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Kavya starts emotionally blackmailing Vanraj crying. Vanraj concerned asks why is she crying, what did he say. She says she spoke a lot without speaking, every year he celebrates birthday with family and leaves her alone. He says he will never leave her alone as he loves her. She says she is just his love and not priority. He says if she was not his priority, if he was staying with her leaving his family; he broke up with Anupama and not family and family still has right on him. She asks what about her right. Kinjal informs Baa that she has a business meeting at a resort and whole family has to accompany her. Baa says resort doesn’t suit their family. Kinjal says its necessary. Anu asks when they have to go to resort. Kinjal says tomorrow. Baa says not tomorrow as its sasur Vanraj’s birthday tomorrow and she has arranged pooja, so Toshu and Kinjal has to sit in pooja. Kinjal asks why she arranged pooja at our home. Baa says when they are celebrating birthday here, will she keep pooja in Japan. Anu says like every year, they will celebrate Vanraj’s birthday here. Kinjal asks if she is okay with it. Anu says yes as she doesn’t have a right to speak between mother and son. Kavya continues her emotional blackmail and tells Vanraj that he is concerned about his children and family always, he should pay attention towards her also and she is celebrating birthday for his happiness; he doesn’t send Pakhi home, so he denies her permission and always ignores her. Vanraj consoles her. Pakhi watches that and thinks if papa will send her home for Bestie, neithr of her parents love her. Kavya pleads Vanraj to give her one day and celebrate birthday with his family next day.

Baa insists Kinjal to take leave tomorrow to sit in pooja. Kinjal says she cannot. Anu explains that job is a responsibility and Kinjal cannot ignore it. Baa asks then why did Toshu take a leave from job tomorrow. Kinjal says Toshu works in her mom’s coaching instiute and is literally its damad/SIL, so he can take leave anytime. Toshu enters and asks till when he will be taunted for his job. Kinjal says she is not taunting him. He asks why don’t she try to take a leave for papa’s birthday. Kinjal says she is a project head and its important for her to go. Baa continues to insist. Kinjal says she can’t and will call papa and wish him tomorrow, thats it. She walk away. Baa says if Kinju baby is going to resort, even maide ki katori Kavya will go, so her son will be alone. Anu thinks if Kavya is going, even Vanraj may go. Kinju packs her clothes. Toshu hug her and says he knows she is serious regarding job and doesn’t mix personal and professional life, but once in a blue moon she should take a leave for him, they will perform pooja in the morning and will go to take gift for papa after that and celebrate birthday with whole family, he won’t feel good without her, they fought a lot and let us start afresh. Kinjal says even she is tired of these fights. He says then she should agree. She asks what did he gift mummy, he even forgot her birthday. He says there is no connection between these 2 issues. She says she is seeing he is so excited regarding papa’s birthday, its good that he loves his papa as even she does, but she doesn’t differentiate between her parents; they ignore one person’s sacrifice in this house and praise the other, she doesn’t like seeing this double standard and doesn’t feel like taking a leave. He asks that means she will not take a leave then. She says she is not differentiating between mummy and papa, but can see how family ignores mummy and don’t even remember her birthday while mummy thinks of everyone, so she will think of mummy; sorry she cannot take a leave, but will accompany him to buy gift if he wants. He think mummy made Kinjal like her.

Samar video calls Anu and says he misses her and its the first time he has gone away from her. She cry saying even she is missing him and asks when will he return. He says 7-8 days. She asks 7 or 8 days as it makes a difference and she can cry 1 day less. She then asks how is Mumbai, if he saw something. Everything is good, but he doesn’t have her there. She cry again. He says mummy’s eyes means tear tank; he says he heard Mr. Shah is celebrating his birthday at home, if he was there, he would have taken her out somewhere and not let her face him. His friend calls him for dinner and he leaves. Anu reminisces wishing Vanraj happy birthay at exactly 12 while he is asleep and he in sleep murmurs that Kavya presentation is tomorrow. She think he is murmuring even in sleep, she loves him. He turns, she hug him from behind. Out of flashback, she thinks words finish but not memories, counts and at 12 wishes him happy birthday and a happy life with Kavya. She thinks her Sweety would be very happy as its her papa’s birthday.

Vajnraj goes to Pakhi, but she acts as sleeping. Kavya brings a mini cake and wishes him happy birthday. Vanraj says he is concerned about Pakhi as she wishes him birthday first always. Kavya takes him away saying Pakhi must be tired and slept off, so he should let her sleep. Pakhi weeps in bed reminiscing Kavya chatting with her friend and telling tomorrow is V’s birthday and she will wish him first, Pakhi is with her, she loves her, but sometimes it gets difficult; she doesn’t get privacy when Pakhi is with her and hopes she gets personal time with V without Pakhi. Kavya celebrates Vanraj’s birthday with cupcakes and wish him happy birthday. He thank her. She says this is just a trailer and real birthday would be in resort. Baa calls Vanraj. Kavya fumes thinkig if not Pakhi, Baa disturbs them. Vanraj picks call. Baa asks if he had maide ka cake, she knows he is with Kavya, so she called him after 5 minutes. He asks her to wish him first. She emotionally wish him happy birthday in her own style emotionally and says she still remembers the day when he was born. He describes her said story. They both continue sharing emotional bonding, Baa thank him for giving her an opportunity to become a mother. He says even he is thankful to her for giving him the best upbringing. She says her Gutlu is best. He ask her not to call him Gutlu. Bapuji wishes him happy birthday Gutlu and blesses him. Toshu, Kinjal and Mamaji wish him next. Baa asks him to come home tomorrow soon as she has arranged pooja for him and disconnect the call. Kavya asks why didn’t he inform his mother that they are going to resort. Baa tells family that her son didn’t deny her. Bapuji says he didn’t say yes also. She says her son will not deny her request. Pakhi continues crying in bed. Anu tells Baa that she didn’t hear Sweety’s voice. Baa says must be have stuffed her mouth with cake. Anu thinks Sweety cannot keep quiet on Vanraj’s birtday and gets worried for her.

Anupama while preparing breakfast with Nandini says she is trying to call Pakhi since last night, but her phone is switched off. Nandini says her battery phone’s must have drained, she must have celebrated Vanraj’s birthday and must be sleeping now. Anu says she is right. Vanraj returns from temple and offers prasad to Kavya. He sees Pakhi missing from her bed and asks Kavya where did she go. Kavya says she doesn’t know. He says she should have taken care of her. Kavya says if she should have taken bathe keeping door open, if its her problem if his daughter went out without informing him. He says its waste talking to her. She says he shouldn’t then. He calls Pakhi and gets more concerned seeing her phone off. She says she was silent since last night. He asks if she scolded her. She says no. He says she didn’t even wish him happy birthday last night, he doesn’t have her friends’ numbers, etc. She suggests him to call Anu. He calls Anu who picks call thinking its Pakhi. He says its him. She wishes him happy birthday and asks if Sweety is fine, her phone is switched off and she didn’t speak since yesterday, if he can let her speak to her, if she is at home, etc. He says she is not at home and he doesn’t know where she has gone. Concerned Anu says she will check with her friends and asks him to check around till then. He agrees. Pakhi walks on street reminisces Kavya’s bitter words, Vanraj scolding her, etc. Vanraj, Kavya, Anu, and Nandini make calls in vain. Vanraj says he will go home. Kavya asks what will he do there. He asks her to inform him if she finds Pakhi’s info and leaves. Kavya fumes murmuring she is an idiot to go missing on this day. Anu asks Nandini to handle kitchen while she checks at Pakhi’s best friend’s house at the next lane and walks out of house when she sees Pakhi entering, she hugs her saying she was very tensed, and asks why did she come without informing papa. She says papa and bestie get disturbed with her presence and walks in. Anu calls Vanraj and inform him that Pakhi came home asks if something happened there that Pakhi is disturbed. He says he will come home and speak.

Family decorates home for Vanraj’s birthday. Baa asks Toshu to call panditji for pooja. Mamaji jokes as usual. Pakhi enters. They all get happy seeing her. Baa ask when did she come, if she came with papa. Pakhi says she came alone. Bapuji ask so early? Kinjal hugs her and says good she came. Mamaji asks why did she come without Vanraj. Kinjal says she shouldn’t come alone early morning. Pakhi yells if she is jealous, this is also her house. Baa asks why she is getting angry on her bhabhi, she has learnt to argue being with maide ki katori. Pakhi walks to her room. Toshu asks what happened to her. Baa says maide ki katori must have done something. Anu says she will go and check.

Vanraj drives towards home feeling guilty for hurting Pakhi. Kavya calls and asks if he got Pakhi’s information. He says Pakhi returned home. She yells that Pakhi should have informed them, they were so hurt, she is arrogant and irresponsible. He says Pakhi is hurt because of her. She yells if she is responsible for any problem in his house. He says she hurt Pakhi with her bitter words, Pakhi had come to them getting angry on her mom, but Kavya made her uncomfortable. She asks really? He says he couldn’t handle Pakhi for 2 days while Anu is handling house, children, work and him since 25 years; he is going to Pakhi anyways. She thinks its better if Pakhi doesn’t return as she will disturb their privacy again.

Anu walks to Pakhi and says she brought her special cold coffee with marshmallows. Pakhi tastes it. Anu asks how is it as she prepared it first time. Pakhi says very nice. Anu thanks god and laughing says she is looking like her papa with her milk moustache. Pakhi laughs and then emotionally hugs her and cry. In living room, Mamaji asks Baa not to worry as Pakhi will console bahu. Bapuji says bahu will console Pakhi. Mamaji says I know, I remember and asks if Pakhi is angry with bahu. Baa says when children are hurt, they return to their mother. Dolly asks why did she return home, if something happened. Baa says they will know when Vanraj comes. Anu asks Pakhi why did she tell that her papa and Kavya are disturbed because of her. Pakhi says she doesn’t want to wander between here and Kavya’s home after her and papa’s divorce. Anu says she knows its difficult. Pakhi asks why she is doing this then. Anu says for her, when a husband and wife’s hearts separate and stay together, their fight will burn the whole family life burns, its better to stay with broken house than burnt house. Pakhi asks after divorce if papa comes home after marrying Kavya, will Anu stay in her mother’s house; Anu will get a house, but I will wander from this house to her house; she fights with mummy, but she misses her, she wants both papa and mummy as nobody can take their place; bestie cannot be mummy and she needs only her mummy. Anu says she has both mummy and papa, though they will live separately, they will stand united for children; Pakhi is their life and she shouldn’t feel alone. She wiggles and asks to finish coffee or else it will get cold. Pakhi says its already cold coffee, she is sweet and best. Anu pampers her and asks her to bathe and get ready for papa’s birthday. Pakhi thinks papa has different plan.

Vanraj enters home. Baa greets him and gets emotional. Vanraj asks why she cry always. Bapuji jokes when he couldn’t understand her, how will her son understand her. Sanjay, Dolly, Toshu and others wish him happy birthday. He asks about Samar. Toshu says he has gone to Mumbai for dance workshop. Baa says he got a good job in dance school. Vanraj says he is happy seeing his children progressing in life and asks about Pakhi. Baa says she is in her room and looks sad, if something happened. Vanraj says he doesn’t know and will find out. Pakhi walks in corridor when Kinjal stops her and says she really doesn’t know what problem she has with her, she shouldn’t think she has problem with her coming here. Pakhi reply that’s because she will go back as she doesn’t like her staying here. Kinjal says don’t she think she is crossing the line. Pakhi says truth is always bitter, she garners mummy’s love and all attention in her absence and she becomes daughter from daughter-in-law. Kinjal says she feels sorry for her if she thinks so, everyone in this house loves her and don’t want to hurt her, but if she doesn’t tell truth, it won’t be good for her. Pakhi asks what truth? Kinjal says she herself is responsible for all her problems, she is not happy even after doing whatever she likes because she thinks only of herself. Anu walks out. Vanraj asks if Pakhi is fine. Anu says she spoke to her and its better if he also speaks to her.

PRECAP: Vanraj seeing Anu ready says some things are left behind even after ending. Anu says relationship broke down and habit will end. Kavya thinks V chose whom he wants to share his happiness with and wishes him best of luck for the new relationship between them. Anu tells Kavya that she can stay back to celebrate Vanraj’s birthday. Baa says she wants Kavya to go and Anu wants her to stay back. Anu says today Kavya is Vanraj’s friend and soon will be his wife; like Baa accepted her, she will accept even Kavya; all relationships changed and even Baa has to change.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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