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Anu rescues students from fire and sends them out of class room, but herself gets trapped and falls down collapsed. Pakhi informs Vanraj about same. He rushes towards school while Samar also rushes from home. Anu asks principal not to spare the culprit. Principal asks her to take blame on her if she wants her job and daughter’s admission safe and give in writing that she is responsible for the accident and not school administration.

Students panic seeing fire spreading in class. Anu asks them to move head behind and disconnecting gas cylinder keeps it aside. Students shout for help. Anu takes them towards door and seeing door burning calls security. Security reaches there and calls others. Pakhi also notices it and gets tensed realizing Anu is inside room. Anu continues pleading for help and consoling children. Her sari pallu catches fire. She sets it off with water in a bottle.

Nandini is sound asleep when Samar enters calling her loudly. She wakes up shocked and scolds him. He says he came to discuss a good news with her as mummy is angry with him. She asks what happened. He says he got a permanent job. She says okay, then realizing it excitedly asks really? He says he got a job at New Age Dance Institute and can financially help mummy now. He thanks her for referring his name. She hug him and says she is so happy for him that he can both emotionally and financially help Anu aunty now. He says mummy is still angry with him. She says she will not for long and would be happy for him.

Pakhi asks security if mummy/Anupama teacher is also stuck inside. Security says yes. She gets more worried and try to enter venue, but security stops her. Anu breaks window pane and gets students out. Teachers discuss that Anu is bravely sending children out and everyone come out safely. Anu sends all students out and seeing one sitting in a corner pulls tables around him burning her hands. Samar video calls Pakhi and asks if she had ordered anything as a parcel came. She informs that mummy is stuck in a fire accident. Samar also panics and rushes towards school. Anu sends last student out and while herself trying to get out falls down hitting the back of her head and gets unconscious. Pakhi informs Vanraj same. He also rushes towards school. Samar reaches school and shouts at Anu to wake up. Anu hearing his voice dreams about family and wakes up coughing. Samar continues pleading to her to open her eyes. Vanraj also reach there. People discuss that fire has spread all around and there is less chance of Anu’s survival. Anu stands up with great difficulty and walks with wobbling gait murmuring her children. She drapes a carpet around herself and walks towards door. Vanraj also plead her to come out and tries to get in, but guards stop him. She finally comes out and collapses due to consuming excessive CO2 gas.

Kinjal with Kavya watch news in office and says she needs to go. Assistant informs her about today’s meeting. Kinjal asks her to head today’s meeting as she knows about the project. Kavya asks her to inform her about Anu after reaching there. Kinjal nods okay and leaves. Kavya think V never trusted her and let her head a project, but Kinjal trust her. Anu opens eyes and smiles seeing her children around. Vanraj asks if she is fine. She nods yes. Children ask if she is really fine. She says she is fine and asks if students are fine. Samar says they are because of her. Pakhi says if someone else would have been in her place, they would have thought of saving their life, but she risked her life and saved students. She cry hugging her and says she is so proud of her and know that mummy can also be a superhero. Anu says she warned school admin not to keep gas stove, but he didn’t and room caught fire. Children say let us go home. Anu gets tensed seeing her hands bandaged.

Anu panics seeing her bandaged hands. Samar says they are a bit burnt, so they are bandaged. she insists to remove them. All 3 children stop her. Vanraj asks her to relax. She says she has to manage her home with her 2 hands and reminiscing all her daily chores says she needs to cook for family, press Baa’s legs, give medicines to Bapuji, braid Pakhi’s hair, pamper Samar, prepare Kanhaji’s bhog/prasad and pray to him, etc. Children again ask her to relax. School principal with teachers rush in and ask Anu how is she now. Anu says she is fine. Principal says she was out on a meeting and came when she heard about the accident. Anu says she asked admin sir to give her induction stove, but he gave her gas stove. Principal thanks her for saving students, asks her to relax at home till she gets well completely, and asks her not to inform about the accident to anyone and let her handle it. Anu asks whom not to say as everyone knows about the fire accident. Principal asks her again to go home and rest. Anu walks away telling Samar she didn’t understand what principal meant.

At home, Baa panics worried for Anu. Kinjal consoles her. Nandini asks what if something had happened to Anu aunty. Kinjal says nothing happened, then why should they think about it, her mummy is so good that nothing wrong can happen to her. Anu returns home. Baa asks if she is fine and asks how did her hands burn. Anu describes whole incident. Baa says when she was with students, she knows nothing can happen to her, she didn’t know that her bahu is brave. Mamaji jokes that Anu wouldn’t have spent 25 years with Baa else. Bapuji says his daughter is very brave and strong. Nandini praises her followed by Kinjal who says anyone else would have lost their mind in that situation, but mummy handled it really well. Bapuji says Anu is a mother and a mother can sacrifice her life for children. Pakhi says after today’s incident, whole school is her fan now. Samar says everyone was praising her. Baa thanks god that her bahu returned home safely. Anu asks how will she prepare Kanhaji’s bhog. Baa says she will prepare it and thank god for saving Anu and students’ lives. Anu asks how will she do all the work and tries to remove bandage. Baa stops her and performs her nazar saying evil eyes had stuck on her bahu. Anu cries emotionally. Baa asks her to rest now. Kinjal goes to prepare tea for everyone. Bapuji sees Vanraj tensed and asks if everything is fine. Vanraj says Anupama doesn’t understand worldly behavior properly, there was an accident in school and somebody will be blamed. Bapuji asks if Anu will be blamed then? Vanraj nods yes.

The next morning, Anu wakes up dreaming about fire accident and sees Samar sleeping near bed. Saamr cries saying he is not a good son; he was in fire in front of his eyes, but he stood helplessly. She says when she was stuck in fire, she didn’t see death but his, Pakhi, and Toshu’s face and that encouraged her to fight. Pakhi brings her turmeric milk. Anu tries to hold glass, but writhes in pain. Samar and Pakhi feed her. Anu says school admin should be punished as a big accident happened because of their carelessness, even god doesn’t spare whoever does bad with children, she is sure principal will punish the culprits. Pakhi nods yes.

Vanraj gets principal’s call that she is coming to meet Anu in the evening. Baa tells Kinjal that she have come for something else for sure and not to check on Anu. In the evening principal meets Anu. Anu says she wanted to meet her and explain how the accident happened. Principal says she knows everything. Anu asks her to rigorously punish admin staff so that they don’t risk with children’s lives again. Samar says there were only 6 fire extinguishers in such a big school and many were not working. Vanraj says even his daughter studies in the same school and he will always be worried from hereon. Anu asks Samar if fire extinguishers were really not working. Samar nods yes. Anu says a house is planned including small buttons according to a child’s safety, but 1000s of children study in school and hence there should be safety measures accordingly; she shouldn’t spare whoever made a mistake. Principal says she knows who made a mistake and its Anupama Vanraj Shah. Family is shocked to hear that. Principal says its Anu’s mistake and she has to give it in writing. Anu says she warned them to change the stove, but they didn’t, how is her mistake in this. Principal says she is just informing what trustees want to hear, whoever has made a mistake, she has to give it in writing that she is responsible for the accident and not school admin. Anu says her only mistake is she couldn’t stop children from doing mischief, but fire accident is admin’s mistake; she has many people in her house, even then her children met with minor accidents, Toshu had burnt her hand on lamp, Samar had fallen from bed, etc.; kids hurt themselves if they are given even a bell; its school admin’s mistake not to give induction stove instead and keeping even the window closed, what if she couldn’t break the window and send children out; she made a small mistake, but school admin made a big mistake. Principal says its not a question of small or big mistake, its about the solution of this problem; if she accepts her mistake, she will promise that her job will be intact. Anu says she should be punished and even school admin. Principal says sometimes they have forgo truth and helplessly listen to boss without questioning, she is just following her duty; if Anu accepts her mistake, she will grant her 1 month paid leave till the issue calms down or if she speaks against school, she will not only lose her job but also her daughter will be expelled from school and its school administration’s decision and she cannot do anything. Vanraj asks if she is making Anu a scapegoat to protect school’s reputation and asks Anu if this is her friend’s relative who gave a small job and asking such a big favor in return. Principal says there is no use of all these talks; if Anu accepts her offer, she will double her salary and money is very big. Anu says her family values morales than money. Baa says when principal is assuring that she won’t be harmed and will get double salary with a month’s leave, she should agree and relax at home instead of falling in legal issues. Samar asks why should mummy accept the mistake which she didn’t do. Baa asks if he wants his sister to be expelled from school. She tells Anu that family knows that she is right, but what about society; she broke her house due to her stubbornness and shouldn’t ruin her daughter’s life now, she is worried more about others’ children instead. Bapuji asks what is she saying. Baa says Pakhi left home because of her stubbornness and now her life will be ruined, so Anu should accept this offer and end this issue; she is telling this as a mother and not MIL; asks Vanraj to explain her. Vanraj says what can he say when Anu takes her decisions herself. Principal tells Anu that her saas is right, she gave her job ignoring her past, now she should help her. Anu reminisces fire accident.


Vanraj insists Anu sign or put her thumb impression on her confession letter or else Pakhi will be expelled from school. Pakhi panics and says her whole year will be ruined. Anu says she is doing this for her and other children’s safety. Pakhi forcefully gets her thumb impression asking how can she be so selfish. Anu tears papers and says she will not do anything wrong and will not let anyone do it. Vanraj warns that she has 24 hours to change her opinion or else she shouldn’t blame for whatever he does after that. He tells Kavya that he will do whatever is best for Pakhi’s future and will go against Anu. Anu worries that Vanraj may do something wrong. Vanraj asks Anu if truth or her daughter’s future is more important to her.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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