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The Episode starts with Vividha asking Atharv where did they take Ravish. He says nothing will happen to him, do you trust me. She nods. He says these people have Ravish, I won’t let anything happen to him, we have to follow them, come. The sheep goes to the same lady who gave the taweez to Vividha. She reads note. Vividha wrote…… I m Vividha, I have reached across the border, Ravish’s brother Atharv is with me, we need help to get Ravish, give this message to army cantonment and tell them that a soldier needs army’s help, thanks. The lady goes.

Atharv says maybe they have kept Ravish here. They walk ahead and get surrounded by the armed terrorists.

The men ask them from where did they come, indians who come here will die. Atharv says we are not indians, we
are from your land. He gives their identity as Muslims. The man says we will see if you are real Muslims, come. The army officer tells senior that Vividha and Atharv are civilians and crossed border, but we are here being a soldier. Senior says we can’t do anything without head quarters orders, I did not feel so helpless till now, this uniform has tied my hands. The men take Atharv and Vividha along. Their head comes and asks why did you get them here.

The man says they have come from the other side of border, they are saying they are Pakistanis, by saying urdu, none becomes Muslim, you look Hindu by face. Atharv says no, we are really Muslims. The man asks what about your wife, is she mute, or does she not have urdu knowledge. Atharv says she has great knowledge of urdu. The man says you are fooling us, you think you are smart. Atharv says you can verify our identity. The man asks are you a real Muslim, offer Namaz prayers and show us.

Atharv says Lord’s name is not taken like this, don’t test like this. The man says fine we have other way to find out if you are a muslim or not. Atharv stops the guy and says its a chance for me to take Lord’s name, I will prove I m Lord’s man. He offers Namaz. The men look at him. Vividha gets surprised.

Ravish is tied to the chair and is unconscious. Atharv ends the prayers. He tells the men what’s said in Surahs, forcing someone for anything is not right. The lady informs the army officer about Vividha and Atharv crossing border to find Ravish. Officer says thanks for giving info, but we can’t take any action without any orders. Vividha says you have called a real Muslim as Kaafir, Lord will never forgive you, we have lost way and you doubted on us. The man apologizes and says we have to be careful as such people come in this area.

Atharv says forgiving is a good deed, we lost way and came here, now we will take a leave. He bids them good bye and asks Vividha to come. She asks how did you know about Namaz. He says we have a Muslim at home. She says Abdul uncle…. but what about Ravish. He asks her to count down till 5. She counts down, and the man stops them. The man says weather is cold, it will be good if you spend the night here. Atharv thanks him.

Its night, Vividha says its getting very cold. The man asks them to go inside, we will meet in morning. Atharv asks Vividha to go, I want to spend the night with my friends. The man says amazing…. Vividha goes. The man says we should have some jashan, do you have any likes for music and singing. Atharv says yes sure. The man asks him to start. Atharv sings Kadam badayein…..Rangreza…..Faya kun……Atharv recalls Vividha and his moments.

Vividha looks for Ravish. She finds Ravish. She gets shocked seeing him. She calls him out. She hits on the glass wall. She goes out to sign Atharv. All the men fall asleep. Atharv turns to Vividha. She signs him to come. Atharv goes and sees Ravish……..

Vividha call out Ravish. Atharv tries to break the door. Suman, Uma and Sujata come to Vaishno Devi temple to pray. Atharv and Vividha reach Ravish. Atharv sees him and gets Ravish’s blood in hand. He recalls Ravish’s words. Vividha and Atharv free Ravish. Vividha says if they see us… Atharv says Lord is with us, none can stop us from taking Ravish. Atharv lifts Ravish and takes him. He signs Vividha to come. All the terrorists are sleeping. They leave. Ravish is unconscious. Vividha says we will cross border now, we will not let anything happen to you Ravish. Ravish gets conscious and looks around.

Uma gets dizzy and falls on stairs. Suman and Sujata hold her. They climb the stairs. Ravish falls down. Atharv says he got conscious. Ravish tries
to run away. Vividha shouts Ravish. Atharv says that side is of enemies, come here, the border is this side, why are you going there. Ravish pushes Atharv. Atharv says we will solve our problems at home, please come with us. Vividha asks why are you running away and not saying anything. Ravish tries to speak.

Vividha says wait Atharv, Ravish wants to say something. Ravish tries to say bomb…… Vividha looks at him. Ravish says bomb….. They get shocked.

Atharv stops Ravish and says we will live together and die together. He recalls Ravish’s words. Atharv finds the bomb at his bomb. Atharv asks Vividha to find something to cut off the bomb. The time gets less. Sujata, Suman and Uma sing bhajan and pray. Vividha says nothing will happen. Atharv stops Ravish. He removes the bomb jacket and runs away with the bomb. He throws the bomb away and it explodes. They all bend down.

The terrorist comes there. Vivivha recalls the man who was following her. She says Atharv, this is the man who was following me. Rest of the men come there. Atharv, Vividha and Ravish get shocked seeing the group of terrorists. The man says you thought you will step in our land and we will not know, we are not fools like you, we knew about you before itself, if you say urdu and offer Namaz, will we believe you are Muslims, real Muslim is known by his eyes.

Atharv says the Muslim in our country talks by love, not hatred. He talks of Abdul uncle. The man smiles and loads a gun. He says we knew about you and did this drama, we made Ravish drink such water by which we could not talk, so that he could not say his back has bomb, my men were awake when you took Ravish, it was our plan, we wanted you to take Ravish to army cantonment, so that blast happens there, you thought you are fooling us, you did what we wanted, but you ruined our plan here, anyways, if not army, we will kill you here.

Atharv, Vividha and Ravish fight with them. Their mothers are seen praying at temple. The man shoots and aims at Vividha. He asks them to stop. Vividha says don’t be scared, beat them Atharv. The man says I think you don’t like easy death, its fine, we will have some fun. He asks Vividha to come with him. He asks her to remove her clothes.

Atharv and Ravish get shocked. Atharv shouts and asks the man to mind her language. The man laughs and says this woman has two men in her life, one husband and other love. Atharv says I will bury you here if you say a word. Vividha says I will die, but not remove my clothes. The man talks cheaply. Atharv asks Vividha not to do this and not get scared. Vividha says no, I m not scared, I won’t do this. The man says I can also remove your clothes.

They get the indian flag and get firetorch. The man says indians are patriotic, now prove how much dear is the flag for you, remove clothes else…… the flag will burn. Atharv says please don’t do this, no one asks for such sacrifice. Vividha says its very small sacrifice for my country. The man smiles and sees her. Atharv and Ravish get shocked. She removes her gloves. Atharv shouts no… Vividha. The man threatens to burn the flag and asks her to remove clothes. She removes her dupatta. She sees the flag. Atharv and Ravish look on shocked. Suman, Uma and Sujata are praying at temple. Vividha holds her shirt to remove and cries.


The man says Ravish has done many sins, today Ravish will beg to us and apologize. Someone shoots the terrorists. Ravish says Vividha loves me, it means I m a big fool to let her go, just a foolish person can let such a girl go away, girls are practical, they value who will give them luxuries, relations and promises are just talks.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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