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The Episode starts with Atharv saying Vividha about the dangers around. She asks do you care if I stay alive or die, you felt I came here as I love Ravish, answer me, your eyes have answered me, listen to me. He says I don’t want to listen, come with me. She push him and refuses. She says I won’t come without Ravish. He says I will get Ravish, come. She asks why should I trust you, you don’t like Ravish, you won’t get him, I will not come, this is my decision. He asks are you a fool, you know this is terrorists’ area, you can’t take all decisions. She says I have sworn, I will not return without Ravish. They get into an argument. He says terrorists kill people just like that, come with me. He holds her hand and takes her. She refuses and gets away. He try hard to explain to her. He says I can’t let you commit suicide this way, come with me. She says I won’t go without taking Ravish. He asks her to come. She refuses. He says fine then go and die. She says if I live or die, its my decision. They go the either sides. Jaana na dil se door…..plays………….An old moment is shown, where Vividha fell in problem. Atharv recalls that and calls her out to stop. She turns to see him. He goes to her. She runs away. He falls down and gets up to run and stop her. He says don’t go ahead, ice is raw, stop. She falls down and rolls into the river. He shouts Vividha. He runs to save her. He gets her out of the cold water. He recalls her words. He takes her to a shade and asks her to open eyes. He says her clothes got drenched, her body got jammed. He covers her up. He try to ignite the fire. He covers her up with a blanket. He worries for her. He removes her wet clothes. He gives her warmth. He sees her state getting worse. He removes his shirt and rests by her to give her body warmth. He gets tearful eyed. Its morning, Vividha wakes up and sees someone sitting outside. She asks who is there. She sees Atharv and gets relieved. Jaana na dil se door…..plays………… He says I understood you will not go back home. He asks her to wear clothes and come. She asks where. He says to find Ravish, we have to cross border and get Ravish. She says we are coming to save you Ravish. Ravish is being tortured. The terrorists make the video viral. Suman cry seeing the video. The video is seen by everyone in India. Sujata asks Suman to have tea. Suman scolds her angrily. Suman says your son is not here, go from here. Sujata says your pain is mine, no one can understand it better than me. Suman says I don’t need you or anyone else. Sujata says when our children are in problem, you may not need me, but I need you. Suman drags her out. She pushes Sujata out of the house. Uma hold Sujata. Dadi Bua asks what are you doing Suman, its Sujata’s house too. Suman says don’t talk in between. She asks Uma to take Sujata away from here. Uma says our children’s lives are in danger, Atharv, Ravish and Vividha, anything can happen to them, no one can understand our pain, this time is not of personal fights, its time to pray for our children’s safety, if we three mums pray to Lord, then Lord will not have courage to not listen to us. 

Vividha asks how dare is border. Atharv and Vividha hide. He says if they see us, they will not let us go. They go the other way. The guards see them and run after them. Atharv and Vividha hide.

Uma says this time is to pray for our children. The guards run after Atharv and Vividha. O karam…..plays…….. Atharv and Vividha hide. Atharv says we will go by that raw road, come. They leave. Suman, Uma, Sujata and everyone pray for them. Vividha says this wire is very low. Atharv lies down. She asks what are you doing. He says come, this is the only way to go across the border. The wires pierce his clothes and his back bleeds. She says you are getting hurt, stop it. He says the more delay you make, the more hurt I will get. He asks her to come. He gets a bit high to lift the wires. She gets under him and passes to the other side. He gets down and crosses the border. She asks are you sure. He says don’t worry about me, worry about Ravish, he
needs our help. He says we are coming to save you captain Ravish. He holds her hand and goes ahead. She looks at him and says we are coming Ravish to take you back home. They leave. They run ahead. She gets tired and sits. He asks did you get tired. He rubs her hands. She says where to find Ravish, where would they take Ravish, there is no one here, in what state Ravish will be. He says don’t worry, Ravish will be around, as those terrorists said….. come we will leave. He sees a taweez and asks who gave you this. She tells about about the nice lady, who gave her this taweez for her safety. They go ahead. She stumbles. He holds her. They have an eyelock. Music plays………….. He sees her taweez fallen away. She says leave it, we don’t have time. He says its there, wait. She says its not safe, come back. He goes and gets the taweez. The landmine blows. She screams. He asks her to step on the spot where he steps, landmines are everywhere. Be careful, have this taweez. He ties taweez to her hand and asks her to come. He goes ahead and she follows him.

They go ahead. She sees a sheep trapped in net. Atharv helps the sheep and sets it free. She asks Atharv if he has a pen and paper. He says yes, but what will you do. He gives her pen and paper. She says I don’t know when will we reach Ravish, someone should know by what motive we came here. She removes her taweez and says that lady gave this for my safety, its not necessary that I have this with me, if Lord wills, this taweez will get help for us. He makes a note and ties to that taweez. She ties taweez to sheep’s beck. He asks do you think our message will reach them. She says there is no one here, this is Lord’s sign that we got this sheep, I believe this taweez will help us. The sheep runs away.

Terrorists trouble Ravish. They feed something/poison to Ravish. Ravish coughs. The men laugh. Suman calls army officer and asks about Ravish. She cries and asks him to tell them about Ravish. The man says we are preparing, we will free Ravish when we get orders. Suman says it may get late that we lose our three children, Atharv and Vividha also reached there to find Ravish. The man says don’t worry, we will try our best. Suman ends call and cries. She says I feel all doors got shut. Sujata says when all doors closes, then Mata opens a door, we should go to Vaishno devi and pray for them.

Atharv and Vividha hide from the terrorists. The terrorist steps on Vividha’s hand. Atharv keeps his hand over her hand, to save her from getting hurt. The man says Ravish came in our area, indians are fools, if anyone asks us, we will tell them Ravish’s time will get over soon. Vividha gets thinking and worries. The men leave. Vividha worries for Ravish. Atharv says don’t worry, nothing will happen to Ravish, do you trust me. She nods. He says then don’t leave hope, I won’t let anything happen to him, I m sure they have Ravish, we have to follow them. Ravish is seen unconscious and injured.


Vividha gets shocked seeing Ravish. She calls him out. The terrorists catch Atharv and Vividha. Vividha says if they see us then… Atharv says Lord is with us. Atharv and Vividha get him out. Ravish tries to run away.Vividha asks what’s happening, tell us. Ravish says bomb. Atharv holds Ravish and says we will stay together and die together. Atharv pulls off his jacket and finds the bomb fixed to Ravish’s body. They get shocked

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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