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Vanraj shouts at Samar how dare he to push Kavya. Anupama says they were chatting with Sweety on video call when Kavya entered suddenly, so Samar pushed her aside not to hurt Sweety. Kinjal asks Kavya when she knows Pakhi has problem with her, why did she come in front of camera. Kavya says she didn’t know about it. Kinjal says she did it purposefully. Vanraj shouts behave herself. Anu asks why is she saying this. Kinjal says she cannot trust Kavya. Anu asks Vanraj to calm down. Vanraj shouts whoever does anything, he has to hear. Samar says he can not hear anything against his girlfriend, but insults his girlfriend. Vanraj and Anu at once shouts Samar, and Anu asks him to go to his room. Samar apologize to Kavya saying he didn’t intent to hurt her and was just concerned for Sweety. Vanraj warns Anu to control her son or else he will hit him one day. Anu says if he does so, Samar’s fear will be gone and he is not a kid to bear his slap and return to him the next day. Vanraj shouts however big a son grows, father has right to scold and beat him. Bapuji says good that he said that and should remember it, says son keeps silent in front of father until he is wrong and father right like he is standing silent in front of him, he has to protect his dignity as a young son will bear his slaps for 1-2 times and third time he will hold his hand. Anu says Sweety was calling Vanraj repeatedly, but he didn’t pick call, so he should call her. Vanraj angrily walks to his room and vents out his anger. He gets more angrily seeing a message. Kavya walks in and he asks her not to trouble him and return to guest room. Kavya says she is going, but wants to talk to him. He continues. She says he should accept Samar and Nandini’s relationship. He says he knows how to handle his children. She asks why is he venting out his family’s anger on her, cries and says its her mistake that she came here and is bearing all this, she is blind in his love that she lost her house and if she goes to Nandini’s house, he will not come to meet her; still its better to shift to Nandini’s house instead of bearing his family’s wrath and his yelling, etc. He hug and apologize to her and says he feels angry when she supports Anupama. She says she is just sharing her opinion with him and she doesn’t feel bad regarding Samar and Nandini’s relationship. She continues her emotional blackmail. He asks her to stop crying as he is frustrated with so many problems and it comes out as his anger. She continues crying and says she gets afraid when he gets so angry and fears he will leave her. He hugs her again and consoles her. Baa enters with juice for Vanraj and stands shocked seeing them hugging each other.

Kinjal and Samar try to explain to Nandini that Kavya is trying to play a sympathy card, she accepted Samar and Nandini’s relationship so easily, and is up to something; hence they cannot trust Kavya and are sure her real face will be out soon. Anu hopes Samar and Kinjal’s suspicion is proven wrong.

Baa warns maide ki katori/Kavya that public display of affection will not be tolerated in her house and scolds Vanraj that he scolded Samar for the same reason, though Samar did it behind them and he is doing in front shamelessly, he may roam around the house lifting Kavya in his arms; he is stopping young son and is romancing in this age openly; what if Bapuji, Mamaji, and children would have seen his romance? She scolds Kavya to go to guest room instead of barging into her son and bahu/DIL’s room; and if she wants to hug someone, she should call her instead of her son; she if not tolerate it if she sees her shameless act again. Anu passes by and asks what happened. Baa says her son is doing what Anu’s son was doing yesterday, this is happening because of her kind act of bringing her sautan home and should explain to her sautan to behave in this house or else find some other place to stay. Anu asks Vanraj not to feel bad about Baa’s words as she is concerned about Bapuji and children. Vanraj shouts he knows as Baa is his mother and knows her better than her.

Anu goes to buy grocery with Samar and Kinjal and tells them that she can understand their fear regarding Kavya, but a person learns to walk carefully if he/she is hurt before and even she has. She asks Samar to behave with Vanraj. Vanraj informs Kavya that they will shift to a hotel instead of staying here. Kavya asks this is his house and he doesn’t have to run around, they will make sure his family doesn’t have a problem because of them, leaving the house is not a good idea. 

Anu tells Kinjal and Samar that Vanraj is being troubled by many problems and deserves peace of find after he did so much for the family, etc. Kavya asks Vanraj to think practically as he doesn’t have a job and has to bear monthly rent, deposit and brokerage charges; when others are living here peacefully, why can’t he. He says family can’t be in peace until he is here and he will manage with his savings and will get a new job soon. Anu continues that Vanraj is already in pain and Samar shouldn’t increase it, and when he can fight with him, he can also support him; they just have control their tongue; even she cannot trust Kavya, but that doesn’t mean they doubt her; they need to respect her like a guest. Samar apologizes and says he will try but can’t promise. Kavya tells Vanraj that he should spend on family instead of paying rent; she feels bad for him that he does so much for his family, but they have a problem when he thought of his own happiness; he gave best education to his children and made them stand on their feet; he thinks about them and does so much, then why can’t they do something for him; it is also his house. He says its wrong to even discuss when they do something for their dear ones, what he did for his family was his duty; he will call his friends and ask if any house is vacant; he has decided that they will move from here taking Baa and Bapuji’s blessings after tomorrow’s pooja. She says he is taking this decision emotionally and should think with a calm mind. He walks away saying this topic has ended and she should be ready to move from here. Kavya thinks she doesn’t want to live this house at any cost.

Kinjal tells Toshu that mummy wants them to behave well with Kavya, but she doesn’t like Kavya in this house and is not so great like mummy. He says that is why he asks her to mind her own business as she will get only problems if she helps others; she saw what happened when she helped Samar and Nandini, she should do it again. She asks he means she can not support family members and reminds that Samar supported them. He says their issue was different, she is hurting papa by trying to fix a relationship which papa doesn’t like. Samar hears their conversation, apologizes Kinjal for over hearing their conversation as door was open. He confronts Toshu that he has become like Vanraj that his love is love and others a son; Vanraj left his whole family for his love and Toshu eloped and married; he should remember that same blood runs in his veins and Toshu shouldn’t force him to do something unusual. Kinjal tells Toshu that they should make sure that Samar and Nandini shouldn’t take the step they took and stand by them like mummy. Toshu get angry.

Anu irons clothes for Mahashivratri. Baa walks to her and asks if she will keep fast tomorrow. Anu says yes. Baa says she should pray for Vanraj like always, should sometimes oppose her like a bahu, and not let maide ki katori Kavya keep fast or attend pooja. Anu says Kavya is staying in their house. Baa says she is playing kabhi sautan kabhi saheli game and should stop that, what if Pakhi calls them during pooja, she should understand her fear. Anu says she understands but cannot stop anyone from attending pooja. Baa says she will not listen to her and if maide ki katori starts drama, she will not spare her; asks her to dance tomorrow with family and not sit like an old woman. Anu agrees. Baa prays god to give some conscience to Samar and get him closer to Vanraj.
Samar video chats with Nandini and asks her not to inform Anu the issue which he has kept a secret till now as Anu is already in a tension and he will inform her when appropriate time comes. Vanraj sees that and warns if he cannot understand his warning, should he use another way. Samar says he can use many ways he wants to, he will not understand even then. Vanraj shouts he will repent if he doesn’t understand, warns that tomorrow is his biggest day Maha Shivratri and he shouldn’t do whatever he likes. Samar thinks he wasn’t, but now will. 

The next morning, Anu makes pooja arrangements. Vanraj in traditional attire walks to her. She says she made all arrangements. He says its perfect and says Baa and Kavya are getting ready for pooja; he asks her if she can get the pre-pooja rituals done as she is doing it since years and nobody knows better than her. Anu says if someone is sitting in pooja, getting him ready is also a pooja and prepares him for pooja with rudraksha mala and vibhuti on his forehead. He applies kumkum on her forehead. Kavya gets jealous noticing that. Vanraj prays Mahadev to forgive him if he makes any mistake during pooja.

Baa asks Bapuji to explain to Vanraj not to get angry on Samar as he is young and may do a mistake like Toshu. Bapuji asks how to explain as Vanraj doesn’t listen to his father and Samar doesn’t listen to his father, hence she should handle this department of explanation. She says she already scolded Vanraj regarding maide ki katori Kavya, so he should explain to Vanraj to stop his adamancy and Samar to stop his stubbornness as men don’t have etiques of fighting and women fight the whole day but cook together at night, etc. Bapuji says he will try to explain to them individually after pooja. Baa hopes there won’t be any problem in pooja today.

Vanraj gets angry when he gets a call that his job request has been rejected. Anu asks if he is fine. He says nobody is giving him job even when he is ready to work for half salary. Anu says Bholenath will set everything right. He asks not to inform Baa and Bapuji about it as he doesn’t want his family to pity him. She nods okay and leaves. Bapuji hear their conversation says he can understand Vanraj’s situation as he was feeling same when retired from his job. Anu says she worked for just 2 days and when she lost it, she felt as if she lost her world; Vanraj worked for years and she understands his condition. Bapuji says when a man earns, he is a tiger and when he loses jobs, his paws are lost; men are taught since childhood that women should handle house and men handle job, after retirement they feel furniture is more valuable than them; Vanraj has not retired but is jobless and must be feeling really frustrated. Anu says their duty is to pray with faith.
Samar walks to Nandini and hug her. She asks why did he come early morning. He jokes and says he missed her. She says even she missed him, asks how is Maasi and situation at home. He says fine and asks her to get ready for pooja at his house. She says she cannot come. He says its because of Vanraj’s warning; they don’t like Kavya, but Vanraj brings her everytime and why can’t he do that. She says she doesn’t want to hurt family. He wants to perform pooja with her and pray for their better future, their fight is long and tough and she shouldn’t accept defeat so easily.

Pooja starts. Kavya try to sit next to Vanraj. Baa stops her and says father and sons will sit next to Vanraj and asks Bapuji and Toshu to sit with Vanraj. Rakhi asks Kavya to sit with her. Baa doesn’t find Samar and asks where is he. Samar enters and sits next to Toshu. Rakhi explains her family ritual of submitting kheer to go and pray and asks if she can do it here. Anu agrees. She fills kheer in katoris and says one for Kavya, one for Vanraj’s job, and one for Vanraj and Kavya’s new home as she heard they are searching for a new house and are leaving from here after pooja. Vanraj angrily looks at her She asks if she said anything wrong, she knows he has a bit of self-respect left and doesn’t want to stay in Mrs. Shah’s house. Anu says this is Baa and Bapuji’s house and not hers. Baa warns not to create problem now. Rakhi swears on Bholenath. Baa says whole world’s dogs’ tails can be straightened but not Rakhi, god must be feeling guilty after making her, etc. Rakhi says fine if she doesn’t trust her, she was genuinely concerned. Kavya says she is right. Rakhi warns her to keep her attitude to herself as she is not Anu to blindly trust her repeatedly. Vanraj shouts this is not kitty party and warns to shut their mouth.

Vanraj performs pooja and his sons help him. They all 3 then perform aarti. Everyone sits for meditation. Vanraj reminisces all the recent incidents where Baa scolded him and opens eyes. He gets more angry seeing Samar bringing Nandini.

Precap: Vanraj warns Anu that her son did what he wanted to, now its his turn. Family dances on bhajan. Samar with Nandini try to touch Vanraj’s feet. Vanraj orders him to get out. Samar reply its his mother’s house. Vanraj says let everyone feel bad or taunt him, he will stay with Kavya in this house.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm

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