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The Episode starts with Kailash seeing Atharv. Kailash recalls writing few words extra in the letter, when Vividha went outside the room. Atharv sits thinking of Vividha. He thinks the incidents happened. Vividha thinks I wish Atharv could talk to me. He gets sad. Jaana na dil se door……plays………… He looks at the engagement ring.

A reporter asks Atharv is he ready. He says yes. She asks are you sure to give interview here. He says yes, I sleep here, this is the place I stay the most. The reporter tells about Atharv Sujata, who topped in university and decided to run a dairy farm, by refusing the top company offers. Atharv gives interview with confidence. He says I don’t want to do job, I want to give jobs to people to help them. He asks her to be careful and pat cow with love, animals understand love. She says I understand you wanted to do your business, why dairy? Its Unusual for a young guy… He says a mum raised and educated me, I wanted to take her business forward, whatever I Am is from this root, I want to take this ahead. The girl says you are really great, you have good personality and could have become actor or model easily.

Vividha gets tea. The lady says no thanks. He asks lady to have biscuit atleast. The lady asks will you leave the state if you get good offer. Vividha says no, he has no greed for money, he loves this city. The lady asks him to give Vividha’s introduction. Atharv says she is my neighbor. Vividha get shocked. The lady thank Atharv for the interview and says I will inform you date and time of interview airing, you watch it for sure. Reporter goes. Vividha asks Atharv what did he say, that she is his neighbor even after engagement. He says leave my hand, did you feel bad, I did not wish to hurt you as you did. She asks what? He says you are not able to listen to your heart and not able to tell me. She asks what do you mean, what am I hiding? He says let it be. She asks him to say, I want to know, tell me what’s going on in your mind. He asks what’s Ravish’s truth, what’s those feelings for Ravish, tell me. She says you saw Ravish’s name in stupid plate, someone kept Ravish’s picture in diary, and you are doubting me, I told you many times I did not do this, I don’t know who did that, I wrote your name in plate. He says you mean it changed on it's own. She says I don’t know, should I get clue to talk to you. He asks did you not write that letter. She says yes I wrote letter to Ravish, I have feelings for him, not that you think, I respect him, he did a lot to unite you and me, whatever happens, I will always respect him. They argue. He says its not us, I am not blind by jealousy, I can’t undo what I m seeing and what’s happening, if your heart has feelings for Ravish… it will hurt me, but I m not jealous, if we are marrying, its important for me to know. She says if? We are engaged and going to marry in some times, you are asking if I have feelings for Ravish, what are you saying. He says our relation is by heart and soul, if your heart is going towards someone else, then tell me. She asks do you know what you are saying. He says I am just saying, either it can be my right on your heart or Ravish’s, not of both. She gets shocked. She says you mean I have to choose between you and Ravish. He says right, person sinks when he steps in two boats. She asks will it not matter to him. He says no. She says if I choose Ravish then… He says it won’t matter to me. She says fine, it will happen as you want. Sujata comes and says I am going to Delhi, Dadi and Uma will stay here, take care. Vividha says I will come along with you. They get surprised. Vividha says I changed my mind, I am coming along. Abdul uncle gets the car. Vividha goes in the car and cry. Atharv looks on tearful eyed. Jaana na dil se door……plays……..

Atharv angrily throws the milk man. Uma and Dadi look on shocked. Sujata asks Vividha what happened. Uma asks Atharv what is the matter, tell me. Atharv says leave me alone for now and goes. Vividha recalls their engagement. He recalls Vividha. Jaana na dil se door……plays……..They both cry.

Sujata and Vividha reach Vashisht’s house. Sujata asks Vividha to come inside. Vividha recalls Atharv’s words and turns back to leave. Vividha sees Suman and recalls old time. She greets Suman and thinks of her marriage and grahpravesh. She recalls how Ravish wipes her sindoor and ended the relations. Suman says situation changed, house is still same, come inside. Suman takes her inside and says I am not annoyed with you, as it was not your mistake, Ravish and I are not annoyed. Dadi Bua asks about Atharv. Vividha and Sujata look on. Vividha says he had importanr work so he had to stay there. 

Uma asks Atharv did you and Vividha fight, I have never seen you fighting. Atharv says then get habitual to it, as everything is changing now. 

Sujata says nothing changed Vividha, its your illusion, why did you and Atharv fight. Vividha says Atharv does not trust me now, I have waited for him madly and did not leave hope that he will get fine, I have hurt a good person like Ravish, I could not do a wife’s duty, Atharv does not trust me. 

Uma says you should trust Vividha. Atharv says I did, I felt she loves me and wants to do engagement with me, wants to marry, I believed her, she says she has no feelings for Ravish in her heart, but her eyes say something else. Uma asks do you think Vividha loves Ravish. Atharv says fine, she doesn’t, then why did she write Ravish’s name in rice plate, why did she have Ravish’s photo in her purse, she wrote a letter for Ravish and asked Sujata to give it to Ravish, she wrote in letter that she missed Ravish, she has feelings for Ravish. Uma and Dadi get shocked. Atharv says if she thinks this, why did she not tell me?

Vividha says I explained to him that I did not write Ravish’s name in rice plate, I did not keep Ravish’s picture, if I wrote a letter for Ravish as a friend, why does he not trust me, he looks at everything by doubt. 

Uma tells Atharv that Vividha has bear a lot for him. Sujata asks Vividha to see some things according to Atharv’s perception, he loves you a lot, when he came back and saw you married to someone, what he went through, now you both are together, he will take time to move on, this can happen with anyone. 

Dadi says any new relation is based on belief, if that gets weak, then relation falls weak, you have to understand and trust each other, this is meaning of true love, you can’t deny this, that you and Vividha can’t live without each other, you both are made for each other, I can surely say this, Atharv can’t get a better life partner than Vividha. Jaana na dil se door……plays………… Atharv says I also felt so. Uma asks felt? You should feel this even now, because Vividha also feels this, person will need time to change, Vividha’s marriage happened against her wish, she stayed with Ravish for 3 months without becoming his wife, try to understand her state.

Vividha says he is not understanding, I am not computer that I delete Ravish from my system, Ravish is a nice man and did not ask anything in return, when he got to know about me and Atharv, he promised me to unite me and Atharv, he has done it, if Ravish was not there, I would have not been able to make Atharv recover, once he touched my hand by mistake and said sorry 10 times, he got shot and beaten up, he did not say anything, and then he sacrificed his happiness and sent me to Atharva, how shall I forget such person, how to break all ties with Ravish. She cries. They see Suman hearing them. Suman gets tea. Suman says I used to be sorrowful to think why is Vividha not able to see Ravish’s goodness, I am glad that comparing Atharv with my son, you find Atharv less, I am feeling good seeing Ravish’s goodness made place in your heart, I wished that Atharv never got fine, so that he does not identify you. Sujata asks what are you saying, how can you say this being a mother. Suman says I thought that being a mother, I could not see my son’s life getting ruined. Sujata cry and says my son has come back from death. Suman says Ravish risked his life for Vividha, without any pressure, he got shot by terrorists because of Vividha, Atharv also shot Ravish once, you don’t tell me how many times your son challenged death, he will be less than my son in this matter too, Ravish has bear this, even when his happiness was snatched. Sujata says Ravish’s fate had his house and Vashisht name, Atharv did not had this in fate, Atharv had Vividha in fate, who got snatched from him. Suman says I wish that happened, atleast my son’s happiness would have not spoiled. Sujata says if you curse my son, remember you have a son too, if this curse affects your son, we both will regret it. Vividha asks them to stop it, if your son know you are fighting, how will they feel. Suman and Sujata talk in support of their sons. Sujata says my son called you Maa and said his fate is good that he got three mum’s love, I regret that you did not fulfill his expectations, Ravish is my son and will always be, I want to see him happy. Suman stops Sujata and apologizes. Sujata says leave it, true things come out in anger. Suman says it was not true, it was my anger, its my heart darkness which came out, I don’t want bad for Vividha and Atharv, you know this, Ravish will be upset on not finding you and Vividha in this function, stay back please. Vividha asks Sujata to stay for Ravish’s sake.


Sujata asks Vividha to think with whom she wants to spend her life, Ravish or Atharv. Uma asks Atharv what will he do if Vividha loves Ravish. Suman says you are saying Ravish will come back, you are the reason of his bad luck, he is not just my son, he is a brave soldier, you are culprit of this country. Vividha cry. Atharv asks Uma why are you worried. Uma says don’t know where did Vividha go.

Never Say Goodbye Air On Star Life From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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