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Later Malhar comes to Kalyani’s room in the night. Kalyani asks who has come to my son. Malhar says it is me. Kalyani asks what are you doing here and hides behind the curtain. Malhar calls her and asks what is it? why are you hiding? Kalyani says if you had come by door then I would have known. Malhar tells that if I had come by door then Aao Saheb would have made an issue. Malhar takes her out of pillow and shaving cream on her cheeks and chin. Kalyani tells that she has mistakenly put her finger in her mouth after making him drink brahma kamal juice and that’s why she got some hairs on her cheeks. Malhar says it will be for one or two day. Kalyani asks him to go to Avni. She says Moksh is small, let him be here. Malhar wishes if Kalyani have known about his fake marriage.

Malhar ask Kalyani, how is Moksh’s behavior towards her. Kalyani says not good, he is not ready to accept me, and that’s why I asked Shyam to stay in outhouse tonight. She says Moksh was sleeping in the outside with Shyam and I brought him here after he slept. She says we had special raabta, don’t know what happened. Malhar says it needs sometime. Aao Saheb asks Anupriya to study well and get good marks. She asks her to remember that today is the puja at home and she has to do all the arrangements. Anupriya says I will do all the work. Shyam comes there and asks about Moksh. Anupriya says Kalyani took him out. Shyam asks why? Why she didn’t ask me before taking him out and tells that he is staying outhouse for him. Malhar comes there and asks what is the problem? He says Kalyani is Moksh’s Aai and what is his problem if she takes her son out. Shyam says I have seen what kind of mother is she and tells that yesterday she made him run a lot and made him tired. Aao Saheb asks how can he say that and tells that she will give him money. She goes. Kalyani brings the boy there. She makes him sit and tells that he has a small injury, asks them not to worry. She says he is a child and these things happen in childhood.. They see bandage on his feet. Malhar says you are calling it as small injury. Anupriya asks what happened to you? Didn’t your heart is feeling pain to see him in pain. Kalyani says accident was small. Sarthak comes there and asks Malhar if he saw from his eyes? He asks if he will say that Kalyani is a good mother. He says I have come here to come here. He says your wife and you will do his upbringing. He holds his hands while Kalyani holds the boy’s other hand. Malhar asks them to leave the boy. The boy calls Shyam as Papa.

Shyam says you both are pulling his hands and asks him if he is fine. The boy says he is fine. Kalyani says it was an ordinary injury. Shyam says you don’t deserve to be his mother and says don’t take him anywhere without asking me, I will decide about what he eats, wears and everything. He says I will never forgive you for breaking his feet. Kalyani says you are overreacting and says plaster is not a big thing. Malhar asks what are you saying? Kalyani says you are not believing me, I will take out the plaster to show that his injury is small. She sits to take out the plaster. Shyam asks her to leave the boy and holds Kalyani’s hand. Malhar asks him not to touch Kalyani. Shyam asks him to ask her to leave him. Anupriya and Malhar ask Kalyani to leave the boy. Shyam picks a vase to hit on Kalyani’s head and asking her to leave his son Manu. Malhar holds his hand to stop him. Kalyani says Manu…she tells Manu that as she promised me, she made his father speak the truth. Malhar asks what is happening? Kalyani says this is not our Moksh, but Shyam’s son Manu. He says Shyam is poor and saw Moksh’s poster, so he brought him here. Anupriya asks how did you find out?

Kalyani questions her and asks if any other girl comes to her and tells that she is Kalyani, then will she accept her. She tells that even though she didn’t give birth to Moksh, but she has heart connection with billu. She tells that she didn’t feel the connection with the boy. She tells that yesterday she didn’t make him have spicy food, it was just acting. She tells that today she didn’t pull him also. She tells that kids are kids and that’s why Manu told me everything. Manu says sorry to Shyam for telling everything to her. Kalyani asks Shyam how can he think that they can give him a better life to Manu and tells that he is his son and she knows how he felt when she took away batting chance from him. Malhar doesn’t believe her. Kalyani shows the DNA report of Manu and says he is Shyam’s son. Malhar feels bad to lose the hope and confronts Shyam.

Shyam apologizes to Malhar. Kalyani tells Shyam that he don’t need to apologize as whatever he has done is for his child’s betterment. She asks him to come to her office and promises to get his admission in a good school and sponsorship. She says he might get good life here, but not your love. She asks Manu not to eat all chocolates altogether. Manu smiles. Shyam thinks he shall leave immediately. He apologizes to Kalyani and Moksh. Manu asks her to call him to play cricket when Moksh returns. They leave. Kalyani tells Sarthak that he couldn’t identify the boy as she is Moksh’s mother and not him. Sarthak tells that the drama is over and nobody is interested in your drama. He says whenever Moksh is found, I promise that I will come and take him and also that he will not be brought up by you. Malhar assures Kalyani that Moksh will be with her. Shyam and Manu come to Aparna. Shyam tells her that Kalyani is clever to identify that Manu is not Moksh and tells that now they have numbers through which we used to call Mr. Mehra to threaten him.

Kalyani plays shank. Aao Saheb thanks the Goddess Shail putrid/Devi Parvati’s avatar. Anupriya explains about Shail putrid meaning. Kalyani tells that during navratri, Devimaa comes home with her kids and that’s why she is happy. She asks why my son is not with me. Anupriya asks her not to get upset and says we will get back Moksh. Kalyani says I will search my son, even if I have to search in the world.

Anupriya ask Kalyani not to lose hopes and tells that they will get their Moksh. Kalyani says I will search my Moksh, even if I have to search him in the world and sacrifice my everything. She says my life’s aim is to get my son back. She says Devimaa is a mother and can’t be unfair with other mother. She applies tika to her forehead and keeps diya on her hand. She tells that it would be easy for her to search Moksh, she has to many problems, but a mother has no option to defeat. She asks Goddess to give her strength so that she can’t get weak and tells that if I get your support then no power of this world can stop me from reaching my son. She promises that she will search her son before Navratri ends. Aao Saheb hears her and asks Anupriya to go to write exam. Kalyani says I will come with you.

Kalyani drops Anupriya to the court and asks did you keep pen etc and asks her to go. She asks her to concentrate on paper and says all the best. She tells that she has to go to room no 6 and tells that Kaka is waiting there. She hugs her and says all the best. Malhar comes there. Kalyani tells that she came to drop Aai to the court. Malhar tells that the threatening calls number was traced and it is of Yashwant.

Anupriya reads the question papers. Sarthak throws water on her head and tells that he tried to cool her down as she was worried seeing question paper. Anupriya asks what is this misbehavior. Sarthak says you have just one hour to complete the exam. Anupriya asks for answer sheet. He gives it.

Kalyani and Malhar come to meet Yeshwant. Malhar asks where is he? The goon tells him that Yeshwant is in hospital as he met with an accident. He tells that his daughter has the marriage soon. He asks if he wants to meet him. Malhar says we will meet when he gets fine.

The goon asks them to leave them. Malhar tries to look inside and leave from there with Kalyani. An old guy is sitting inside and calls someone. Malhar tells Kalyani that there is something wrong for sure. He tells that he shall go to Pune City hospital. Kalyani says ok. He asks her not to do anything until he returns and asks her to take care. Kalyani says ok. Yeshwant calls Aparna and tells that Kalyani came to his house searching him and tells that this means she came to know that her son was kidnapped from railway station and I made threatening calls to Mehra on your sayings. He says there is nothing for worry, I got a person admitted on my name in the Pune city hospital. He says until they return from Pune, till then my daughter Swati’s marriage will be done and we will leave from here. Aparna says I am not worried, Kalyani will never know where is Moksh.

Kalyani collides with a girl who comes out of Yeshwant’s house and her jewellery falls down from the box. She asks if she is the bride? Swati tells that yes she is the bride. Kalyani asks her how she can elope when her father is admitted in hospital in a critical state. Swati asks what nonsense and tells that her father is inside and is fine. She says she is eloping as they are getting her married forcibly. Kalyani is shocked and tries to talk to her, but she pushes her and elopes from there. Kalyani calls Malhar and tells him everything. Malhar asks why did you go to bride’s room? Yeshwant’s goons asks Swati to open the door. They break the door and see the bride standing covering her face. Kalyani is standing in the room. The goon asks why didn’t you speak to me. Kalyani asks if I shall reply to my father’s goon. The goon asks why your voice seems to be different. She says her voice got rough. The guy tells his goons that nobody shall know about Swati.

Sarthak snatches Anupriya’s answer sheet and writes fail on it. Anupriya cries. Sarthak asks her to go and show her performance to Kalyani. He gets a call from Malhar. Anupriya hears him, Kalyani thinks don’t know what is Malhar ji’s plan, I have to think.

Malhar and Pawar come there indisguise of a caterer. Pawar says I couldn’t bring more team as everyone is busy. He compliments his looks. Sarthak comes there in the truck in disguise. He tells that he is ready in the get up as he told. Malhar tells that they have to make yeshwant’s men unconscious and take them in the tempo. He says it will be easy for them to interrogate Yeshwant. Malhar sees Anupriya in disguise and asks her. Anupriya says she heard Sarthak and his conversation and tells Malhar that she wants to come with him. Sarthak says he don’t want illiterate lawyer here. Malhar says let her be here, don’t show your personal enmity. Just then goons come there and asks if they are cooks. Malhar says yes and asks him to tell from where to take the water.

Kalyani thinks they are dangerous, but she has to do this to get Moksh. Pandit ji asks her to leave her hand impression on the wall. Kalyani leaves her hand impressions on the wall and thinks she will leave her impression on all the walls. Pandit ji says there is no such rasam. Kalyani says shall I call babu saa and calls him. Pandit ji says ok, do it. She senses Malhar’s presence and finds him standing there. Malhar also senses that the bride is Kalyani. Kalyani tells that she will go and apply her hand impressions on the wall. The goon insists to come with her, but Kalyani threatens him asking if he will come with her with bathroom and she goes. Pawar asks Anupriya to mix something in the juice to make them unconscious. Kalyani comes to Malhar and shows her face. Malhar says you are here as a bride. Kalyani asks him to go out. Sarthak and Pawar make the goons drink water and make them unconscious. They keep them in the utensil, to take them to the temple. Malhar tells Kalyani that Pawar and Kaka are making yeshwant’s men unconscious and locking them in tempo. He says you have taken risk by wearing this bride costume. Kalyani says I will become bride to get Moksh. Malhar asks what do you mean? Kalyani says I didn’t mean that and asks him to go. She thinks my heart can’t beat for him now, he is of someone else and can’t be mine, ever. She signs him to go. The goon asks Malhar what is he doing here? Malhar says he is going to kitchen to cook food. Anupriya mixes the powder in the water. Malhar comes back to Sarthak and tells that there are many more men of Yashwant. He says we have to go inside and serve them food. Anupriya tells that she had mixed medicine to make them unconscious in the juice. A man overhears them and tries to go and inform them, but they hit him and make him unconscious. They take him to tempo.

Anupriya asks where is Kalyani? Malhar says she is in bride’s costume. Anupriya worries for her. Kalyani leaves her hand impressions on the walls while the goon is behind her. She thinks where is Yashwant, he is not seen in any rooms. Yashwant comes to now that Kalyani and Malhar didn’t go to Pune and asks goons to find out where are they? Kalyani lifts her ghunghat, and her face is shown on CCTV footage, but Yashwant doesn’t see her. He looks at her later and doesn’t find out.

Anupriya comes inside and gives juice to the goons. The goon asks other to give juice to Bhai ji in basement. Kalyani tries to go there, but the goon stops her. Anupriya pretends to fall near Kalyani and asks her to write on the tissue paper. A fb is shown, Malhar asking Anupriya to ask Kalyani to write on the tissue as carbon paper is inside. The goons drink the juice and gets a call. Sarthak, Pawar and Malhar take the goons in the tempo. Pawar says he will leave them far away. Anupriya comes to Malhar and gives the tissue paper to him. Malhar reads and says yashwant is in basement and the way to it is from the backside of this bungalow. Kalyani sees the goon about to faint and gets inside the basement. Yashwant asks someone on call about Kalyani and Malhar. Just then Malhar enters there breaking the door and comes inside. He tries to strangulate him with rope asking where is his son, Moksh. Kalyani is about to lift her veil. The goon comes there and asks him to leave Yashwant, aiming gun on him. Malhar leaves yashwant. Yashwant hits Malhar and makes him unconscious. Malhar faints. The goon tells Yashwant about seeing Malhar’s men kidnapping their goons. Yashwant asks him to lock Malhar and his men in separate rooms. He asks if Kalyani is found. The goon says no. Kalyani says she got doubtful after drinking the juice and came to see babusaa. Yashwant asks Kalyani to sit for the marriage and asks goon to search her. Kalyani thinks what to do?

Yashwant’s goon takE unconscious Malhar from there. Yashwant asks his goon to find out if Kalyani Rane is among the captive people. The goon says she was not there. Yashwant asks him to go and search for Kalyani and asks her to sit in the mandap for marriage. Kalyani asks him to send the lady (Kaki) who came with them to alter her lehanga. Yashwant asks goon to go. He calls Aparna.

Anupriya, Sarthak and Pawar are caught and captive by the goons. Anupriya tells Sarthak that they have to stop this marriage, else they will think Kalyani as Swati and will get her married to any goon. Sarthak says I don’t care about your daughter and tells that if she gets married then my nephew will get rid of her. He says I am worried about Malhar. Anupriya looks at the glass bottles kept there.

Kalyani comes to the room and sees Kaki. Kaki says you are not Swati and is about to shout. Kalyani keeps hand on her mouth, and says you are a mother. Kaki asks how do you know? Kalyani says before having child, she used to have make up stuff, but after her son arrived, she used to have his stuff. Goon brings the groom and makes her sit in the mandap. Kalyani tells the lady/kaki to help her and give her phone so that she can talk to someone. She says come to my office later, I will give you money. The lady/Kaki refuses to take money for the help. Kalyani dials the number. Just then goon comes and knocks on the door asking Swati to come.. Kalyani asks Kaki to dial the number and asks Police to reach there. She asks her to give the location to the Police. She says she will go out and sit on the mandap. Kaki asks if she will really marry. Kalyani says she can do anything for her son and if she has to do this marriage then she will do to stop Yashwant till Police reaches there. She goes. The lady calls Police. Kalyani comes and sits on the mandap, thinks she can do anything for her Billu. She looks at the groom and realizes he is Malhar ji. The goon asks Kalyani to give her hand in the groom’s hand.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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