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The Episode starts with Vanlata insulting Rajvi. Rajvi sadly leaves. Bansuri thinks am I doing wrong? Rajvi is on the way. She get Darsh’s call. She says I am going to factory. He says you don’t dislike Nandini now, right? She says I like her, I am getting another call. She think sorry I tried much, but lost, I couldn’t convince her family for the alliance. Bansuri says Baa you told Rajvi so much. Vanlata says Rajvi insulted me a lot. She scolds her. She thinks its good Naveen wasn’t here. Nandini comes home and asks why did you do this, why did you send Tosha to Rajvi’s house to insult Darsh, you didn’t think that Darsh will have humiliation pain all life, you put the blame on me that I had sent Tosha as a blind person, you also let Gunjan get blamed, its your mistake, I had to work hard to get business for villagers. Vanlata says yes, I had sent Tosha, I asked Gunjan to trap you. Naveen hears this. He scolds Baa for spoiling Gunjan, my daughter went out of control. Gunjan comes. Naveen asks did you go to meet Ragla? Gunjan recalls Ragla’s words. Naveen says he is a married man, will you just entertain him all life, Baa spoilt you, I will give you a right direction. He get a stick. Nandini stops him from beating Gunjan. Naveen says they refused for the alliance, they said they know Gunjan. Gunjan says I will marry a rich man. Naveen asks how will I get a rich guy, why do you meet Ragla, he has no money. She says I have no relation with him now, I have to show my real worth to Ragla, I will marry a rich guy. She goes. Naveen ask her to learn from Nandini and Bansuri. He asks Baa to stop it now. He regrets to handover Gunjan to Baa.

Ragla says you wanted to know who was that girl, fine, I wanted a homely girl then I met you, that girl got mad in jealousy, she is dangerous, she came to kill you. She asks who is that girl, tell me her name. He says leave it, I am scared. Darsh call Nandini and cancel it. Nandini says I didn’t know Kaki can fall to this extent, I thought Rajvi will stop taking milk from us, she didn’t do this, she is good hearted, Darsh tried hard to clear my name. Bansuri thinks Darsh is blind, how can Nandini stay happy with him? Bansuri ask do you like…. Something goes in Nandini’s eyes. Bansuri helps her wash her eyes. Nandini asks how did you know I am thinking of Darsh? Bansuri ask how will you spend life with him, you have to become his support, what about your own dreams? Nandini says he saved me from storm and pit, he fought Ragla for me, he respects me, he cleared the blame on me, I am nothing in front of Darsh, why are we talking of this, Darsh and I can never have any relation. Darsh comes and hears this. He think Nandini spreads colours, why would she spend life with me, I came to ask if she felt bad, I got the answer. He goes. Bansuri ask will you refuse if his alliance comes. Nandini says he won’t like an uneducated girl like me. Bansuri says no, Rajvi came to ask for your hand in marriage. She tells everything. Nandini ask does Darsh know about this? Bansuri says no idea. Nandini says Darsh can never agree to this, maybe Rajvi think I know him well, its against his wish, how can Darsh like me?

Vanlata apologizes to Naveen. He says I should be sorry to Gunjan, just go now, I left hope for her marriage now. He goes. She says I will get Gunjan married in a rich house. Rajvi thinks I failed again in bringing Darsh’s happiness. Vanlata stops her on the way and apologizes. She says Darsh loves Nandini, else he would have not taken a big risk to clear her name, I was worried for her. Rajvi says I understand, no one would want a blind son in law, meet him once, he made his weakness his strength. Vanlata says I am ready for their marriage, but I have a small condition.

Rajvi scold Vanlata. She says don’t you dare to demand for any money. Vanlata says no, you are misunderstanding me, I had demanded money, but I won’t sell my girl for money, I have a small condition. Rajvi ask what? Vanlata says I am worried that if Nandini marries in a rich family, how will she manage, if she gets a supporter, like her Devrani, I mean if Shobit marries my granddaughter Gunjan then I am ready to get Nandini married to Darsh. 

Charmy says I can’t come today, I have a conference. Shobit says why did you become a doctor, if you came, then I would have told mom that you are my special friend. She says I will come when you talk to your mom about our marriage. He says time isn’t right. She says promise me, you will talk to mom about us, please. He says fine, I will talk to her. Vanlata asks does Shobit love someone, no, right, you can see an alliance for him, Gunjan will make your house a heaven. She lies about Gunjan’s values. Vanlata says Gunjan is pure gold, she will make Shobit’s life good, children don’t see status these days. Rajvi says I can’t snatch Shobit’s right to choose his life partner, I can’t ruin his life for Darsh’s sake. Vanlata says Darsh will have a heartbreak if he doesn’t marry Nandini, he get angry when we call him blind, get Shobit married to Gunjan then take Nandini for Darsh. Rajvi think I can’t force Shobit for an arranged marriage.

Shobit celebrates his birthday. Vipul says Darsh are getting ready. Darsh comes. He says this time we will leave the birthday song, we will cut the cake. Shobit says don’t joke, everyone will sing for me. Darsh asks is mom here. Shobit says no, she knows she comes after cake cutting, she finds this childishness. Rajvi comes. Vipul comes and says your mom has come. Rajvi thinks I didn’t think I will gift such thing to Shobit. Shobit thanks her for coming. She wishes him. He cry. Darsh says you love Shobit a lot. Shobit thank Rajvi. He says you cut the cake with me. Rajvi and Shobit cut the cake. Everyone smiles. Darsh clicks pics. Rajvi worry.

Ragla goes to Nirali and hits her head. She faints. Ragla asks his friend to call doctor. Rajvi cry and prays for both her sons. She says I am mum of both my sons, they are my eyes, how can I compare them, I can’t sacrifice a son’s happiness for other son, how shall I ask him. Shobit hears her. He says I am with you, tell me the matter. She says nothing. He asks can I do anything, I have seen you crying. She says Darsh loves Nandini, I took his alliance, they didn’t refuse but… He ask what’s the matter, did I make any mistake? She says no, I will also not make the mistake, I can’t do this. He ask what, tell me, you are scaring me. She says nothing, I won't getting emotional, how long will Darsh fight his fate, he doesn’t have Nandini in his fate. He asks did they keep some demand, we will fulfill it. She says we can’t fulfill their demand, they are asking for your happiness, they are asking you to marry Gunjan, only then Darsh and Nandini can get married. He get shocked. She says they are demanding to ruin your happiness for the sake of Darsh’s happiness. She beg him for Darsh’s happiness. She says the decision is yours. Shobit recall Charmy and Darsh. He thinks I can’t see my mum crying, her love is most important for me. He says I will do this marriage. She asks what, really, do you like someone, do you love any girl, tell me, I am not forcing you. He says no, there is no girl, I would have told you first. She says meet Gunjan, if you don’t like her, then we won’t do this alliance. Shobit says there is no need to meet her, Dada ji has spent 50 years with Dadi, I will also spend life with Gunjan, I have given life long pain to Darsh, I can’t lose the chance to lessen his pain. They hug and cry. He think I am sorry Charmy.


Darsh asks what, Nandini won’t agree for this alliance. He meets Nandini and says I heard you saying that we can’t have any relation. The milk vendor looks on and burns fire crackers to take revenge on Darsh. Nandini encourages Darsh. The milk vendor looks on. He says I will teach him a lesson today. He burns fire crackers and scares Darsh.

Unspoken Bond Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 5pm

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