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Sarthak tells Malhar that Kalyani is responsible for his condition and added glass pieces in the laddoo to take revenge from you. Malhar doesn’t believe him and shows trust on Kalyani. Avni says if Kalyani had not added it then why didn’t she eat it. Malhar says Kalyani will never do anything against me. Sarthak tells that he is elder in the house and promises that he won’t let Deshmukh family do anything wrong. He says I am repenting to trust Anupriya and asks him to take care of Avni for the promise given to his baba. Malhar tells that he remembers the promise, but Kalyani loves Moksh dearly from her heart. Sarthak says Moksh is our Rane blood and he will not go to Deshmukh house until I am alive. He ask Avni not to worry and says if Kalyani comes here then she will pay big compensation for it. He goes. Malhar cry. Avni tells that she will take care of him. Malhar misses Kalyani and cry. He looks at his Baba’s photo and cry, he says God snatched everything from me and then you also left me. He says God couldn’t see my happiness. He says you left me and handed over big responsibility to me. He says I will take care of the baby and will never let him know that he is not my blood. Avni brings food and makes Malhar eat it. she says Doctor said that it will take 4 -5 days for his wounds to get healed. Kalyani is standing outside and peeping inside through the window. Avni goes to bring water for Malhar. Kalyani comes to the kitchen window and asks Avni to hear her. Avni asks her to leave Malhar ji. Kalyani says you are unwell, so let me make Malhar ji have food and ask her to sit there. Avni says if you don’t go then I have to take legal action. She thinks this girl is not leaving us. She brings water and gives to Malhar. Malhar ask Avni to go and rest. Kalyani rings the door bell and hides. Avni opens the door and doesn’t see anybody. She thinks she will not leave Kalyani and closes the door. Kalyani rings the bell again. Avni opens the door and comes out. She thinks who is troubling her. Kalyani manages to come inside. Avni closes the door and thinks if Kalyani comes here then she will repent so much. Kalyani thinks sorry Aai, I can’t leave Malhar ji in this condition.

Anupriya comes to meet Sarthak at his house. Sarthak calls Anupriya. Servants come there. Sarthak calls them Anupriya 1 and 2 and assigns them work. He calls everyone Anupriya. His Assistant asks why you are calling your both Servants as Anupriya. Sarthak gets up and tells that he had relation with her, now her status is of a Servant. Anupriya realizes how much he hates her and goes.

Malhar sees Kalyani coming to his room and asks what are you doing here, as there is court notice against her. Kalyani says I know. She asks him to open his mouth. Malhar says I will have it and asks her to go. Kalyani says open your mouth and tells that she can’t leave him in pain, have to make him fine soon so that they can search for their Billu. She says I have seen how much you are feeling pain. Malhar says nobody can be Moksh’s Aai rather than you. Kalyani says I know, and nobody can snatch this right from me. Malhar coughs. She makes him have water and wipes his face. Tum hi ho music plays….Malhar looks at her and cry. Kalyani also cry looking at his condition. She asks him to sleep and rest for sometime so that medicine can work. Malhar tells that his head is paining badly. Kalyani massages his forehead and feels his pain. Malhar looks at her and sleeps. Kalyani also sleeps. Avni comes there and sees them sleeping. She shouts Kalyani and asks how dare you to come again? She asks did you know what will happen to get against the court notice. Kalyani asks do you think that it is easy for you to get me arrested. Avni says I will call Kaka. Kalyani says our law tells that no woman will be arrested after 6 pm till morning and tells that even law or Kaka can’t stop me from taking care of Malhar ji tonight. Avni looks on upset.

Kalyani tell Avni that their law says that no woman can be arrested after 6 pm and tells that now even Kaka can’t do anything. She says nobody can stop her from taking care of Malhar ji tonight. Suddenly Malhar vomits blood from his mouth. Kalyani and Avni get shocked. Kalyani checks him and says he is having a fever. Avni calls Doctor. Kalyani takes the call and tells that Malhar ji spits blood and asks what to do? The doctor thinks she is Avni and says I asked you to let him be in the hospital as it is an internal injury, but you took him home. Avni says I will bring him to the hospital. The doctor says he is out of Aurangabad and will return after 2 days. Kalyani gets Swara’s call who informs her that she had met the ayurvedic doctor. Swara says he said that Dada’s injuries can be wound if he drinks Brahma kamal flower ras and it blossoms only once in a year and it will remain for 3 hours ok and 2.5 hours are already over. Kalyani says she will bring it and asks her to send the address. She tells unconscious Malhar that she will go and come. Avni asks her if she is thinking that she will be saved from police if she makes an excuse and leaves, then she is wrong. Kalyani tells her that nobody can stop her from taking care of Malhar, as it is her right. She leaves.

Anupriya think of Sarthak’s hatred for her. Sarthak comes there in the car and tells that he had seen her at his house. He asks if she liked his Servant’s name? He then says that he knows that she had come to plead in front of him for Kalyani. Anupriya fold her hands and says why are you taking revenge from Kalyani? Sarthak says she wants to give mother India, Nargis Award to Anupriya Rane…and then says, Deshmukh. He says don’t come to me with your daughter’s plead. He says Avni told me that Malhar’s condition deteriorated because of Kalyani and threatens to put her rotten in jail all life. He leaves in the car. Kalyani is riding on the bicycle and comes there. She stops seeing Anupriya and tells her everything. Anupriya asks why did you go there? Kalyani asks her to scold her later and tells that she needs to go to this address. She tells that the flower will droop in 15 mins. Anupriya checks the address and tells that it is Sarthak’s house. Kalyani says we have to go there. They reach there and find the door locked. Anupriya finds the keys under the doormat. They enter the house. 

Sarthak is driving the car and talks to Avni. He tells that he has spoken to other Doctors. He gets a message and checks the CCTV message. He finds Anupriya and Kalyani entering his house.

Kalyani and Anupriya find Brahma Kamal flower. She is about to take it, when Sarthak comes there and stops her. Kalyani tells about Ayurvedic doctor telling her about the Brahma kamal flower to save Malhar. Sarthak doesn’t believe Kalyani and asks her to go. Kalyani says I have understood that you hate me and asks her to let her save Malhar. Sarthak asks Kalyani to forget Moksh. Anupriya asks what are you saying and says Kalyani is Moksh’s mother. Sarthak asks her to do a DNA test and tells that Kalyani is the other woman in Malhar’s life who is not accepted by society. Kalyani says you are saying this, who have seen Moksh and my Raabta. She says there is no test to prove love between mother and child. She asks why nobody asked me to get a test done when he used to be quiet in my lap? She says she used to keep alarm for every 2 hours and wakes up at night so that she can give him medicine. She tells that only she can read her son’s eyes and can understand. Sarthak asks Anupriya what to do, I have only one mother India award, which I gave to only you, what to give to your daughter. He says I have nothing to give to Kalyani. Anupriya says take out your anger on me, but let Kalyani take the flower juice/ras for Malhar. Sarthak says this is my house, you have to pay the price for it. Anupriya asks what? Sarthak says I want to see more tamasha and asks Anupriya to slap Kalyani, 100 times. Kalyani asks Anupriya to slap her fast. Anupriya couldn’t slap her. Kalyani says I will slap myself more than 100 and asks him to let Aai take the flower juice. Sarthak signs Anupriya to go. Kalyani starts slapping her, while Anupriya plucks the flower and takes its juice in the hand/traditional blender. She manages to take out the juice. Kalyani says I have slapped myself 120 times, and asks him to let her go now. Sarthak asks if she came to marriage and tells that he will call the police and get them arrested. Kalyani says even I know some law and tells that Aai is still your wife and she has all rights to come here, as you didn’t get any restraining orders. She says she will take this juice for Malhar ji anyhow and will see whatever happens.

Avni talk to the doctor and says Kaka must have called you. The doctor says he will come there in 30 mins. Avni says if something happens to my husband, asks what do you mean by 30 mins. Kalyani comes there. Avni says you came again and asks her not to dare to go to her husband. Kalyani asks her not to stop her from going to Malhar ji and says you didn’t see my anger yet. She asks her to stand there silently and don’t come in her way. She goes to Malhar and puts the Brahma kamal juice in Malhar’s mouth, says you will be fine. Avni says Kalyani…and is upset. Kalyani prays to Ganapati Bappa to make him fine and Malhar why is he become stubborn and not getting fine soon. She says we have to search for Billu, you can’t run away from your responsibilities. She asks him to open his eyes and get up. She finds movement in his hands and asks him to open his eyes. Malhar opens his eyes a bit. Kalyani thank Bappa and says everything will be fine. Avni says I won’t let you enter my house, this thing is not right. Anupriya try to talk to the lawyer and nobody is ready to take the case. She says why everyone is afraid of Sarthak? Kalyani asks Avni why is she staring at her and tells her that she is ready to bear the punishment.

Sarthak comes there with the lady constable and tells that Malhar needs to be taken to the hospital, and this girl. Just then he sees movement in Malhar and calls his name. Kalyani asks Malhar to sleep and says everything is fine here. She says my Aai taught me so much knowledge and because of that, I had brought Brahma kamal flower for Malhar ji. Sarthak says he will get her statue installed outside the PS and asks Constable to arrest her. Kalyani stops her and says it is not yet 7 am and according to law, no woman can be arrested before 7 am. Sarthak says don’t be happy, just a few hours are left. He asks Constable to wait outside and tells that he is here. Sarthak, Avni and Kalyani are all in Malhar’s room. Kalyani is worried for Malhar and is still awake, while Avni sleeps. Kalyani thinks Malhar ji gets well soon as when she goes to jail then he has to search for Moksh alone. Sarthak also sleeps. Kalyani is still awake and thinks it is going to be 7 am soon. She thinks Malhar ji get up. Sarthak wakes up and checks the time. He calls Lady constable and asks her to arrest Kalyani. Kalyani is about to go to Malhar, but Avni stops her angrily holding her hand. Malhar wakes up and holds Kalyani’s hand. He says Kalyani will not go anywhere. Sarthak shows the restraining orders to lady constable and asks her to arrest her. He says Kalyani has broken the law and will snatch Moksh from you.


Sarthak comes to Aao Saheb’s house and tells that Kalyani is busy in her personal work although she is a govt employee. He says she will be jailed for this and asks lady constable to arrest her. Lady constable handcuffs Kalyani. Kalyani looks at Malhar. Meanwhile Anupriya's degree come to use as she bailed Kalyani

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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