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Vivek tells Aao Saheb that Kalyani was asking me in hospital, who had mixed nail polish remover in Maayi’s water. Pallavi panics. Aao Saheb asks shall I tell Kalyani and tells that don’t put this gum out. She tells that Damini is coming to see Kalyani today, and hopes they don’t lose their alliance. Malhar comes inside, reminisces Kalyani and Moksh. He sees Anupriya hugging the mobile. Anupriya thinks it is her world and she wants to keep it with her.

Kalyani talk to Moksh and tells that even today she can hear him and says you used to cry at 8 am, so that Malhar ji wakes up and gets up. Malhar comes there. Kalyani sees him. Malhar helps her drink water. Juda hoke bhi song plays…..He takes out the pedestal fan from the box and keeps it near her. He says when you I had bought it, you had said that both this fan and me are old of Baba Adam’s era. He says now it is coming in use and tells that the accident was small and everything will be fine. He says we will get you treated in a big hospital and you will become fine after the operation. Kalyani says I have to be fine as I will meet my Billu some day and don’t want my Billu to get afraid seeing my face. She asks do you remember and gets up from the bed. She says when we used to stay in this room, our Billu used to cry a lot, you couldn’t keep him quiet and Billu used to be quiet coming in my lap. She says you used to ask what is in my face that he becomes quiet. Malhar comes near Kalyani. Anupriya comes there and gets shocked. She asks Malhar what are you doing here? She says your wife is waiting for you and asks him to go. She asks Kalyani to come with her as Damini and Vikram came to see her. Damini asks Aao Saheb where is Kalyani and tells that she wants to see her. Anupriya brings Kalyani there. Vikram and Damini get shocked seeing Kalyani’s state. Aao Saheb asks Kalyani to come. Vikram asks Damini not to force him for marriage and tells that her face is completely burnt, I can’t marry Kalyani. Kalyani looks on.

Vikram apologize to Aao Saheb and tells that Kalyani’s face is completely burnt, and that’s why I can’t marry her. Aao Saheb says she is sending Kalyani for good treatment and says she will become like before. Vikram says forgive me, but I can’t marry her. Anupriya asks Damini not to do this and tells that Aao Saheb will get her best treatment done, and she will get back her face. Vikram says I can’t marry, don’t force me. Anupriya pleads infront of them. Aao Saheb asks him to talk to Dr. Gokhale and tells that he has assured that Kalyani will be fine. Damini tells that this matter is about her son’s life and tells that she don’t want to force her son. Anupriya says we shall stay for few days. You can see when Kalyani gets the bandage removed in the hospital then you will see that her wounds are healed. Vikram asks why you are forcing me to marry your daughter, as some inauspicious thing with her and you are pushing her on me. Damini asks him not to say that. Vikram says I don’t want to do social service and tells that if he don’t want to marry a girl, whom he can’t take to party, and whom I introduce to my friends. He tells that our kids will get scared seeing marriage pic, if born and says I can’t think how dangerous her face is. Damini tells Aao Saheb that she agrees with her son and says we will leave. Aao Saheb asks her not to go upset and says don’t feel bad, but you had come that day to ask Godaveri’s hand, but asked Kalyani’s hand. She says if you had asked Godaveri’s hand then we wouldn’t have seen this day and asks her to fix Vikram’s alliance with her. Damini and Vikram looks at each other. Pallavi gets happy. Aao Saheb asks her to agree for Godaveri and Vikram’s alliance. Vikram says ok, but make sure that her face is not burnt. Aao Saheb says she doesn’t go to kitchen and tells that she will make your house as Swarg. Kalyani comes to the room and cries. Malhar asks since when you have become weak and tells that how can they refuse your alliance, you will refuse this alliance yourself. He holds her hand and brings her outside.

Aao Saheb and others see Malhar bringing her there. Malhar says it is enough of drama, now listen to you. You don’t have status to marry her, removes ring from Kalyani’s hand and throws on Vikram. He says Kalyani doesn’t agree for this alliance and refusing it. Damini asks what is this? Malhar grabs Vikram’s collar and asks if you wanted to marry her to take her to parties and to show the world how beautiful your wife is. Damini asks Aao Saheb to do something and says this man has gone mad? Aao Saheb says Malhar Rane….Malhar warns them not to say anything. Vikram asks him to leave his collar. Malhar asks him to free by himself. Vivek asks him to leave his would be son in law. Malhar pushes him. He asks Vikram what does he know about Kalyani and tells that he will tell him. He says Kalyani’s character is so pure that she can give her life for a stranger also. He says Kalyani’s heart is so flawless that she can hug a stranger’s child and loves his child like her own, more than his own mother. He says Kalyani is the girl who can give her own life to save others, she is the girl who can risk her life for truth and says Kalyani is the girl….and says what is the advantage of telling you, as you just saw the wound on her face. Damini says why nobody is stopping him? Malhar says nobody will stop me and tells that whatever she is today is due to her capabilities and she doesn’t need Minister’s support to reach heights. Malhar takes out ring from Vikram’s hand. Damini says this is enough and tells that you should have got him arrested by now, but you are quiet. She tells that this insult will prove costly to them and asks Malhar that he doesn’t know her, and tells that she will bring him on road. Malhar tells that he is not scared of any threats. Aao Saheb tells damini that this man is not from their family and is not related to them. She asks her not to be upset and asks Malhar to leave from there.

Kalyani asks Malhar to stop for sometime and says I want to show you something, before you leave. Anupriya asks what you are doing? Kalyani says until when I will hide my face, let everyone see. Kalyani removes bandage from her face and head. Vikram and Damini are shocked to see her face fine with just minor burns. Anupriya says Kalyani….your face is fine, nothing has happened to you. She is about to hug her, but Aao Saheb pushes her and hugs Kalyani. She asks Damini to see that her Kalyani’s face is fine.

Kalyani turns to Damini and says you wanted to call Police. Police will come. I will call Police here, then I have to tell Police that you wanted to break alliance with me after fixing it. She says this is crime against woman and says if this thing is leaked in the media, then think that election is near. Aao Saheb asks what are you saying and tells that you know her position, now she is becoming our relative. Kalyani says we shall not have any relation with such people, we will search a good guy for Godaveri, who values her heart. Damini says first you had pleaded infront of me and that’s why I accepted Godaveri’s alliance and now she is insulting us. Aao Saheb tells that you know well, how much I respect you. Kalyani asks her not to respect them who doesn’t respect them. She asks her to ask Damini if Vikram’s face gets burnt and Godaveri decides to leave him then what she will do? Aao Saheb tells that you are DM or PM, but I decide in this house and I have fixed Godaveri’s alliance with Vikram. Kalyani asks her to ask Godaveri once if she agrees. She asks Anupriya to say something and says if the alliance will be good, where husband thinks her as a thing to exhibit. She asks Godaveri to say. Godaveri is silent. Vivek asks why you are having problem as you couldn’t become bahu of Damini’s house. Kalyani goes to her room and cries. Malhar comes behind her and tells that our relation is broken, but I can’t see you crying. He comes near her and wipes her tears with her dupatta. Music plays……Kalyani wipes his tears. He turns away and says you don’t need to worry about me.

Kalyani says your life partner is the lucky person of this world, I am sure that Avni realizes this. She says I am saying this with experience. She says, there was a time when I used to think myself as lucky girl of this world. Malhar says you talks big, but crying here for a small thing. Kalyani says I am not crying as my alliance broke, but because Aai must have felt so much pain due to my act of burn face and says even you must have felt pain. She says what to do, I was forced to do this and tells that she was not happy with the alliance, as Vikram never wanted to know how did she agree suddenly, if someone is threatening her or blackmailing her. She says he didn’t try to know what kind of person I am etc. She says I really don’t understand how Aao Saheb agreed for Godaveri’s alliance. Malhar says when Godaveri and her parents are not having any objection then why you are having objection. She says there must be some goodness in this. Kalyani says I came to know the good thing that the one man whom I loved a lot and whom I was searching since many days, as he was lost….but today I saw a glimpse of him and tells that though the person is not mine, but he is even now so good…Malhar gets emotional with her.

Kalyani tell Malhar that the person she was searching since many days as he was lost, but today she saw a glimpse of that person, yes…although that person is not mine anymore, but he is still a good person even now. Malhar comes near her. Kalyani smiles and gets emotional. Avni calls Malhar. Malhar picks her call and tells that he was busy in work and will come. Anupriya comes there. She asks Malhar if he don’t understand and asks him to leave before Aao Saheb comes. Malhar goes. Vivek comes out of house. Aao Saheb asks where is Malhar? Vivek says how I will handle him alone and tells that he shall call Police. Malhar comes there. Aao Saheb scolds him for risking her Godaveri’s alliance. Malhar tells that you are getting good price of blood, when one grand daughter marriage couldn’t be fixed then fixed other grand daughter’s alliance. Aao Saheb says stop it, this was remaining, knowing something from a person who had shot his own wife. Malhar takes stick from her hand and breaks it. He throws on the floor and walks away. Aao Saheb looks on.

Anupriya thanks Bappa and says you have stopped my daughter’s life from getting ruined. She says what kind of mother, I was about to ruin my daughter’s life. She says if Kalyani had married Vikram and after marriage when we came to know about his behavior then I couldn’t forgive myself. She tells that she will do penance for throwing her in pit and that’s why she will do penance. She says until her wounds gets healed fully, I will walk bare foot. Kalyani hears her and thinks what happened to Aai? If she loves me so much then why don’t she talk to me nicely. She asks Anupriya if she will talk to just Bappa and not her. She apologizes to her for hiding the truth from her and tells that this was needed to expose Vikram. She asks her to say who had given her water bucket with nail polish removed in it. Anupriya tells that she don’t remember and asks her not to get involved in these matters. Kalyani says I will find out the truth.

Pallavi takes out gum from her mouth and tells that her lips are swollen. Godaveri tells that she will not talk to vikram. Pallavi tells that Malhar came and went, and tells that Vikram is a good guy and any guy would have done the same. Vivek comes there and asks why did Kalyani call Pawar now? Kalyani asks Pawar to find out who had tried to burnt her. Malhar comes there and asks why did you call me? Kalyani says I called you through Pawar Kaka, as you are eye witness. She tells that she will file the complaint and the complaint will be filed by Anupriya Deshmukh. Anupriya tells that she don’t want to file any complaint as she don’t remember who had put nail polish remover in the water. Kalyani asks if she don’t want to know who tried to kill her daughter and says she would have burnt and died that day. She says if you don’t care then I will burn and die. She brings match stick and is about to light herself. Malhar says Kalyani. Anupriya takes match stick from her hand and tells that I don’t remember who had given me bucket. Kalyani says you have proved today that I am not your real daughter and tells that if I was your real daughter then you would have stood silent. She tries to light the fire. Anupriya says I will try to remember and says that day….nail polish remover….Pallavi gets tensed. Aao Saheb comes there while blindfolded herself and tells that it was me. Anupriya rushes to her.

Aao Saheb tells that she had given water bucket to Pallavi that day. Pallavi thinks what happened to Aao Saheb today. Aao Saheb tells that both the bottles were same and she added it, thinking it as Gulab jal so that Anupriya look good. She tells that she will never taken off the blind fold and tells that she knew that Pallavi will not take her name and that’s why she is taking her name herself. Kalyani takes off the blind fold and tells that it is not your mistake, it was an accident. Malhar says it is not yet proved and tells that first her eye sight will be tested and then only it will be proved if she is saying right or wrong. He takes the hand cuffs and asks Aao Saheb to come. Aao Saheb forwards her hands. Kalyani stops Malhar and asks do you have arrest warrant, no. She says you have no right to arrest her. She tells that you are forgetting that you are suspended right now. Malhar says you are doing wrong Kalyani. He goes. Aao Saheb smirks. She comes out and throws the hand cuff on Malhar. She asks him if he is feeling bad that the girl who used to trust him fully, is trusting her now. She tells that this handcuff will be used for you one day. She tells that her eye sight is weak, but her sight to see future is so clear that she can see him behind bars. Malhar gets upset and goes.

Aao Saheb asks Pallavi if Vivek talked to decorator and asks her to talk to Guru ji. Damini calls her. Aao Saheb thinks if she has changed her mind. She picks the call and greets Damini, asking how is she? She asks her to tell how they can serve her. Damini tells that it seems Kalyani’s anger is not calm down. She tells that Vikram had submitted the tender of Nasik highway and Kalyani rejected it. She says Kalyani is taking revenge from us. Aao Saheb says I will talk to Kalyani. Damini asks them to understand well that Godaveri’s betterment lies in Vikram’s betterment. Aao Saheb says ok. She ends the call. Kalyani comes there talking on phone and tells that she can’t pass the tender, as there is problem in the papers. Aao Saheb asks Kalyani what is she doing? She says Vikram is going to be Godaveri’s husband soon and tells that if they get upset then Godaveri has to suffer. Kalyani tells that she can’t cheat her job. Pallavi says you want to break my daughter’s alliance intentionally. Kalyani says you are thinking wrong and says if you had thought right that would have seen that I am saving her life. She tells that we all have seen how that man is, and tells that Damini is not less than him. Pallavi says we didn’t ask your opinion and asks her not to interfere. Aao Saheb tells that she has taken right decision for Godaveri and tells that she will be happy with Vikram. Kalyani says why are we not asking her opinion and tells that Pallavi didn’t let her talk to her. Pallavi asks her to stay far from Godaveri. Aao Saheb asks her to do her work and pass the tender. Kalyani tells that she can’t pass the tender. Pallavi says your daughter will break my daughter’s alliance. Anupriya says whatever Kalyani said….Aao Saheb turns and looks at Anupriya. Kalyani comes out of her house and sees Moksh’s pram and old furniture kept outside the house. She comes near it and says Billu…only two people in the work understand me, one is you and other is Aai. Anupriya comes there.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm  

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