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Baa seeing Rakhi comments that nagin/snake came and they should play been/flute. Kinjal asks Rakhi why did she bring washing machine when she didn’t ask her and asks her to please don’t make her misbehave with her. Rakhi says relax, its just a washing machine. Baa asks Rakhi how does she know that their washing machine is under repair and asks Kinjal if she informed her mother. Kinjal says she didn’t tell mom anything and asks Anu to trust her. Anu says she knows her bahu knows to keep house issues inside home itself. Baa asks if god in dream asked nagin to send washing machine to her daughter’s house. Rakhi asks why she overexaggerates the issue and doesn’t have any problem when Vanraj’s girlfriend enters home but has problem if her samdhan sends a gift, why they like dirt than one who wants to wash it off. Toshu thinks his family doesn’t know to respect one who gifts them. Anu asks Rakhi to have tea and snacks and take back her washing machine. Rakhi says she can pay it back in cash or if she cannot afforce at once to 1 rs installment each day in 70000 days. Baa asks if this machine itself automatically will dry clothes on road. Rakhi says unfortuntately machine company doesn’t have innovative people like her and tells Anu that she can pay yearly installment as she may not afford monthly installment with her school job. Vanraj enters warning Rakhi to dare not insult his wife as he will not tolerate it, he can afford a washing machine for his wife. Rakhi claps and says wow my wife, asks Toshu to get sweets as his father got back his memory and realized Anu is his wife, she is so happy to see him turning from Ravanraj back to Vanraj, they became Anuraj again and she should take their selfie. Kinjal asks Rakhi to stop. Vanraj asks why did she let her mom insult her mummy and informed Rakhi about washing machine repair. Kinjal says she didn’t. Anu says Kinjal cannot do that and she thinks Rakhi would have overheard their conversation when she called them in the morning. Rakhi says she is right and what is wrong if she brought washing machine for her daughter, asks Kinjal if she would like to see her mother washing clothes, she cannot see Anu doing household chores, teach in school and dance class, or wash clothes, she even offered to repay money in installments. Kinjal says mom’s intention is not wrong. Vanraj asks if she can’t see her mother manipulating her. Kinjal asks Rakhi why is she stretching the issue so much. Anu says they don’t need washing machine right now and if she needs she will not take it from samdhan but ask it rightly from her sister. Rakhi says fine then. Kinjal thinks mom thought right for the first time in life and was worried about mummy, but family overreacted.

Rakhi asks delivery boys to either throw away washing machine or take it home. She then sees Kavya locking her house’s door and thinks how did she miss jahan piya wahan main/Iam where my love is episode. She loudly asks Vanraj if he is sure that he doesn’t need washing machine for his wife. Kavya stops hearing that. Baa says nagin is shouting on road now. Vanraj walks to Rakhi and says when he told he doesn’t need it, she should understand it. She says she was worried for his wife. He says is alive to fulfill his wife’s wishes and doesn’t need her help. She looking at Kavya says he is right. Vanraj looks at Kavya and walks in. Rakhi taunts Kavya that she thought of setting up fire, but Kavya has burnt into ashes; she likes Kavya staring at her and says her boyfriend didn’t even bother about her and showed his possessiveness for his wife in front of her, why is she giving her dirty look when she didn’t even confront her boyfriend. Kavya walks towards her cab. Rakhi continues that even being modern Kavya accepted her fate like other Indian women and is singing bhala ho bura ho jaisa bhi ho mera boyfriend mera devta hai. Kavya silently sits in cab. Rakhi walks away smirking. Vanraj thinks Kavya saw him when he was speaking to Rakhi, then why didn’t she call him to confront yet. Kavya calls someone and speaks.

Kinjal asks Toshu if he also thinks mummy/Anu is turning soft towards papa/Vanraj. Toshu says that is good as papa suffered a lot and deserves forgiveness now. Rakhis says mom thought about mummy for the first time and brought gift, but mummy reject it. Toshu says mummy is not habituated to accept gifts. Kinjal says mummy didn’t react when papa called her wife and makes her silent whenever she speaks against papa, her mind is changing slowly. Toshu says that is good for everyone.

Anu reminiscing Vanraj telling Rakhi that he will not tolerate misbehavior against his wife and can buy many washing machines for his wife walks into Vanraj’s room, but seeing him asleep walks back thinking he would have said that to shut Rakhi’s mouth. Next morning, Baa shows new washing machine to Anu. Anu gets happy seeing that and thanks Baa and Bapuji for bringing her new machine. Baa says Vanraj brought it for her as he couldn’t see her working so much. Anu walks away silently. Bapuji tells Baa that neither her son Vanraj will change nor his daughter/Anu will calm down. Anu walks to Vanraj and asks why he trying to become her husband; she can understand Rakhi’s gesture, but why did he bring washing machine for her without any relationship with her. He says he was worried for her seeing her working so hard and didn’t want to put more burden on her. She says earlier she used to work similarly, then why didn’t he see that before. He says earlier he was going to office, but now being at home he saw how much she works hard to take care of family, children, and parents and saw her pain and how she works whole day without getting tired; she is so good and took care of him even after so much happened, he didn’t ask why as he knows the answer. She asks what answer. He says there may be a distance between husband and wife but not differences, and when he was injured, she cleared those differences and came to him, etc. She asks him to stop and says she already told him once and even now repeats that she is not Anupama Vanraj Shah and is just Anumapa, a woman, a daughter, a DIL, a MIL, a mother, a bhabhi, and a friend and nothing else.

Anupama continues confronting Vanraj and says the relationship which he is talking about is already broken and she is not his wife anymore. Vanraj says Anu please. Anu says not Anu, Anupama; they write one’s name on heart only once, she already wrote his name on her heart and erased it; everyone was worried for him after his accident and even she did, she will take care of him for Baa, Bapuji, children, and humanity. He says he knows, but he wants to stay here in this house between his family and her an doesn’t want to go away from her. She says only he cannot take all the decisions himself, leaving his wife and loving another was his decision and not taking him back in her life is her decision; she is not a toy to play around and throw it away; when he loves Kavya, why is he telling all this to her; earlier he betrayed her for Kavya and now betraying Kavya for her, he didn’t ask their decisions; he already broke one heart and is trying to break another heart; he has to go from here. He says everything will shatter. She says everything is already shattered, relationships are of glass and shatter after breaking; she doesn’t know if he has changed or not, but she has changed; his repention and apology will not deter her decision, she has moved on so far and cannot return back, so he has to return; she will not do whatever Kavya did with her, relationships may be a game for them but not her. He requests to listen to him once. She walks away saying she is accepting washing machine and will repay him in installments. Baa hearing their conversation angrily walks behind Anu. Vanraj thinks he spoke everything except what is in his heart, Anupama’s anger is valid and he has to try to get into her life again and speak to her soon.

Anu walks to washing room. Samar returns and seeing her tensed asks reason. She says nothing happened, but Vanraj is trying to make something happen; she took care of him and he misunderstood her care, he has to go from here. He asks what does she mean. She says he wants to be back in her life, but she doesn’t want him back and become her husband again; even she didn’t want her house to be broken and let things go as they were, but whatever it is her decision will change. Baa enters shouting they do kanyadan and not husband’s, which husband sacrifices her husband to her sautan; she continues that Vanraj made a mistake and she kicked him out of house, but when he is repenting for his mistake and trying to correct it, why she is not accept him. Bapuji enters. Baa continues that her son is not a first man who made a mistake and Anu is not a first wife who suffered, but whatever she is doing is happening for the first time, which wife burns her own house to punish her husband. Bapuji says her son made a mistake and why should bahu reaccept him. Baa says by wish or not, she should accept him back; her son got his punishment for his mistake, she slapped him, Bapuji kicked him out of house, even god punished him, why Anu wants to punish him whole life or kill him. Anu says she already spoke about it and doesn’t want to continue. Baa yells that she has problem with her son making mistake and apologizing, what should he do. Bapuji says why should only a wife forgive her husband. Baa says only wife can forgive her husband, a woman’s heart is very big and she thinks only about her family, so why don’t she forgive her son. Bapuji says he feels until a mother like her is present in this country, a son like Vanraj will continue doing mistakes. Baa warns Anu that her son will stay in this house until he wants and will not go and she shouldn’t dare to ask him to go; when she can punish her son for his mistake, she can scold Anu for her mistake and even slap her. Bapuji warns her to stop or else her whole life’s pooja will go waste, she wants to dare raise her hand on house’ laxmi. Baa asks if Anu is laxmi, if she is chudail; sometimes, they have to take a tough decision to get one back on track. Bapuji asks who told her this is the right path. Baa says this is the right path and when wife forgives her husband since 1000s of years, why can’t Anu do that; she will kick out Anu if she doesn’t. Bapuji says he can kick his wife out of house and warning her to shut up drags her in while Baa continues yelling to accept her order or else she will repent. Samar tells Anu that she doesn’t have to take any decision in a haste and has to speak clearly to Vanraj. She agrees.

Vanraj thinks he knows there is a distance between him and Anu even after being in same house, but he will clear that distance and will assure her that he has changed. He sees Anirudh ringing Kavya’s door bell and she opening it and accepting him in. She also notices him and thinks she truly loved him and doesn’t want to lose him, but she is forced to take a decision seeing whatever he is doing and maybe this decision is best for them both. On terrace, Baa tells Bapuji that bahu has to forgive Vanraj at any cost. Bapuji asks how can she say this being a woman. She says a man can fall, but woman can get up and become a devi. He asks did she ask bahu if she wants to become a devi, she shouldn’t force her. She says bahu will forgive Vanraj some day as a woman’s heart is very soft. Vanraj thinks it has been long since Anirudh went inside Kavya’s home and what they must be talking about. Kavya drops Anirudh out with some legal papers and over phone asks Vanraj to meet her in the evening as she needs to talk about Anirudh. He agrees.

Pakhi tells Vanraj that next month her school is taking her to Naintal trip. Anu says they already spoke about it. Pakhi says she knows denied to permit her, so she is seeking papa’s permission. Vanraj says he knows Anu is worried that Pakhi is small and has to do her chores herself, but she will learn like Anu learnt driving, etc., he will fund her trip. Baa tells Bapuji that her son is so mature. Vanraj says he wants his children to enjoy what they couldn’t due to responsibilities; in fact, they all can go to Naintal for 2 days and be around Pakhi. Toshu says its a good idea. Pakhi gets excited hearing that. Anu walks away.

Nandini draws Samar’s name on her diary. Samar brings her strawberry milkshake and asks what is in this diary. She says its nothing, just time pass. He says, LOL, there is lots of life hidden in her diary and there is a mention of him in her diary, she shouldn’t hide anything from a friend, sorry he read her diary the other day. She shouts how dare he is to check her diary. He says some issues cannot be discussed and shoudl be hidden like she hid Mr. Shah and Kavya’s affair. She shouts to leave her hand and walks away dropping her diary. He sees Samar written on the page.

Kinjal walks to Anu and asks if she is fine. Anu says yes. Kinjal says she knows what she is feeling, when mind is disturbed, one should visit a place where they find peace, so even she should visit Kanhaji’s temple. Anu says she will visit temple in the evening. Vanraj hearing that thinks he had to meet Kavya in the evening, but will meet Anu first and speak what is in his heart and then meet Kavya later. Anu visits temple. Vanraj sits next to him. She notices him. Pandit ji greets them and asks Anu to apply sindhoor to mataji. Anu does. Vanraj walks to her and says she performed ritual of apply sindhoor, now he will perform it and tries to apply sindhoor on her forehead. Anu stops him.


Anu tells Vanraj that she will not separate his parents and children from him, but will not let him closer to her. Kavya informs Vanraj that she wants to give one more chance to Anirudh. Vanraj walks into Kavya’s house. Anu notices that. anraj tells family that he is going with Kavya forever leaving Anu and will stay with her forever. Anu calls someone and wishes to meet a lawyer to file for divorce.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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