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The Episode starts with Uma and Dadi explaining Atharv about keeping relations. Uma says Vividha values relation, it does not mean she loves Ravish. Dadi says remember this, Vividha never lies, she can never lie to you, I m sure that if Vividha had any feelings for Ravish, she would have told us and you, she did not say because she does not know Ravish, she loves her Atharv. Atharv asks why is she doing this, why does she not say what she is feeling.

Sujata says I can understand what you are feeling, you have to choose between them, you have to take this decision. Atharv says it was her decision, I did not force her to get engaged to me, why is she confused now. Sujata says because your decision will change many lives, yours, Ravish, Atharv’s life, decision should be not by pressure,
it should be for your happiness, decision taken under pressure does not ruin life, but generations, Ramakant’s decision made many to pay for it, you have to think now, you have time till this function ends, think well, with whom do you want to share your life, Ravish or Atharv.

Uma says if Vividha wanted, she would have not told you about her marriage, else she would have not left Ravish, I told her not to leave Ravish, she did not listen to me and took divorce. Atharv says signing can just get divorce done, but not break relations of heart. Uma asks what relation, if Vividha loves Ravish, what will you do, tell me. He says nothing, if she loves Ravish, its her right to go to him, I can’t do what my dad did, I will let her go.

Uma asks will you let her go and not get angry. He says I will not see her face again. She asks why. He says I love her, I m human, not Lord. She asks where are you going. He says home, I have just courage to go there. She asks him to prepare to go Delhi, everything will happen there, you, Vividha and Ravish will be there, you can talk to them and decide, whatever decision will happen will be in Delhi.

Vashisht family, Vividha and Sujata arrive at award ceremony venue. Reporters cover the event. Suman says its such an imp day in Ravish and our lives, I can see him today. Dadi Bua says he made us proud. Sujata says he is not here. Suman says he did not come yet, he told me he will reach here on function directly. Uma and Atharv are on the way. The award ceremony starts. Dadi Bua asks when will Ravish come. Suman says he would be coming now.

Atharv asks driver to hurry up. Captain Ravish’s name is announced. Everyone clap. They wait for Ravish. Ravish does not come. A man gives an envelope to the officer. The officer says Ravish could not come here by some situation, it does not mean Ravish will not attend this ceremony, it will be here, we got this CD, Ravish has sent a message for us from the border, we will show his message on screen.

Uma coughs. Atharv asks driver to stop the car at any shop. He goes to get the water bottle. He sees award ceremony playing live on tv. The CD is played. Ravish is seen tied to the chairs and tortured. Suman, Vividha and everyone get tied. Reporter says oh my God, its Captain Ravish. The terrorists kept Ravish captive. The family cries. Atharv and Uma get shocked seeing Ravish’s state. Atharv gets back to taxi. Uma takes water. She asks driver to drive fast.

The terrorist say we have this soldier in our clutches, he has troubled us a lot, you were proud of him, we have beaten him and made him a dog, see his state, you have sent this kid to fight with him, we will kill him and send at your border. Everyone get shocked and cry. The terrorists beat up Ravish.

Ravish says think if my hands get free, what will I do of you, every kid of India will try to become a soldier, even a dog ties tiger and thinks he is tiger, free me once and see what I do. The terrorist beats him again. Suman and Vividha shout Ravish and cry. Army officers look on. Ravish is held at gunpoint. Atharv asks driver to drive fast.

Suman asks officers did they get Ravish’s news. Officer says don’t worry, Captain Ravish is one of our brave soldiers, nothing will happen to him, our team is in that field, we are trying to find him and who has sent that CD. Suman says Ravish is my son, terrorists kidnapped him, you are asking me not to worry. Vividha asks when will we know about Ravish, if they do anything to Ravish, do something fast.

The officer says we are trying to find out, Ravish was kidnapped from border area, we are doing our best. Vividha asks Suman to have belief, nothing will happen to Ravish. Suman gets angry and slaps Vividha. Vividha gets shocked.

Suman slap Vividha and scolding Vividha and Sujata. She asks them are they happy now, the curse has turned to Ravish, my son, you all felt he is a hurdle in way. They all cry. Suman says Vividha is the reason of all problems, of his bad fate. Sujata says terrorists kidnapped Ravish, but Ravish will come back soon, you don’t worry. Suman asks do you want what’s happening, thieves did not take Ravish, terrorists kidnapped him, Vividha removes her mangalsutra, that’s why this is happening, which suhaangan would do this, you have let this abshagun happen, you are problem for this family, you did not get anything except bitterness, I will never forgive you. They all cry.

Suman says Savitri got husband from Yamraj, and you have pushed Ravish towards death, Ravish is not just my son, he is this country’s son, you are culprit of this country. Vividha cries. Vividha goes. Sujata turns to see. Atharv and Uma reach. Atharv comes there and sees Suman crying. He hugs Suman and says nothing will happen to Ravish.

Suman pushes him and says stay away from me. She says its all because of you, Vividha never loved my son. Atharv says you can scold me, beat me, but at this time, none’s pain is bigger than yours, I promise you, I will not let a son get away from a mother, I will get Ravish back, and about me, Vividha and Ravish, we have come here, Vividha will tell her decision whom will she choose, and her decision will be my decision. Sujata comes and says Atharv… She says Vividha locked herself in room and not opening the door. Atharv looks at Suman. He goes with Sujata. Everyone go. Atharv knocks door and asks her not to worry, army is trying best, open the door. He breaks the door and gets inside. He calls out Vividha. An army man comes and says Vividha has sent this letter for you. Suman takes it. Suman says Vividha’s letter….

Suman reads the letter. Atharv takes the letter and reads. He gets shocked. Sujata asks Atharv to go and find Vividha. Atharv says Vividha has chosen Ravish, between me and Ravish. Uma, Suman and Sujata get shocked. Atharv cries.

Vividha writes, I did not wish to hurt Suman and Ravish, seeing Ravish is pain, I m hurt too, you think I m the reason for Ravish’s every problem, so I have to take responsibility to bring Ravish back, he will come back to you, this promise is my duty, I will come back alone, either I will get Ravish or give my life to get him back. Uma says don’t know where did my Vividha go.

Vividha meets an officer at Pakistan embassy and introduces herself. She says I m talking about Ravish Vashisht, he is kidnapped by terrorists, I have to meet your ambassador. He says sorry, I can’t help you. She gets angry and argues with him. Sujata says we will go and find Vividha, come. Atharv says nothing will happen to Ravish, if Vividha said she will get Ravish, then she will get him, she does not need me.

Vividha says what are you saying, no one can stop me. The constables hold her. Vividha says its about someone’s life and death, leave me. The lady constables ask her to understand. Atharv cries. Jaana na dil se door…..plays………. Vividha says I will not go till you let me go in. The constables take her outside. The officer says wait, leave her, come madam, you got permission. Sujata asks Atharv where are you going now. Atharv says home. Suman claps and says wah Atharv, great, when your state was so bad, you did not have any sense, Ravish did his best to make you fine, when he thought our family member wants to harm you, he has sent family member to jail, today when you have to help him, its not your responsibility to find him, go from here, go your home, and you all also leave, me and my son do not need anyone, leave me alone. Suman cries.

Vividha meets the ambassador and asks him to help her in solving this problem, help in finding Ravish, Ravish is at Pok, its your area, just your soldiers can free Ravish. He says you are mistaken, he is not there, he is captive and kept in India itself, what can we do in this. She says we both know this well, that the terrorists told they will put Ravish’s dead body as flag, you are using him for politics. He says sorry, we are not related to this, talk to your govt. about this.

She says indian govt. is doing the needful, I was wrong to come here with hope, your country has terrorism and you sit here in AC office to do politics. The man says you are talking much, I request you to be in limits, we know you and Ravish have signed the divorce papers, you will not be his wife in some months, why this concern then.


Vividha says you won’t do anything, remember I will not go home without taking Ravish, this is a promise of an Indian. Vividha reaches Kashmir. A goon sees her. Vividha runs and says there is no security at the border, I did not know crossing border is so easy. She goes towards the border, and sees some militants firing.
Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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