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Vaidika shouts at Sahil for always interfering and ruining the matters of her house. She doesn’t hold the house but this family dear. Sunil tells Vaidika to ask Sahil leave the house right away. Sahil says he will leave by himself, but Vaidika is sensible and teaches children at school about what’s right and what’s not. He behaves childishly, and has got all his sensibility from Vaidika. They all watch him leave, Vaidika was crying.

Gautham assures Vaidika that everything will be fine. He assures Sunil and wife that they can solve any problem, he asks Sunil to trust him. Sunil says Nishi’s in-laws have clearly said that they won’t marry Nishi now. Gautham promises to speak to them that they have no relation with that tenant. He assures Vaidika that she has bear enough insult, it won’t happen again.

The next morning, Sahil’s jaw was hurt because of Vaidika’s slap. Karan tells him to forget Vaidika, she is much older than him. Sahil grabs his collar at this.

Vaidika tried Gautham and Sunil’s number out of tension. Aarya says it’s none of Sahil’s fault, receiving dowry is actually a crime. Nishi and Avinash come there cheerful that they have done court marriage. They tell them that Sahil convinced Avinash to bring about the change in society being the younger generation, he had convinced Avinash to step forward and take the step even against his parents when they are wrong. Nishi’s parents arrive and were shocked to see them. Nishi apologizes them for marrying against their consent. Sunil says he has no objection, but what about her in-laws. Avinash promise to handle his parents and make them up. Vaidika goes inside while Maya follows her. Inside, Vaidika was tensed that she blamed Sahil and slapped him. Maya assures Vaidika that Sahil would soon get fine. Aarya suggests her to apologize Sahil. Vaidika fears what if he has to face some problem for getting Nishi and Avinash married.

Mr. and Mrs. Sharma tell Bari Amma that Vaidika and her tenant sent them to jail and denied any dowry to them. They were shocked to see Sahil’s photo with Bari Amma. Mrs. Sharma now questions Bari Amma why he lives as a tenant at a mature woman’s house when he belongs to this family. Anjana tries to convince Bari Amma that Sahil can’t have an affair with anyone when he has a girl like Nidhi in life.

Sahil sat at a restaurant. He turns to see Vaidika coming to him with a smile. He walks to her and says he knew she would surely come. He kneels in front of her and says I love you. Vaidika slaps him hard on face. Sahil turns to look again, it was another lady. Sahil apologizes the lady and was conscious that everyone was staring at him. He turns to see Vaidika enter the café again. As she comes close, Sahil hides his face out of fear. Vaidika was confused and says she came to meet him. He touches her and asks if she is actually here? He asks if she was stalking him. Vaidika says Aarya told her about his check-in in the restaurant. She asks Sahil to return home now.

There, Bari Amma warns Anjana that the poison named Vaidika is spreading across Sahil’s life and will ruin his life.

Sahil complains that Vaidika slapped him hard on face, and conditions he will only accept her apology if she dances with him. Vaidika says she can’t dance, but Sahil says he has seen her wedding videos. He asks the waiter to play the music. They dance in the spotlight. He holds her hands and tells her to relax, else she might get injured and won’t be able to attend the school tomorrow. After the dance, a girl comes to complement the performance. Nidhi’s father was also there in the restaurant and taunts Sahil for the strange couple. Vaidika stops Sahil from charging at him and turns to leave. Sahil stops her and says I love you to her.

Sahil’s birthday party was ready at Agarwal house. Bari Amma comes downstairs and asks if Sahil isn’t still here. She was curt that Sahil even made her wait on his birthday. Sahil enters from behind Nidhi and greets his friends and family. He asks Karan about beer engagement silently then comes to Bari Amma and Deepak. Sahil looks around for Anjana and holds her in his arms while Anjana brings sweet for him and blesses him. Sahil looks around waiting for someone. Vaidika reaches the door with Nani and Aarya. Aarya was fascinated by the house. Sahil comes to welcome them inside. Aarya presents him with the gift. Sahil takes Vaidika to introduce her to his mother. Anjana thinks about Bari Amma’s warning that poison of Vaidika is filling Sahil’s life. They greet each other. Nani and Aarya were counting balloons in the hall when Bari Amma comes and tells them to enjoy Agarwal’s hospitality.

Sahil introduces Vaidika to Deepak and other family members. Deepak recognizes her from fake jewelry incident at the shop. Sahil announces that it’s the birthday of his dear friend along with him as well and sings a song for both of them. Nidhi’s parents were curt that Vaidika has reached here behind Sahil. Bari Amma thanks Vaidika to convince Sahil come home. Sahil says he had to come anyway. Anjana complains that Sahil didn’t even listen to her. Nani was boastful that her daughter is a teacher. Nani and Aarya ask Sahil to show them his house. Bari Amma signals Deepak approvingly. Nidhi announces that Sahil will sing his favorite song on the birthday party. Sahil sings.

Later, Vaidika was walking with Aarya when Nidhi’s mother deliberately hits her. She says they met two days ago as well, and apologizes for what her husband said to her. Some ladies also ask Vaidika about her age and taunts that she doesn’t look aged at all. Vaidika says she is 42. The ladies complement her looks and say its Sahil’s 24th birthday; Anjana must be a few years older than Vaidika.

Deepak brings Sahil to his friend’s group. Sahil looks around for Vaidika and doesn’t pose for the selfie.

Bari Amma sends Gauri to get a cake for Vaidika as well. Gauri goes without her wish. A waiter brings the cake. The ladies joke about the number of candles and taunts that Vaidika is used to living with young boys and must feel bored with them. Mrs. Tripathi says Sahil is living with her these days. They question if Vaidika isn’t afraid of society and has kept Sahil at home. They ladies mock Vaidika for being young as she lives around young guys. Vaidika turns to leave, but Bari Amma stops her for food. Vaidika wipes her tears. The ladies were still laughing. Vaidika says many of them doesn’t know her, she doesn’t need to present a clarification but since the matter was raised should she question them? She and Sahil are landlord and tenant; how must she behave with him? If she should misbehave with him, not to speak to him or stay in veil? If they can’t be friends? How can they decide what relation they must have? She is well aware that a relation can’t be made filthy if it’s pure. Gauri questions Anjana why she didn’t stop them all? Anjana asks Gauri how she can stop them, she hasn’t spoken in front of Bari Amma. She can’t change people’s consent over Vaidika. Gauri asks if Anjana is also afraid of an affair between Sahil and Vaidika. Anjana was worried about Bari Amma’s warnings.

Bari Amma thanks Vaidika for keeping her promise and bring Sahil home. Sahil asks Vaidika if this is right. Vaidika asks what’s wrong in this, he must live in his own house and show some maturity. His family loves him dearly and will be happy on his return. He must stay here, she and her family is leaving. Sahil’s family takes him inside. Later, Sahil calls Vaidika’s number and thinks there was something today. She left without cutting the cake with him; he hopes everything is fine. Deepak comes to Sahil and says nothing is right. Vaidika couldn’t have stayed after such insult, Vaidika is appreciable for not creating a drama. Gauri told him that all the women taunted her and mocked her of her age and friendship with him. Her mother was sent to have dinner with the servants. Sahil asks who ordered for all this. Deepak says even Bari Amma was there, she could have stopped everyone. Sahil comes to Bari Amma to speak to her. He questions why Vaidika left the party. Bari Amma says those women couldn’t control themselves. She attempted to stop them, but one is helpless when it’s about society. He can confirm this from Anjana. She welcomed Vaidika with an open heart, she is thankful for Vaidika for taking care of him. She tells him about all the taunts over Vaidika. Sahil questions why they didn’t share it with him, and complains they will never help anyone else at all. He feels ashamed of his family and leaves. Bari Amma doesn’t let Sahil stop him. She says Vaidika told him to stay here, he will now here in the house.

Nani returns home upset. Gautham brings a present for Vaidika and asks if they enjoyed the party? Vaidika says it was nice. Nani complains about all the respect they gained there. She shares with him about all the details of their insult. Gautham questions why Vaidika went there. Vaidika says she can’t shut anyone’s mouth. People blame others but she can’t spend each day with fights. Whatever happened to him wasn’t in his control. Gautham looks towards Nani, she says she couldn’t hide such a great news. Vaidika says one has to live with life, no matter how much it wrongs us. Life treated them really bad, but it doesn’t mean there won’t be any good again. They must move on with good hope. Nani unlocks the door and calls them both inside. Gautham takes a leave from outside. Vaidika tells Gautham he was best friend of Anurag, they hold him as a family. Each of his problem is their problem as well. Gautham thanks her and leaves wishing her again.


Deepak tells Sahil that no one could have stayed after much insult here. Sahil asks who insulted her. Deepak smirks while replying that Bari Amma was also there. In the room, Bari Amma tells Anjana that Vaidika left Sahil here and won’t keep him at her house anymore. Sahil stops Vaidika while passing by the street. Vaidika forbids him to fight for her, or try and meet her again. Sahil comes to Vaidika in the school and says I love you to her. His voice buzz in each speaking in the school. There, Gautham also proposes Vaidika.

Age Is Just A Number Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 5pm

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