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Vikram comes inside and says he came to celebrate her birthday, as he knew that Malhar is busy with Kalyani, so he came. He says lets cut the cake. Avni says Kalyani doesn’t know what is happening with her, she will not forget. Vikram asks what did you do? Avni recalls and a fb is shown, Avni mixes poison in the laddoos kept in Kalyani’s car. Fb ends. Avni tells him that kalyani will have the sweets for last time and then she can’t speak, then I will see how Malhar will love her? Vikram says Malhar will love her even if she is mute. He says I have brought the proof and gives something. Avni checks and gets shocked.

Kalyani comes to Malhar and asks him to eat something. She says when stomach is empty then negative thoughts come. She says she is feeling positively as her relation with Aai has become fine and she is a step ahead of reaching Moksh. Malhar asks her not to forget that they didn’t see Moksh and asks her not to see the dreams. Kalyani says she is sure that she will get Moksh. Malhar says what was it, you was about to get bald. Kalyani says I am sure that I will get my Billu, and a mother can’t be wrong.

Malhar ask Kalyani if she knows how many orphanages in their country. Kalyani writes down on the ground about the orphanages number in many cities. He is surprised. Kalyani asks him to eat vada pav and end his hunger first. She says even I am hungry. Malhar asks her to clean her hands first. He eats vada pav and says it is very spicy. Kalyani eats it too and asks for water. Malhar says he doesn’t have water. Kalyani says we have sweets which we had purchased for Moksh. They have the laddoo, in which Avni had mixed glass pieces. Malhar drop Kalyani and ask her to take rest for sometime. Kalyani says ok. Reporter come to Kalyani and ask can I take your interview? Malhar hear her and thinks he knows her capabilities, but due to circumstances, he couldn’t hug her and says I am proud of you. Kalyani ask reporter to take her interview fast. Anupriya comes out and asks Kalyani to come inside fast. Malhar leave. Kalyani goes with Anupriya and sees Aao Saheb trying to stop Avni, who is acting crazily and walking on the railing of the balcony. Reporter think to cover this drama. Kalyani shout Avni. Avni think she seems to be fine and must not have eaten the laddoo. She thinks she will take out Malhar and her Kalyani’s truth out today. Kalyani ask Avni to come down and remind her that she is pregnant. Avni says she is betrayed and don’t care about baby also. Kalyani ask who has betrayed you? Avni says you have betrayed me and having an affair with Malhar. Pallavi ask really? Anupriya says you know Kalyani, she can’t break anyone’s house. Kalyani says you are thinking me wrong and ask her to come down. Avni ask her to come up and tells that she will not come down. She throws the cake on the ground to scare them. Kalyani goes to the balcony and asks Avni to stop. Just then Kalyani feels pain in her throat. Avni thinks my luck is not bad, I will see until when she will be alive, she had the laddoo. She says you tried to snatch Malhar from me. Kalyani asks Avni to come down. Avni thinks why glass pieces are not affecting her. Kalyani says I have never taken wrong advantage of your friendship. Reporter records everything in the camera. Avni shows Kalyani and Malhar’s marriage certificate and says you wanted to get back in Malhar’s life by befriending me. She says Malhar left you 5 years back as you were having an affair with a married men, you are like that and it is your work to break marriages and betray friends. Anupriya asks her not to accuse her daughter. Avni says you will support her being her mother and holds her responsible for it. She says your daughter is a characterless girl. Kalyani asks her to stop it. Malhar comes there and asks Avni what did you say to Kalyani? Avni says Malhar ji and is about to fall down, but Kalyani saves her and she falls down. Everyone is shocked. Malhar holds her and asks Kalyani if she is fine. Malhar tells Avni that the marriage certificate was right, he was married to Kalyani and she was his wife. He asks how dare you accuse her for snatching me from you and says the things are snatched which doesn’t belong to the person, but I am always of Kalyani, yesterday, today and tomorrow. He says I love Kalyani a lot….Main phir bhi tumko chahunga plays…..He says and you said….Just then he coughs…Kalyani asks what is happening to you…They see blood in his mouth and hands. Kalyani shouts Malhar ji and holds him from falling down. Avni comes down and think if Malhar ate the laddoo instead of Kalyani? Malhar keeps his hand on Kalyani’s forehead and says I love you Kalyani. He falls unconscious. Kalyani asks him to open his eyes and asks Anupriya to call ambulance. She thinks he was fine, what happened to him? Anupriya search for the hospital number and asks Pallavi to give her phone. Pallavi gives her phone and tells Aao Saheb if Malhar dies then we will be blamed. Kalyani says nothing will happen to Malhar ji….Malhar opens his eyes and says I love you Kalyani. Avni comes down. Anupriya asks Aao Saheb to ask driver to take out the car. Aao Saheb says car is not working. Avni asks Kalyani to move away from her husband. Kalyani warns her not to come near her now. Anupriya goes to get taxi, but nobody helps. Avni goes inside and comes out telling that Pawar is bringing ambulance. She asks where is Kalyani? Kalyani is taking Malhar in ambulance and it stops. Peon tells that car has stopped and needs mechanic. Kalyani sees the cart kept there and try to take Malhar to the hospital while pushing the cart. Hare Ram Hare Ram plays…… Kalyani puts water in his mouth, but he couldn’t drink and faints. Kalyani asks him to open his eyes and takes him to hospital. She tells Malhar that he will be fine now. She asks Doctor to check and treat him. Doctor says Malhar’s wife called us and tells that we got instructions from his wife that nobody can go inside except her. Kalyani says I am DM of this city and very close to him. Avni comes there with Pawar and ask Kalyani, how dare you to bring him on cart and ask if anything had happened to him, then who takes the responsibility. She sees his blood in her forehead and ask how dare you to bring him here, and says I will decide where to take him being his wife. Doctor asks her to tell what he had last. Avni says she will tell. Kalyani asks Pawar to take care. She gets a call about the orphanage and thinks Malhar had laddoo last, prays to Bappa to take care of her Malhar ji. She thinks to go home.

Aao Saheb says it is good with whatever happened with Malhar and they don’t have to do anything. Pallavi tells that all that Avni’s drama is viral on the internet. Pallavi says it seems Kalyani will lose her job now. She find the sweets boxes kept there and tells that they shall have it in the happiness of Malhar and Kalyani’s destruction. She gives sweets to Aao Saheb. Kalyani reach there and stops them. She says Malhar ji is in this condition after having these sweets. She finds glass pieces in the sweets and informs Pawar on call asking him to inform Doctor.

Sarthak is seen showing in his house hearing about the news of Avni’s drama at Kalyani’s house. Anupriya comes to know from Pawar that there was glass pieces in the sweets. Anupriya gets worried. Sarthak comes in his car and splashes muddy water on Anupriya and speed up his car. She wipes her face with her pallu.

Kalyani asks Aao Saheb to keep the sweets box save as an evidence and tells that they will use it as a proof. She says she is going to hospital to see Malhar ji. Avni comes there and warns her not to come to her husband. She says I will not say this again, I am asking you to stay away from my husband. She asks her to understand once. Pallavi says from where did you buy these sweets as it had glass pieces in it? Avni says Kalyani must have added it and tells that she would have planned to hurt and threaten him, so that he leaves me. She says it was your plan, but he is battling with life and death. Kalyani asks her not to talk nonsense and says why will I give him such laddoo, and says I would have eaten it too. Avni says you are not admitted in the hospital. She holds her neck and says you did this so that you take him to hospital and then he shows sympathy for you and get you back in his life. Aao Saheb and Pallavi asks her to leave Kalyani. Avni says you are so desperate to come in his embrace as you are Madhuri’s blood. Anupriya comes there and warns her, asking her not to dare to speak bad about her daughter. She says Kalyani is my having sanskar and asks what did you know about her. She says Kalyani has given many sacrifices and has a big heart, as she has accepted his child. Kalyani says she will explain to her later and tells that we came to know that our son is alive and searching for him together. Avni asks her to stop acting and says why you are worried for him, when you are not married to Malhar. Kalyani says he is my son and Malhar is his father and nobody can snatch this right from us.

Sarthak comes there in his car. Aao Saheb look on shocked. Kalyani gets happy and says Kaka…where were you since many days? She says Aai was alone without you and says whatever misunderstanding happened, how can you leave us for that? She is about to hug him, but he push her and walks towards Anupriya. He says I had splashed this muddy water on you. He turns and throws 2000 Rs. note on Anupriya for the laundry and asks her to keep the change. Kalyani asks how are you talking to me? Sarthak says he has no time to hear her nonsense, Avni is his client and he came here for her. He shows Court restraining orders and says it is clearly written that if you are seen near Malhar under 50 mts diameter then strict actions will be taken away from you. He tells that Moksh is Malhar’s son and they will search for him. Kalyani says how can you do this, and says you are my Kaka. Sarthak ask if anyone is here, who wants to support her and become her kaka? He says I have no interest to become your kaka. I came here for Avni. He says I have a nephew who can call me Kaka and his wife also, but not you. He says you are just Anupriya’s daughter, because of whom, my life is ruined and my child is snatched from me. He says because of you, my wife is not with me. A fb is shown, Anupriya blame Sarthak for protecting Malhar. Aao Saheb blame him to be Rane member and breaks his relation with her. Sarthak ask for a chance, but Aao Saheb take her away from there. Kalyani says Malhar ji and I are searching for Billu. She says we will search for our Moksh together. Sarthak says there is another order from court, that it is written that if you come to Malhar while trying to search for Billu then strict actions will be taken against you. Aao Saheb says we have nothing to do with Malhar and Moksh and tells that they will slap the same papers on Malhar’s face. Sarthak tells Avni that he don’t want to see free Circus. They leave. Kalyani cry and says I am Billu’s Aai, you ask Malhar ji, he will say the same. Aao Saheb tells Kalyani to see what they have done and asks her to swear that she will not have any relation with Rane's family. She says she will talk to lawyer and gets order against Malhar ji. Kalyani call Malhar’s number and it is switched off. She cry hugging Anupriya. Kalyani ask how is Malhar? Kalyani says even Pawar Kaka is not picking the call and she doesn’t know what is happening there. Anupriya asks her to stop crying and says if you cry then I will cry too. She asks her to trust Bappa, says nothing will happen to Malhar. She says once Malhar get fine then Sarthak conspiracy will be handled. Kalyani says she has convinced herself that her Malhar ji is not hers now. She says she is feeling bad seeing Sarthak Kaka behaving with her and says I can’t understand what has happened with him. She says he loved me always like my Papa and today he…She says I am feeling so sorry for you Aai and I can understand what you are feeling. She says these tears are your heart pain which is flowing from my eyes. She says I couldn’t make Kaka understand. Anupriya sees Malhar’s blood on Kalyani’s forehead and asks God what he is signing at, that they are meant for each other?

Kalyani tell Anupriya that her pain is flowing from her eyes and tells that she couldn’t make Kaka understand. Anupriya is surprised to see Malhar’s blood in Kalyani’s forehead. Kalyani gets Pawar’s call who tells that he is out of danger and will be fine very soon. She tells the same to Anupriya and promises her that she will never try to snatch Malhar ji from Avni. She says but my Billu is just mine and I will not let anyone snatch him from me. Anupriya think I will not let Sarthak snatch Kalyani’s happiness. 

Sarthak tells Malhar that Kalyani is responsible for his condition and added glass pieces in the laddoo to take revenge from you. Malhar doesn’t believe him and shows trust on Kalyani. Avni says if Kalyani had not added it then why didn’t she eat it. Malhar says Kalyani will never do anything against me. Sarthak tells that he is elder in the house and promises that he won’t let Deshmukh family do anything wrong. He says I am repenting to trust Anupriya and asks him to take care of Avni for the promise given to his baba. Malhar tells that he remembers the promise, but Kalyani loves Moksh dearly from her heart. Sarthak says Moksh is our Rane blood and he will not go to Deshmukh house until I am alive. He ask Avni not to worry and says if Kalyani comes here then she will pay big compensation for it. He goes. Malhar cry. Avni tells that she will take care of him. Malhar misses Kalyani and cry. He looks at his Baba’s photo and cry, he says God snatched everything from me and then you also left me. He says God couldn’t see my happiness. He says you left me and handed over big responsibility to me. He says I will take care of the baby and will never let him know that he is not my blood. Avni brings food and makes Malhar eat it. she says Doctor said that it will take 4 -5 days for his wounds to get healed. Kalyani is standing outside and peeping inside through the window. Avni goes to bring water for Malhar. Kalyani comes to the kitchen window and asks Avni to hear her. Avni asks her to leave Malhar ji. Kalyani says you are unwell, so let me make Malhar ji have food and ask her to sit there. Avni says if you don’t go then I have to take legal action. She thinks this girl is not leaving us. She brings water and gives to Malhar. Malhar ask Avni to go and rest. Kalyani rings the door bell and hides. Avni opens the door and doesn’t see anybody. She thinks she will not leave Kalyani and closes the door. Kalyani rings the bell again. Avni opens the door and comes out. She thinks who is troubling her. Kalyani manages to come inside. Avni closes the door and thinks if Kalyani comes here then she will repent so much. Kalyani thinks sorry Aai, I can’t leave Malhar ji in this condition.

My Heart Knows Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm 

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