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Avni comes out of the bathroom and sees Mukku cutting her dresses. Avni asks her to leave it. Mukku asks her to let her go else she will cut her clothes. Avni opens the door and asks her to go. Mukku says if you are a villain then I am hero. She goes. Sarthak tells the guests that Mukku might be coming. Mukku comes there in the same dress. Sarthak asks Anupriya why she didn’t change the clothes? Anupriya says let her wear the clothes. Sarthak introduces Mukku to the guests. Mukku asks if he is fine and talks in her accent. The boy asks why is she talking like this. Sarthak says she is influenced by films. Sarthak asks Mukku to ask how do you know? Mukku says she is thin, he is mad etc. Mukku’s friend comes there. Mukku runs to him and hug him. Sarthak feels humiliated and asks Anupriya to ask this boy to go. Mukku says it would have been fun if Aai fi was here. Kalyani cleans Malhar’s jeep using soap and sponge. He asks her to be careful and clean the mirror with the paper. She thinks to go inside and check on the pretext of getting paper. Malhar takes his pic and asks if he is looking as a fool. He asks her to leave the girl and says she is Kaka and Maayi’s daughter, why don’t you leave her? He says when I find Moksh, then I won’t let him talk to you. He says don’t think that I have forgotten my son, as I am searching for Aahir’s killer. He says he is getting closer to Moksh, day by day. Kalyani thinks I wish to tell you that Moksh is here with us.

Mukku introducing her friend Chickal.. A guest asks who is this boy? Chikal says they were neighbors and asks did you understand aunty. Sarthak says actually Mukku used to stay with them, before coming here. The kids laugh hearing their different accent. Mukku threatens to hit them, if they tease her friend. A lady asks her son to tell the poem. The boy says twinkle twinkle star song. Sarthak asks Mukku to read poem. Mukku says poetry. Sarthak says Mukku likes English song and plays English song. All the kids dance. Mukku plays jhinak song and dances with Chikal and do aerobics too. Kalyani hears the song and starts dancing so that she can go inside. Malhar looks at her. She throws soapy water on Malhar from the bucket and says sorry. She asks him to give his tshirt and tells that when she hears this song, she can’t stop herself from dancing. He takes the pipe and puts water on her face. He says when I hear this song, I want to drench the person standing infront of me. He says you will go to room through balcony, I know you well.

Sarthak says let the cake be cut. All the guests make excuse and leave from there. Sarthak get angry on Mukku. Anupriya says it is not her mistake, her upbringing is such. Mukku cuts the cake and says first piece is of my Aai fi. Sarthak gets upset and goes. Malhar says the party is over, else you would have drenched more. He asks her to go through balcony. She says how will I go in saree? Malhar says it is not my problem.

Mukku and Chikal are in the room. Chikal asks for her cap. Mukku gives him cap and says my Aai fi says, sharing is caring. Malhar asks Kalyani to get up. Kalyani gets up and looks at Mukku and Chikal on the bed. Malhar looks at Chikal from outside and comes inside. He takes the boy away from there and tells Avni that this is the same boy. Kalyani tries to stop him, but in vain. Mukku asks where is Police taking him? Avni looks angrily and goes. Kalyani tells Mukku that Malhar thought that the crane boy is Chikal. Mukku says now Chikal will tell everything. Avni comes back and tells that it is good that Malhar caught the boy. Kalyani says I am sure that the boy is innocent. She asks Mukku to come and says Chikal needs us. Avni thinks why Kalyani is worried for the stranger boy.

Malhar takes Chikal to the PS and tries to scare him, by showing the sticks. He says whoever lies, we beat him with the same stick. Kalyani and Mukku come there on the cycle. Mukku tries to call Chikal, but Kalyani stops her. Malhar shows the picture and asks if he sat in the crane that day. Chikal says I didn’t sit in the crane till now. Malhar shows the sticks and also the chocolates. He asks if he wants sticks or chocolates. Mukku gets worried and says he will tell the truth now. Chikal touches the chocolates and says I bought it from Mangal Bazaar at 20 Rs. Malhar says you are lying? Kalyani says thank god. Malhar says you have bought old cap from Mangal Bazaar. Malhar says new cap comes at 100 Rs and the old one comes for 20. Pawar comes there and tells that school authorities told that Chikal was in the school, when the incident happened. Malhar asks Chikal to go home.

Kalyani thinks thank God, Chikal didn’t tell anything and says who asked him to lie. Anupriya says she told him and tells everything, that he told him that they are playing games. Kalyani looks at Malhar, who blames himself for not catching Aahir’s criminal. Kalyani says she can’t see him like this and wants to say him truth. Anupriya asks did you think about Moksh. They find Mukku missing. Chikal gives a chocolate to Mukku and tells that he will go now, as his parents will bring icecream while coming back from film theatre. Mukku says my Aai and Baba never go to watch film. Kalyani comes there and takes Mukku from there. Anupriya feeds food to Mukku. Mukku asks if Aai fi likes to watch film. Anupriya says very much. Mukku says that’s why even she likes to watch films. She thinks she will make film.

Mukku come to the theatre and asking the ticket seller to give her a ticket. The ticket seller asks for the money. Mukku gives 10 Rs. He asks her to come when she gets 100 Rs. Mukku finds the Chana seller/her old neighbor sitting sadly. She asks why is he sad? The chana seller tells that nobody is buying the chanas today. He asks Mukku to sell Chanas and take 100 Rs. Mukku manages to sell the Chanas with her acting, but one Chana packet is still left. Shankar asks her to sell the left one packet and then get 100 Rs. The ticket seller asks Mukku to get the tickets, as last two tickets are available. Mukku sees a car and stops it, asking to buy the Chana so that her Aai fi can watch the film. Sarthak is in the car and gets angry, calls her name. He gets down.

Kalyani is in the office and asks Ankur to make sure that Minister saheb shall not complain again. Ankur says ok. Sarthak comes to her office with Mukku and accuses Kalyani for making her sell Chana on the road, to watch film on theatre. Kalyani is shocked and asks Ankur to go. Sarthak says he shall hear that what you do to take revenge on your husband. He says he will take her away from her. Kalyani tells that she didn’t do this. Sarthak takes Mukku from there. Kalyani feels bad to know that Moksh has sell Chana in such a young age on the street. Mukku comes back to Kalyani and says sorry, tells that she wants Police and her to watch film like Chikkal’s parents. She asks will you go with him to watch film. Kalyani feels bad and thinks her son has to yearn for the things.

Sarthak comes to Anupriya and scolds her telling that she doesn’t love her own daughter like she loves Kalyani. He says he will shift to Mumbai in some days with Mukku. Anupriya asks him not to threaten her and tells that she will file case against him and get Mukku’s custody. Sarthak is shocked. Anupriya asks Kalyani from where this film ticket came in his mind. Kalyani says film is just an excuse, actually Pillu wants both of the parents to spend time and go out like a normal couple. She finds him awake and take him to the room. She shows the tickets to Mukku. Mukku asks if Police and you will go to watch the film. Kalyani recalls convincing Malhar on call for Mukku’s happiness. Malhar comes to the room. Mukku asks are you going with my Aai fi to watch film. Malhar gives the shopping bag and says he wants her Aai fi to wear this, while coming with me to watch film. Kalyani checks the dress and finds it short. She says it is good but I will wear something else. Malhar tells Mukku that if Kalyani don’t wear this dress then I will not go with her. Mukku convinces Kalyani. Kalyani agrees to wear the dress and thinks what is going on in Malhar ji’s mind.

Mukku tells Anupriya that Aai fi and Police have gone to watch film and asks until when I have to play this game, says when I will go with them to watch film. Anupriya prays for Mukku and Kalyani. Kalyani and Malhar are in the jeep. Kalyani asks him to drop her there and asks why did he bring such a dress, when it doesn’t mean anything. She says why are you punishing me and Aai, when we didn’t know about Swara’s misery.

Anupriya asks Mukku not to be upset with Sarthak and says he is not bad at heart. She asks her not to be upset with him. Sarthak comes there and apologizes to Mukku for scolding her. He then gives the gifts. Mukku says she likes racing car..

Malhar stops the car. Kalyani asks where we have come and finds Minister’s car there. She gets down from the car. Minister asks why did she send her PA to call him, at such a place, and asks why are you wearing this dress? Kalyani says I didn’t send my PA. Minister’s PA says your PA had come and that’s why Minister has to left his important meeting to come here. Minister asks her to give her apology in the morning and then he will decide what punishment to take for her. He leaves. Kalyani asks Malhar not to do this with her work and calls someone. Malhar tears the poster, love ka the end and tears it on her head. He says be it home or office, I want to ruin your life everywhere. He says just like my sister got ruined, and I will ruin you and your Aai will see your destruction. He says this is the start of your destruction.


Kalyani feels scared. He says I want to see this fear on your face, my sister has spent many years in the fear. He takes the hidden cameras which he had placed at the corners of the room, and gives it to Kalyani. He says I tried, but couldn’t lower like your Vivek Chacha. He says there is no card in the camera, but just wanted to see fear on your face. He says I am not Ram anymore as your family made me Ravan. He says I am enjoying it and now I can eat food seeing the fear on your face. He says today I might get sleep and goes out. Kalyani cries sitting in the room.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm  

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