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Gautham was sure Sahil was involved in kidnapping as he didn’t attend the call as well.

Aarya calls Anju that she will reach her grandmother by night. The van stops by and goes out of order. Aarya was left alone as all the other passengers leave. She was now tensed and walks on afraid.

Anjana try to stop Sahil but he was irritated and turns to leave for a while. Anjana was concerned and asks what happened. He says there is something strange. He calls Karan and denies going to Masuri with him. Anjana was happy. Bari Amma comes to scold Sahil and Anjana both and says Sahil must go out for a while. Sahil watches Aarya’s missed calls in the phone and calls her back, worried. The police arrives then, snatches the phone off Sahil’s hand saying Vaidika filed a complaint against him for kidnapping her daughter. Sahil resists, Bari Amma deters the police but they take Sahil after slapping him. Bari Amma curses the moment Vaidika came into Sahil’s life.

Outside, it was night. Sahil assures the police to help police find Aarya but they take him into the mobile. Gautham gets a call from the inspector, he informs Gautham that Aarya’s police was switched on. They must inform Lucknow station as well. Gautham forbids them inform anyone, he wants Sahil to be blamed for all this.

Gautham calls his goon he sent Aarya’s photo. He tells him to get her in Barabanki and keep her hostage until his next order. Gautham was happy that when he will find Aarya Vaidika will herself marry him. He comes to Vaidika and informs her about spotting Aarya in Barabanki. They hurry outside together.


The inspector leaves the mobile halfway. Sahil grabs his phone from the seat and jumps off. He runs across the road.

Vaidika was crying in the car with Gautham. Sahil ran across the street saying he will save Aarya no matter he has to lose his life. Gautham decides to get Vaidika at any cost this time.

Aarya is walking across the lonely street.

Sahil try Vaidika’s number and finds it was blocked on his cell phone. He tries her number but couldn’t connect.

Vaidika was trying Aarya’s number and cries wondering if she blocked her number. Gautham says even he can’t connect to her number, Vaidika must stop blaming herself. He is with her and they will soon reach Aarya’s location. He thinks to himself that only Aarya won’t be there, being a hero isn’t easy.

Aarya was tied with ropes, and cries that she must not have left home and Vaidika. The goon tries Vaidika’s number to present their demands. There, Vaidika looks around for Aarya and cries. Gautham fakes coming to her breathless and says he got a call from kidnappers for ransom of 30 lacs. Vaidika was not in her senses, Gautham assures to pay the ransom and free their Aarya soon.

Deepak returns home and informs the family that Sahil has run away from police custody in the mid of way. He was worried for Vaidika’s daughter. Bari Amma curtly says that they have lost Sahil. Anjana was worried about losing her son in the fight of Bari Amma and Vaidika.

Vaidika gets a call from Sahil. She tells him that Aarya has been kidnapped, they got a call from ransom. Sahil asks Vaidika to stay calm as whenever there is a difficult situation everyone looks towards her. He promises to bring Aarya back. Vaidika was relieved after the call, and thanks Sahil for always standing with her.

Bari Amma comes to Vaidika’s house. Nani tells Bari Amma that she is marrying her daughter already, his name is Gautham and is richer than her. She must keep her Sahil away from her daughter now. Bari Amma was happy about the news.

Aarya senses the stare of the goon over herself as he heads to her with a smirk over his face. She resists while the other man takes him outside. They fight with each other and return to find Aarya’s seat empty. Aarya runs towards the forest at the back, hides herself under some trees. Gautham gets a call from the goons and scolds them sending behind Aarya. Aarya gets a call from Sahil, she was crying. He tells her to text her location to him and put it on silent. Aarya’s phone goes dead before the message. Sahil tries to find the location using GPS. The goons had reached Aarya, Sahil hears her scream and chases the sound.

Aarya was tied to a tree while the goon head towards her. He shouts if someone is there to save her. Sahil follows Aarya’s scream and jumps towards them, beating the goons. One of them hits his head with a wooden stick, he fights back and saves Aarya. Vaidika gets a call from Sahil. He says Aarya is with him and is fine. Vaidika asks to speak to her but Sahil says Aarya is asleep right now, he will get her home soon. Vaidika tells Gautham about the news and was convinced that Sahil isn’t a bad person.

Sahil says he doesn’t know what would be his future with Vaidika, but he will always remain a friend for her.

Vaidika thanks Gautham for all his attempts. He requests Gautham not to meet Aarya today, she needs to speak to her before he meets her. Gautham understands that it’s not easy for Aarya to give her father’s place to someone else.

Vaidika returns home and was relieved as Aarya stood with Nani. Sahil stood in the hall as well. Nani was emotional and thanks Sahil for protecting their family. Vaidika runs into the house and hugs Aarya. Aarya apologizes her, but Vaidika only loves and kisses her daughter, tears spilling both’s eyes.

Aarya hugs Sahil and thanks him for saving her. Sahil tells her to let go of it, he takes a leave. Vaidika says he not only saved Aarya but her whole family. She says everything, the happiness and respect of the house must have ruined. Sahil tells her not to thank her. Vaidika spots his bleeding hands and offers to apply medicine over it. Nani goes to prepare turmeric milk for Sahil. Aarya cries again hugging Sahil. Sahil tells her to delete the day from her mind. He sits with Aarya and silently scolds Aarya for leaving the house. Aarya apologizes, but Sahil says Vaidika must have died if something had happened to her. Vaidika hears this from the window. Aarya says Gautham can never be her father, how can she marry someone other than her father. Sahil says Vaidika has a long list to care for; she, Nani, her uncle, Maya and many others. Aarya must think about her happiness, and not pose to be a selfish ruined child. When she goes to sleep, Sahil wipes his own tears. Vaidika brings the first aid box for Sahil.

Deepak asks Gauri to think once what if Sahil is really in love with that Vaidika, he wonders what would be Bari Amma’s reaction. Gauri says Bari Amma will get Sahil married to the girl of her choice, he must not even discuss anything like this. When Gauri has left, Deepak smiles that there is opportunity standing at the door; why put a lock over the door then. He will get a good chance to own all the business of this family; and Vaidika will become a tool for this.

Vaidika bandages over Sahil’s bruises. He asks if she also thinks he kidnapped Aarya. Vaidika says she doesn’t even think about him so bad, she owes him huge now. Sahil says this isn’t any favor, and he isn’t 100% innocent. He provoked Aarya against Gautham and marriage, for obvious reasons. He didn’t realize she would react this way, and says a sorry to Vaidika. He fell asleep while in sitting position. Vaidika says accepting one’s mistake isn’t easy, he has done a lot today. She understands his feelings and respects them, but she might never be able to return his feelings. They have an age difference of eighteen years, a gap of experience. She has seen much in life. He is young, and their relation can never be what Sahil wants. Their paths are different now, she won’t meet him after today. Sahil straightens himself up on the couch. Vaidika covers him with blanket. As she goes to the room upon Aarya’s call, Sahil opens his eyes thinking about her words for never meeting him again. Sahil says he will clutch any God of love if any, and will get her. It’s obvious that she is preventing herself from loving him.

Nani brings turmeric milk for Aarya but she had fallen fast asleep. Vaidika says she doesn’t think it’s appropriate to marry Gautham, Aarya isn’t ready. Nani says this marriage will benefit Aarya the most, she is young now and doesn’t realize. She will get everything including good place to live, good standard education and will live in US. Vaidika says she can’t forget Aarya was ready to leave house because of this. Nani asks Vaidika if Aarya won’t accept the proposal or she won’t, if she is interested in someone else while staring at Sahil. She says Sahil has gone crazy behind Vaidika, she can read his eyes and knows Vaidika didn’t allow him any closer. This is a mismatched couple, and the difference between their ages are huge. Vaidika says she knows well about it, she can’t even dream about such a couple. Sahil isn’t the reason of denial for Gautham’s proposal. Nani says her marriage with Gautham is the best decision for the three of them. Vaidika assures Nani that she will never turn to Sahil no matter she marries Gautham or not.


Gautham asks the goons if they wish he doesn’t get married. He slaps the goon for not being able to keep a girl in his custody for a while.

Nani says her eyes speak about her love for Sahil, no matter she agrees or not. She won’t get anyone better than Gautham. She calls Gautham, he greets her for finding Aarya. Nani was thankful to him for attempting and finding Aarya. She asks Gautham to fix the marriage date as soon as is possible. Gautham promises to send the Pandit tomorrow. She sends the goons away from the room when there is a private number calling on his phone. He thinks he can’t ruin everything he did to get Vaidika, and had forbidden this man to call his number.


Gautham was waiting for Vaidika in the mandap. Vaidika comes downstairs in bridal attire and sense something is wrong. Sahil finds proof against Gautham and hurries on his bike to stop Vaidika’s marriage with Gautham. On the mandap, Vaidika looks around for Sahil. Gautham thinks he can go to any extent to get Vaidika. Sahil has an accident on the bike and goes unconscious.

Age Is Just A Number Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 5pm

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