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School principal introduces Anupama and Vanraj to school chairman Mr. Arora and trustees Mr. Verma, Mr. Patel, and Mr. Gujral. They ask Anu to sit in front of them and Vanraj and principal to sit aside. Pakhi peeps in and hopes Anu doesn’t spoil her life whether she is right or wrong, she just want to study in the same school. Trustee ask how are her hands. Anu says they are fine now. Director says this kind of accident happened first time in their school and she must be knowing their school is Ahmedabad’s one of the most rated school. Anu says she knows, that is why she got her daughter Pakhi’s admission here. Trustee says she must be knowing then that they take utmost care about students’ safety. Anu nod yes. Director asks if she got a second chance in this school on her insistence. Anu says yes. Director ask if she knows during cooking class, they should take utmost care, even then she made a mistake. Anu says she didn’t make any mistake. Trustee ask if school made mistake or principal who gave her job. Another trustee says that accident happened because of Anu’s carelessness and she wasn’t concentrating on her job or students, so she is the one who is responsible as they all saw it. Anu says they are lying as they were not present there, not even principal. Trustee says she cannot deny that accident happened during her class. Another ask if she has issues with her husband. Anu says yes. He says due to her personal issues, she is unable to concentrate on her professional life. Anu says she gave more attention towards school than home as she is a mother and loves students like her children. Trustee says her love is very fatal. Director ask if her love can let her be careless. Anu says school administration was careless. Trustee says she cannot blame school admin for her mistake. 

Baa at home yells that if bahu doesn’t change her decision, she will taunt her more than she did in 25 years and Bapuji will not interfere. Samar says that won’t happen. 

Trustee tells Anu that if she accepts her mistake, they will be leniant on her and let her continue work or else they will take strong action. Anu ask if they want her to accept the mistake she didn’t do? Director ask who made the mistake then? She says her mistake was that she got busy trying to sort out students’ fight and didn’t pay attention towards gas stove for sometime. Director says its proved that she made a mistake. Anu says she didn’t keep gas stove there but admin did even after her insistence to keep electric/induction stove or she will not take class. Trustee ask if she has any proof of that? Director ask if she can prove that? Anu says truth doesn’t have proof always, but this time it has. She gives CCTV footage pen drive saying her son Samar got it from school tech somehow, they will see there is no measure to set off fire or stop fire in school or any way to escape when accident happens. Trustee tells director Anu is trying to confuse him with evidence drama. Director says he will decide after watching the evidence and put pendrive in his laptop. Anu says he can see she is denying admin to start class and ask him to take back gas stove.

Pakhi over phone informs Baa that mummy and papa are still inside and she doesn’t know what is happening inside. Baa ask her not to worry as Vanraj will handle the issue properly. Pakhi says mummy will not let him speak and don’t know why she wants to ruin her life. 

Anu tells director that he can see both her and admin’s mistakes, the only difference is she is accepting her mistake and admin are trying to cover theirs. Trustee says without voice, she cannot prove on which topic she was talking about. Anu says they can see though. Trustee says who knows if she is really talking about gas stove. Principal tells Vanraj that she was stopping Anu to go against admin for the same reason as no one will understand her. Director ask if she has any other proof. Anu says she only has her truth apart from this, principal madam knows that she does her work judiciously and didn’t even break a plate in class till now, she knows its important for them to prove her guilty to save the school, but nobody becomes small if they accept their mistakes and one who don’t will repeat their mistakes again. Vanraj fumes murmuring she started her speech again. Trustee says its not a philosophy class. Anu ask when they have decided to prove her guilty, why did they make a drama of this meeting; they shouldn’t expect her to bend in front of them; they can terminate her from the job, but not her daughter from school and if they do that she will drag them to court and defame them till parents stop sending their children to this school; hence, they should punish her and dare not think of terminating her daughter; regarding signing confession papers, neither a teacher nor a mother will sign it.

At home, Baa continues yelling at Bapuji and Mamaji that they spoilt bahu by supporting her till now, but if her granddaughter’s life is spoilt because of her, she will not keep quiet. 

Student insist to get into meeting room. Director ask what is happening. Students forcefully enter and plead with management not to punish Anupama madam wrongly. Anu ask why did they come here? Students says Anu taught them to speak the truth and not hide it, then why is she hiding the truth? They describes what happened during class and request to punish them instead of Anu. Director ask principal if she wants to say something? Principal says they sometimes they forget what they teach, not accepting mistake is also a biggest mistake, she is quiet because of pressure by management. Trustees say Anu has manipulated students. Director ask Anu if she will sign papers or not. She says no. He says if she doesn’t, how will she rejoin her job and let him take action against school admin, she has to sign complaint form for that. Anu gets emotional hearing that. Director says he doesn’t know how to apologize to her for risking her life to save students’ live and stand against culprit not let the accident happen again in school. He promises that culprits will be punished and he will make sure this kind of carelessness doesn’t happen in school. Anu thank him. He says he should thank her that they are lucky to have hardworking, brave, and true teacher teaches in their school and they are really proud of her. He claps followed by students and principal. Jealous Vanraj helplessly claps with frowning face. Director says she can take rest and return once she get well completely. Anu thank him again and then students. Students ask her not to thank them as they are alive because of her. Principal apologize and thank Anu for filling courage in her to fight against wrong. She walks out of school while students clap for her and reporters click her videos and pics. Pakhi stands watching silently. Anu smiles at her and feels proud of herself. Khud hi to hain hum kinare…song… plays in the background. She returns home with Vanraj and enters happily where whole family including Baa praises her.

The next day, while cooking, Kinjal ask Anu if Samar has gone out for 4 days for dance workshop. Anu says yes. Kinjal ask if she will not smile till he returns, even she is her baby. Anu smiles. Mamaji shows Anu’s news to Baa and says its written that school management accepted their mistake and thanked Anu for her bravery and also promised to punish the culprits. He then jokes as usual. He further read that Anu will be honored with bravery award for risking her life to save children’s lives. Anu gets happy hearing that and reads headline in English. Baa sit shocked hearing her English. Kinjal asks since when she started reading English. Anu says she try to read newspaper before class. Kinjal says impressive, there is nothing that she can’t do. Samar call Anu and says during dance workshop, students showed him her photo in newspaper, he is so proud of her. Baa says he didn’t ask about her. Mamaji says he will if even she does good work. Anu get more happy and priases herself..

Vanraj gets jealous seeing Anupama’s news in newspaper. He prepares tea reminiscing Anu rushing to serve him tea. Pakhi asks why he is in the kitchen. He says he is preparing tea. She notices Anu’s pic in newspaper. Kavya walks out to them and says if he is preparing tea, then he should prepare coffee for her and Pakhi. Pakhi says papa is not habituated to do all this. Kavya says so what, he will be habituated soon, its not a bad habit. Pakhi asks when she is there, why should papa do as even at home mummy does everything. Kavya says she is not Anupama to spoil everyone in lieu of love, she believes everyone should be self-sufficient so that they don’t face any problem later like her papa is facing. Vanraj says he didn’t learn it as Baa didn’t teach him, Anu never let him do that, and he didn’t have time, that doesn’t mean his children are not self-sufficient as Anu taught them everything. Pakhi says exactly, she knows how to prepare coffee, pasta, iron clothes, use washing machine, etc. Kavya says then why don’t she do that. Pakhi says she should as she doesn’t like maid’s prepared food. Vanraj backs her. Kavya yells that she likes to order outside food and even yesterday she ordered 1000 rs worth pizza and didn’t even finish it. Pakhi says she kept it in fridge for breakfast and anyways even if she is ordering food daily, she is taking money from papa and not her. Kavya says her papa is jobless and she cannot waste even his money, her papa doesn’t say anything to her that doesn’t mean she can do whatever she wants; she yells at Vanraj next that Anu has spoilt children and even he has.

Baa helps Anu get ready for award function saying she is going to receive award and not buy vegetables, she is angry with her though. Anu says she knows she is angry and tensed for Sweety/Pakhi. Baa asks her to inform Samar and Toshu chat with her often, though Vanraj is with Sweety, she cannot trust maide ki katori Kavya who sent Samar to jail and don’t know what she will do with Pakhi. Anu gets concerned for Pakhi. 

Pakhi reverts back to Kavya and says neither of her parents spoilt her and her siblings, showing concern and love does not mean spoiling, she cannot understand as she is selfish; papa lost his job and is tensed, but she dumps work on him; papa was happy at home, but since he is staying with Kavya, he is in sorrows; Baa is right that Kavya is not papa’s girlfriend but a home breaker. Kavya angrily try to slap her, but Vanraj holds her hand and warns her not to dare think of raising hand on his daughter or else he doesn’t know what he will do. He scolds Pakhi that this is not their house and they will have to listen to the house owner; Kavya is right that everyone should know basic work and he is facing problem as he doesn’t know, life is so unpredictable, so they have to prepare themselves to face life’s every challenge; papa or mummy never taught her to misbehave with elders. Pakhi apologizes. Vanraj tells Kavya that she is childless and hence doesn’t have motherly feelings, but what she did with Samar and tried to do with Pakhi is unfair. Kavya shouts he means she should tolerate his children’s misbehavior and he is giving her gyaan instead of scolding his daughter. Vanraj says he explained to her repeatedly, but even after being so mature, she is acting rude; she is talking about money and forgot how much he helped her when she joined as an intern and her salary was only 5000 rs; he lent her money many times, but today when he is jobless, she is taunting him; he is spending his money even now and not hers. He then scolds Pakhi that he is tolerating her misbehavior and testing his patience. He tells Kavya that if she has problems with him and Pakhi, they will shift somewhere else; they have complaints with Anupama, but they are proving her right.

Anu search for Pakhi after receiving award and thinks Pakhi didn’t attend the function, is it a teacher won but a mother lost. Pakhi looks at her hiding behind a tree and reminisces Anu pampering her and Kavya scolding her and trying to slap her, etc. Anu notices her and happily calls her. Pakhi cry. Anu rush to her and asks why she is crying, if someone said something, she shouldn’t worry and return home whenever she wants to as everyone are eager to see her back at home. Pakhi congratulates her and walks away saying she is getting late for class. Vanraj congratulates her next and says he came to pay Pakhi’s school feels; he thought Anu will spoil everything, but she didn’t. She says thank you and asks what happened to Sweety, why she was crying. 

At office, Kavya reminisces Vanraj scolding her and thinks he scolded her for Pakhi, but its okay as he is in tension after losing his job; she should do something for him, she will take him to a resort for his birthday and spend quality time with him without Pakhi. She search for resorts online. Vanraj tells Anu that Pakhi is having adjustment issues, but he will manage. Anu says Pakhi is not with her mother, so she is concerned; she read in childhood that mother is like a roti and father like a sweet, they need roti daily; Pakhi is not yet ready for their divorce and her fear emerges out as anger, he should calm her down with love. He nods okay and gives her trophy and bouquet. She says she forgot them seeing Pakhi crying. They both get counsellor’s message for a meeting tomorrow. Anu walks away saying let us meet at counsellor’s office tomorrow.

Baa prepares laddus frowning. Mamaji jokes. Baa says bahu didn’t win any big trophy that bapuji ordered to distribute laddus among neighbors. Mamaji praises Anu. Anu returns home and happily showing them trophy takes their blessings. Baa smiles at her and asks her to get her masala chai as her hands are paining preparing laddus. Anu rushes to kitchen. Mamaji says he feels good when Baa show motherly feelings to Anu. Baa says she will whenever she can, but she didn’t like Anu filing for divorce.

Pakhi returns home and shares Vanraj’s childhood snacks with him. She tells him that they underestimated mummy and considered her a loser as she is a housewife and not much educated, but she moved so much ahead even after shortcomings. He says she can go home if she is remembering her family and home. She says she do miss them, but she cannot leave him alone. He says she needs to adjust everywhere, be it school or home; Kavya has working pressure and like she follows rules in schools, she should here. She says there are no rules at home. He says there are rules at Kavya’s house. She asks if he is happy with bestie/Kavya. He says yes, he knows they fight, but its because of situations and this phase will pass on. He asks if she is happy here. She says if he is happy, she is also happy. He says if his child is happy, he is super happy. She reminds that his birthday is coming and reminds that Baa prepares sesame laddus for him and mummy his favorite food. He says this time it won’t happen. She asks why not, they will celebrate his birthday at home as birthday is celebrated with family. Kavya asks which family, they kicked her papa out of house, so this time they all 3 will celebrate Vanraj’s birthday.

Kinjal breaks cup while cooking and apologizes Anu. Anu says its not her mistake as things break when they have to, be it crockery or heart. Nandini hearing their conversation feels sad and looks at her tattoo. Anu continues that their life is not like her, they make a mistake of sitting comfortably thinking relationship as a destiny, but relationship is a journey and they have to walk on it daily, it breaks a bit and they mend it daily; there would be troubles in love and there may be disagreements, but they have to manage it carefully; only lucky ones get love and they need to safeguard it and not turn back when they find one. She then says she saw Sweety tensed in school due to some reason, she is worried for her as she may be not happy in Kavya’s house. She asks Kinjal to ask Toshu to speak to her as she may open up with her brother and asks even Nandini to speak to her as a friend. Kinjal says she feels Pakhi is feeling lonely as Kavya is busy in office. Anu gets more concerned.


Counsellor tells Anu that Vanraj alleged her and took back his allegation, but she didn’t make a single allegation, which means they both care for each other; what is the reason that they don’t want to give a chance to their relationship. Anu says they just need a divorce and signing papers asks Vanraj to sign them. Vanraj apologizes Anu for giving her so much pain. Anu says he should give her mukti and think she forgave him, life doesn’t give a second chance to everyone, but they got one and shouldn’t lose it. Vanraj cries looking at divorce notice. Tere bina zindagi se koyi shikwa nahi…song plays in the background.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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