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The Episode starts with Atharv calling Suman. Suman disconnects. Vividha asks Madhav to stop mischief and runs after him. Atharv calls again. Madhav takes the phone. Vividha takes phone from him and asks why did you touch Suman’s phone. She answer the call. Atharv gets shocked hearing her voice. She says Suman is busy, you can give me message if its urgent. Suman gets tensed. Vividha says hello…….and waits for other person to answer. Jaana na dil se door……..plays……….He recalls hearing same voice in his dream. Suman asks Vividha to disconnect the call, it may be call from ashram, there is much network problem. Some guys come to Vividha’s house. Ankit meets the guys and asks them to do something to take revenge from Ravish, I can easily help you, for free. The guys see Madhav playing and says we want him.

Vividha feed Madhav. Suman stares at them. Sujata gets laddoos and says its Madhav’s first day at school today. She goes to give food to Uma. Suman’s phone ring again. Atharv wait for her to answer. Vividha says I will answer. Suman makes excuse and says the ashram guy talks a lot, I will talk later. Suman says I will see how Vividha stays without Madhav all day. Vividha takes Madhav.

Suman calls Atharv and makes excuses, saying I did not have phone. He says a girl answered call, her voice… Suman says there are many servants here. He asks can it happen that I met that girl and heard her voice. Suman says no, you never came here. He thinks of Vividha’s voice. She asks what happened. He says I was thinking of that voice, I think I have heard her many times. Suman says how can this happen, you can’t know them, are you fine. He says yes, I want you to come back today, I prepared big surprise for you. She asks what surprise. He says if I say, it won’t be surprise, are you coming, or shall I come to pick you. She says no, I m coming. He says the surprise will bring glow on your face. She thinks what surprise did he prepare now.

Madhav takes elder’s blessings before leaving for school. Suman gets her bag. Vividha asks where are you going. Suman says I have imp work in ashram.Vividha says you are going soon. Suman says I want to spend time with you all, but its donation matter. Ravish asks Madhav to take Suman’s blessings. Madhav does not move. Ravish insists and takes him to Suman. Suman blesses Madhav. He gets away from Suman and goes. Ravish calls out Madhav. Suman says just one month, then I won’t have to bear any such misbehavior. Vividha and Ravish take Madhav to school. They explain to Madhav for not misbehaving. Vividha says if Madhav cry… Ravish says you don’t know him, his work is not to cry, but make others cry. Vividha says its first time you are going away, don’t cry. Madhav says I m not crying, you are ready to cry, don’t cry. He hugs her and goes. Ravish asks Vividha to come. She says I will stay here and come with me when his school ends. He says what will you do staying here for 3 hours. She says I don’t feel to leave him alone. He says he is not alone, teachers and children are here, I know its tough for you to stay away from him, but he went happily, don’t worry. They leave.

Chintu and Guddi talk. She asks what was his drama, we can’t afford any mistake, Suman will kill us. Chintu says Atharv won’t know anything. Atharv comes and asks Guddi to get ready fast. She asks why, you had urgent meeting. Atharv says yes, but it got cancelled. Suman is coming back, I planned surprise for her, everyone get ready. Guddi asks what is he doing now. Kalindi says how will we know.

Chintu says maybe he planned party. Kalindi says no, I feel it will be shock for us. Teacher asks Madhav and kids to hide, she will find them. Someone goes to Madhav.

Teacher tell kids that they will play a game. All kids hide. Teacher looks for kids..Someone comes and kidnaps Madhav. Teacher looks for Madhav and asks where is he? She gets tensed and calls is name. A masked man takes Madhav from there. Vividha and other parents come to school to take their kids. Masked man leaves with Madhav. Vividha turns and looks at the man, but she couldn’t see Madhav. She walks inside the school. All teachers search for Madhav Vividha asks them where is Madhav? Teacher gets tensed and says he is missing. Vividha says what do you mean? He must be in school. Teacher says we are searching him. Vividha says I left my son here on your responsibility. Teacher says he must have went out. Vividha runs out. The masked man waits for car. Teacher also
comes out. Masked man hides. Madhav is unconscious. Vividha finally sees Madhav with the kidnapper. She asks him to stop and runs behind him. He runs while Vividha follows him.

Atharv is driving the car and tells Suman that he wanted to give her surprise. Suman asks where are others? Atharv says they will also reach and asks her to blind fold her eyes. She says okay and blind fold herself. Vividha continues to follow the kidnapper. Kidnapper calls his goons and asks where are you? He says Madhav’s mum is following him. Goon asks him to keep the boy in the car decky which is parked nearby. He keeps the boy in the car decky and runs. Vividha cry and asks Madhav…where are you? She didn’t see the car. Atharv stops the car and tells Suman that they have reached. Suman asks where you are taking me? Atharv takes her home and says we are almost here. He opens her blind fold and says that this is our new home. Suman is shocked to see their old house and recalls all the moment that happened there. Atharv says I have seen many houses, but didn’t like any house, but like this one the moment I have seen this. I felt connected with it. He asks if she like the new house? Suman nods yes and is tensed.

Vividha calls Ravish. Ravish asks where are you? Madhav’s school must be over. Vividha tells him that she is searching for Madhav and tells that someone have kidnapped him. Ravish is shocked and drops the milk bucket on the ground. Everyone is shocked Vividha asks him to come soon. Ravish asks everyone to be at home and says he is going to Vividha. Sujata and others are shocked. Atharv asks if she is shocked to see home.

Other family members come and see the house. They all are shocked. Atharv says he got the house at half market value as dealer said that the house is cursed. I asked him to give curse in half price and he agreed. Suman look on tensed. Vividha search for Madhav. Kidnapper reveals his face and he is Ankit. He says you have thrown me out of the house, now you will yearn for your son and cry. He says this should be your condition. Ankit asks goons not to take tension and says boy will not trouble you. His goons tell that they didn’t find Madhav in that car. Ankit think he has kept Madhav in wrong car and gets tensed. Madhav is in some car. The man in the car asks his kids to sit silently and says Delhi is far away still. Atharv asks Suman to take rest in her new room and says I thought it is for you. Kalindi tells Suman that Atharv has chosen the same room. Suman tells Atharv that she doesn’t like this house and says we shall go. It seems she is worried about the curse. Atharv says it is just a blind faith. He ask everyone to take rest and says he will order food, and very soon he will keep house warming party. He goes. Suman says he is giving us shock and says his past is knocking on his memory, we have to be careful.

Vividha comes back home with Ravish. Sujata asks her not to worry and says you will get Madhav. Vividha says I have seen that man taking Madhav…but. Dadi asks are you sure that he was Madhav. Vividha say he was my son. Madhav is in the car decky. Vividha cry.


Vividha cry and prays to God to protect her son. Atharv comes out of house and sees boy’s foot out from car’s decky. Inspector shows the footage to Ravish and Vividha. Vividha says he was that man. Ravish asks inspector to zoom.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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