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Anu sits weeping in her room. Samar walks to her and asks if she is filing for a divorce. She ask if she is doing wrong? He says she is doing right as broken heart doesn’t think wrong. Kavya take Vanraj home and hug him saying he returned to her at last. She ask him to file for his divorce soon. Vanraj says there is no problem with his divorce as Anu would easily give it, but Anirudh would create a problem and not give her divorce easily as he is unpredictable. Anirudh enters and says he is absolutely right and says this man is like a football who is kicked from both sides; when his wife didn’t accept him, he came to Kavya and when Kavya kicked him out, he went back to his wife and vice versa; he came here as his wife kicked him again; he saw Vanraj walking behind Anupama to temple and after she rejected his moves he returned back to Kavya; he is of a saying na ghar ka na ghat ka. Kavya yell not to repeatedly mix poison in her life and should get lost. He says he is a matchbox for her and Vanraj agarbathi, she is using him to burn Vanraj; can’t she see Vanraj is using her? She shouts why is he bothered about her, if he so, why don’t he divorce her? He says if she want divorce, she has to pay him only 60 lakhs. Vanraj yells at Anirudh that he is shameless. Anirudh says when he saw Kavya is surrounded by shameless people, he came in; this house’s worth is 1 crore 20 lakhs and he needs his 50% share of 60 lakhs; they bought this house with love, but when there is no love, he needs his returns back; walks away signing paise dedo divorce lelo/give money and take divorce. Kavya shuts door. Vanraj shouts at Kavya that he knew her husband’s drama will start once he comes here, she should sort out her divorce with her husband and then speak to him.

Pakhi enters room angrily. Anu asks what happened to her and hug her from behind. Pakhi angrily frees herself and yells that papa left home again because of her. Anu confronts her that she loves her papa doesn’t mean she will not respect her mother, she is not a small kid that her every mistake should be forgiven; she is misbehaving with her, her brothers, and her sister in-law and if she will shout at her father if she gets angry at him; if shouting is a license to vent out frustration, she should shout at them all; she should remember that she is her mother and if she misbehaves with any family member again, she will not tolerate it.

Anu walks on road reminiscing the moments she spent with Vanraj and his betrayal. Toot ke hum dono me jo bacha who kam sa plays in the background. She meets Sanjay and they both meet a lawyer to file for divorce. Lawyer asks if she is sure that she wants to file for a divorce as usually people reach lawyer in anger, but back off when their anger cools off. Sanjay says they are sure. Lawyer says usually women don’t come here who.... Anu says women of her age who has grown up children with one already married. He says usually women of her age don’t file for divorce and if she is sure he will file divorce and take his fees as Sanjay is his friend, but it will take a lot of time and money for her. Anu says she needs divorce. Lawyer says Sanjay has briefed him about this case and if she wants to add some more allegations other than infedility, incompatibility, physical or mental torture, etc. Anu says she wants divorce without any allegations as its not necessary to mudling at each other to get divorce, at the most society will blame her that she need divorce, but it doesn’t matter to her as her family knows everything and that is enough for her, she will not ruin her family’s dignity to please outsiders, she needs divorce so that they both can live peacefully. He says he will file for a mutual consent divorce and ask how much money she wants to ask? She says she doesn’t need anything. He says she may need money to run the house and for her basic needs. She says her husband always fulfilled his responsibilities of a father and son, she has her own job and doesn’t need his money. He says if someone would have been in her place, they would have beaten him and ruined his dignity and vent out their frustration for the mental torture he gave. She says she just wants to get out of this mental torture and live a peaceful life. He says okay then, he will file a mutual consent divorce and let us see if the other party will agree for it or not.

Kavya over phone tells Anirudh that she knows he doesn’t need 60 lakhs, but is just trying to trouble her. Vanraj smirks thinking Anirudh wouldn’t easily divorce her, even he doesn’t want to fall in a divorce drama and live a peaceful life. After sometime, peon hands over letter to him. Seeing a lawyer’s name on the envelope, he thinks Anirudh must have sent it and angrily leaves ignoring Kavya. Kavya think what happened to him?

Anu returns home and grinds masalas on stone grinder. Samar asks if she is okay? She says yes. He says people won’t spare any stuff, but she is sparing her life, he is so proud of her. He messages Nandini that mummy is a bit upset now. Family is busy enjoying in living room when Vanraj enters shouting what happened. Baa asks what happened. He shouts her bahu sent him a divorce notice and asks Anu what does this mean? Anu says it means she needs divorce and when a thread of relationship cannot be untangled, it is better they break it. Kinjal reminisces telling same to Anu. Anu says she cannot forget whatever happened between them. Baa asks why can’t she forget? She says to forget, she has to forget her self-respect and her identity. Baa asks if her self-respect is bigger than her family? She says nothing is important than family, but family is built with love which their relationship lack. Vanraj says he wanted to return home and started loving her, but she denied him. She says once she denied, he returned to Kavya; his love vanished before a line on paper; he may love riding 2 boats, but she can’t; he is hurt as she is ending this relationship; in a society where a woman is even dictated what to cook, when she files for a divorce, obviously he is hurt; she will not let him stay at 2 places and is shutting one door permanently.

Anu confronts Vanraj that she waited a lot thinking that he would marry Kavya and end their relationship, but he doesn’t want to be either of Kavya or her, hence she took a decision of divorcing him. Baa says a wife sacrifices her life for husband and is nothing without husband’s name. Anu says she is right that a woman is nothing without her husband’s name, but should be; she will try be a mother, daughter, and DIL without being a wife and will even die trying it; there won’t be anything half in her life. Vanraj ask Toshu, Baa, and Pakhi that everyone does mistakes and even he did, he just wanted to return to them as his family is important to him, but Anu’s arrogance and ego is important to her; he apologized to Anu in temple and requested to punish him, but she doesn’t want to forgive him. Anu shouts to stop and says he wanted to return home and she never stop him from returning home and follow his duty of a son and a father, she will never stop him from meeting them as only 1 relationship ended and the rests are intact; he can accuse her of anything but not say that anything is important to her than family; he always alleged others for his mistakes; he went to Kavya as he had problems with her and said she was unfit for him, illiterate, uncultured, and smell masalas; he returned here accusing Kavya that she didn’t take care of him and now he wants to becomes my husband again and acussing me for not letting him become one; either gharwali/insider or baharwali/outside, man thinks only woman is at mistake and even woman accepts it as she is taught to become great, but she doesn’t want to become great and just wants to be a human; she doesn’t need his money or anything; they lived for 25 years and she has good memories along with bad, so he shouldn’t spoil them and reply to her divorce notice soon. Vanraj says his lawyer will reply to her legal notice and he will break her arrogance soon, she made a mistake by challenging Vanraj Shah and he will show her want he can. Pakhi says she doesn’t care who made a mistake, but she wants her always; by filing for a divorce, mummy forced her to choose between him and her, she chooses him and wants to go with him. Vanraj walk away holding her hand. Baa cry pleading him not to go. Bapuji stops her. Anu runs behind Pakhi and stops her. Vanraj says when she broke the house, people will shatter for sure. Pakhi says she wants to go with papa. Anu says she needs her mother’s blessings when she is going out of the house. Pakhi says she doesn’t hate her, but she is not understanding what she means. Anu says papa loves her and he will never stop her from doing anything, she should take care of herself, she is worried as she is going away from her for the first time, she shouldn’t trouble her papa. Vanraj says if her chatting is finished, they will leave as they are getting late. Anu stands asking Pakhi to take care of herself while car leaves. Serial’s title track plays in the background. Anu returns home. Baa yells first she kicked her son out of house and now her granddaughter.

Anu enters Pakhi’s room and cry looking at her stuff. Ek plays in the background. She cry profusely holding Pakhi’s school bag. Baa walks to her and throwing threads towards her says Pakhi united these threads thinking her parents will stay together; she broke the house and should break these threads also; she saw other women breaking others house, but not herself breaking her own house; if she has a heart or stone in her chest, her husband and daughter left home, even then her heart didn’t melt; her son did so much for her, apologized  toher so many times, fought with Rakhi, etc., even god would have melted with this, but she didn’t; she is not the first woman to bear all this, but she is acting so much. She continues yelling and accusing her.

Vanraj returns to Kavya’s home. She asks where was he? He says Anupama sent him divorce notice, so he had gone home. Pakhi walks behind him. He says he hopes she doesn’t mind. Kavya reminiscing Vanraj telling that his family and children are most important to him, she says Pakhi is her bestie and she doesn’t mind. She asks Pakhi if she should order pizza and sits with her chatting. Vanraj looking at divorce notice thinks Anu spoke a lot today, but they say sau sunar ki ek lohar ki, she should wait for his attack.

Baa continues that there is an age to fight, she became Niruprai and didn’t fight when she had to and is fighting now in Niruparai’s age; she has become saas now, people speak when couple divorce, pity when parents divorce, and laugh when saas and sasur divorce; this age is of going to pilgrimage and not going to court; she burnt her own relationship; she will realize when Pakhi won’t be married and blamed saying she must be like her mother, she didn’t even think once and broke her house. Anu asks if she betrayed or him? Baa says she. Anu says he betrayed and made mistake, then why is she teaching her; she is repeating same words to accept betrayal as she is a woman and ruin her self-respect for her husband. Baa yells what will she do with her self-respect, she should forget it and concentrate on her family. Anu says woman lives on love and self-respect, love is gone and she will be gone if her self-respect is gone. Baa yells to stop these words, people will laugh at them. Anu says people laughed even when Vanraj left with Kavya. Baa says she slapped Vanraj and ended the issue. Anu ask to slap her also and end the issue; the society she is talking about didn’t come to share her pain, wipe her tears or encourage her, then why would it come to question her; when the society doesn’t care about her, even she doesn’t care about society; she wants to live with dignity and breathe freely, rather than being referred to as left by husband, she wants to be referred as she left her husband; Pakhi’s parents won’t be divorce, she is divorcing her husband, woman is taught to suffocate always, but she has to learn to breathe freely and she is learning same. She return her Pakhi’s threads and walks away.

Vanraj, Pakhi, and Kavya enjoy pizzas. Pakhi goes to bring cold drinks. Vanraj says its a matter of 2 days and Pakhi may return tomorrow itself. Kavya says its okay, she doesn’t mind with Pakhi’s presence. Vanraj says she and Pakhi can sleep on the bed and he will sleep on the couch. She says she has rolling bed and Pakhi can sleep on that. He says it would be awkward. She says there is nothing to feel awkward, Pakhi knows we are together and even at home he and Anu had separate room. He hopes so. Kavya thinks Anu must have sent Pakhi here so that she and Vanraj shouldn’t spend time together, but Vanraj returned to her after a lot of difficulty and she will not give him a reason to go.

Samar meets Nandini and says its not easy to accept mummy and papa’s divorce. Nandini says if 2 people are not compatible with each other, its better they divorce. Samar hopes mummy stays happy after divorce. Nandini says society cannot see a woman happy. His friends standing nearby taunt that they can’t see Samar’s happiness. Samar warns to be in limits. They say he should have taught his father and laugh that his father left with a babe leaving his illiterate mother, etc. Samar angrily trashes them. Neighbors gather. Mamaji notice that calls family out. Toshu and Kinjal join them and trash goons. Goons run away. Neighbors discuss this family has drama each day, earlier father and now son. Samar angrily walks home. Rakhi watches drama and smirks. Family rushes behind Samar and asks why he lost his calm, he didn’t even fight when Pakhi was bullied, what happened now? Anu asks Nandini what happened there. Samar reminisces goons insulting Anu and says if they insult his mother, he will trash them repeatedly. Anu says people are habituated to taunt, they can’t shut everyone’s mouth. He says he can break their mouth then and walks to his room. Kinjal tells Anu that Samar’s anger is valid, she will speak to him and everything will be alright. Rakhi enters saying really? Toshu checks Samar’s injiuries and thanks god that nothing serious happened, he will handle goons. Samar says he will accompany him. Tosu says his elder brother is enough to handle them hug him and consoles him. Rakhi comments that after father left home, son became a goon and may murder some day. Kinjal says nothing of that sort will happen, its those goons’ mistake as they were rubbishing about mummy and papa. Rakhi says oh is it. Baa asks if she will not feel bad if someone insults her father. Rakhi says her father didn’t have an affair, his girlfriend didn’t come to her house, or her parents didn’t divorce; if drama happens, people will laugh, clap, and whishle. Baa says she will slap her. Rakhi says she can understand Anu’s pain, her business head informed that Vanraj returned to Kavya’s house with Pakhi, now Samar fought, how can Anu tolerate so much; she even heard Anu sent divorce notice to Vanraj; she is really great; if she didn’t have back pain or Anu’s feet are not dirty, she would have touched her feet. Kinjal says she told this sarcastically, but mummy is really great. Rakhi asks if greatness is bigger than family, divorce at this age, society will not let her or her family live in peace. Kinjal stops her, but she warn her to let elders speak. She continues that she thought this family just does drama, but found today that this family even does goondagiri; she accepted alliance unwillingly, now she is ashamed to call Vanraj as her samdhi and soon she may have to visit police station seeing what happened outside today. Rakhi yells at Kinjal that they way Kinjal got involved in a fight with family, she wouldn’t be surprised to get a call from police station to pay bail money as Shahs cant afford it. Anu says she should stop coming here to stop hearing people’s taunts; Samar is a kid and will understand that people are habituated to taunt, she will not back off from her decision and will be stick to it.


Samar confronts Toshu for considering Anu wrong. Toshu says mummy is doing wrong and tells Kinjal that Rakhi is right that they should leave this house. Anu says nobody has to leave this house because of her, she will leave instead. Kavya informs Vanraj that he is terminated from job for not completing his target. Samar informs Anu that 12 students’ mothers want to learn dance from her and paid 12000 rs in advance.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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