s daughter is stubborn that she must sit for pooja. Kalyani brings the huge pot and announces that the food is ready. Avni and Swara come outside. Aao Saheb look at the disturbed face on Anupriya. Kalyani apologizes Avni for her startlement. She says she is her mother, but she was angry that day and denied accepting her as a daughter. She says they are best friends and such fights continue between them. Avni apologizes for having said a lot to her the other day.

Malhar drives the car fiercely.

Kalyani helps Avni in all the rituals and extends her a chair. Aao Saheb silently thinks that Kalyani and Malhar’s truth will be in front of Avni before this pooja ends. Avni silently apologizes for being a part of this pooja while not being married. Aao Saheb instructs them ways. Kalyani prays for protection of her child, Trilok’s attempt to contact her shows her child is alive.

There was a ritual. Aao Saheb says she will throw the flower behind. Whoever gets the flower, her child will be specially blessed by God. Pallavi was annoyed that neither Kalyani is married, nor she has a child. Kalyani was happy and thankful to God.

Pallavi’s daughter Godha brings Kalyani’s report card of first year in excitement. Avni objects on her sir name. Anupriya says the name was printed by mistake, Kalyani Ranay. They got it corrected afterwards. Avi says it’s a coincidence that her name is also Avni Ranay. Kalyani takes Avni home for tea. Aao Saheb sends Prasad for Malhar. Swara and Aao Saheb scolds Godawari.

Outside the house, Avni tells Kalyani to stay at home for pooja. She will go home on her own. She tells Avni to send a message as soon as she reaches home. She helps Avni get on the auto. Malhar had reached Kalyani’s house as soon as Avni left. Malhar comes inside and furiously throws objects around the house. He questions Aao Saheb why she has been assisting his child’s abductor for years. Wasn’t she paying bills of Trilok for years?

Malhar accuse Aao Saheb for paying Trilok’s medical bills since many years. Aao Saheb asks how dare you to accuse me, why I will pay bills for my grand daughter’s son’s murderer. Kalyani asks Malhar what is he saying? Malhar shows the file. Kalyani checks it and says Ahilya Deshmukh is written in it. She tells that this might be Trilok’s man who is using Aao Saheb’s name. Aao Saheb says yes. Malhar says you are lying. Aao Saheb acts to get scared. Anupriya asks why Aao Saheb will pay the bills. Malhar says if I prove then what? He asks where is your passbook and goes to check in Aao Saheb’s room. They all ran behind him. Aao Saheb tells that she has got him suspended and will send him to jail. Malhar asks Pawar to check. He also checks in her room. Kalyani tells that Aao Saheb has nothing to do with Trilok, asks Malhar to calm down, tells that Moksh is alive and they will search him. Malhar says your Aaji is supporting Trilok and you are asking me to relax. Pallavi asks him to leave and asks how dare you to come here. Malhar asks her to move else he will arrest her. Pallavi says you search for a chance to come here and says how this man is, left his wife and came here. She calls him cheap man. Malhar says I know everyone of you, first you have used my sister and now using your own daughter. Pallavi gets angry and pushes Kalyani. Kalyani falls on the cupboard and no parking board falls down on the ground from the cupboard. Pawar checks it and shows to Kalyani. He tells that this is the same board which was hanged where Godaveri’s car was parked. He says that’s why Malhar cut the challan. Kalyani says this board was not there as Godaveri….

Aao Saheb acts and asks how this board came to my room. Kalyani makes a call and asks officer to cancel Malhar’s suspension and makes re-appointment letter fast. Aao Saheb asks her not to be sympathetic towards him and says he might have kept this board on sakarpura day. Malhar says see how I will take you all to jail for supporting Trilok. Pallavi tries to take Godaveri from there. Kalyani stops her and asks her to apologize to Malhar first and then go live on social media and tell that whatever she had posted was a lie.

Godaveri says never and tells that I will never apologize to my brother’s murderer. Kalyani tries to convince her, but Godaveri pushes her down. Kalyani suffers injury on her burn injuries. Malhar asks how dare you, I can arrest you for raising hand on a govt officer. Godaveri goes from there and locks her room. Malhar tells Aao Saheb that she has made everyone like her and tells that he will get all info from bank and hospital. He says for now, he will teach a lesson to Godaveri. Kalyani asks Malhar to stop. Malhar knocks on Godaveri’s room. He says my name is ruined because of you, my reputation was maligned and I was suspended. He says I bear it, but today you have raised hand on Kalyani. He asks her to come out. Pallavi asks her to go else she will slap him. Malhar asks her to slap her and tells that if you had raised your hand at the right time then this wouldn’t have happen.

Kalyani comes out and tries to climb up the balcony. Malhar asks what was the need to become shaktimaan. Kalyani asks him to help her get up. She says she has cancelled his suspension, but she needs to give Godaveri’s confession to Commissioner, that’s why needs to go inside. Malhar says you don’t need to plead infront of her, says she knew that you was in hospital 2 days back. Kalyani says its ok, I am fine. Malhar says if something had happened then me…He says it is my responsibility to take care of you as my suspension is cancelled. Kalyani says now I can give you order and asks him to help her get up. He says but. She says it is an order……He sits down, asks her to climb on his back and get inside without using her injured hands. She climbs up. He gives her slippers. Kalyani gets inside Godaveri’s room.

Avni asks Vikram what is he doing in her new house. Vikram tells that if boss gets new quarters for your husband, it says all. Avni says I called you inside as you wanted to drink water. She asks him to leave. Vikram says ok and tells that he don’t want to say anything, but want to show her something. He shows the pics in which Kalyani and Malhar are in the car. He tells that time they were in cabin and left from other door. Avni tells that Kalyani is DM and Malhar is a Police officer. She thinks if they are hiding something from her.

Kalyani asks Godaveri why she is stubborn? Godaveri tells that she doesn’t want to give any statement. Anupriya comes inside and tells that whatever Godaveri has done, is on my sayings. Kalyani asks what you want to say? Anupriya tells that she will accept her crime infront of Malhar, Godaveri is innocent. She comes out. Pallavi asks Godaveri why did you come out? She asks her to come inside. Anupriya tells Malhar that whatever Godaveri has done, is on my sayings. She tells that she wanted to take revenge from him and asked her to make his video to spoil his image, and also to bring the board so that Kalyani don’t get any proofs against her. Kalyani asks why are you lying and tells that Godaveri is her sister, but she has done wrong. Pallavi says it is clear that Maayi had asked her. Kalyani says she is lying. Anupriya says I am not lying. A fb is shown, Aao Saheb tells Anupriya that Pallavi told Damini that Malhar is troubling Godaveri and Damini has decided to fire Malhar, but if she gets Kalyani’s transfer to a village or something. She acts to blame Pallavi. Pallavi says I don’t care if Kalyani lose her job or gets transferred. Aao Saheb asks Anupriya if she will take up the blame on herself. fb ends.

Anupriya asks Malhar to arrest her. Kalyani asks why she wants to become great and lying that she did all this to take revenge. She says it is clear on your face. Anupriya says whatever Godaveri had done is on my sayings and tells that she has taken revenge from him. Malhar says I knew that you hate me, but didn’t know that you will stoop low. He tells Aao Saheb that this is the effect of Aao Saheb and says it is good that my son is not raised infront of you. He says once I get proofs against you that you helped Trilok then see what I do with you.

Anupriya ask Aao Saheb to have breakfast and says you have to take tablets also. Aao Saheb sees Kalyani coming there and asks her not to do this again. She says if my Godaveri had gone to jail because of you then…Anupriya gives her tea and is going. Kalyani stops Anupriya. Anupriya tells that she didn’t lie. Kalyani says I can understand that a mother can do anything as Godaveri is like your daughter. She says I got the hope that my son is alive and tells that she can understand her doings. Aao Saheb tells that Anupriya didn’t tell us that she forced Godaveri to do this. Kalyani tells that she wants to show her IAS certificate and tells that it was misplaced in shifting so she got duplicate certificate. She tells that her name is Kalyani Anupriya Deshmukh on the certificate and tells that she always wanted to be known by her name. She gives the credit of her success to her and hugs her. Anupriya is about to hug her and looks at Aao Saheb and Pallavi. Kalyani tells that she is going to office and asks her not to wait to have food.

Vikram asks Avni to think about Kalyani who is trapping her husband. He says I somehow saved my husband. Avni asks him to stop him. Vikram tells that he knows such women, whose thirst don’t end with one man. Malhar comes there and asks him to say it again if he has courage. He takes the table to hit him, but Avni saves him. Vikram shows the photo to Malhar and tells that such things don’t hide for many days. Malhar asks him to get up. Avni asks why you didn’t tell me that you know her from before and do job for her. She says even she didn’t tell me. Malhar says yes, I hide it and told that he asked Kalyani not to tell her anything in this condition. He tells that he is handling her personal security and is demoted and ashamed to be Sub Inspector. He says how to tell you that I am guard now and tells that he didn’t tell her as she might feel bad that her husband salutes Kalyani. He tells that Kalyani refused for Vikram’s alliance. He tells that she shall be thankful to Kalyani, as she only brought her mother and saved her and her baby. He tells that he has no relation with Kalyani, she is only his boss. He thinks he can’t tell her about his past with her. Avni asks Vikram to leave else he can’t go on his foot. Malhar asks Avni to go and rest and comes out. He comes out and asks Vikram, what you was telling about Kalyani. Avni also comes out and hears them. Vikram asks him to leave him. Malhar beats him and says you needs to take seven births to know Kalyani and ask what do you know about her. Avni thinks why Malhar is praising Kalyani as if he knows her since many years. Malhar beats Vikram.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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