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Vanraj walks to Nandini’s house to meet Pakhi. Nandini walks away seeing him. Vanraj apologize to Pakhi and says he or her mummy didn’t want to hurt her. Pakhi says even she didn’t want to hurt them and wants to be a good girl, so she accepted their divorce; she even accepted Kavya coming home; why don’t they stay together until their divorce proceedings end; she knows everything will change; she requests them not to snatch a few months left to stay with her parents together under same roof; she wants her united family till then, they can do whatever they want after that. They both pamper her. She says she will return home if Kavya goes out of house or else she will never come. They both walk out of house, and Vanraj thanks Nandini for keeping Pakhi in her house. Nandini assures Anu not to worry about Pakhi. Anu asks not to leave her alone even for a second and walks back home with Vanraj.

Kavya thinks she knows Pakhi did this drama to emotionally blackmail Vanraj and hopes he doesn’t budge a bit. Family asks why didn’t Pakhi return home, if Pakhi’s anger calmed now. Anu tells Vanraj that Pakhi’s adamancy is not right, but also not wrong completely; she decided to leave the house when Kavya came into this house, but had to change the decision for Sweety; when parents can change themselves for children, a decision is nothing, so she is changing her decision today. Vanraj asks which decision. Anu says letting Kavya stay in this house, until their divorce proceedings end, she cannot leave the house and Kavya cannot stay here and has to leave this house. Kavya stands shocked. Anu says they need to touch a raw pot carefully or else fingerprints stay on them forever, a young mind is similar, her daughter is already hurt and she doesn’t want any mark to stay on her daughter’s mind; hence Kavya has to leave the house. Kavya says she wants to stay here and understand Pakhi. Anu says even she wants her to understand what Pakhi needs and leave this house. Kavya asks why didn’t she have any problem before, what happened before. Anu says earlier she didn’t want a son to stay away from family and now she doesn’t want a daughter to stay away from family; Sweety will stay here only if Kavya leaves; after divorce, this house and right will be Kavya’s; Kavya’s staying here was against society rules and ethics, even then she let her stay here, but if its against her daughter’s happiness, she has to stay no; police caught a man who misbehaved with Kavya, so she need not worry a bit now; she can stay wherever she wants to and go from here. Kavya shouts just because Pakhi is doing drama, why she has to go from here, she will no. She gets adamant and asks who is she to kick her house as its V’s house and not hers. Anu says this family and daughter are hers and hence decision will be hers, good Kavya’s complete stuff didn’t come here, she can come here when she marries V. Kavya shouts she will not go from here at any cost, Pakhi this she can do a drama for 2-3 days and convince them, but she can’t; she will not budge for her arrogant, egoistic, stubborn daughter. Anu warns her to shut her mouth up, she is doing more drama than Sweety, they need not learn child’s behavior from her; Sweety is their daughter and they understand her better than Kavya. She tells Vanraj that she already told him that if its a question of her family and children, she will not tolerate Kavya. Kavya shouts she doesn’t care what she or her family thinks and will not go from here. Anu says she has to go either willingly or by force. Kavya asks V why is he listening silently, this house belongs to him and he should decide who stays here. Vanraj says its also his decision, so she can shift to Nandini’s house for a few days until divorce proceedings end.
Baa performs pooja with Bapuji and Mamaji while Kavya walks away with bag. Anu brings Pakhi in. Kavya challenges Vanraj that she is going out because of his daughter, will return for sure and stay with right here; she will be out only till his divorce, then his daughter and family have to bear her. She thinks Anu kicked her out of house today, once her divorce finishes, she will show what Kavya is and will kick out her and whole family. She gets more jealous seeing family pampering Pakhi.

Family enjoys games with Pakhi. Anu apologizes Vanraj and says he knows she can’t say sorry. He says she shouldn’t then. She says she asked him to choose between Pakhi and Kavya and put him in dilemma, so she has to apologize him. He says they both took decision for Pakhi, what if it went wrong for Kavya; if Kavya is important, Pakhi is his life; if they brought Kavya during her bad times, they had to remove Kavya out of house. Anu promises that she and Pakhi will bring Kavya back home when the right time comes, its just a matter of a few days and then their ways will be different; she repeats that when their paths cross some day, they shouldn’t turn their faces away. They rejoice seeing family’s happiness.
Kavya stays at Nandini’s house. Nandini asks her to unpack her bag. Kavya says she came here to stay here for a few house and will stay only in that house; she was humiliated always because she is girlfriend and not wife; soon she will be wife and Anupama an outsider and will kick each family member out of house. Nandini says her misdeeds kicked her out of house. Kavya says she is supporting that house as her boyfriend stays there. Nandini says even her boyfriend stays there, and if she wants to dream about becoming bahu of that house, she needs to become like Anu aunty. Kavya says Anu is a very intelligent player who uses Samar, Toshu, Kinjal, and Pakhi as her pawns. Nandini says she will destroy herself. Kavya says she will destroy them instead.

Vanraj returns to his room and finds Pakhi’s sorry note for hurting him. He panics seeing lizard. Anu rushes in and asks what happened. He says she knows he is afraid of lizards and asks her to shoo it away. She jokes. He asks her to check internet how to shoo it off. She shoos it off. He also jokes, and they both laugh. Baa with Pakhi notices that and says looks like they are watching a dream. Pakhi asks if this dream can’t be true. Baa says they can expect good and hope wrong out of their lives. After sometime, Baa prepares god’s bhog/prasad in kitchen singing bhajan. Bapuji enters and praises her. He tries to pick sugar and Baa scolds him to keep it back. He asks how women can see even from behind and asks why is she preparing bhog from maida instead of wheat flour. She jokes because maide ki katori/Kavya is kicked out of house. She says even he must be happy seeing her being kicked out of their house, then why didn’t he react before. Bapuji says how could he as she had come helplessly and Vanraj would have walked away behind her. Baa says what she couldn’t, her granddaughter did and prays god to reunite her beta and bahu, asks if he doesn’t want that. He says he just wants to see Anupama happy as she thinks of others and not herself; when god wrote Anu in Vanraj’s life, he himself rejected her; he is a good son and this wouldn’t have happened if he was even 5% husband of that; once Pakhi gets well, let us see what happens.

They hear Sweety’s voice and run out. Sweety runs behind asking Samar not to put holi colors on her. Samar gives water gun/pichkari to mamaji and blames him. Anu twists his ear and says he was throwing colors on Sweety and gave pichkari to Mamaji. Mamaji says I know, manu remember che. Sweety says she will draw rangoli once returning from school. Kinjal says she will help her. Bapuji jokes that he used to enjoy holi before, but then he got married. Baa angrily looks at him, and he says he enjoyed more after that. Baa says this year’s holika dahan and other rituals should be celebrated lavishly. Anu says they will as its her last holi in this house. Family gets sad hearing that. Anu says let us celebrate in a way that future holi quota can be completed in this holi. Baa asks if she will not be with them next year. Anu says she will as Anupama and not Anupama Shah, then she will be a guest of this house and not bahu, let us think of today and gather all the happiness they can. Bapuji and Baa say yes boss. Samar runs behind Pakhi holding pichkari again and they laugh. Vanraj reminisces insulting Anu before and smiles at her.

Kinjal asks Anu to tell her remaining house work. Anu asks to get ready and go to office and says she started handling house since very young age and hence could handle both house and job together easily, but Kinjal may find it difficult. She emotionally asks her to take care of Baa and Bapuji in her absence as she cannot ask Kavya, she has to handle the house in her absence. Kinjal emotionally hugs her and asks why is she saying this. Anu says she is her bahu and just like she took over Baa’s duty, she has to take over her duties. Kinjal gets more emotional and cries. Vanraj passing by offers her kerchief and asks if she is okay. She says now its easy to handle, but would be very difficult in mummy’s absence.

Kavya calls Vanraj and complains that he didn’t even call her once of come to meet her after kicking her out of house. Vanraj says he cannot come to Nandini’s house. She asks if she should do a drama like Pakhi to garner his attention. He asks if she is a kid to behave like Pakhi, they will meet somewhere else and not at Nandini’s house. She asks him to drop her to office. He agrees and walks towards car when Pakhi requests him drop her to school and Anu midway as Anu is going to Bapuji’s factory regarding her dance academy. She sees Kavya coming towards car and insists Anu to get into car. Anu says when her papa thought about her, she should think of him and let Kavya go with Vanraj. Pakhi forcefully gets her into car’s front seat, asks Kavya if she wants to go somewhere and makes her seat in back seat. Kavya fumes that even earlier she used to sit in back seat, once she marries Vanraj, she will teach Pakhi and everyone a lesson. Anu feels guilty thinking she is coming between Kavya and Vanraj because of Pakhi’s adamancy.

Samar meets Nandini and informs that Anu will start her dance academy in Bapuji’s factory. Nandini says dance academy should start before Anu’s divorce. Samar he knows mummy’s life will change after divorce. Nandini says he is right. He says she is calling mummy as mummy and not aunty, its good. He both enjoy each other’s company. Vanraj stops his car nearby and gets angry seeing that.

Bapuji with Mamaji brings holi colors. Baa asks if he brought permanent colors. Bapuji says no, but takes out one packet and thinks coloring Baa. Baa also thinks of coloring him with permanent colors. In the evening, Anu sees Baa working and asks her to rest. Bapuji says Leela can do anything and asks if arrangements are made for holika dahan and if they didn’t cut tree. Anu says they are using old furniture wood and clothes as he told they need to take care of environment and follow rituals, they should plant trees and not cut them. Mamaji jokes. Baa gets emotional. Anu asks reason. Baa says she got emotional since morning hearing its her last holi in this house. Anu asks if she is sad that she can’t scold anyone once she leaves. They both get emotional, then Anu says she will prepare all snacks before time ends. Baa prays god to set things right and change Anu and Vanraj’s minds.

PRECAP: Family dances on Moja Moja song. Kavya blames Anu that she is trying hard to cancel her divorce. Anu says she just has to say one word to cancel it. Pakhi asks Anu to apply color to Vanraj. Vanraj hesitates. Baa asks Anu to apply color on him first. Kavya thinks she will apply color on Vanraj first even if she has to barge into his room. Pakhi says this will not happen as both color and happiness would be of mummy’s tomorrow.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm                                                                                                                                                                                 

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