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Bari Amma gets a call from Nidhi that Sahil left Kanpur. She orders the security to block every way to Kanpur but Sahil must not be hurt.

Sahil tries to call Vaidika when some goons gather him. Sahil questions what they want, he can give them money, wallet and everything. The goons head to beat him.

Puneet stops his car in front of Vaidika. He tells Vaidika that he could do a lot on Bari Amma’s call, she must think what he is capable of when its about his own reputation. Vaidika says she doesn’t want to ruin Shruti’s respect and name; and is silent. Puneet tells her to leave the city as soon as possible. Vaidika accuses Puneet for playing with emotions of Shruti, an innocent girl. Puneet takes Aarya’s name, thus charging Vaidika to slap him. Puneet tells her to think about her daughter Aarya, and makes her hear Aarya calling her for help. Vaidika was worried. He smirks as she hurries towards home.

Sahil and Karan fight the goons together. Sahil calls Karan as heroic friend but Karan was guilty. He stops the bike and apologizes Sahil for doing badly with Vaidika. Sahil might hate him for this. Sahil questions what he has done, and why isn’t Vaidika attending her call.

Aarya was being harassed by kinnars. The neighbors witnessed the drama while Nani tries to stop her.

Sahil was furious over his friends and family who leave no chance to torture him. Vaidika has to suffer a lot only because of him. Karan accepts his mistake and was ready to come along him at Vaidika’s place. Sahil ends his friendship with Karan and tells him to leave.

Vaidika comes to save Aarya from the kinnars as they filled her face with colors.

The kinnars blame Vaidika and colors her face as black. They were about to spill a bucket of black color over her when Sahil comes as her savior. He deters them to move forward if they hold any courage. He speaks to kinnars if they can’t respect the others. Don’t they feel the urge to find the truth about a woman? The truth is that she is being blamed because he is in love with her. They kinnars don’t accept it, Sahil was ready to present them with proofs of her abilities. One of the kinnar says no proof is needed, her experience says Sahil is right. They apologize Vaidika and dance around her before leaving.

Vaidika comes to the tap to wash her face, Sahil turns the tap for her. In the room, Vaidika makes arrangements for packing. Sahil stops her and says he is aware she can’t do any such thing, and his Bari Amma is behind all this. He didn’t come to present any clarifications from her side, he is with her and will fight with her until she is proven innocent. He says Vaidika is silent in spite of all the injustice. Vaidika insists that she doesn’t want to fight, she has to protect the life of her daughter and the grace of an innocent. Everyone questions which innocent? Vaidika says she can’t take the name, else her life would be ruined. Sahil questions about her life and respect? Vaidika says it’s her mistake, this city can only give her pain and disrespect. She wants to go to a city where no one recognizes her. Sahil questions who is the girl she is protecting, why can’t she tell him about her. Vaidika thinks about Shruti. Sahil says Vaidika must at least think about her family. Sahil wasn’t ready to let Vaidika leave, and he knows how to stop her. Maya thinks Vaidika is afraid of society and doesn’t confess her love for Sahil.

Sahil comes into the house drunk and calls Bari Amma outside. He shouts for a celebration in the house, she has won finally. Bari Amma says everyone has gone to Mata Rani’s temple as Vaidika is leaving the city. Sahil says he couldn’t think Bari Amma would fell to such a grade. He feels ashamed of himself being called as his son. Bari Amma shouts at him to remember whose roof he is under. Sahil says she and her son in law planned a fake case against an innocent lady. If this is her way of love, she should begin to hate him. She is wrong to think his feelings for Vaidika will change. He clarifies to Bari Amma that he can’t let Vaidika leave Kanpur; he doesn’t care about any court order. Bari Amma goes upstairs.

The next morning, Vaidika had completed the packing. Sunil’s wife comes there. Nani taunts that they must be happy as they will get this house. Vaidika hands her the keys. Sunil’s wife assures they know her well in all these years, everything will be fine. Vaidika asks her to take care of this house, she holds a lot of memories in here. She then walks towards the temple, lights a candle there and prays.

Anjana tries to stop Sahil but he was furious at her for taking Bari Amma’s side. He wasn’t even ready to stand in the house, he suffocates in this filthy air. He tell her that he is going to help Vaidika, he won’t return until all blames are removed from her head. Anjana stops her. Sahil says mothers know everything, but Anjana could sadly not understand his feelings for Vaidika. Vaidika is a part of his life, and he will always support her. They are all wrong this time, but Vaidika is right.

Outside, Deepak tells Sahil that it’s very late. He won’t go against court’s order. Sahil says he doesn’t understand anything. Deepak calls Karan to tell them about one idea. Sahil was angry at Karan. Deepak reminds Sahil that it’s the opportunity which is important. Karan is the one who prepared a case in favor of Vaidika. He was only afraid of Bari Amma, but now realizes his mistake. Only two hours are left. Karan promises to help as much as possible. If the manager of the hotel opens his mouth they can get a solid proof. They leave together.

Bari Amma scolds Anjana for not being able to stop Sahil. Puneet comes in and presents a solution to her problem. He has filled in police’s hands, they will take Vaidika out of the city soon. His driver will make sure they have left the city. Bari Amma was determined that Sahil has to lose this time. Outside, Deepak thinks he will use his tricks against Bari Amma.

Sahil calls Vaidika but the phone wasn’t answered. Vaidika comes out with the gold idol Sahil gifted her. He was worried and thinks he can’t let her go anywhere.

Nani finds the driver speaking to Panday ji. She shouts at everyone to leave and calls Vaidika outside. Maya stops them but Nani says there is nothing in this city. Vaidika walks out shattered. Maya requests Vaidika to stay, they can arrange for something otherwise. Vaidika says its court’s order; and she doesn’t want to live here anymore. Aarya locks the door. Vaidika reads the name plate outside their house, recalling her memories in the house.

Sahil questions the manager of hotel why he named the room after fake person. The manager shows them the online booking. They spot a girl in the footage and thinks this girl can be a good witness for them. In the next footage, Sahil watches Puneet. The manager says this is Puneet Tiwari, a regular client who was there with his girlfriend here.

Puneet comes to Shruti who was upset with him and tells him to leave. He convinces Shruti to make her up but Anjana comes there. Shruti tells Anjana she was asking Puneet why he never bring Prachi along. Anjana also tells Puneet to convey her greetings to Prachi. Shruti leaves. Puneet wonders why Vaidika didn’t disclose his affair in front of anyone.

The judge watches the news about Vaidika’s banishment. He thinks at least Vaidika held as much shame as to leave the city in time. Sahil drags the witness to judge’s room and says he blamed Vaidika Mathur for girl’s trafficking pointlessly. The man accepts for doing it all only for the sake of money. Karan hands him the confession letter. The judge wonders why someone would want to trap a school teacher. Sahil says it’s because of his love with Vaidika. The judge asks if he is aware who did this. Karan places a hand over his shoulder before he can speak. Sahil asks the judge if it’s a sin to love someone who is older than him. The judge replies as no. Sahil requests him to withdraw his case before Vaidika leaves the city. The judge takes his announcement back.

Maya requests Vaidika not to leave. Vaidika asks her to keep her in memories. She gets a call from Sahil informing that judge withdrew his judgment. He was excited and promises to be there with Vaidika within next five minutes. Vaidika forbids him to come; nothing can be changed as the society already considers her ill-character. Maya tries to inquire Vaidika what Sahil said but she doesn’t tell Maya and even hands her cell phone to her. Sahil passes by Vaidika’s car and reaches her house. Maya tells Sahil that Vaidika has left already; and didn’t take her phone as well. She hands Sahil a letter from Vaidika. The letter reads, ‘It might feel strange for him to find the letter in times of social media. She isn’t angry but is sad to leave Kanpur. The city gave her a lot of memories, an experience of being a mother and a friend like him. She is lucky to have a sincere and honest guy like him; though everyone calls him as immature. She prays Sahil finds a life partner of his own age, she would be extremely happy that day’. Vaidika’s cried in the car. 

Sahil says he can’t let Vaidika leave the city this way, defeated by the world. He comes at a radio station and requests the DJ to let him speak. He calls Karan to reach 80.1FM. The DJ Raaj introduces Sahil and requests his audience to help him. Sahil calms himself down and directly converse with Vaidika. Whatever happened with her is wrong, she has been blamed falsely. He says he is speaking about the same teacher blamed for girl’s trafficking. Raaj asks him what exactly happened that Vaidika was falsely blamed. Sahil says Vaidika has to leave the city because a 24 year old guy loves her. He is the only heir of famous Agarwal jewelers, and has fallen for a 42 year old lady Vaidika Mathur.

The kinnars, Vaidika’s neighbors, judge and everyone hear the show. Vaidika hear the show in the car.

Sahil felt estranged of the society. Sahil says Vaidika wasn’t heard in the court because she is a lady, and those in against her were powerful and rich. Sahil posts the witness’s signed confession live on friend’s book as well. Aarya also watches this. Sahil says Vaidika was silent only to keep the respect of an innocent girl. Sahil and Raaj requests the audience to call the show and stop Vaidika.

The show receives various calls, everyone requesting Vaidika not to leave Sahil. The kinnars were convinced by the show. The judge thinks he must have committed a sin had he not withdrawn his decision.

In the car, Vaidika announces that it’s her last decision that they won’t return to Kanpur.

PRECAP: Sahil is thankful to everyone. He promises he won’t withdraw himself from taking names of his family involved in it, once he finds the proof. He promises to get Vaidika justice in her case, and requests her to return to Kanpur. He was weepy now. Last of special series episode to be telecasted tomorrow

Age Is Just A Number Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 5pm


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