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Police arrests Samar on Kavya’s complaint. Anu runs behind police jeep and falls down. She reach Kavya’s house and warns her she will reply to her heinous act and challenges Vanraj that he can hire many lawyers and pray to gods, but when a mother stands up, even gods cannot help him. Anu deny permission to school admin to use gas stove in school. Admin says its just a matter of 1 day as he couldn’t get induction stove. Students start experiment and room catches fire. Anu and students panic.

Anupama nervously waits for Samar. Samar returns home. She asks where had he gone, Mamaji called him many times and why didn’t he pick call. She sees him angry and asks if something happened. He walks in. She hug him and asks what happened. Police enters. Anu asks why are they here. Inspector asks who is Samar Anupama Shah. Samar nervously says its him. Anu ask if he has made any mistake. Inspector says Kavya has complained against Samar that she has risk from him. Baa yells that maide ki katori is a big risk for them. Anu asks why did he go there as already there are many problems for them. Samar says he went to reply Mr. Shah as he cannot keep quiet seeing his mom insulted. Kinjal asks why would Kavya complain against him when he had gone to speak to Vanraj. Baa asks if he scolded her. Samar says she was interfering in between. Toshu insists to tell what did he do. Samar says he just warned her to stay away from his mummy. Inspector says Kavya said he tried to raise hand on her. Toshu asks if he really hit Kavya. Anu shouts her son cannot hit any woman. Inspector says they inquired in the locality and found out that Samar fought sometime ago. Bapuji says it was not his mistake then. Samar says he was confronting Mr. Shah when Kavya interfered repeatedly and badmouthed about his mom, so he angrily broke lamp but never raised hand on her. Inspector insists to arrest Samar. Family requests that there is some mistake. Toshu says he will call Kavya and clear the misunderstanding. Inspector says they can call Kavya or even lawyer, but he has to arrest Samar. Kinjal asks how can he arrest him just because someone complained. Baa also argues with him, but he drags Samar and takes him in jeep while Anu pleads not to arrest her son. Anu runs behind jeep asking him not to worry. Samar asks to return back or else she may fall. Baa asks where is she going. Bapuji asks Toshu to call lawyer. Kinjal says she is doing same. Anu falls down running. Samr shouts mummy, but jeep doesn’t stop. Anu cries lying on road.

Inspector takes Samar to police station and asks him to sit on a stool. Anu reaches police station. Constable stops her and says she cannot meet him as its a police station. Anu signals Samar if he is fine. Inspector over phone informs Kavya that he brought Samar Anupama Shah to police station. Kinjal with Toshu and Nandini reaches police station next. Anu asks them to stay with Samar and not leave him alone even for a second. Kinjal asks where is she going. Any walks away without replying.

Anu reaches Kavya’s home and knocks door repeatedly until Vanraj opens it. Vanraj yells earlier Samar and now she. Anu angrily warns him to shut up. Kavya seeing her shouts how dare she is to come here. Anu warn her to stop her English or else she will get a tight slap, she doesn’t cook and doesn’t hear cooker whistle but if she gets a slap, she will hear whistle her whole life. She warns that she did a big mistake, she had warned her to stay away from her children and attack only her; she ruined her son’s whole life and once they get a stamp of criminal, it won’t erase whole life. Kavya says she is playing with fire. Anu says a mother puts her hand in fire 10 times in a day and she will burn her with it, etc. Vanraj shouts. Anu warns him not to shout or else she will drag even him to police station. He ask what has really happened. She says her son was dragged to police station. He asks Kavya what is Anu saying. Anu says Kavya filed false police complaint against Samar and got him arrested. Vanraj asks Kavya if she filed a police complaint against Samar. Kavya says yes as Samar barged into her house and broke things, Vanraj wasn’t reacting, she was scared that Samar would hit her. Vanraj and Anu at once say Samar will never do that. Kavya says she did right and Samar’s real place is in lockup. Anu ask where is her place, she never goes to temple, today she will send her to Kanhaji’s birthplace. Kavya asks what is she saying. Vanraj asks how dumb she is, Anu is talking about sending her to jail as Kanhaji was born in jail. Anu says she will send him also to jail as they love each other, she takes oath that she is not Samar’s mother if she doesn’t send them to jail. Kavya says Samar is paying for his acts. Anu says if the account has opened, then why can’t them. 

Vanraj asks what she means. She says Samar is wrongly alleged, but if she starts alleging them, a whole day will end but not her allegations; they both will not come out of jail before 10 days; she forgave Vanraj for every mistake but not this mistake, she will give him back with interest, she will send them to jail for sure. Vanraj asks what did he do? She says that is the problem, he didn’t do anyhthing when Kavya crearted drama during Toshu’s wedding, when Kavya asked him not to attend his son’s wedding; Kavya made a mistake and he encouraged her. Vanraj says he didn’t know that Kavya would do this with her son. Anu asks what is he doing now after knowing everything, he has gone emotionless, but Samar’s mother is still alive. Anu counts. Kavya asks what is she doing. Anu says their crimes which she will file in her complaint; being married having an illicit affair with another woman; torturing his wife both physically and mentally and what not; when lie can send her son to jail, a truth can send them to jail for sure. Kavya says its between Anu and Vanraj and not her. Anu says she will drag her pulling her hair and will call her husband, but not spare her. She warns Vanraj that he can make many phone calls or pray to many gods, but when a mother stands up, even god cannot save them; she will meet them in police station now and walks away greeting Jai Sri Krishna.

In police station, Kinjal informs Bapuji that she has informed Sanjay phupa/uncle and he is coming with lawyer. Toshu asks inspector to call Kavya there and find the truth. Inspector asks not to teach him his job. Anu walks in and tells inspector that she wants to file complaint against her husband and his girlfriend. Inspector asks to go ahead. Anu says her name is Anupama Shah, her husband’s name is Vanraj Shah and his girlfriend’s name is Kavya Gandhi; if police takes immediate action with woman’s complaint, then he should take immediate action. Kavya with Vanraj enters and says she wants to take back her complaint. Inspector asks what did she say. Kavya says she overreacted in anger and realized it later, so she wants to take back the complaint. Inspector asks if she has thoughts its a joke to file a false complaint against anyone, a boy’s whole life and career would have been ruined because of her false complaint. Kavya repeats she is taking back her complaint now. Anu asks who will apologize to her son. Kavya apologize to Samar. Inspector also apologize to Samar and says he can go. Anu angrily looks at Vanraj and says he always used to say that Vanraj Shah is a sleeping tiger and if he is awakened, he can kill the whole jungle; he should remember that if a mother get angry, she can destroy the whole world, so they shouldn’t dare to provoke this mother again. She walks to Samar and takes him home. Mamaji says Samar returned. Bapuji and Baa get happy seeing him. Bapuji asks how did the issue ended. Nandini says issue started with Kavya and ended with Anu’s anger, Anu replied Kavya in her own way. Anu starts cooking in the kitchen. Samar hug and apologize to her. She asks him to let her work.

Vanraj tells Kavya that he will not forgive her if she troubles her children again, she has seen her boyfriend’s love and pray to god that she doesn’t have to see a father’s anger; if he has to lower his eyes in front of Anu, he will not spare Kavya next time. They both walk inside home. Pakhi happily greets and hugs Vanraj. Samar continues pleading with Anu to forgive him and says whatever he did was wrong, but what he told Kavya and Mr. Shah is not wrong and he will not apologize for that. Anu asks what did he gain in going there, children not go alone and carry their family’s morales, if something happens to him, she will be affected. Samar says he cannot see her in pain and like she cannot stop caring for him, he cannot stop caring for her. She says he can do whatever he wants. Baa says even Anu does same. Anu asks her to stop as they have discussed about it many times, she doesn’t ask her to end her relationship with Vanraj and Baa shouldn’t ask her to reconnect with him; she will not stop Baa from taking Vanraj’s name, but she shouldn’t force her as she is tired of all this drama and don’t know whether she should take care of house, run dance class, work at school or handle all these dramas. Kinjal offers her water and she deny.

Anu reach school remembering Kavya, Vanraj, and Samar’s words. Watchman stops her and says since there is water leakage in her class, she will teach in different class and admin sir will take her to her new class. Anu nods okay and thinks she needs to concentrate on her job and not spoil the trust principal mam and Devika has on her.

Vanraj gets ready for interview. Pakhi wish him good luck and asks Kavya when will she teach her dance. Kavya yells that she wants to come early, but Kinjal doesn’t let her go early and apart from that her brother troubles her. Vanraj look at Kavya. Pakhi says it would have been better if she would have been in mummy’s team as she always find time for her. Kavya yells that her mummy only does house work, but she does office work. Pakhi says mummy does both house work and office work, but Kavya does only office work and cannot find time for her; she has always won the competition till now and she doesn’t know how much pressure is on her. Kavya says how would she learn dance if she had not offered her, if her mummy is so good, then why did she come here and instead should have stayed with her mummy itself. Pakhi says she came here for her papa. Kavya asks if she goes to her mummy repeatedly so that her mummy fills her ears against me. Pakhi says her mummy never does that in fact she asks her to do her chores herself and not trouble Kavya and papa, why she always speaks against mummy. Kavya yells her mummy is great and a devi. Pakhi leave telling Vanraj that her friend is coming to pick her up for school. Vanraj asks Kavya if she forgot what he told last night. Kavya asks if he saw how his daughter misbehaved with her, he shouldn’t say that his daughter is a kid as she herself chose to come and stay here; when Pakhi is her responsibility, she has right to scold her, she is doing the task which Vanraj has to do; Anu’s pampering has spoilt his children, Samar already is spoilt and Pakhi is following his path. She continues that they cannot pamper children and has to be strict sometimes, if he thinks she is strict, he has to take care of Pakhi and not blame that she didn’t handle Pakhi.

School admin takes her to a new class room for Anu’s cooking class. Anu seeing gas stove says she asked him induction stove and not gas stove, she can’t risk children’s life. Admin says its just for one day and she needs to manage. Anu says she can’t as she is also a mother. Admin says already students’ parents are complaining that they haven’t started classes yet, so she should manage one day. Students walk in greeting Anu. Anu shows them knife and gas and warns them not to come near it. She asks if they would like to learn preparing donut. Students excitedly say yes. Anu prepares donuts and serves them to students. A student throws gems in air and catches it in mouth. Anu asks not to do that again as he may choke. Another student complain that his classmate ate donut and starts fighting with him. Anu lowers gas flame and stop their fight cheers them up. They all laugh. A student throws dusting cloth near stove and it catches fire. Anu panics seeing that.


Anu rescues students from fire and sends them out of class room, but herself gets trapped and falls down collapsed. Pakhi informs Vanraj about same. He rushes towards school while Samar also rushes from home. Anu asks principal not to spare the culprit. Principal asks her to take blame on her if she wants her job and daughter’s admission safe and give in writing that she is responsible for the accident and not school administration.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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  1. Anupama you are a loving and caring mother woow
